हेयरविद (हिअˈविद़्/Herewith) का हिंदी में अर्थ पत्र के साथ, के साथ में, के सहित आदि होता है। हेयरविद का अधिकतर उपयोग राजकीय पत्राचार आदि में होता है।
उदाहरण के स्वरुप आप समझिये की हेयरविद का उपयोग और अर्थ क्या होता है।
Herewith means enclosed, attached in English.Therefore, Hereby means along with this, by means of this; hereby in English. In modern English, "herewith" is rarely used outside of very formal writing and/or legal documents only.
- English : As per Subject Cited Above, Please find enclosed herewith the Desired information in prescribed proforma.
- हिन्दी : ऊपर उल्लिखित (निर्दिष्ट, वर्णित) विषय के अनुसार, कृपया इसके साथ निर्धारित प्रपत्र में वांछित जानकारी को प्राप्त करे।
- स्पष्टीकरण : यहाँ पर पत्र में जानकारी दी गई है प्रेषित व्यक्ति को जानकारी सबंधित निर्धारित प्रपत्र में सलंग्न करके भिजवाई जा रही है, अतः Herewith का यहाँ पर अर्थ के साथ में, सलग्न के रूप में उपयोग हुआ है।
- English : You have to provide the information related with RTI in the form enclosed herewith.
- हिंदी: आपको इस पत्र के साथ में संलग्न प्रपत्र में अपनी जानकारी को उपलब्ध करवाना होगा।
- अन्य हिंदी/अंग्रेजी के उदाहरण :-
- English : I enclose four documents herewith for my identification.
- हिंदी : मैंने पहचान हेतु चार दस्तावेज़ इसके साथ लगाए हैं।
- आपको बता दें की Herewith एक Adverb क्रियाविशेषण है।
Hereby and Herewith Uses :
Hereby word meanings (formal) by means of this- by this method or means
इस प्रकार से, इस तरह, इस प्रवाह में, पूर्व में जारी संवाद के अनुसार के लिए भी hereby का उपयोग होता है जिसका उदाहरण निचे दिया गया है.
- "I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief." (with this communication)
Hereby word meanings (formal) enclosed:-
संलग्न, साथ में, अनुलग्नक, के साथ में आदि अर्थ के रूप में hereby का उपयोग : -
- Herewith
meaning in English is with this letter or other official written
documentation, together with this letter. This word, "herewith" is often
used in official and legal letter/documents.
Herewith other synonyms:-
- by means of this.
- by this means.
- thus.
- with these means.
- with this.
Herewith similar words : -- by means of this.
- by this means.
- thus.
- with these means.
- with this.
Herewith in a sentence : -
"We send you herewith two copies of the contract papers, Please fill in the prescribed form enclosed herewith. we enclose three documents herewith related to M&R Work, I enclose herewith a copy of the city Hall policy"
Herewith Faq
Question: Is it correct to say herewith?
Answer: Herewith and enclose/attache are outdated expressions, now people say only I enclose, I attach. Avoid all outdated expressions of the type herewith, herein etc.
Question: How do you use herewith?
Answer: Herewith is outdated expression means with this document, text, or book, letter etc. You can use herewith in a letter to say that you are enclosing another documents with it (letter).
Question: What herewith means?
Answer: Hereby means (Definition of herewith) with this communication (letter), enclosed in this, hereby etc.
Question: What is another word for herewith?
Answer: The another word for herewith are by this means, thus, with these means, with this (letter or documents).
Question: How do you write attached herewith?
Answer: Someone sending a letter/package to someone by postal services and also sending some documents, photographs, The Enclosed herewith, attached herewith is appropriate. In the Email, we should use "find the attachment".
Question: What is the difference between hereby and herewith?
Answer: Herewith means attached, enclosed (Generally with letter, documents) and hereby means as a result of this letter/document.
Question: Is there a comma after herewith?
Answer: no comma is necessary after herewith.
Question: How do you start a sentence with Herewith?
Answer: we use herewith in sentences, as "I send you herewith Three copies of the contract Agreement. 2. I enclose a copy of this report herewith for your information. Please fill in the form enclosed herewith. 3. I enclose herewith a copy of the policy of City Hall.
Question : What does Cheque herewith mean?
Answer : it means with some extra information, included with this note, letter, document as "You will find my check herewith" Question : Herewith meaning in email ?
Answer : In Email herewith meas some kind of attachments like MS Word File, PDF, Photos or other relevant/Supporting documents. Hence Herewith meaning in Email is with this communication, enclosed, attachments.
Question : Is attached herewith redundant?
Answer : Herewith is a formal and redundant, hence it is sufficient of write attachment/Plz find Attachment.
Is it correct to say herewith enclosed/attached?
uses of Herewith and attached/enclosed outdated expressions. You Can use only enclosed/attached without herewith. Herein, herewith are might be acceptable in the Indian subcontinent. Herewith means attached, with this communication, enclosed in this, hereby so Do not use both, In fact, do not use herewith
अतः इस प्रकार से आपने जाना की "हेयरविद" एक हिंदी भाषा का शब्द है जिसका वाक्य में प्रयोग के आधार पर विविध प्रकार से बोला जाता है। "हेयरविद" शब्द के हिंदी भाषा में समानार्थी शब्द (अर्थ/मीनिंग) पत्र के साथ, के साथ में, के सहित आदि होते हैं। " हेयरविद" को अंग्रेजी में with this letter or other official written documentation, together with this letter. This word, "herewith" is often used in official and legal letter/documents कहते हैं। हेयरविद से सबंधित अन्य जानकारियां निचे दी गई हैं। (हेयरविद मीनिंग हिंदी Herewith meaning in Hindi)