Acrimony In a Sentence Examples Meaning

Acrimony In a Sentence Examples Meaning

Acrimony in a Sentence (with Examples)

Here are some sentences related with Acrimony that will show you how to use a word or phrase properly, and help you understand it better.
  1. The divorce proceedings were marked by acrimony, with each side accusing the other of deceit and betrayal.
  2. Despite their long-standing friendship, there was a hint of acrimony in their recent interactions, leaving them both feeling hurt and confused.
  3. The dispute between the two companies was settled without acrimony, thanks to the efforts of their skilled negotiators.
  4. The political campaign was marked by acrimony and personal attacks, leading to a bitter divide between supporters of the two candidates.
  5. The board meeting quickly descended into acrimony, as members argued over the best course of action for the company.
  6. The family feud had simmered for years, but it finally exploded into acrimony at a holiday gathering, leaving everyone stunned and hurt.
  7. The negotiations between the union and management were characterized by acrimony and mistrust, making a resolution seem impossible.
  8. The social media comments were full of acrimony and vitriol, with users attacking each other over political views and personal beliefs.
  9. The company's decision to lay off hundreds of workers caused a great deal of acrimony and resentment among the remaining staff.
  10. The legal battle over the inheritance was marked by acrimony and accusations of foul play, tearing the family apart.
  11. The debate over the new policy was marked by acrimony and division, with stakeholders unable to agree on the best way forward.
  12. The relationship between the two countries had been strained for years, but it finally broke down into open acrimony over a trade dispute.
  13. The breakup of the band was marked by acrimony and recriminations, with each member blaming the others for the group's failure.
  14. The divorce settlement was reached with a minimum of acrimony, as both parties agreed to put their differences aside for the sake of their children.
  15. The church split was marked by acrimony and bitterness, with members taking sides and refusing to speak to each other.
  16. The editorial in the newspaper was full of acrimony and scorn, attacking the government's policies and leadership.
  17. The former friends parted ways in acrimony, with each feeling betrayed by the other's actions.
  18. The negotiations over the trade deal were marked by acrimony and tension, as both sides fought for their own interests.
  19. The company's decision to relocate caused a great deal of acrimony and anger among the local community, who felt betrayed and overlooked.
  20. The divorce mediation was surprisingly free of acrimony, as the couple worked together to reach a fair and equitable settlement.
  21. The team's defeat was followed by acrimony and finger-pointing, as players blamed each other for the loss.
  22. The long-standing dispute between the two neighbors finally boiled over into acrimony, with each accusing the other of harassment and vandalism.
  23. The student council meeting was marked by acrimony and shouting, as members debated the best way to address a controversial issue.
  24. The company's restructuring caused a great deal of acrimony and resentment among employees, who felt their contributions were undervalued.
  25. The political debate was marked by acrimony and rancor, with each candidate attacking the other's character and policies.
  26. The family reunion was marred by acrimony and tension, as old wounds were reopened and grievances aired.
  27. The trade negotiations were characterized by acrimony and mistrust, with each side accusing the other of bad faith.
  28. The landlord-tenant dispute escalated into acrimony, with each side accusing the other of breaching the lease agreement.
  29. The sports match ended in acrimony, with players from both teams engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct and heated arguments.
  30. The debate over the new policy was marked by acrimony and insults, with some participants resorting to name-calling and personal attacks.
  31. The company's decision to outsource jobs caused a great deal of acrimony and protest among workers and their unions.
  32. The divorce settlement was reached after weeks of acrimony and bitterness, with each party making concessions to finally reach an agreement.
  33. The community meeting was marked by acrimony and frustration, as residents voiced their grievances over issues ranging from traffic to taxes.
  34. The political campaign was filled with acrimony and controversy, as candidates accused each other of lying and unethical behavior.
  35. The business partnership ended in acrimony, with each partner blaming the other for the failure of the venture.
  36. The family feud had been simmering for years, but it finally boiled over into open acrimony over a disputed inheritance.
  37. The negotiations between the labor union and management were marked by acrimony and mistrust, with both sides unwilling to compromise.
  38. The social media platform was overrun with acrimony and hate speech, with users attacking each other over differences in opinion and identity.
  39. The legal dispute over the property ownership was characterized by acrimony and animosity, with both sides refusing to back down.
  40. The meeting between the two leaders was marked by acrimony and tension, with neither willing to concede any ground.
  41. The dispute over the construction project caused a great deal of acrimony and disagreement among stakeholders, leading to delays and cost overruns.
  42. The family gathering turned into acrimony when old resentments were brought up, leading to hurt feelings and strained relationships.
  43. The company's decision to lay off workers without warning caused a great deal of acrimony and anger among the affected employees.
  44. The political debate was marked by acrimony and divisiveness, with the audience frequently booing and heckling the speakers.
  45. The international trade negotiations were marked by acrimony and disputes over tariffs and quotas.
  46. The conflict between the two political parties was characterized by acrimony and hostility, with each side portraying the other as the enemy.
  47. The company's reorganization led to acrimony among employees who felt their jobs were at risk, leading to a decline in morale.
  48. The business deal was called off after weeks of acrimony and disagreement over the terms and conditions.
  49. The academic debate was marked by acrimony and intellectual one-upmanship, with each scholar trying to outdo the other with their arguments.

Acrimony Meaning (Examples in a Sentence)

The word "acrimony" refers to bitterness or ill will between individuals or groups. It is often used to describe a situation in which there is a lot of tension, anger, and resentment. Here are some examples of "acrimony" used in sentences:
There was a lot of acrimony between the two political candidates during the debate.
  1. The divorce was filled with acrimony, with each side fighting for every last penny.
  2. The business partnership ended with a great deal of acrimony, as each partner accused the other of dishonesty.
  3. The negotiations between the union and management were characterized by acrimony and mistrust.
  4. The breakup of the band was marked by acrimony, as each member blamed the others for the group's failure.
  5. The dispute over the inheritance created a great deal of acrimony between the family members.
  6. The disagreement between the two neighbors escalated into acrimony, with each accusing the other of wrongdoing.
  7. The acrimony between the two soccer teams was palpable on the field, with players trading insults and aggressive behavior.
  8. The bitter acrimony between the two former friends was evident in their tense interactions.
  9. The merger between the two companies was called off due to the acrimony between the CEOs.
  10. The dispute over the land ownership led to acrimony between the two families that lasted for years.
  11. The political campaign was characterized by acrimony and personal attacks, rather than a focus on the issues.
  12. The acrimony between the two rival gangs led to a string of violent clashes in the neighborhood.
  13. The workplace was filled with acrimony and tension, with employees constantly bickering and complaining.
  14. The lawsuit between the two companies ended with a great deal of acrimony and bad blood between the CEOs.
  15. The acrimony between the two coaches spilled over onto the field, with their respective teams showing little sportsmanship.
  16. The acrimony between the two actors was evident in their frosty interactions on set.
  17. The dispute over the inheritance created a great deal of acrimony between the siblings, with each accusing the other of greed.
  18. The acrimony between the two political parties led to a government shutdown that lasted for weeks.
  19. The acrimony between the two religious groups was evident in the protests and counter-protests that took place in the city.

10 FAQs Related With Acrimony

What is the definition of acrimony?
Acrimony refers to bitterness, resentment, or anger in speech, behavior, or attitude.

What causes acrimony?
Acrimony can arise due to a variety of reasons, including disagreements, misunderstandings, personal conflicts, power struggles, or differences in opinion.

How can one deal with acrimony in a relationship?
To deal with acrimony in a relationship, one can try to communicate openly and calmly, listen actively, validate the other person's feelings, avoid personal attacks, and seek professional help if necessary.

Is acrimony always negative?
Acrimony is generally considered a negative emotion, as it can lead to hostility, aggression, and damaged relationships. However, some argue that a healthy dose of acrimony can be beneficial in certain situations, such as in competitive environments or when standing up for oneself.

What are some common synonyms for acrimony?
Some common synonyms for acrimony include bitterness, animosity, hostility, resentment, rancor, enmity, and spite.

Can acrimony lead to physical violence?
In some cases, acrimony can escalate into physical violence, especially when individuals feel threatened or provoked. It is important to recognize the signs of escalating acrimony and seek help if necessary.

How can acrimony affect one's mental health?
Acrimony can have negative effects on one's mental health, including increased stress, anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. It can also affect one's physical health by increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.

How can acrimony affect a workplace?
Acrimony in the workplace can lead to decreased productivity, low morale, and increased turnover. It can also create a toxic work environment and damage the company's reputation.

Can acrimony be resolved?
Acrimony can often be resolved through effective communication, conflict resolution strategies, and willingness to compromise. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to end a relationship or seek professional help.

How can one prevent acrimony?
One can prevent acrimony by practicing effective communication skills, listening actively, being respectful of others' feelings and opinions, avoiding personal attacks, and seeking help when conflicts arise. It is also important to recognize and manage one's own emotions to prevent them from escalating into acrimony.
I trust that the examples of Acrimony, I have provided were helpful and easy to comprehend, and I would be delighted if you would consider revisiting my website in the future, as I continue to offer informative and engaging content to assist you in your language learning journey : Saroj Jangid, Sikar (Raj.)
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