सूर्य का पर्यायवाची शब्द

सूर्य का पर्यायवाची शब्द Surya Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

सूर्य के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) सूर्य — सूरज , पतंग , मार्तण्ड आदित्य , प्रभाकर , तरणि , मरीची , भास्कर , दिवाकर , भानु , अर्क , दिनकर दिनेश , आदित्य , सविता , हंस , दिनकर , अंशुमाली , रवि। - आदि होते हैं।
सूर्य का पर्यायवाची शब्द Surya Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
सूर्य के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • सूर्य (Surya): Sun
  • सूरज (Suraj): Sun
  • पतंग (Patang): Kite (In some contexts, it can also refer to the sun)
  • मार्तण्ड (Martanda): Another name for the sun
  • आदित्य (Aditya): Son of Aditi, another name for the sun
  • प्रभाकर (Prabhakar): One who illuminates, another name for the sun
  • तरणि (Tarani): One who crosses, another name for the sun
  • मरीची (Marichi): A ray of light, also a name for the sun
  • भास्कर (Bhaskar): One who illuminates, another name for the sun
  • दिवाकर (Divakar): One who gives light, another name for the sun
  • भानु (Bhanu): Sun, another name for the sun god
  • अर्क (Ark): Sun, another name for the sun god
  • दिनकर (Dinakar): Creator of the day, another name for the sun
  • दिनेश (Dinesh): Lord of the day, another name for the sun
  • आदित्य (Aditya): Son of Aditi, another name for the sun
  • सविता (Savita): Sun, another name for the sun god
  • हंस (Hans): Swan (Sometimes associated with the sun in Hindu mythology)
  • दिनकर (Dinakar): Creator of the day, another name for the sun
  • अंशुमाली (Anshumali): One with sun-like rays
  • रवि (Ravi): Sun, another name for the sun god
  • अंबुतस्कर (Ambutaskar): One who dispels darkness, like the sun.
  • अंशुमान (Anshuman): Radiant, like the sun.
  • अंशुमाली (Anshumali): Having sun-like rays.
  • अग (Ag): Fire, possibly associated with the sun's brightness.
  • अदित (Adit): The sun.
  • अनड्वान् (Anadvan): One without obstruction, possibly referring to the sun's path.
  • अफताब (Aftab): Sun, sunlight.
  • अब्जबाँधव (Abjabaandhav): Brother of the lotus, associated with the sun.
  • अब्जहस्त (Abjahast): Having lotus-like hands, possibly referring to the sun.
  • अयुग्मवाह (Ayugmavah): Moving in a straight path, possibly referring to the sun's trajectory.
  • अरणि (Arani): Wheel, possibly associated with the sun's movement.
  • अरणी (Arani): Another form of Arani.
  • अरुण (Arun): Dawn, also a name of the charioteer of the sun.
  • अरुणसारथी (Arunasarathi): Charioteer of the sun (Arun).
  • अरुण (Arun): Another name for the sun.
  • अर्क (Ark): Another name for the sun.
  • अवबोधक (Avabodhak): Awakening the world, possibly associated with the sun rising.
  • अवि (Avi): Sun, also means 'lord.'
  • अविनीश (Avineesh): Lord of the sun.
  • आदित्य (Aditya): Descendant of Aditi, another name for the sun.
  • आफताब (Aftab): Another form of Aftab, meaning sun.
  • आफ़ताब (Aftab): Sun, sunlight.
  • कालेश (Kalesh): Lord of time, possibly associated with the sun's influence on time.
  • केश (Kesh): Another name for the sun.
  • खगपति (Khagpati): Lord of birds, possibly associated with the sun.
  • गभस्ति (Gabhasti): Radiant, bright like the sun.
  • गभस्तिपाणि (Gabhastipani): Holding the sun, referring to a sun god.
  • गभस्तिहस्त (Gabhastihast): Holding the sun, another form.
  • गविष्ठ (Gavisht): Shining, radiant like the sun.
  • गोकर (Gokar): Radiant like a cow, possibly associated with the sun.
  • चक्रबंधु (Chakrabandhu): Friend of the wheel, referring to the sun.
  • चक्रबन्धु (Chakrabandhu): Another form of Chakrabandhu.
  • चक्रबांधव (Chakrabandhav): Friend of the wheel, referring to the sun.
  • चक्रबान्धव (Chakrabandhav): Another form of Chakrabandhav.
  • चित्रभानु (Chitrabhanu): Radiant like the sun.
  • जगत्साक्षी (Jagatsakshi): Witness of the world, possibly referring to the sun.
  • तपस (Tapas): Ascetic, referring to the sun's heat.
  • तपु (Tapu): Another form of Tapas.
  • तमोहपह (Tamohapah): Dispeller of darkness, like the sun.
  • तिग्मगर (Tigmagar): Sharp like an arrow, possibly associated with the sun's rays.
  • तिमिररिपु (Timiraripu): Enemy of darkness, like the sun.
  • तिमिरहर (Timirahar): Remover of darkness, like the sun.
  • तिमिरारि (Timirari): Another form of Timiraripu.
  • तीक्ष्णरश्मि (Tikshnarashmi): Sharp-rayed, referring to the sun's rays.
  • तीक्ष्णांशु (Tikshnanshu): Sharp-rayed, another form.
  • तुंगीश (Tungish): High and radiant, possibly referring to the sun.
  • त्रयीतन (Trayitan): Triumphant over three, possibly referring to the sun's journey.
  • त्रयीमय (Trayimay): Embodied with the three, possibly referring to the sun's three aspects.
  • दिनअर (Dinar): Another form of Dinesh, meaning lord of the day (sun).
  • दिनकर (Dinakar): Creator of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिनेश (Dinesh): Lord of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिवसकर (Divaskar): Creator of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिवसकृत (Divaskrit): Creator of the day, another form.
  • दिवसनाथ (Divasnath): Lord of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिवसभर्ता (Divasbharta): Sustainer of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिवसेश (Divasesh): Lord of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिवसेश्वर (Divaseshwar): Lord of the day, another form.
  • दिवस्पति (Divaspati): Lord of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिवाकर (Divakar): Creator of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिवामणि (Divamani): Jewel of the day, possibly referring to the sun.
  • दिवावसु (Divavasu): Lord of the day, another name for the sun.
  • दिव्यांशु (Divyanshu): Divine, radiant like the sun.
  • दीप्तकिरण (Diptakiran): Radiant rays, referring to the sun.
  • दीप्तांशु (Diptanshu): Radiant like a flame, possibly referring to the sun.
  • द्युपति (Dyupati): Lord of the sky, possibly referring to the sun.
  • द्युम्न (Dyumn): Luminous, radiant, like the sun.
  • धरुण (Dharun): Supporting, like the sun supports life.
  • ध्वांतशत्रु (Dhwantashatru): Enemy of darkness, like the sun.
  • ध्वांताराति (Dhwantarati): Overcoming darkness, like the sun.
  • नभश्चक्षु (Nabhachakshu): Eye of the sky, possibly referring to the sun.
  • नभश्चर (Nabhachar): Moving in the sky, like the sun.
  • नभस्मय (Nabhasmay): Dispeller of darkness, like the sun.
  • नभोमणि (Nabhoman): Jewel of the sky, possibly referring to the sun.
  • निर्मुट (Nirmut): Born of water, possibly associated with the sun's role in water cycles.
  • पद्मगर्भ (Padmagarbh): Lotus-womb, possibly referring to the sun's birth from a lotus.
  • पद्मबंधु (Padmabandhu): Friend of the lotus, possibly associated with the sun.
  • पद्मबन्धु (Padmabandhu): Another form of Padmabandhu.
  • पद्मिनीकांत (Padminikant): Consort of the lotus, possibly associated with the sun.
  • पद्मिनीकान्त (Padminikanth): Another form of Padminikant.
  • पद्मिनीवल्लभ (Padminivallabh): Beloved of the lotus, possibly associated with the sun.
  • पद्मिनीश (Padminish): Lord of the lotus, possibly associated with the sun.
  • पर्परीक (Parparik): Radiant, like the sun.
  • पुष्कर (Pushkar): Lotus, possibly associated with the sun.
  • प्रभाकर (Prabhakar): One who illuminates, another name for the sun.
  • भानु (Bhanu): Sun, another name for the sun god.
  • भास्कर (Bhaskar): One who illuminates, another name for the sun.
  • भूताक्ष (Bhootaksha): Eye of the elements, possibly referring to the sun's universal presence.
  • मरीची (Marichi): A ray of light, also a name for the sun.
  • मार्तंड (Martanda): Another name for the sun.
  • मार्तण्ड (Martanda): Another form of Martanda.
  • मिहिर (Mihir): Sun, another name for the sun god.
  • यमसू (Yamasu): Son of Yama, possibly referring to the sun.
  • रवि (Ravi): Sun, another name for the sun god.
  • वरेय (Vareya): Best, excellent, like the sun.
  • विश्वप्रकाशक (Vishwaprakashak): Illuminator of the universe, like the sun.
  • विश्वप्स (Vishwaps): Another form of Vishwaprakashak.
  • विहंग (Vihang): Bird, possibly associated with the sun.
  • विहग (Vihag): Another form of Vihang.
  • वेद (Ved): Knowledge, possibly associated with the sun as a source of light and wisdom.
  • वेदात्मा (Vedatma): Soul of the Vedas, possibly associated with the sun as a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment.
  • शीघ्रग (Shighrag): Swift, fast, like the sun's movement.
  • सविता (Savita): Sun, another name for the sun god.
  • सहस्रकिरण (Sahasrakiran): Thousand-rayed, referring to the sun's brilliance.
  • सहस्रगु (Sahasragu): Having a thousand rays, another form.
  • सूरज (Suraj): Sun, another name for the sun god.

आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप सूर्य शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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