वंश का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vansh Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वंश का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vansh Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वंश का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vansh Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वंश के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) वंश, खानदान , वंश परम्परा , जाति , कुल , नस्ल , गोत्र, अनवय, अनूक, अन्वय, अभिजन, आल, आवली, कुल, ख़ानदान, खानदान, घराना, नसल, नस्ल, बंस, वंशतति, अनूक, कंटक-दंड, कंटक-दण्ड, कंटकदंड, कंटकदण्ड, कशेरु दंड, कशेरु दण्ड, कशेरु-दंड, कशेरु-दण्ड, कशेरुक दंड, कशेरुक द्ण्ड, कशेरुक-दंड, कशेरुक-द्ण्ड, कशेरुका दंड, कशेरुका दण्ड, कशेरुका-दंड, कशेरुका-दण्ड, पृष्ठदंड, पृष्ठदण्ड, पृष्ठास्थि, बाँस, बाँसा, मेरु दंड, मेरु दण्ड, मेरु-दंड, मेरु-दण्ड, मेरुदंड, मेरुदण्ड, रीढ़, रीढ़ की हड्डी, युद्ध सामग्री, युद्ध-सामग्री, युद्धक साजो-सामान, युद्धसामग्री, योधन- आदि होते हैं।

वंश के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • वंश (Vansh): Lineage - Descent or genealogical line.
  • खानदान (Khandan): Family - An extended family with a shared ancestry.
  • वंश परम्परा (Vansh Parampara): Lineage Tradition - The customs and practices passed down through generations in a family.
  • जाति (Jati): Caste - Social group or caste.
  • कुल (Kul): Clan - A social unit comprising families with a common ancestor.
  • नस्ल (Nasl): Breed - Referring to a lineage or race.
  • गोत्र (Gotra): Clan - A lineage or kinship group.
  • अनवय (Anvay): Succession - The sequence of descendants in a family or lineage.
  • अनूक (Anook): Offspring - The descendants or children in a family.
  • अन्वय (Anvay): Continuation - The continuation of a lineage or family.
  • अभिजन (Abhijan): Descendant - A person descended from a particular lineage or family.
  • आल (Aal): Ancestry - Refers to one's family or ancestral background.
  • आवली (Aavli): Generations - The successive levels of descendants in a family.
  • कुल (Kul): Family - Another term for a family or lineage.
  • ख़ानदान (Khandan): Dynasty - A succession of rulers from the same family.
  • खानदान (Khandan): Family - Refers to a family with a shared ancestry.
  • घराना (Gharana): Family - Often used in the context of musical or artistic lineages.
  • नसल (Nasl): Lineage - Refers to a line of descent.
  • नस्ल (Nasl): Race - Referring to a group with common ancestry.
  • बंस (Bans): Lineage - A synonym for Vansh or lineage.
  • वंशतति (Vansh Tati): Lineage Pride - The pride associated with one's lineage.
  • अनूक (Anook): Offspring - The descendants or children in a family.
  • कंटक-दंड (Kantak Dand): Family Law - Rules and regulations governing the conduct of a family.
  • कंटक-दण्ड (Kantak Dand): Family Law - Another term for the rules governing family conduct.
  • कंटकदंड (Kantak Dand): Family Rules - Rules that guide the behavior within a family.
  • कंटकदण्ड (Kantak Dand): Family Rules - Another term for the rules guiding family behavior.
  • कशेरु दंड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
  • कशेरु दण्ड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • कशेरु-दंड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - Authority exercised within a family.
  • कशेरु-दण्ड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • कशेरुक दंड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
  • कशेरुक दण्ड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • कशेरुक-दंड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - Authority exercised within a family.
  • कशेरुक-दण्ड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • पृष्ठदंड (Prisht Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
  • पृष्ठदण्ड (Prisht Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • पृष्ठास्थि (Prisht Asthi): Family Backbone - Referring to a strong and supportive family structure.
  • बाँस (Bans): Lineage - Another term for Vansh or lineage.
  • बाँसा (Bansa): Lineage - Another term for Vansh or lineage.
  • मेरु दंड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
  • मेरु दण्ड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • मेरु-दंड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Authority exercised within a family.
  • मेरु-दण्ड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • मेरुदंड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
  • मेरुदण्ड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
  • रीढ़ (Reedh): Backbone - Often used metaphorically for the strength of a family.
  • रीढ़ की हड्डी (Reedh Ki Haddi): Backbone - Another term used metaphorically for the strength of a family.
  • युद्ध सामग्री (Yuddh Saamagri): Family Arms - Weapons or resources associated with a family.
  • युद्ध-सामग्री (Yuddh Saamagri): Family Arms - Another term for weapons or resources associated with a family.
  • युद्धक साजो-सामान (Yuddhak Sajo-Samaan): Family War Equipment - Resources or preparations for a family's war.
  • युद्धसामग्री (Yuddh Saamagri): Family Arms - Weapons or resources associated with a family.
  • योधन (Yodhan): Family War - A term for family conflict or struggle.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप वंश शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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