राक्षस का पर्यायवाची शब्द

राक्षस का पर्यायवाची शब्द Rakshash Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

राक्षस के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) राक्षस, असुर , दैत्य , निशाचर, अनुशर, अपदेवता, अमानुष, अविबुध, अशिर, अश्रय, असुर, आकाशचारी, आशर, आसर, आस्रप, कर्बर, कर्बुर, कीलालप, कैकस, जातुधान, तमचर, तमाचारी, तमीचर, तरंत, तरन्त, त्रिदशारि, दतिसुत, दानव, देवारि, दैत, दैत्य, ध्वांतचर, ध्वान्तचर, नरांश, निशाचर, निशाविहार, निशिचर, निषकपुत्र, नृमर, नैऋत, नैकषेय, नैरृत, पलंकष, पलाद, पलादन, यातुधान, रक्तग्रीव, रक्तप, रजनीचर, रात्रिबल, रात्रिमट, रेरिहान, रैनचर, लंबकर्ण, लम्बकर्ण, सुरद्विष, ह्रस्वकर्ण- आदि होते हैं।

राक्षस के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • राक्षस (Rakshas): A type of demon or evil spirit in Hindu mythology.
  • असुर (Asura): A class of divine beings or power-seeking deities, often depicted as enemies of the gods (devas) in Hindu mythology.
  • दैत्य (Daitya): Demon or descendant of the sage Kashyapa and Diti, often used as a synonym for the word "rakshasa."
  • निशाचर (Nishachar): Night-roaming or nocturnal beings, often associated with supernatural creatures like demons.
  • अनुशर (Anushar): A class of evil spirits or demons.
  • अपदेवता (Apadevata): Evil deity or malevolent divine being.
  • अमानुष (Amanush): Beyond human, supernatural.
  • अविबुध (Avibudha): Beyond understanding, supernatural.
  • अशिर (Ashir): Demonic, evil.
  • अश्रय (Ashray): Evil, sinister.
  • असुर (Asur): Demon or evil spirit.
  • आकाशचारी (Akashchari): Celestial beings or those who roam the sky.
  • आशर (Ashar): Demonic, evil.
  • आसर (Aasar): Demon, evil spirit.
  • आस्रप (Aasrap): Demon, evil spirit.
  • कर्बर (Karbar): A demon mentioned in Hindu mythology.
  • कर्बुर (Karbur): Another form of the demon Karbar.
  • कीलालप (Keelalap): Demon or evil spirit.
  • कैकस (Kaikas): A demon mentioned in Hindu mythology.
  • जातुधान (Jatudhan): Another name for demons or evil beings.
  • तमचर (Tamachar): Creatures that roam in darkness, often associated with demons.
  • तमाचारी (Tamachari): Demon, evil being.
  • तमीचर (Tamichar): Another form of the term Tamachar.
  • तरंत (Tarant): A mythical being mentioned in Hindu texts.
  • तरन्त (Tarant): Another form of the term Tarant.
  • त्रिदशारि (Tridashari): An opponent of the gods, often used as a synonym for demons.
  • दतिसुत (Datisut): Son of Diti, a class of demons.
  • दानव (Danav): A race of demons, often considered powerful and antagonistic to the gods.
  • देवारि (Devari): A term for demons or evil spirits.
  • दैत (Dait): A demon or evil being.
  • दैत्य (Daitya): A class of demons.
  • ध्वांतचर (Dhvanchchar): A creature that moves in darkness, often associated with demons.
  • ध्वान्तचर (Dhwanchar): Another form of the term Dhvanchchar.
  • नरांश (Naransh): A demonic being or evil creature.
  • निशाचर (Nishachar): Creatures that roam during the night, often associated with demons.
  • निशाविहार (Nishavihar): Another term for beings that roam at night.
  • निशिचर (Nishichar): Another term for creatures that roam at night.
  • निषकपुत्र (Nishakaputra): Son of the night or demonic being.
  • नृमर (Nrimar): Another term for demons or evil beings.
  • नैऋत (Nairrit): A class of demons, often considered the most malevolent among the asuras.

इस लेख में आप राक्षस शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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