Akari (丹璃 Japanese) Name Meaning

Akari (丹璃 Japanese) Name Meaning

丹 (Tan):
This kanji will have a couple of meanings depending at the context. The most probably meaning in this example is "vermilion," a vibrant red pigment crafted from cinnabar. it could also signify preciousness, power, and pleasure.

璃 (Ri):
This kanji way "crystal" or "glass." It inspires pics of purity, readability, and brilliance.

Akari (丹璃 Japanese) Name Meaning

placing those  kanji together, 丹璃 (Tanri) will be interpreted as which means "crystal vermilion," "extraordinary crimson," or "valuable jewel." It creates a experience of something stunning, colourful, and treasured. 丹李 is just a phonetic equivalent of Akari, which generally means light. Akari means 'vibrant village,' 'vermillion/pink' or 'white jasmine' according to the kanji used in writing the phrase. as an instance, Aka written as 明 approach 'shiny,' and 朱 method 'vermillion purple' or 'pink. ' Ri, written as 里, way 'village,' and 莉 means 'jasmine.
that means:

Love. to love.To take care of and cherish. To be drawn to. To be connected to a selected individual.no longer wanting to give up some thing important. To regret.

aromatic. excessive in lifestyle. Thriving tradition.

Pear. A deciduous tree of the rose own family.

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