How to identify Pure Vanshlochan

Vanshlochan or Banshlochan is an herbal preparation of Ayurvedic origin, which is one of the major medical systems of India. Vanshlochan is obtained from the male flower part of the bamboo plant which is Bambusa arundinacea. It is considered to have an ability to generate heat in the body as well as to cool down along with its ability to cure many diseases including those related to respiratory systems like cough, cold and asthma etc. It is also considered to possess tonic and anti-inflammatory functionalities and the outer part of the plant can be applied on the skin for treatment of diseases like eczema and psoriasis. It can be obtained in the form of a powder, tablets and capsules although it is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic blends and concoctions. How to identify Pure Vanshlochan Panchara or Vanshlochan.

To check Vanshlochan One can either try using a candle or, One can place a piece of Vanshlochan on fire using make sure the colour of the pure Vanshlochan has not changed. But, if the Vanshlochan is fake, the idol may either turn black or melt.

Source: One should first get Vanshlochan from genuine suppliers who deal with Ayurvedic herbs exclusively. It is therefore important to choose a supplier who follows good manufacturing practices and cannot hide something about sources and processing of products.

Appearance: Pure Vanshlochan is a colourless, frothy substance which appears like a sponge which has been dried. It is very easy to break and can shatter, has a powdery or dusty like feel.
Smell: Original Vanshlochan has a weak bosom scent that the firm compare to aroma of bamboo. In the case the product has a very sharp and unpleasant smell, then this is normally a sign that the product is contaminated or of substandard quality.

Taste: Vanshlochan has a soup taste in some manner and little sweet and astringent taste. In the case of taste, for instance, if the product generally characterizes of some bitter taste or a strange taste, then the product is most probably adulterated or mixed with other raw materials.

Vanshlochan Benefits

Tabasheer in Ayurveda also known as Banshlochan is a natural product that is proved to be effective in treating diseases. Here are some of its benefits, along with a shloka in Devanagari script and its meaning in English:Here are some of its benefits, along with a shloka in Devanagari script and its meaning in English:

It is said to lower the temperature in the body and for that it can be very useful when one has a fever or any inflammation. In relation to Banshlochan both can be interpreted as cool and hot, heavy and light. It balances all the three doshas and is effective in treating all bleeding disorders.

,it is also considered as natural diuretic that can assist in the management of water retention and swelling. Banshlochan has the properties of increasing sexual desire, is diuretic in nature, sweet in ratine and helps in the cure of Kapha and Pitta ailment. It eases bowel movement and enhances the body’s metabolic system.

Banshlochan is also considered to have several health benefits such as sharpening the human brain as well as memory. Sedative, memory enhancer, memory replenisher, rejuvenator and digestive is known to be the banshlochan. It has low caloric value having a sweet taste that can be described as light.

It is also believed to have a soothing impact over the mind and might be used in the treatment of stress and anxiety conditions. Banshlochan is propitiated by Brahma and Rudra because it strength the mind and the intellect. This is helpful in expanding one’s capacity of the brain.

Banslochan uses and advantages || Superb crunch ||

Vanshlochan is said to have many unani qualities which includes; It helps in digestion, boosts the immune system, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Cinnamon is also used for respiratory issues like the cough and asthma among other illnesses as well.

Another interesting fact about vanshlochan is that it is commonly used with other materials to prepare different remedies and delicious tonics in Ayurvedic medicine. However, we would like to observe that there is lack of rigorous studies on the efficacy of vanshlochan and hence, the subject demands more research before one can talk of appropriate gains and hazards.
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