Guidelines of Contract Teachers In Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Download PDF

Guidelines of Contract Teachers In Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Download PDF

Guidelines of Contract Teachers In Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Contract teachers are generally hired in JNV on temporary basis due to non availability of permanent teachers for various reasons or for providing extra teachers for some particular class. As for their terms and conditions, it is sometimes stated that they differ from those of ‘normal’ teachers.

they are expected to do more or less the same work that is central to the job. Contract teachers should fulfil the educational qualifications and experience requisite, as prescribed by the NVS. Although they may have different terms of service from those of other teachers, they are often employed to work under competitive rates of pay and some conditions of allowances.

As it has been earlier discussed, even though contract teachers have less leave entitlements than permanent teachers, they are still allowed to take casual and sick leaves. Their contracts may be terminated on certain stated conditions for instance poor performance, return of a regular candidate. But they are fairly treated, and they are given chances to develop themselves in that career filed as well. 

For engagement of contract teachers in JNVs, a panel of concerned subject is to be developed by each Regional Office for making engagement against which vacancies arising due to transfer, retirement, long leave and resignation etc. can be filled up.

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualifications: For eligibility details refer to NVS Recruitment Rules on the website.
Please note that the qualifications notified for direct recruitment of teachers in KVS are applicable to this recruitment also. Further, the candidates who have qualified CTET conducted by CBSE will be given weightage for the post of PGT as per NVS letter no. F.3-1/ 2012-NVS (Estt.l)/ Vol.III dated 11 th August, 2015.
TGT (III Language Teachers) will be exempted from CTET if none of the candidates apply with CTET qualification for language concerned posts.

Age and Fitness: Teachers must fulfill the minimum age criteria as per recruitment rules. The maximum age limit is 50 years, however, retired NVS teachers of good performance may be engaged up to the age of 65 years. All contract teachers shall be required to be physically fit and should not have been convicted by any court of law or any having undergone sentence in criminal case in this connection.

Engagement Process

Notification and Application : Regional offices will issue notifications and seek online applications.
Personal Talk/Interview: The shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in person at State/RIE level or JNV Level.
Panel Finalization: A Panel of retirees willing to be associated with NVS will be prepared state wise/JNV wise.
Engagement: Regional Offices will engage teachers from the panel as and when required. 
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