Ganesh Raksha Stotram is a Stotra or a prayer that is chanted in the honor of Lord Ganesha who is one of the most popular and celebrated Gods of Hindu pantheon. The prayer is used to seek Lord Ganesha’s blessings and there are various benefits of this prayer as it helps the devotee overcome various hurdles in life, negativity, earns success and prosperity, helps one to find inner peace, blesses the family members and loved ones and assists in improving concentration. The prayer consists of 38 alphabetical letters and is chanted to lord Ganesha for one or the other reasons.
श्री गणेश रक्षा स्तोत्रम लिरिक्स Shri Ganesh Raksha Stotram Meaning
जय गणेश जय गणेश, जय गणेश पाहिमाम, जय गणेश जय गणेश, जय गणेश रक्षमाम।
जय गणेश जय गणेश, जय गणेश पाहिमाम, जय गणेश जय गणेश, जय गणेश रक्षमाम, जय गणेश जय गणेश, जय गणेश रक्षमाम।
मुदा करात्त मोदकं, सदा विमुक्ति साधकं, कला धरा वतं सकं, विलासि लोक रक्षकम्।
जय गणेश जय गणेश - Victory to Lord Ganesha, Victory to Lord Ganesha जय गणेश पाहिमाम - Victory to Lord Ganesha, protect us जय गणेश जय गणेश - Victory to Lord Ganesha, Victory to Lord Ganesha जय गणेश रक्षमाम - Victory to Lord Ganesha, safeguard us जय गणेश जय गणेश - Victory to Lord Ganesha, Victory to Lord Ganesha जय गणेश रक्षमाम - Victory to Lord Ganesha, safeguard usBasically in this stotram the devotee envisages Lord Ganesha and prays to the lord to protect him /her . Chants of ‘Victory to Lord Ganesha’ and ‘safeguard us’ are chanted to reiterate the belief of the devotee in Lord Ganesha as well as the belief that he will protect the devotee from all harm.
मुदा करात्त मोदकं - Who holds the delightful Modaka in his trunk सदा विमुक्ति साधकं - Who always grants liberation to his devotees कला धरा वतं सकं - Who bears a crescent moon on his forehead विलासि लोक रक्षकम् - Who protects and enjoys the worldIn these lines the devotee goes further onwards in praising the Lord Ganesha for making him to possess godly qualities. Modaka is a kind of sweet which is, in fact, Ganesha’s favorite eatable and it is presented before him in prayers. The indication of the crescent on the forehead of Lord Ganesha is a representation of his father Lord Shiva, who also bears the ornament in form of a half moon on his head. The devotee also admits that Lord Ganesha is everyone’s savior or the god of protection of the world.
अनाय कैक नायकं - Who is the leader of the hosts of angels and the demon enemies विनाशिते भदैत्यकं - Who destroys the wicked and malevolent forces नता शुभाशु नाशकं - Who eliminates obstacles and bestows auspiciousness नमामितं विनायकम् - Who is known as Vinayaka and to whom I bow downIn these lines the devotee is praising Lord Ganesha to be as powerful as Indra as the leader of divine force and as deadly with his shoot as Ravana the lord of demonic power and force who can kill evil. The god Lord Ganesha is also known as the ‘Vinayaka’, ‘Vighneshwara’ or ‘Vighnakartaa’ – the one who removes all obstacles and the ‘Siddhidhaata’ – the one who bestows all forms of success or auspiciousness. The devotee bows down to the lord Ganesha and give their prayers and obeisances to the lord as a sign of surrender. The phrase ‘Vinayaka’ as associated with Lord Ganesha, literally translates as the superior leader or the one who removes all obstacles.
नतेत राति भीकरं - Who is not afraid of the night or darkness नवो दितार्क भास्वरं - Who shines like a new sun in the sky नमत्सुरारि निर्जरं - Who is the descendant of the lineage of Suras (devas) and who washes away all sins नताधिका पदुद्धरम् - Whose feet are always sought for refuge by his devoteesIn these lines the devotee describes the valour of the lord Ganesha and his wisdom, which is compared to the sun coming out of the night. The Suras (devas) origin of Lord Ganesha is also stated; he is also referred as the one who eradicates all sins. Through prayer and surrender the devotee declares total dependence on Lord Ganesha and prays to take shelter of his sacred feet.
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं - Who is the lord of gods and the lord of treasures
गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं - Who is the lord of elephants and the lord of the multitudes महेश्वरं तमाश्रये - Who is the great lord and the ultimate refuge परात्परं निरन्तरम् - Who is the supreme of the supreme and eternalIn these lines the devotee recapitulates all the epithets and shedding light on them says that all of them belong to Lord Ganesha. He is worshipped as the lord of gods and the lord of treasures which is in assert with his great authority and wealth. Another aspect in the vans are the elephants and the position of Lord Ganesha as the lord of the multitudes is also incorporated. The devotee prays to the Lord Ganesha as the sovereign lord and the highest of the high self- existent, timeless entity. Finally the phrase “Jai Ganesha” as a concluding part of stotram is a victory chant or prayer towards the Lord Ganesha.
समस्त लोक शंकरं - Who is the benefactor of all the worlds निरस्त दैत्य कुँजरं - Who has destroyed the demon Gajamukha and other demons दरे तरो दरं वरं वरे - Who is the one who ferries across the ocean of samsara and who is the most excellent among the excellent भवक्त्र मक्षरम् - Who is the imperishable syllable of the face of existenceThe devotee in these lines identifies Lord Ganesha as benefactor of all the worlds which makes him god Almighty and suitable for concerning by all of us. These are well appreciated, as is Lord Ganesha’s triumph over Gajamukha and other demons that depict him as destroyer of all evils. The devotee pleads for protection to Lord Ganesha with words ‘Na Preficate’ as Lord Ganesha can help in crossing the ocean of samsara. Lord Ganesha is also known as the Gud-Gaan or the one who is vouched for to be the best among the best, or put more simply as the God who is perfect. Last of all Lord Ganesha as the fearless god, who possessed the qualities of the Om—the syllable of the face of existence.
समस्त लोक शंकरं - Who is the benefactor of all the worlds निरस्त दैत्य कुँजरं - Who has destroyed the demon Gajamukha and other demons दरे तरो दरं वरं वरे - Who is the one who ferries across the ocean of samsara and who is the most excellent among the excellent भवक्त्र मक्षरम् - Who is the imperishable syllable of the face of existenceIn these lines the devotee refers to Lord Ganesha as the giver of all world and underlines his supernatural character. Ganesha’s triumph over the demonic figure Gajamukha as well as other demons is also recognized, which establishes him as destroyer of hurdles. The devotee prays to Lord Ganesha to master over the Lord to aid them cross the ocean of samsara or the cycle of birth and death. Here is what Lord Ganesha is also named – the best among the best, the first within the first, the superior within the superior, the top among the tops, the paragon. Last but not the least, Lord Ganesha is worshipped as the supreme letter, signifying the face of the existence, the Om, symbolising the ultimate truth or reality.
कृपा करं क्षमा करं - Who is the bestower of grace and forgiveness मुदा करं यशस्करं - Who brings joy and bestows fame मनस्करं नमस्कृतां - Who is always present in the minds of those who bow to him नमस्क रोमि भास्वरम् - Whose brilliance shines through the hairs of those who bow to him The consideration of the lord Ganesha that are presented in these lines are that the devotee wishes to be blessed by the lord. It also demonstrates the devotee acceptance of Lord Ganesha as the one who is gracious and forgiving. It also makes Lord Ganesha the god that brings happiness and also the god of fame. The devotee pays obeisance unto Lord Ganesha and firmly believes that the Lord remains ever present in everyone’s thoughts who pays his homage. Last of all, it is expressed how the Lord is apparent in the hairs of such people as bow to the deity Ganesha exemplifying the brilliance of the Lord.
अकिं चनार्ति मार्जनं - Who removes all obstacles and distress चिरन्त नोक्ति भाजनं - Who has been praised by sages since ancient times पुरारि पूर्व नन्दनं - Who is the delight of Lord Shiva and was praised by him in the past सुरारिगर्व चर्वणम् - Whose mere mention can dispel the pride of the enemies of the godsHere the devotee pays obeisance to Lord Ganesha by referring to him as ‘Vighnaraj’ meaning the lord of all evils and worries. The devotee accepts this fact by offering reverence to Lord Ganesha which has been chanted by the ancient sages, and considered eternal. Lord Ganesha is also known as the black son of Lord Shiva thus proving his significance in the Hindu pantheon. Just invoking the name of Lord Ganesha is known to reduce the pride of the rivals of gods thereby establishing his might and his role as protector.
प्रपंच नाश भीषणं - Who is terrifying to the destroyer of the universe धनंजयादि भूषणम् - Who adorns Lord Dhananjaya (Arjuna) and other gods as their ornament कपोल दान वारणं - Who accepts and blesses his devotees with donations on his forehead भजे पुराण वारणम् - Who is the ancient Lord who removes obstacles and grants boons to his devoteesHere, the devotee prostrates in front of Lord Ganesha and requests him to hit him since He is the dreadful incarnation from the destroyer of universe. The devotee also extends his/her appreciation of Ganesha as an ornament to Lord Dhananjaya and the other lords also. Lord Ganesha also shower his chosen devotees with donation on his forehead to show his benevolence. The devotee does not forget to call Lord Ganesha as the ancient Lord of Success, the Lord of Obstacles as well as Lord of boons out in religiosity again in the Hindu religion.
नितान्त कान्त दन्त कान्ति - The one with the most beautiful teeth मन्त कान्त कात्मजं - The son of Lord Shiva, who is also charming अचिन्त्य रूप मन्तहीन - His form is beyond comprehension मन्त राय कृन्तनम् - He destroys obstacles and grants wishes. हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं - Always present in the heart वसन्त मेव योगिनां - Like spring for the yogis तमेक दन्त मेवतं - You have only one tusk विचिन्त यामि सन्ततम् - I meditate on you constantly जय गणेश। - Victory to Ganesh. महा गणेश पंच रत्न - Great Ganesha, who possesses five jewels (i.e., five qualities) माद रेण योयानवहं - Who rides on a mouse, which is the vehicle for him प्रजल्पति प्रभात के - The one who is glorified in the morning हृदि स्मरन् गणेश्वरम् - Remembering Ganesha, the Lord, in one's heart. In this verse, Ganesha is depicted to be a major god, who is richly decorated by the endowment of five peculiarities, and concerned with mouse as his vahan. He is also called the one being glorified in the morning and it is suggested to live remembering him in one’s heart.
अरोग ताम दोषतां: May you be free from illness and imperfections. सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रतां: May you have good companionship and virtuous children. समाहि तायुरष्ट भूति: May you have a long life with all the eight types of prosperity (Ashta Bhooti). मभ्यु पैति सोयाचिरात्: May you attain all these blessings quickly and without obstacles. जय गणेश: Victory to Lord Ganesha!
Shri Raksha Stotram Significance Benefits
The Ganesh Raksha Stotram consists of 38 slokas, and it is believed that chanting of this stotra will shower prosperity success and peace in one’s life. In the prayer Lord Ganesha is invoked, as the god who eliminates all problems and is the harbinger of joy and wealth; and as the deity who is propitiated by all the gods and goddesses.
The moves are intended to pay obeisance to Lord Ganesha while the prayer starts with invoking the Lord and reciting his names and personalities. Finally the devotee prays to Lord Ganesha to protect him from all forms of evils and problems in the inside and out. The prayer also seeks the Lord Ganesha’s blessings to showers upon the devotee, his family and all those whom the devotee loves.
सभी संकटों के निवारण के लिए सुनें - श्री गणेश रक्षा स्तोत्रम - Ganesh Raksha Stotram - Mishra Bandhu
With ever increasing competition and advancement of technology, there is always assurance that it will improve our lives in all aspect so long as there is proper investment in technology. The literal meaning of the word “Raksha” is protection, and the prayer is considered to safeguard the devotee from all the evils.
Author - Saroj Jangir
इस ब्लॉग पर आप पायेंगे मधुर और सुन्दर भजनों का संग्रह । इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य आपको सुन्दर भजनों के बोल उपलब्ध करवाना है। आप इस ब्लॉग पर अपने पसंद के गायक और भजन केटेगरी के भजन खोज सकते हैं....अधिक पढ़ें।