यम का पर्यायवाची शब्द Yam Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

यम का पर्यायवाची शब्द Yam Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

यम के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) यम, जीवितेश , कीनाश , सूर्यपुत्र , दण्डधर , कृतांत , अन्तक , श्राद्धदेव , धर्मराज , यमराज, अर्कज, अर्कतनय, काल, काल देवता, जमराज, दंडधर, दंडधार, दण्डधर, दण्डधार, धरम, धरमराज, धर्म, धर्मराज, पितरपति, पितृदैवत, पितृनाथ, पितृराज, पृथिवीपति, प्रेतनाथ, प्रेतनाह, प्रेतपति, महासत्य, मृत्यु देवता, यम देव, यम देवता, यमराज, वैवस्वत, शीर्णपाद- आदि होते हैं।

यम के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • यम (Yam) - The god of death and the ruler of the underworld in Hinduism.
  • जीवितेश (Jivitesha) - Lord of the living beings, an epithet for Yama.
  • कीनाश (Kinasha) - The one who destroys the sins or bondage, another name for Yama.
  • सूर्यपुत्र (Suryaputra) - Son of the Sun, as Yama is considered the son of Surya (the Sun god).
  • दण्डधर (Dandadhara) - The wielder of the rod of justice, referring to Yama's role as the god of death and justice.
  • कृतांत (Kritanta) - The one who brings an end to life, another name for Yama.
  • अन्तक (Antaka) - The destroyer of life, a name emphasizing Yama's role in ending mortal existence.
  • श्राद्धदेव (Shraddhadeva) - The god of rituals for ancestors, as Yama is worshiped during the shraddha ceremonies.
  • धर्मराज (Dharmaraja) - The king of righteousness, highlighting Yama's role in enforcing cosmic order and justice.
  • यमराज (Yamaraja) - The king of death, another common title for Yama.
  • अर्कज (Arkaja) - Born of the Sun, as Yama is considered the son of Surya.
  • अर्कतनय (Arkatanaya) - Son of the Sun, another name for Yama.
  • काल (Kala) - Time, as Yama is often associated with the concept of time and the ultimate destiny of all living beings.
  • काल देवता (Kala Devata) - The deity of time, emphasizing Yama's connection with time.
  • जमराज (Jamaraja) - Another name for Yama, combining "Jama" (conqueror) and "Raja" (king).
  • दंडधर (Dandadhara) - The bearer of the rod of justice, referring to Yama's role in enforcing justice and punishment.
  • दंडधार (Dandadhara) - An alternate spelling of Dandadhara.
  • दण्डधर (Dandadhara) - The wielder of the rod of punishment, emphasizing Yama's role in administering justice.
  • दण्डधार (Dandadhara) - An alternate spelling of Dandadhara.
  • धरम (Dharam) - Righteousness, as Yama is the embodiment of Dharma (cosmic order and righteousness).
  • धरमराज (Dharmaraja) - The king of Dharma, highlighting Yama's role in upholding moral and cosmic order.
  • धर्म (Dharma) - Righteousness or duty, symbolizing Yama's adherence to cosmic order and justice.
  • धर्मराज (Dharmaraja) - The king of righteousness, emphasizing Yama's role as a just and righteous ruler.
  • पितरपति (Pitarapati) - Lord of ancestors, as Yama is considered the ruler of the ancestral realm.
  • पितृदैवत (Pitrdaivat) - The deity of ancestors, as Yama is worshiped during rituals for ancestors.
  • पितृनाथ (Pitrnatha) - The lord of ancestors, highlighting Yama's connection with the ancestral realm.
  • पितृराज (Pitraraja) - The king of ancestors, as Yama is considered the ruler of the pitris (ancestors).
  • पृथिवीपति (Prithivipati) - Lord of the Earth, as Yama is sometimes associated with the subterranean realm where souls go after death.
  • प्रेतनाथ (Pretnatha) - Lord of departed souls, referring to Yama's role as the ruler of the departed spirits.
  • प्रेतनाह (Pretnaha) - The one who dispenses justice to departed souls, another name for Yama.
  • प्रेतपति (Pretpati) - The lord of departed spirits, emphasizing Yama's role as the ruler of the deceased.
  • महासत्य (Mahasatya) - The great truth, as Yama is considered the embodiment of ultimate truth and justice.
  • मृत्यु देवता (Mrityu Devata) - The deity of death, emphasizing Yama's role as the god of death.
  • यम देव (Yama Deva) - The god Yama, emphasizing his divine nature and role.
  • यम देवता (Yama Devata) - The deity Yama, highlighting his status as a god in Hindu mythology.
  • यमराज (Yamaraja) - The king Yama, a common title for Yama.
  • वैवस्वत (Vaivaswata) - Son of Vivaswan (the Sun), as Yama is considered the son of Surya.
  • शीर्णपाद (Shirnapada) - The one with a quiver of arrows, referring to Yama's iconography as a warrior with a bow and arrows.

इस लेख में आप यम शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
Saroj Jangir Author Author - Saroj Jangir

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