वंश का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vansh Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वंश के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) वंश, खानदान , वंश परम्परा , जाति , कुल , नस्ल , गोत्र, अनवय, अनूक, अन्वय, अभिजन, आल, आवली, कुल, ख़ानदान, खानदान, घराना, नसल, नस्ल, बंस, वंशतति, अनूक, कंटक-दंड, कंटक-दण्ड, कंटकदंड, कंटकदण्ड, कशेरु दंड, कशेरु दण्ड, कशेरु-दंड, कशेरु-दण्ड, कशेरुक दंड, कशेरुक द्ण्ड, कशेरुक-दंड, कशेरुक-द्ण्ड, कशेरुका दंड, कशेरुका दण्ड, कशेरुका-दंड, कशेरुका-दण्ड, पृष्ठदंड, पृष्ठदण्ड, पृष्ठास्थि, बाँस, बाँसा, मेरु दंड, मेरु दण्ड, मेरु-दंड, मेरु-दण्ड, मेरुदंड, मेरुदण्ड, रीढ़, रीढ़ की हड्डी, युद्ध सामग्री, युद्ध-सामग्री, युद्धक साजो-सामान, युद्धसामग्री, योधन- आदि होते हैं।
वंश के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -
- वंश (Vansh): Lineage - Descent or genealogical line.
- खानदान (Khandan): Family - An extended family with a shared ancestry.
- वंश परम्परा (Vansh Parampara): Lineage Tradition - The customs and practices passed down through generations in a family.
- जाति (Jati): Caste - Social group or caste.
- कुल (Kul): Clan - A social unit comprising families with a common ancestor.
- नस्ल (Nasl): Breed - Referring to a lineage or race.
- गोत्र (Gotra): Clan - A lineage or kinship group.
- अनवय (Anvay): Succession - The sequence of descendants in a family or lineage.
- अनूक (Anook): Offspring - The descendants or children in a family.
- अन्वय (Anvay): Continuation - The continuation of a lineage or family.
- अभिजन (Abhijan): Descendant - A person descended from a particular lineage or family.
- आल (Aal): Ancestry - Refers to one's family or ancestral background.
- आवली (Aavli): Generations - The successive levels of descendants in a family.
- कुल (Kul): Family - Another term for a family or lineage.
- ख़ानदान (Khandan): Dynasty - A succession of rulers from the same family.
- खानदान (Khandan): Family - Refers to a family with a shared ancestry.
- घराना (Gharana): Family - Often used in the context of musical or artistic lineages.
- नसल (Nasl): Lineage - Refers to a line of descent.
- नस्ल (Nasl): Race - Referring to a group with common ancestry.
- बंस (Bans): Lineage - A synonym for Vansh or lineage.
- वंशतति (Vansh Tati): Lineage Pride - The pride associated with one's lineage.
- अनूक (Anook): Offspring - The descendants or children in a family.
- कंटक-दंड (Kantak Dand): Family Law - Rules and regulations governing the conduct of a family.
- कंटक-दण्ड (Kantak Dand): Family Law - Another term for the rules governing family conduct.
- कंटकदंड (Kantak Dand): Family Rules - Rules that guide the behavior within a family.
- कंटकदण्ड (Kantak Dand): Family Rules - Another term for the rules guiding family behavior.
- कशेरु दंड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
- कशेरु दण्ड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- कशेरु-दंड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - Authority exercised within a family.
- कशेरु-दण्ड (Kasheru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- कशेरुक दंड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
- कशेरुक दण्ड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- कशेरुक-दंड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - Authority exercised within a family.
- कशेरुक-दण्ड (Kasheruk Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- पृष्ठदंड (Prisht Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
- पृष्ठदण्ड (Prisht Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- पृष्ठास्थि (Prisht Asthi): Family Backbone - Referring to a strong and supportive family structure.
- बाँस (Bans): Lineage - Another term for Vansh or lineage.
- बाँसा (Bansa): Lineage - Another term for Vansh or lineage.
- मेरु दंड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
- मेरु दण्ड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- मेरु-दंड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Authority exercised within a family.
- मेरु-दण्ड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- मेरुदंड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - The authority exercised within a family.
- मेरुदण्ड (Meru Dand): Family Authority - Another term for authority within a family.
- रीढ़ (Reedh): Backbone - Often used metaphorically for the strength of a family.
- रीढ़ की हड्डी (Reedh Ki Haddi): Backbone - Another term used metaphorically for the strength of a family.
- युद्ध सामग्री (Yuddh Saamagri): Family Arms - Weapons or resources associated with a family.
- युद्ध-सामग्री (Yuddh Saamagri): Family Arms - Another term for weapons or resources associated with a family.
- युद्धक साजो-सामान (Yuddhak Sajo-Samaan): Family War Equipment - Resources or preparations for a family's war.
- युद्धसामग्री (Yuddh Saamagri): Family Arms - Weapons or resources associated with a family.
- योधन (Yodhan): Family War - A term for family conflict or struggle.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप वंश शब्द के हिंदी में
(निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।