274 Bright & Beautiful Japanese Girl Names With Meanings
As a parent, don't forget names that are culturally tremendous and meaningful whilst naming your infant. take into consideration names with high-quality connotations or names from Japanese mythology or records. in case you intend to talk with human beings at some stage in the sector, make sure the name is pronounceable each in Japanese and different languages. don't forget your ancestry's names and circle of relatives customs, and discover whether your kingdom has any laws pertaining to call obstacles. looking for recommendation from buddies and household is any other smart circulate. in the long run, pick a name with a purpose to in shape your toddler as they grow older and feels non-public to you and your own family.
- Ami - Friend (Girl) - 亜美
- Anzu - Apricot (Girl) - 杏
- Emiko - Beautiful, prosperous child (Girl) - 絵美子
- Haru - Springtime (Unisex) - はる
- Ima - Now (Girl) - 今
- Jin - Tender (Girl) - 仁
- Junko - Obedience child (Girl) - 順子
- Kei - Blessing (Unisex) - 恵
- Keomi - Pure (Girl) - 清美
- Kichi - Lucky (Unisex) - 吉
- Kiko - Hope (Girl) - 希子
- Ko - Baby (Unisex) - 子
- Mami - Genuine (Girl) - 真美
- Mana - Affection (Girl) - 愛
- Mayu - Genuine (Girl) - 真由
- Mei - Sprout (Girl) - 芽依
- Mikka - Three days (Girl) - 三日
- Miwa - Harmony (Girl) - 美和
- Naoko - Docile child (Girl) - 直子
- Nishi - West (Girl) - 西
- Noa - Love and affection (Unisex) - 乃愛
- Ohta - Pure (Girl) - 大空
- Rika - Fragrance (Girl) - 里香
- Rai - Trust (Unisex) - 來
- Raku - Pleasure (Unisex) - 樂
- Rui - Affectionate (Girl) - 瑠衣
- Ruri - Emerald (Girl) - 瑠璃
- Saki - Hope (Girl) - 咲
- Suki - Beloved one (Girl) - 好
- Takara - Jewel (Girl) - 宝
- Aki - Sparkle (Girl) - 明希
- Aya - Colorful (Girl) - 彩
- Chiaki - Sparkling light (Girl) - 千秋
- Etsu - Delight (Unisex) - 悦
- Etsuko or Etsudo - Joyous child (Girl) - 悦子 / 悦男
- Harue - Sunshine (Girl) - 晴恵
- Haruki - Shining brightly (Unisex) - 陽輝
- Hikari - Light (Unisex) - 光
- Kin - Golden (Unisex) - 金
- Kioko - Shares happiness (Girl) - 喜緒子
- Koemi - Smiling (Girl) - 笑美
- Makaira - One who brings happiness (Girl) - 幸いら
- Mieko - Brightness of light (Girl) - 美絵子
- Misako - Fascinating child (Girl) - 美佐子
- Mitsu - Light (Unisex) - 光
- Mitsuko - Child of light (Girl) - 光子
- Okimi - Bright shining light (Girl) - 沖美
- Sanyu - Happiness (Unisex) - 三友
- Yo - Positive (Unisex) - 陽
- Yuki - Happiness (Unisex) - 幸
- Aimi - Beautiful love (Girl) - 愛美
- Aiya - Beautiful silk (Girl) - 愛絢
- Asami - Morning beauty (Girl) - 朝美
- Emi - Beautiful smile (Girl) - 絵美
- Harumi - Spring beauty (Girl) - 春美
- Hayami - Rare beauty (Girl) - 早美
- Hiromi - Abundant beauty (Girl) - 寛美
- Kayo - Beautiful generation (Girl) - 佳代
- Kazumi - Harmonious beauty (Girl) - 和美
- Kirika - Natural beauty (Girl) - 桐香
- Kiyomi - Pure beauty (Girl) - 清美
- Koto - Beautiful harp (Girl) - 琴
- Kumi - Forever beautiful (Girl) - 久美
- Manami - Affectionate beauty (Girl) - 愛美
- Masami - Elegant beauty (Girl) - 雅美
- Masumi - Increasing beauty (Girl) - 真澄
- Mayumi - True beauty (Girl) - 真弓
- Mi - Beauty (Unisex) - 美
- Michiko - Beautiful and wise child (Girl) - 美智子
- Miho - Beauty and truth (Girl) - 美穂
- Mika - Beautiful fragrance (Girl) - 美香
- Miku - Beautiful sky (Girl) - 美空
- Minako - Beautiful child (Girl) - 美奈子
- Mitsuko - Child of light (Girl) - 光子
- Miu - Beautiful feather (Girl) - 美羽
- Miyako - Beautiful child (Girl) - 美夜子
- Miyoko - Beautiful generations child (Girl) - 美世子
- Miyu - Beautiful truth (Girl) - 美優
- Narumi - Beauty (Girl) - 鳴美
- Natsumi - Summer beauty (Girl) - 夏美
- Sumiko - Beautiful child of goodness (Girl) - 純子
- Tamiko - Great beauty (Girl) - 民子
- Yumi - Beauty (Girl) - 由美
- Ainu - A goddess of fertility (Feminine) - アイヌ
- Amabie - A type of mermaid in Japanese myth (Feminine) - アマビエ
- Amaterasu - Shinto goddess of the sun, the name means "shining heaven" (Feminine) - 天照
- Ameonna - A female spirit that makes rain (Feminine) - 雨女
- Benzaiten - Buddhist goddess of things that flow (water, time, music, etc.) (Feminine) - 弁財天
- Hannya - A female demon (Feminine) - 般若
- Kishimojin - Buddhist goddess who was a protector of children (Feminine) - 鬼子母神
- Kisshōten - Buddhist goddess of happiness and beauty (Feminine) - 吉祥天
- Kitsune - A fox spirit (Feminine) - 狐
- Kiyohime - A female serpent demon (Feminine) - 清姫
- Izanami - Shinto goddess of creation and death (Feminine) - 伊弉冉
- Jorōgumo - A creature that can appear as a spider or a beautiful female (Feminine) - 絡新婦
- Kami - In Japanese mythology, a spirit or deity (Neutral) - 神
- Kukurihime - Shinto goddess of meditation and negotiation (Feminine) - 菊理媛
- Mizuchi - A water dragon (Neutral) - 蛟
- Ningyo - A mermaid (Feminine) - 人魚
- Sen - Wood fairy (Neutral) - 仙
- Tamayori-hime - Daughter of the sea-dragon god, the name means "divine bride" (Feminine) - 玉依姫
- Tennin - An angelic being in Japanese Buddhism (Feminine) - 天人
- Toyotama-hime - Known as "Lady Bountiful Soul" or the "Luxuriant Jewel Princess" (Feminine) - 豊玉姫
- Toyouke-Ōmikami - Shinto goddess of agriculture and industry (Feminine) - 豊受大神
- Ukemochi - Shinto goddess of food (Feminine) - 保食神
- Uzume - Shinto goddess of the dawn and the arts (Feminine) - 産巣女
- Ahmya - Black rain (Girl) - アーマヤ: In Japanese, "Ahmya" could be represented as "アーマヤ" and means black rain.
- Ahma - Black Rain (Girl) - アーマ: In Japanese, "Ahma" could be represented as "アーマ" and means black rain.
- Akuhei - Evil (Girl) - 悪兵: In Japanese, "Akuhei" could be represented as "悪兵" and means evil.
- Akumu - Nightmare (Unisex) - 悪夢: In Japanese, "Akumu" could be represented as "悪夢" and means nightmare.
- Amaya - Night rain (Girl) - 雨夜: In Japanese, "Amaya" could be represented as "雨夜" and means night rain.
- Kaida or Kayda - Little dragon (Unisex) - 小竜: In Japanese, "Kaida" or "Kayda" could be represented as "小竜" and means little dragon.
- Kanashii - Sad or sorrowful (Unisex) - 悲しい: In Japanese, "Kanashii" could be represented as "悲しい" and means sad or sorrowful.
- Katsuki - Moon (Unisex) - 月: In Japanese, "Katsuki" could be represented as "月" and means moon.
- Kohaku - Amber (Unisex) - 琥珀: In Japanese, "Kohaku" could be represented as "琥珀" and means amber.
- Kuroi - Black (Unisex) - 黒い: In Japanese, "Kuroi" could be represented as "黒い" and means black.
- Mari - Rebellion (Girl) - まり: In Japanese, "Mari" could be represented as "まり" and means rebellion.
- Mika - The new moon (Girl) - 未夏: In Japanese, "Mika" could be represented as "未夏" and means the new moon.
- Nariko - Thunder Child (Girl) - 鳴子: In Japanese, "Nariko" could be represented as "鳴子" and means thunder child.
- Rin - A cold, but dignified, person (Unisex) - 凛: In Japanese, "Rin" could be represented as "凛" and means a cold, but dignified, person.
- Sayoko - Evening child (Girl) - 小夜子: In Japanese, "Sayoko" could be represented as "小夜子" and means evening child.
- Sunako - Dark side (Girl) - 砂子: In Japanese, "Sunako" could be represented as "砂子" and means dark side.
- Tatsuo - Female dragon (Girl) - 龍夫: In Japanese, "Tatsuo" could be represented as "龍夫" and means female dragon.
- Tsukiko - Moon child (Girl) - 月子: In Japanese, "Tsukiko" could be represented as "月子" and means moon child.
- Usagi - Moon (Girl) - うさぎ: In Japanese, "Usagi" could be represented as "うさぎ" and means moon.
- Yoru - Dark (Unisex) - 夜: In Japanese, "Yoru" could be represented as "夜" and means dark.
- Arisu - Noble (Girl) - ありす: In Japanese, "Arisu" could be represented as "ありす" and means noble.
- Kata - Worthy (Unisex) - 価多: In Japanese, "Kata" could be represented as "価多" and means worthy.
- Katana - Honorable (Unisex) - 刀: In Japanese, "Katana" could be represented as "刀" and means honorable.
- Kazuko - Harmonious and peaceful child (Girl) - 和子: In Japanese, "Kazuko" could be represented as "和子" and means harmonious and peaceful child.
- Keiko - Respected child (Girl) - 恵子: In Japanese, "Keiko" could be represented as "恵子" and means respected child.
- Keina - Prosperity (Girl) - 慶那: In Japanese, "Keina" could be represented as "慶那" and means prosperity.
- Kimi - Honorable (Unisex) - 君: In Japanese, "Kimi" could be represented as "君" and means honorable.
- Kimmi - Righteous (Girl) - 君美: In Japanese, "Kimmi" could be represented as "君美" and means righteous.
- Kokoro - Soul (Unisex) - 心: In Japanese, "Kokoro" could be represented as "心" and means soul.
- Machiko - Fortunate child (Girl) - 真智子: In Japanese, "Machiko" could be represented as "真智子" and means fortunate child.
- Maeko - Truthful child (Girl) - 真恵子: In Japanese, "Maeko" could be represented as "真恵子" and means truthful child.
- Maho - Honest (Girl) - 真穂: In Japanese, "Maho" could be represented as "真穂" and means honest.
- Mariko - Genuine (Girl) - 真理子: In Japanese, "Mariko" could be represented as "真理子" and means genuine.
- Masako - Honest child (Girl) - 真佐子: In Japanese, "Masako" could be represented as "真佐子" and means honest child.
- Michi - The upright path (Unisex) - 道: In Japanese, "Michi" could be represented as "道" and means the upright path.
- Nagi - Calm (Unisex) - 凪: In Japanese, "Nagi" could be represented as "凪" and means calm.
- Nao - Honest (Unisex) - 直: In Japanese, "Nao" could be represented as "直" and means honest.
- Nobuko - Faithful child (Girl) - 信子: In Japanese, "Nobuko" could be represented as "信子" and means faithful child.
- Nozomi - Dependable (Girl) - 望: In Japanese, "Nozomi" could be represented as "望" and means dependable.
- Reiki - Healing spirit (Unisex) - 霊気: In Japanese, "Reiki" could be represented as "霊気" and means healing spirit.
- Saeko - Serene child (Girl) - 冴子: In Japanese, "Saeko" could be represented as "冴子" and means serene child.
- Seina - Noble baby (Girl) - 聖奈: In Japanese, "Seina" could be represented as "聖奈" and means noble baby.
- Setsuko - Temperate (Girl) - 節子: In Japanese, "Setsuko" could be represented as "節子" and means temperate.
- Subaru - One who unites (Unisex) - 昴: In Japanese, "Subaru" could be represented as "昴" and means one who unites.
- Aia - Ruler (Girl) - あいあ: In Japanese, "Aia" could be represented as "あいあ" and means ruler.
- Chie - Wisdom (Girl) - ちえ: In Japanese, "Chie" could be represented as "ちえ" and means wisdom.
- Dai - Great (Unisex) - 大: In Japanese, "Dai" could be represented as "大" and means great.
- Danuja - Ruler (Girl) - だぬじゃ: In Japanese, "Danuja" could be represented as "だぬじゃ" and means ruler.
- Fumiko - Intellectual (Girl) - ふみこ: In Japanese, "Fumiko" could be represented as "ふみこ" and means intellectual.
- Hekima - Wisdom (Girl) - へきま: In Japanese, "Hekima" could be represented as "へきま" and means wisdom.
- Hide - Excellent (Unisex) - 秀: In Japanese, "Hide" could be represented as "秀" and means excellent.
- Hideko - Splendid child (Girl) - ひでこ: In Japanese, "Hideko" could be represented as "ひでこ" and means splendid child.
- Hiroko - Rich child (Girl) - ひろこ: In Japanese, "Hiroko" could be represented as "ひろこ" and means rich child.
- Japana - Ambitious (Girl) - じゃぱな: In Japanese, "Japana" could be represented as "じゃぱな" and means ambitious.
- Kamiko - Superior child (Girl) - かみこ: In Japanese, "Kamiko" could be represented as "かみこ" and means superior child.
- Kana - Powerful (Girl) - かな: In Japanese, "Kana" could be represented as "かな" and means powerful.
- Kano - Skill (Unisex) - 叶: In Japanese, "Kano" could be represented as "叶" and means skill.
- Katsu - Victorious (Unisex) - 勝: In Japanese, "Katsu" could be represented as "勝" and means victorious.
- Katsumi - Overcomes (Unisex) - かつみ: In Japanese, "Katsumi" could be represented as "かつみ" and means overcomes.
- Kitiara - Blade from the north (Girl) - きてぃあら: In Japanese, "Kitiara" could be represented as "きてぃあら" and means blade from the north.
- Masae - Elegant (Girl) - まさえ: In Japanese, "Masae" could be represented as "まさえ" and means elegant.
- Mirai - Future (Unisex) - みらい: In Japanese, "Mirai" could be represented as "みらい" and means future.
- Nakano - Famous female warrior from the Boshin War (Girl) - なかの: In Japanese, "Nakano" could be represented as "なかの" and refers to a famous female warrior from the Boshin War.
- Noriko - Rule of law (Girl) - のりこ: In Japanese, "Noriko" could be represented as "のりこ" and means rule of law.
- Oki - A master (Unisex) - オキ: In Japanese, "Oki" could be represented as "オキ" and means a master.
- Rikona - Intelligence (Girl) - りこな: In Japanese, "Rikona" could be represented as "りこな" and means intelligence.
- Ryoko - Bright child (Girl) - りょうこ: In Japanese, "Ryoko" could be represented as "りょうこ" and means bright child.
- Sachiko - Child with good luck (Girl) - さちこ: In Japanese, "Sachiko" could be represented as "さちこ" and means child with good luck.
- Sadashi - Ambitious (Girl) - さだし: In Japanese, "Sadashi" could be represented as "さだし" and means ambitious.
- Sai - Intelligent (Unisex) - サイ: In Japanese, "Sai" could be represented as "サイ" and means intelligent.
- Sakae or Sakai - Prosperous (Unisex) - さかえ or さかい: In Japanese, "Sakae" or "Sakai" could be represented as "さかえ" or "さかい" and means prosperous.
- Satomi - Beautiful (Girl) - さとみ: In Japanese, "Satomi" could be represented as "さとみ" and means beautiful.
- Shiniqua - Victorious woman (Girl) - しっにくあ: In Japanese, "Shiniqua" could be represented as "しっにくあ" and means victorious woman.
- Sumiye - Smart girl (Girl) - すみえ: In Japanese, "Sumiye" could be represented as "すみえ" and means smart girl.
- Yasu - Assertive (Unisex) - やす: In Japanese, "Yasu" could be represented as "やす" and means assertive.
- Akahana - Bright red flower (Girl) - 赤花: In Japanese, "Akahana" could be represented as "赤花" and means bright red flower.
- Akari - Red plum (Girl) - 紅梅: In Japanese, "Akari" could be represented as "紅梅" and means red plum.
- Akina - Spring flower (Girl) - 春菜: In Japanese, "Akina" could be represented as "春菜" and means spring flower.
- Ayaka - Colorful flower (Girl) - 彩花: In Japanese, "Ayaka" could be represented as "彩花" and means colorful flower.
- Ayame - Iris (Girl) - 菖蒲: In Japanese, "Ayame" could be represented as "菖蒲" and means iris.
- Chika - Scattered flowers (Girl) - 散花: In Japanese, "Chika" could be represented as "散花" and means scattered flowers.
- Hana or Hanae or Hanako - Blossom or flower (Girl) - 花 or 花絵 or 花子: In Japanese, "Hana" or "Hanae" or "Hanako" could be represented as "花" or "花絵" or "花子" and means blossom or flower.
- Himari - Good hollyhock (Girl) - 姫葉: In Japanese, "Himari" could be represented as "姫葉" and means good hollyhock.
- Honoka - Harmony and flower (Girl) - 和花: In Japanese, "Honoka" could be represented as "和花" and means harmony and flower.
- Hotaru - Blossom (Girl) - 蛍: In Japanese, "Hotaru" could be represented as "蛍" and means blossom.
- Kanon - Blossom (Girl) - 花音: In Japanese, "Kanon" could be represented as "花音" and means blossom.
- Kiku - Chrysanthemum (Girl) - 菊: In Japanese, "Kiku" could be represented as "菊" and means chrysanthemum.
- Koge - Scented flower (Girl) - 香花: In Japanese, "Koge" could be represented as "香花" and means scented flower.
- Kohana - Little flower (Girl) - 小花: In Japanese, "Kohana" could be represented as "小花" and means little flower.
- Mio - Beautiful cherry blossom (Girl) - 澪: In Japanese, "Mio" could be represented as "澪" and means beautiful cherry blossom.
- Misa - Beautiful bud (Girl) - 美咲: In Japanese, "Misa" could be represented as "美咲" and means beautiful bud.
- Misaki - Beautiful new flower (Girl) - 美咲: In Japanese, "Misaki" could be represented as "美咲" and means beautiful new flower.
- Namika - Flower of the wave (Girl) - 浪花: In Japanese, "Namika" could be represented as "浪花" and means flower of the wave.
- Nara - Flower from heaven (Girl) - 奈良: In Japanese, "Nara" could be represented as "奈良" and means flower from heaven.
- Ran - Water lily or orchid (Girl) - 蘭: In Japanese, "Ran" could be represented as "蘭" and means water lily or orchid.
- Rio - Cherry blossom (Girl) - 梨桜: In Japanese, "Rio" could be represented as "梨桜" and means cherry blossom.
- Ruqa - Bright blue flower (Girl) - ルクア: In Japanese, "Ruqa" could be represented as "ルクア" and means bright blue flower.
- Sakiko - Blossom child (Girl) - 咲子: In Japanese, "Sakiko" could be represented as "咲子" and means blossom child.
- Sakura - Cherry blossom (Girl) - 桜: In Japanese, "Sakura" could be represented as "桜" and means cherry blossom.
- Sakurako - Child of the cherry blossom (Girl) - 桜子: In Japanese, "Sakurako" could be represented as "桜子" and means child of the cherry blossom.
- Sayuri - Lily (Girl) - 小百合: In Japanese, "Sayuri" could be represented as "小百合" and means lily.
- Sumire - Lovely violet (Girl) - 菫: In Japanese, "Sumire" could be represented as "菫" and means lovely violet.
- Tsubaki - Camellia flower (Girl) - 椿: In Japanese, "Tsubaki" could be represented as "椿" and means camellia flower.
- Ume - Plum blossom (Girl) - 梅: In Japanese, "Ume" could be represented as "梅" and means plum blossom.
- Umeko - Child of the plum blossom (Girl) - 梅子: In Japanese, "Umeko" could be represented as "梅子" and means child of the plum blossom.
- Yoshiko - Fragrant child (Girl) - 芳子: In Japanese, "Yoshiko" could be represented as "芳子" and means fragrant child.
- Yuri - Lily (Girl) - 百合: In Japanese, "Yuri" could be represented as "百合" and means lily.
- Yuriko - Lily child (Girl) - 百合子: In Japanese, "Yuriko" could be represented as "百合子" and means lily child.
- Chinami - One thousand waves (Girl) - 千波: In Japanese, "Chinami" could be represented as "千波" and means one thousand waves.
- Chizu - Thousand storks (Girl) - 千鶴: In Japanese, "Chizu" could be represented as "千鶴" and means thousand storks.
- Cho - Butterfly (Girl) - 蝶: In Japanese, "Cho" could be represented as "蝶" and means butterfly.
- Kaede - Maple leaf (Girl) - 楓: In Japanese, "Kaede" could be represented as "楓" and means maple leaf.
- Kairy - Sea (Girl) - 海梨: In Japanese, "Kairy" could be represented as "海梨" and means sea.
- Kameko - Tortoise child (Girl) - 亀子: In Japanese, "Kameko" could be represented as "亀子" and means tortoise child.
- Kasumi - Mist (Girl) - 霞: In Japanese, "Kasumi" could be represented as "霞" and means mist.
- Kazane - Sound the wind makes (Girl) - 風音: In Japanese, "Kazane" could be represented as "風音" and means sound the wind makes.
- Kosuke - Rising sun (Girl) - 陽輔: In Japanese, "Kosuke" could be represented as "陽輔" and means rising sun.
- Kuma - Bear (Girl) - 熊: In Japanese, "Kuma" could be represented as "熊" and means bear.
- Maiya - Rice valley (Girl) - 舞谷: In Japanese, "Maiya" could be represented as "舞谷" and means rice valley.
- Mamiko - Daughter of the sea (Girl) - 真美子: In Japanese, "Mamiko" could be represented as "真美子" and means daughter of the sea.
- Miki - Flower stem (Girl) - 美希: In Japanese, "Miki" could be represented as "美希" and means flower stem.
- Minako - Apple tree (Girl) - 美奈子: In Japanese, "Minako" could be represented as "美奈子" and means apple tree.
- Momo - Peach (Girl) - 桃: In Japanese, "Momo" could be represented as "桃" and means peach.
- Moriko - Forest child (Girl) - 森子: In Japanese, "Moriko" could be represented as "森子" and means forest child.
- Morina - Forest town (Girl) - 森那: In Japanese, "Morina" could be represented as "森那" and means forest town.
- Nanako - Child of the greens (Girl) - 七子: In Japanese, "Nanako" could be represented as "七子" and means child of the greens.
- Rini - Little bunny (Girl) - りに: In Japanese, "Rini" could be represented as "りに" and means little bunny.
- Saiua - Ripe fruit (Girl) - さいうあ: In Japanese, "Saiua" could be represented as "さいうあ" and means ripe fruit.
- Sango - Coral (Girl) - 珊瑚: In Japanese, "Sango" could be represented as "珊瑚" and means coral.
- Shika - Deer (Girl) - 鹿: In Japanese, "Shika" could be represented as "鹿" and means deer.
- Shinju - Pearl (Girl) - 真珠: In Japanese, "Shinju" could be represented as "真珠" and means pearl.
- Suzume - Sparrow (Girl) - 雀: In Japanese, "Suzume" could be represented as "雀" and means sparrow.
- Taka - Honorable peregrine (bird) (Girl) - 鷹: In Japanese, "Taka" could be represented as "鷹" and means honorable peregrine.
- Taree - Bending branch (Girl) - たりい: In Japanese, "Taree" could be represented as "たりい" and means bending branch.
- Taru or Toru - A large sea (Girl) - 樽 or とる: In Japanese, "Taru" or "Toru" could be represented as "樽" or "とる" and means a large sea.
- Tori - Bird (Unisex) - 鳥: In Japanese, "Tori" could be represented as "鳥" and means bird.
- Usagi - Rabbit (Girl) - 兎: In Japanese, "Usagi" could be represented as "兎" and means rabbit.
- Wakumi - Spring (water) (Girl) - わくみ: In Japanese, "Wakumi" could be represented as "わくみ" and means spring (water).
- Doi - Mountain or earth (Girl) - 土井: In Japanese, "Doi" could be represented as "土井" and means mountain or earth.
- Hina - Sun (Girl) - 陽菜: In Japanese, "Hina" could be represented as "陽菜" and means sun.
- Hoshi or Hoshiko - Star (Unisex) - 星 or 星子: In Japanese, "Hoshi" or "Hoshiko" could be represented as "星" or "星子" and means star.
- Iwa - Rock (Girl) - 岩: In Japanese, "Iwa" could be represented as "岩" and means rock.
- Izumi - Spring or fountain (Girl) - 泉: In Japanese, "Izumi" could be represented as "泉" and means spring or fountain.
- Kame - Tortoise or long-lived (Girl) - 亀: In Japanese, "Kame" could be represented as "亀" and means tortoise or long-lived.
- Kazue - Branch (Girl) - 和枝: In Japanese, "Kazue" could be represented as "和枝" and means branch.
- Kira - Shiny (Unisex) - 煌: In Japanese, "Kira" could be represented as "煌" and means shiny.
- Kozakura - Cherry tree (Girl) - 小桜: In Japanese, "Kozakura" could be represented as "小桜" and means cherry tree.
- Kozue - Tree (Girl) - 梢: In Japanese, "Kozue" could be represented as "梢" and means tree.
- Kukiko - Snow (Girl) - 空木: In Japanese, "Kukiko" could be represented as "空木" and means snow.
- Kuri - Chestnut (Girl) - 栗: In Japanese, "Kuri" could be represented as "栗" and means chestnut.
- Matsuko - Pine tree (Girl) - 松子: In Japanese, "Matsuko" could be represented as "松子" and means pine tree.
- Minoru - To bear fruit (Girl) - 実: In Japanese, "Minoru" could be represented as "実" and means to bear fruit.
- Miyuki - Snow (Girl) - 美雪: In Japanese, "Miyuki" could be represented as "美雪" and means snow.
- Momiji - Red leaves (Girl) - 紅葉: In Japanese, "Momiji" could be represented as "紅葉" and means red leaves.
- Momoka - Hundreds of flowers (Girl) - 百花: In Japanese, "Momoka" could be represented as "百花" and means hundreds of flowers.
- Morie - Beach or bay (Girl) - 森江: In Japanese, "Morie" could be represented as "森江" and means beach or bay.
- Morika - Forest fragrance (Girl) - 森香: In Japanese, "Morika" could be represented as "森香" and means forest fragrance.
- Nanami - Seven seas (Girl) - 七海: In Japanese, "Nanami" could be represented as "七海" and means seven seas.
- Orini - Field (Girl) - 織仁: In Japanese, "Orini" could be represented as "織仁" and means field.
- Shino - Like a stem of bamboo (Girl) - 紫乃: In Japanese, "Shino" could be represented as "紫乃" and means like a stem of bamboo.
- Sora - Sky (Unisex) - 空: In Japanese, "Sora" could be represented as "空" and means sky.
- Sugi - Cedar tree (Girl) - 杉: In Japanese, "Sugi" could be represented as "杉" and means cedar tree.
- Taki - Waterfall (Girl) - 滝: In Japanese, "Taki" could be represented as "滝" and means waterfall.
- Taura - Lakes (Girl) - 田浦: In Japanese, "Taura" could be represented as "田浦" and means lakes.
- Taya - Valley field (Girl) - 田谷: In Japanese, "Taya" could be represented as "田谷" and means valley field.
- Tora - Female tiger (Girl) - 虎: In Japanese, "Tora" could be represented as "虎" and means female tiger.
- Umi - Ocean (Girl) - 海: In Japanese, "Umi" could be represented as "海" and means ocean.
- Youko - Sunshine (Girl) - 陽子: In Japanese, "Youko" could be represented as "陽子" and means sunshine.
Yukina (雪華 Japanese) Name Meaning
Akari (丹璃 Japanese) Name Meaning
Select an appropriate call for your Little female
eastern way of life has a
wealthy series of names
with a purpose to choose from.
you can appearance to the
past for names from cultural legends or to the
modern with
jap pop culture. Take
a while "
trying names on" to
discover one
a good way to quality healthy your