वपु का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vapu Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वपु का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vapu Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वपु के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) वपु, काया , शरीर , तन , देह , बदन, अंग, अजिर, अवयवी, इंद्रियायतन, इन्द्रियायतन, कलेवर, गात, चोला, जिस्म, तन, तनु, तनू, देह, धाम, पिंड, पिण्ड, पुद्गल, पुर, बदन, बॉडी, मर्त्य, योनि, रोगभू, वपु, वर्ष्म, वर्ष्मा, वेर, शरीर, सिन, स्कंध, स्कन्ध- आदि होते हैं।

वपु के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • वपु (Vapu): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • काया (Kaya): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • शरीर (Shareer): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • तन (Tan): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • देह (Deh): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • बदन (Badan): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • अंग (Ang): Limb - Refers to a body part or limb.
  • अजिर (Ajir): Limb - Refers to a body part or limb.
  • अवयवी (Avayavi): Organism - Refers to something having various body parts or organs.
  • इंद्रियायतन (Indriyayatan): Sense organs - Refers to the organs of perception.
  • इन्द्रियायतन (Indriyayatan): Sense organs - Similar to "इंद्रियायतन" (Sense organs).
  • कलेवर (Kalevar): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • गात (Gaat): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • चोला (Chola): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • जिस्म (Jism): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • तन (Tan): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • तनु (Tanu): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • तनू (Tanu): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • देह (Deh): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • धाम (Dhaam): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • पिंड (Pind): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • पिण्ड (Pind): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • पुद्गल (Pudgal): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • पुर (Pur): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • बदन (Badan): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • बॉडी (Body): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • मर्त्य (Martya): Mortal - Refers to something related to mortals or human beings.
  • योनि (Yoni): Womb - Refers to the reproductive organ.
  • रोगभू (Rogabhu): Disease-prone - Refers to something susceptible to diseases.
  • वपु (Vapu): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • वर्ष्म (Varshma): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • वर्ष्मा (Varshma): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • वेर (Ver): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • शरीर (Shareer): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • सिन (Sin): Body - Refers to the physical body.
  • स्कंध (Skandh): Limb - Refers to a body part or limb.
  • स्कन्ध (Skandh): Limb - Similar to "स्कंध" (Limb).

इस लेख में आप वपु शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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