Devote In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Devote In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Devote in Sentences Examples.

  1. He decided to devote his life to helping the homeless in his community.
  2. She wanted to devote more time to her hobbies and interests outside of work.
  3. The organization was founded to devote resources to finding a cure for a rare disease.
  4. She promised to devote herself fully to her studies and work hard to achieve her goals.
  5. He chose to devote his talents to creating art that inspired social change.
  6. The team decided to devote extra practice time to improve their defense strategy.
  7. The church members decided to devote a day to volunteer work in their community.
  8. She decided to devote her career to promoting sustainable development and environmental protection.
  9. The company decided to devote resources to improving their customer service.
  10. He decided to devote himself to a daily meditation practice to improve his mental wellbeing.
  11. She promised to devote her time and energy to raising awareness about the importance of mental health.
  12. The group decided to devote their efforts to organizing a fundraiser for a local charity.
  13. He chose to devote his life to caring for animals and working to protect their habitats.
  14. She decided to devote her energy to creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace.
  15. The community decided to devote resources to building a new playground for children.
  16. He chose to devote his talents to developing new technologies to address climate change.
  17. She decided to devote her time to mentoring young women and empowering them to pursue their dreams.
  18. The organization decided to devote resources to providing education and resources to low-income families.
  19. He chose to devote his career to improving healthcare access and affordability for underserved communities.
  20. She decided to devote her time and energy to creating a more just and equitable society.
  21. The team decided to devote extra practice time to perfecting their performance for an upcoming competition.
  22. The company decided to devote resources to reducing their environmental impact and promoting sustainability.
  23. He chose to devote his talents to creating music that inspired social and political change.
  24. She decided to devote her energy to advocating for human rights and equality.
  25. The organization decided to devote resources to researching new treatments for a rare medical condition.
  26. He chose to devote his career to addressing social and economic inequality in his community.
  27. She decided to devote her time and energy to promoting mental health awareness and support.
  28. The community decided to devote resources to improving access to healthy food options in their area.
  29. He chose to devote his talents to creating art that reflected and celebrated diverse cultures.
  30. She decided to devote her energy to fighting for justice and equality for marginalized communities.
  31. The team captain decided to devote extra time to mentoring and coaching the younger players.
  32. She chose to devote her career to researching and developing sustainable energy solutions.
  33. The organization decided to devote resources to providing support and resources for people experiencing homelessness.
  34. He decided to devote his life to preserving and protecting endangered wildlife species.
  35. She chose to devote her time and energy to teaching and inspiring the next generation of leaders.
  36. The company decided to devote resources to promoting diversity and inclusion in their hiring and promotion practices.
  37. He decided to devote his talents to creating innovative solutions to address global health challenges.
  38. She chose to devote her energy to advocating for animal rights and welfare.
  39. The community decided to devote resources to improving access to healthcare services for underserved populations.
  40. He decided to devote his career to advancing scientific knowledge and understanding in his field.
  41. She chose to devote her time and energy to promoting sustainable agriculture and food systems.
  42. The organization decided to devote resources to providing education and support for people living with mental illness.
  43. He decided to devote his talents to creating art that explored themes of social justice and equality.
  44. She chose to devote her energy to promoting and protecting human rights around the world.
  45. The team decided to devote extra practice time to developing new strategies and tactics for the upcoming season.
  46. The company decided to devote resources to reducing their carbon footprint and promoting environmentally-friendly practices.
  47. He decided to devote his life to fighting for political and social change through peaceful means.
  48. She chose to devote her time and energy to promoting education and literacy in her community.
  49. The organization decided to devote resources to supporting and empowering women and girls.
  50. He decided to devote his talents to creating music that inspired hope, love, and compassion.

Devote Meaning in Detail.

Devote is a verb that means to give one's time, energy, or resources to a particular activity or cause. It involves a strong commitment to the object of devotion and a willingness to prioritize it over other activities or interests.

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When someone devotes themselves to a cause or activity, they may make sacrifices in order to pursue it. For example, a person might devote themselves to their career, working long hours and sacrificing time with family and friends in order to advance in their profession. Alternatively, someone might devote themselves to a social cause, dedicating their time and resources to making a positive impact in their community.

Devote can also be used to describe a formal act of dedication or commitment. For example, a religious person might devote themselves to a life of service by taking vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Devote Synonyms (With Meaning)

some synonyms for "devote" with their meanings:
Dedicate - to set aside or give something, usually time or effort, for a specific purpose or goal.
Commit - to pledge oneself to a particular course of action or cause.
Consecrate - to make something sacred or set it apart for a religious or special purpose.
Give - to offer or provide something, usually time, attention, or resources, to a specific task or person.
Apply - to direct one's efforts or resources towards a particular goal or task.
Focus - to concentrate one's attention or energy on a particular task or goal.
Devout - deeply committed to a particular religious or spiritual belief or practice.
Engage - to become involved in or committed to a particular activity or cause.
Invest - to give or dedicate resources, usually time or money, to a particular project or endeavor.
Sacrifice - to give up something of value, usually time, money, or comfort, in order to achieve a particular goal or support a particular cause.

Devote Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Neglect: to disregard or pay little attention to something or someone.
  2. Abandon: to desert or leave behind something or someone, usually without intention to return.
  3. Ignore: to intentionally pay no attention to something or someone.
  4. Divert: to turn away from a particular course or purpose.
  5. Misapply: to use something for the wrong purpose or in an inappropriate manner.
  6. Misuse: to use something in a way that is not intended or appropriate.
  7. Waste: to use something excessively or without purpose.
  8. Misdirect: to use something in a way that is inappropriate or leads to the wrong result.
  9. Forsake: to abandon or give up on something or someone, often with a sense of betrayal.
  10. Disregard: to ignore or pay little attention to something or someone.
  11. Abnegate: to renounce or give up on something, usually for moral or religious reasons.
  12. Deflect: to turn away or cause to turn away from a particular course or purpose.
  13. Dissipate: to squander or waste something, often by using it excessively.
  14. Disuse: to cease to use or neglect something over time, causing it to fall out of practice or become obsolete.
  15. Neglectful: characterized by a lack of care or attention to something or someone.
  16. Abandoned: left behind or deserted, often with a sense of neglect or disregard.
  17. Ignored: deliberately not paid attention to or disregarded.
  18. Diverted: turned away from a particular course or purpose.
  19. Misapplied: used for the wrong purpose or in an inappropriate manner.
  20. Misused: used in a way that is not intended or appropriate.

FAQs Related With Devote (Grammar)

Is "devote" a transitive or intransitive verb?
"Devote" is a transitive verb, which means it takes an object. For example, "She devoted herself to her studies" (where "herself" is the subject, "devoted" is the verb, and "her studies" is the object).

Can "devote" be used with a preposition?
Yes, "devote" can be used with prepositions such as "to" and "for". For example, "She devoted her time to volunteering at the local shelter" (where "her time" is the subject, "devoted" is the verb, and "volunteering at the local shelter" is the prepositional phrase).

Is "devote" a formal or informal word?
"Devote" is generally considered a formal word, as it is often used in academic or professional contexts.

Can "devote" be used in the passive voice?
Yes, "devote" can be used in the passive voice. For example, "The entire team was devoted to the project" (where "the entire team" is the subject, "was devoted" is the verb in the passive voice, and "to the project" is the prepositional phrase).

What is the difference between "devote" and "dedicate"?
"Devote" and "dedicate" are often used interchangeably, but there are some subtle differences in meaning. "Devote" implies a strong commitment and willingness to prioritize the object of devotion over other activities or interests, while "dedicate" implies a sense of solemnity and formality in the act of commitment.

Can "devote" be used with an infinitive?

Yes, "devote" can be used with an infinitive. For example, "He devoted all his efforts to help rebuild the community" (where "all his efforts" is the subject, "devoted" is the verb, and "to help rebuild the community" is the infinitive phrase).

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