मैना का पर्यायवाची शब्द Maina Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

मैना के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) मैना, सारी , मधुरालाषा , त्रिलोचना , सारिका , कलहप्रिया, कादंबरी, कादम्बरी, चित्रनेत्रा, चित्रपदा, चित्रपादा, चित्राक्षी, पाठमंजरी, पाठमञ्जरी, पाठशालिनी, मदनशलाका, मदना, मधुरालापा, मैना, शतपत्र, शारि, शालिका, सारी, सूक्ता- आदि होते हैं।
मैना के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -
- मैना (Maina): A type of bird, often associated with melodious singing.
- सारी (Saari): A traditional Indian garment, usually a long piece of cloth draped around the body.
- मधुरालाषा (Madhuralasha): Sweet or melodious waves, possibly referring to poetic or musical expression.
- त्रिलोचना (Trilochana): Having three eyes, often an epithet for deities like Lord Shiva.
- सारिका (Sarika): Another name for a Maina bird, often associated with beautiful singing.
- कलहप्रिया (Kalahapriya): Fond of arguments or disputes, sometimes used as a name.
- कादंबरी (Kadambri): A type of flower or a name associated with a certain type of literary work.
- चित्रनेत्रा (Chitranetra): Having beautiful or expressive eyes.
- चित्रपदा (Chitrapada): One with beautiful or artistic feet.
- चित्रपादा (Chitrapada): Another variation of "Chitrapada."
- चित्राक्षी (Chitrakshi): Having attractive or expressive eyes.
- पाठमंजरी (Pathmanjari): A collection of lessons or teachings.
- पाठमञ्जरी (Pathmanjari): Another variation of "Pathmanjari."
- पाठशालिनी (Pathshalini): One who is associated with a place of study or learning.
- मदनशलाका (Madanashalaka): Possibly referring to a creeper associated with the god of love, Madana or Kamadeva.
- मदना (Madana): Another name for Kamadeva, the god of love.
- मधुरालापा (Madhuralapa): One who engages in sweet or melodious speech.
- मैना (Maina): A type of bird, often associated with melodious singing.
- शतपत्र (Shatpatra): Having a hundred leaves, possibly symbolizing abundance or prosperity.
- शारि (Shaari): A poetic or literary term, possibly referring to someone who is eloquent or skilled in speech.
- शालिका (Shalika): Another name for a Maina bird, often associated with beautiful singing.
- सारी (Saari): A traditional Indian garment, usually a long piece of cloth draped around the body.
- सूक्ता (Sookta): Well-spoken or well-arranged, often used in a poetic or literary context.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप मैना शब्द के हिंदी में
(निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।