Delicacy In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Delicacy In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Delicacy in Sentences Examples.

  1. The chef created a delicacy that melted in my mouth.
  2. This restaurant is known for its seafood delicacies.
  3. The chocolate cake was a delicacy that I savored with every bite.
  4. The truffles were a true delicacy, crafted with the finest ingredients.
  5. The sushi was a delicacy that I had never tasted before.
  6. The foie gras was a true delicacy, rich and flavorful.
  7. The caviar was a luxurious delicacy, served with blinis and crème fraîche.
  8. The lobster bisque was a delicate and delicious delicacy.
  9. The oysters were a rare delicacy, served fresh and chilled.
  10. The aged steak was a delicacy that was worth every penny.
  11. The macarons were a delicate French delicacy, with a crispy shell and soft filling.
  12. The artisanal cheese was a true delicacy, with complex flavors and textures.
  13. The wagyu beef was a Japanese delicacy, known for its marbling and tenderness.
  14. The croissants were a buttery delicacy, flaky and delicious.
  15. The truffle oil added a delicate flavor to the dish.
  16. The saffron added a delicate aroma and flavor to the risotto.
  17. The shrimp scampi was a delicacy that I could not resist.
  18. The bouillabaisse was a delicate seafood stew, perfect for a chilly night.
  19. The figs were a delicate and sweet delicacy, perfect for dessert.
  20. The crème brûlée was a delicate dessert with a crispy caramelized top.
  21. The lobster tail was a delicacy that I enjoyed with drawn butter.
  22. The beluga caviar was a delicacy that I had always wanted to try.
  23. The fresh oysters were a seasonal delicacy that were highly sought after.
  24. The veal chop was a delicate cut of meat, tender and flavorful.
  25. The quail was a gamey delicacy, served with a fruit reduction.
  26. The foie gras mousse was a delicate appetizer, served with toast points.
  27. The sea urchin was a Japanese delicacy, served fresh and raw.
  28. The langoustine was a French delicacy, served with a garlic butter sauce.
  29. The crudo was a delicate Italian dish, featuring thinly sliced raw fish.
  30. The fugu sashimi was a Japanese delicacy, known for its potentially deadly toxins.
  31. The escargot was a French delicacy, cooked with garlic and butter.
  32. The mussels were a delicate seafood delicacy, served in a white wine sauce.
  33. The sweetbreads were a delicacy that I had never tried before, but was pleasantly surprised by their rich flavor.
  34. The crab cakes were a delicate appetizer, served with a spicy remoulade sauce.
  35. The venison was a delicate game meat, served with a blackberry reduction.
  36. The sea bass was a delicate white fish, served with a lemon butter sauce.
  37. The lamb chops were a delicacy, grilled to perfection and served with mint jelly.
  38. The sea scallops were a delicate seafood, pan-seared to perfection.
  39. The pork belly was a delicacy that I had never tried before, but quickly became a favorite.
  40. The duck confit was a French delicacy, cooked slowly in its own fat for a tender and flavorful dish.
  41. The crème brûlée was a delicate and creamy dessert, with a caramelized sugar topping.
  42. The beef carpaccio was a delicacy, with thin slices of raw beef topped with Parmesan cheese.
  43. The shrimp scampi pasta was a delicate and flavorful Italian dish.
  44. The truffle risotto was a delicacy, with earthy and aromatic truffle flavors.
  45. The sea urchin sushi was a delicacy, with a rich and buttery flavor.
  46. The rabbit stew was a delicate and tender dish, with a hearty and comforting flavor.
  47. The baked Alaska was a delicate and impressive dessert, featuring meringue and ice cream.
  48. The venison loin was a delicacy, with a rich and gamey flavor.
  49. The lobster bisque was a delicate and creamy soup, with a subtle seafood flavor.
  50. The salmon mousse was a delicacy, with a light and fluffy texture and a hint of dill.
  51. The beef tartare was a delicacy, with raw, hand-chopped beef and flavorful toppings.
  52. The scallop risotto was a delicate and luxurious dish, with plump, juicy scallops.
  53. The lobster roll was a delicacy, with sweet and succulent lobster meat on a buttery bun.
  54. The cherry clafoutis was a delicate and fruity French dessert.
  55. The quail egg and caviar appetizer was a delicacy, with a burst of salty flavor.
  56. The black truffle pasta was a delicacy, with a rich and earthy truffle sauce.
  57. The chef used a delicate hand to season the fish, so as not to overpower its natural flavor.
  58. The antique vase was a delicate piece, requiring careful handling.
  59. The delicate nature of the issue required a tactful approach.
  60. The ballerina moved with delicate grace across the stage.
  61. The jewelry was crafted with delicate precision.
  62. The tea set was a fragile delicacy, requiring careful storage and handling.
  63. The museum curator wore gloves to handle the delicate manuscript.
  64. The embroidery on the wedding gown was a delicate masterpiece.
  65. The surgeon approached the procedure with great delicacy, knowing that a single misstep could be fatal.
  66. The flower arrangement was a delicate balance of colors and textures.
  67. The butterfly landed on the delicate petals of the flower.
  68. The artist used a delicate brush stroke to create the intricate details in the painting.
  69. The antique lace was a delicate fabric that required careful care to preserve.
  70. The wine was a delicate blend of flavors, best enjoyed slowly and savored.
  71. The snowflakes fell with a delicate beauty, coating the landscape in a blanket of white.
  72. The spider's web was a delicate construction, easily destroyed by a careless hand.
  73. The china teapot was a delicate treasure, passed down through generations of the family.
  74. The novelist's writing style was known for its delicate balance of humor and pathos.
  75. The ballerina's movements were so delicate and precise that she seemed to float on air.
  76. The pastry chef created a delicate confection, filled with the flavors of summer.
  77. The museum display featured delicate artifacts from ancient civilizations.
  78. The bonsai tree was a delicate living art form, requiring precise care and pruning.
  79. The glass figurine was a delicate ornament that sparkled in the light.
  80. The bird's nest was a delicate construction, woven from twigs and grasses.
  81. The actress's portrayal of the character was a delicate balance of vulnerability and strength.
  82. The lace curtains were a delicate touch that added elegance to the room.
  83. The perfume was a delicate blend of floral scents that lingered in the air.
  84. The calligraphy on the invitation was a delicate work of art.
  85. The fragile ecosystem of the coral reef required delicate conservation efforts to preserve it.
  86. The pianist's interpretation of the music was a delicate expression of emotion and technique.

Delicacy Meaning in Detail.

The word "delicacy" has several meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Here are the main definitions and details of the word:

Sensitivity or fragility:
When referring to a person or an object, "delicacy" can mean sensitivity, fragility, or vulnerability. For example, a person who is said to have a "delicate constitution" is someone who is easily affected by illness, while an antique vase might be considered a "delicate object" that needs to be handled with care.

Refinement and elegance:
"Delicacy" can also refer to refinement, elegance, or gracefulness, particularly in art or culture. For example, a painting might be praised for its "delicacy of line," or a dance might be described as "delicate and graceful."


When referring to food, "delicacy" generally means a rare or expensive food item that is considered a luxury. For example, caviar, truffles, or foie gras might be considered "delicacies" because they are expensive and not widely available.

Consideration for others:
In social interactions, "delicacy" can refer to consideration for others' feelings or sensitivities. For example, a person who handles a sensitive topic with "delicacy" is someone who is tactful, considerate, and careful not to offend.

Precision or fineness:
In certain contexts, "delicacy" can also refer to precision or fineness of detail. For example, a watchmaker might be praised for the "delicacy" of his or her work, or a surgeon might be praised for the "delicacy" of his or her touch.

Delicacy Synonyms (With Meaning)

Here are ten synonyms for the word "delicacy," along with their meanings:

  1. Refinement - the quality of being elegant, cultured, or sophisticated
  2. Daintiness - the quality of being delicate or pretty
  3. Sensitivity - the quality of being easily affected or influenced
  4. Luxury - something that is expensive and considered a pleasure or indulgence
  5. Tactfulness - the quality of being considerate and diplomatic in dealing with others
  6. Rarity - something that is uncommon or scarce
  7. Precision - the quality of being exact or accurate in detail
  8. Exquisiteness - the quality of being finely made or executed
  9. Gracefulness - the quality of being smooth, elegant, or attractive in movement or style
  10. Finesse - the ability to handle difficult or delicate situations with skill and diplomacy
Each of these synonyms captures a different aspect of the meaning of "delicacy," whether it's the refinement and elegance of something, its sensitivity or rarity, or the skill and tact required to handle it appropriately.
The crème fraîche was a delicate and tangy addition to the dish.

Delicacy Antonyms (With Meaning)

Here are ten antonyms for the word "delicacy," along with their meanings:

  1. Coarseness - the quality of being rough or crude in manner, behavior, or appearance
  2. Insensitivity - the quality of being unresponsive or indifferent to others' feelings or needs
  3. Heaviness - the quality of being bulky, cumbersome, or weighty
  4. Indelicacy - the quality of being offensive or inappropriate in behavior, language, or subject matter
  5. Rarity - something that is common or abundant
  6. Crudeness - the quality of being unrefined or uncivilized
  7. Bluntness - the quality of being direct or lacking in subtlety or tact
  8. Brashness - the quality of being bold or rash, without consideration for consequences or others' feelings
  9. Roughness - the quality of being harsh or uneven in texture, sound, or appearance
  10. Inaccuracy - the quality of being imprecise or incorrect in detail or measurement

FAQs Related With Delicacy (Grammar)

Is "delicacy" a noun or an adjective?
"Delicacy" is primarily a noun, but it can also be used as an adjective to describe something delicate or refined.

Can "delicacy" refer to a person?
Yes, "delicacy" can refer to a person's sensitivity, fragility, or refinement.

How is "delicacy" used in the context of food?
In the context of food, "delicacy" generally refers to a rare or expensive food item that is considered a luxury.

What is the difference between "delicacy" and "delicate"?
While both words have similar meanings related to fragility and refinement, "delicacy" is a noun that refers to a particular quality or item, while "delicate" is an adjective that describes something as fragile or refined.

What is an example of a food delicacy?
Examples of food delicacies include caviar, truffles, foie gras, and other rare or expensive foods.

How can "delicacy" be used in the context of art?
In the context of art, "delicacy" can refer to the precision and fineness of detail in a work of art, or to its refinement and elegance.

Can "delicacy" refer to a skill or ability?
Yes, "delicacy" can refer to a skill or ability that requires precision, subtlety, and finesse, such as the "delicacy" required in performing delicate surgery.

Is "delicacy" a positive or negative word?
"Delicacy" can be either positive or negative, depending on the context in which it is used. It can connote refinement, elegance, and luxury, or sensitivity, vulnerability, and fragility.

How can "delicacy" be used in the context of social interactions?
In the context of social interactions, "delicacy" can refer to the tactfulness and consideration required to handle sensitive topics or situations without offending others.

What is the opposite of "delicacy"?
The opposite of "delicacy" can have many meanings, depending on the context, but some possible antonyms include coarseness, insensitivity, crudeness, and inaccuracy.

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