अंबुद नाम का अर्थ मतलब राशि Ambud Meaning Hindi

अंबुद नाम का अर्थ मतलब राशि Ambud Meaning Hindi

अंबुद/Ambud : अम्बुद संस्कृत भाषा का शब्द है जिसका अर्थ बादल, पानी देने वाला, पानी का प्रदाता आदि होता है।
  • अंबुद/Ambud : नागरमोथा को भी अम्बुद कहते हैं।
  • Sanskrit Word "Ambud" means giving or yielding water, rain-cloud, A cloud in English.
  • अंबुद/Ambud :  बादल के पर्यायवाची शब्द: मेघ, जलद, पर्जन्य, जगजीवन, अंबुद, अंबुधर, अब्र, अभ्र, घटा, घनश्याम, जीमूत, तोयद, तोयधर, पयोधर, धर, घन, वारिद, नीरद, धराधर, वारिवाह, पयोदि, सारंग, जलचर, धाराधर, नीरधर, पयोद, बलाधर, बदली, बलाहक, वारिधर, घनमाला, मेघमाला, मेघावली, कादंबिनी, जलधर।
As mentioned earlier, "अंबुद" means "cloud" in Hindi. The word is composed of two parts: "अंबु" (ambu), which means "water", and "द" (da), which is a suffix that indicates the agent or doer of an action. So, "अंबुद" can be thought of as "the thing that causes water".

In Hindu mythology, the god Indra is often associated with clouds, which are said to be his chariot. In the Rigveda, an ancient Indian text, there is a hymn dedicated to Indra that describes him as riding on a golden chariot pulled by "bay horses with white feet" and "flying through the air like a bird". The hymn also mentions that Indra "sends forth the clouds like herds of cattle" and that the clouds bring rain to the earth.
अंबुद नाम का अर्थ मतलब राशि Ambud Meaning Hindi
Here is a shloka from the Bhagavad Gita that mentions clouds:

अश्वत्थः सर्ववृक्षाणां देवर्षीणां च नारदः।
गन्धर्वाणां चित्ररथः सिद्धानां कपिलो मुनिः।।10.26।।

In this verse, Lord Krishna is describing his various divine manifestations to his disciple Arjuna. One of these manifestations is as the "chitraratha", or "wonderful chariot". This chariot is said to be "decorated with heavenly flowers and pulled by white horses". The verse also mentions the presence of the sage Narada, the celestial musicians known as the Gandharvas, and the Siddhas, who are beings with supernatural powers. The imagery of the chariot and the heavenly beings is meant to convey the grandeur and majesty of the divine.
Noun: As "अंबुद" refers to a physical object, i.e., a "cloud", it can be classified as a noun. It can be used in sentences like "बादलों की घनी चादर समय-समय पर देखने को मिलती है।" (The thick veil of clouds can be seen from time to time.)
Masculine gender: As "अंबुद" is a Hindi word for which the masculine gender is used. For example, "अंबुद का आकार अलग-अलग रहता है।" (The shape of the cloud is different at different times.)
Singular: As "अंबुद" refers to a single cloud, it can be classified as a singular noun. It is used in sentences like "आज आसमान में एक अंबुद भी नहीं दिख रही है।" (Today, not even a single cloud is visible in the sky.)

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