अज़ीज़-दारी का हिंदी में अर्थ, मीनिंग

अज़ीज़-दारी का हिंदी में अर्थ, मीनिंग Ajeeb Dari Meaning in Hindi English

अज़ीज़-दारी Ajeeb Dari (عَزِیز داری) शब्द का अर्थ रिश्तेदारी, यकजदी, सगापन आदि होता है। 

The term "Ajeeb Dari" can be understood as referring to the concept of close familial ties, kinship, or family bonds.
Family Ties:
Meaning: The connections and relationships within a family.

Kinship Bond:
Meaning: A close connection or relationship, especially within a family.

Family Affection:
Meaning: Warm feelings and love shared among family members.

Close Family Relations:
Meaning: The close connections and bonds with relatives.

Near and Dear Relationships:
Meaning: Close and cherished connections with family members.
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