Japanese Girl Names With Meaning

Japanese Girl Names With Meaning

If you are also interested in knowing Japanese girl names and their meanings, then you have come to the right site. Below you are given famous, popular girls names and their meanings. It is worth noting that all the names are encouraging and positive. Japan's most fashionable baby names are almost entirely based on the country's flora and fauna, reflecting the Japanese people's love for nature If you are a Japanese parent, there are many things to consider when choosing a name for your baby, not only does it sound good and is written in kanji characters. From Sakura (meaning 'cherry blossom') to Ren (meaning 'lotus'), etc.

Japanese Girl Names With Meaning

Ai / आइ / 愛 : Love (प्रेम)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Singer Ai Carina Uemura, poet Ai Ogawa

Airi / आइरी / 愛莉, 愛梨 : Love and white, jasmine, or pear (प्रेम और सफ़ेद, चमेली या नाशपाती)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Airi Taira

Akari / आकरी / 丹凛, 明里, 明梨, 明理, 朱里, 朱莉, 亜香里, あかり : Red or clear combined with cold, profit, plum, or pear tree (लाल या स्पष्ट के साथ ठंड, लाभ, आलूबुखारा या नाशपाती का पेड़)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress and singer Akari Hayami

Akemi / अक़ेमी / 明美 : Bright and beautiful (उज्ज्वल और सुंदर)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Manga artist Akemi Takada

Anzu / अंजू / 杏, アン, アンズ : Apricot (खुबानी)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Anzu Lawson

Aoi / आओई / 葵, あおい, アオイ : Hollyhock (गुलखैरा का फूल)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Aoi Yūki

Chiyo / चियो / 千代, 千世 : Thousand generations, thousand worlds (हजार पीढ़ियां, हजार संसार)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Haiku poet Fukuda Chiyo-ni, kimono designer and author Chiyo Uno

Chiyoko / चियोको / 千代子 : Thousand generation child (हजार पीढ़ियों का बच्चा)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Television presenter and enka singer Chiyoko Shimakura

Emiko / एमिको / 恵美子, 笑子 : Beautiful child (सुंदर बच्चा)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Filmmaker Emiko Omori

Fumiko / फुमिको / 富美子, 芙美子 : Child of treasured beauty, hibiscus beautiful child (कीमती सुंदरता का बच्चा, गुड़हल का सुंदर बच्चा)
Popularity: Ranked in the top 1,000 names in the US in 1919, 1920, and 1923.
Famous Namesakes: Writer Fumiko Enchi, politician Fumiko Hayashi

Hana / हाना / 花, 陽菜 : Flower (फूल)
Popularity: Ranked in the top 1,000 names in the US since 1993, ranked 725 in 2023.
Famous Namesakes: Artist Hana Usui

Haruka / हरुका / 遥, 春花, 晴香 : Distant or spring blossom, spring fragrance (दूरस्थ या वसंत फूल, वसंत की खुशबू)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Haruka Tomatsu

Himari / हिमारी / ひまり, 久茉莉, 仁葵, 光愛里 : Long jasmine, benevolent sunflower, home of light and love (लंबा चमेली, दयालु सूरजमुखी, प्रकाश और प्रेम का घर)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US but among the most popular names in Japan (2023 survey).

Hiroko / हीरोको / 寛子, 裕子, 浩子 : Generous child, abundant child, prosperous child (उदार बच्चा, समृद्ध बच्चा, खुशहाल बच्चा)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Politician and economist Hiroko Ota

Hisako / हिसाको / 寿子 : Long-lived child (दीर्घायु बच्चा)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Hisako, Princess Takamado, artist Hisako Hibi

Ichika / इचिका / いちか, 伽, 佳 : Best, excellent (सर्वश्रेष्ठ, उत्कृष्ट)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.

Kanna / कन्ना / 栞奈 : Guidance, pear (मार्गदर्शन, नाशपाती)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress and singer Kanna Hashimoto

Kaori / काओरी / 香 : Fragrance (सुगंध)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Olympic figure skater Kaori Sakamoto

Kazuko / काजुको / 一子, 和子 : Peaceful child, one child (शांत बच्चा, एक बच्चा)
Popularity: Not in the top 1,000 names in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Kazuko, Princess Taka (third daughter of Emperor Showa and Empress Kojun)

Kei / केई / 恵 : आशीर्वाद (Blessing)
लोकप्रियता: अमेरिका में यह नाम शीर्ष 1,000 में नहीं रहा।
प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति: गाय

Kei / केई / 恵 : Blessing (आशीर्वाद)
Popularity: Kei has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Singer Kei Yasuda.

Keiko / केइको / 慶子, 敬子, 啓子, 恵子 : Lucky child, respectful child, happy child (भाग्यशाली बच्चा, सम्मानजनक बच्चा, खुश बच्चा)
Popularity: Keiko has not be
Keiko / केइको / 慶子, 敬子, 啓子, 恵子 : Lucky child, respectful child, happy child (भाग्यशाली बच्चा, सम्मानजनक बच्चा, खुश बच्चा)en in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Peruvian politician and former First Lady Keiko Fujimori, actress Keiko Kitagawa.

Kiyo / कियो / 清, 聖 : Pure or holy (शुद्ध या पवित्र)
Popularity: Kiyo has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Koharu / कोहारु / 心春, 小春, コハル : Heart, spring, or late summer (हृदय, वसंत, या देर ग्रीष्मकाल)
Popularity: Koharu has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress and singer Koharu Kusumi.

Kokoro / कोकोरो / 心 : Heart, mind, soul (हृदय, मन, आत्मा)
Popularity: Kokoro has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Voice actress Kokoro Kikuchi.

Kumiko / कुमिको / 久美子 : Forever beautiful child (हमेशा सुंदर बच्चा)
Popularity: Kumiko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Yuuka Yano.

Kyouko / क्योको / 協子, 京子, 郷子, 杏子 : Respectful child, today's child, apricot child, capital city child (सम्मानजनक बच्चा, आज का बच्चा, खुबानी बच्चा, राजधानी बच्चा)
Popularity: Kyouko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Kyoko Chan Cox (daughter of Yoko Ono and Anthony Cox).

Mai / माई / 舞, 麻衣, 真愛 : Dance, linen robe, real love (नृत्य, लिनन वस्त्र, सच्चा प्रेम)
Popularity: Mai was in the top 1,000 names in the US from 1983 to 1994.
Famous Namesakes: Marathon runner Mai Ito.

Mami / मामी / 真美, 麻美 : True beauty (सच्ची सुंदरता)
Popularity: Mami has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Singer Mami Kawada.

Manami / मानामी / 愛美 : Beautiful love (सुंदर प्रेम)
Popularity: Manami has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Voice actress and singer Manami Numakura.

Mayumi / मायुमी / 雅弓, 真由美, まゆみ, マユミ : Elegant, bow or truth, reason, beauty (शिष्ट, धनुष या सत्य, कारण, सुंदरता)
Popularity: Mayumi has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Mayumi Tanaka.

Megumi / मेगुमी / 恵, 愛, めぐみ : Blessing or love (आशीर्वाद या प्रेम)
Popularity: Megumi has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Voice actress Megumi Hayashibara.

Mio / मियो / 美桜 : Beautiful cherry blossom, or waterway (सुंदर चेरी ब्लॉसम, या जलमार्ग)
Popularity: Mio has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Wrestler Mio Shirai.

Mirai / मिराई / 未来 : Future (भविष्य)
Popularity: Mirai has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Figure skater Mirai Nagasu.

Misaki / मिसाकी / 美咲, ミサキ : Beautiful blossom (सुंदर पुष्प)
Popularity: Misaki has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Misaki Ito.

Mitsuki / मित्सुकी / 美月 : Beautiful moon (सुंदर चंद्रमा)
Popularity: Mitsuki has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Voice actress and singer Mitsuki Saiga.

Miyoko / मियोको / 美代子 : Beautiful generation child (सुंदर पीढ़ी का बच्चा)
Popularity: Miyoko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Artist Miyoko Ito.

Nanami / नानामी / 七海 : Seven sea (सात समुद्र)
Popularity: Nanami has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Author Nanami Shiono.

Natsuki / नात्सुकी / 菜月, 夏希 : Vegetables or summer and moon or hope (सब्ज़ी या गर्मी और चंद्रमा या आशा)
Popularity: Natsuki has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Famous Namesakes: Manga artist Natsuki Takaya.

Nozomi / नोज़ोमी / 希実, 希心 : Hopeful truth or hopeful heart (आशावादी सत्य या आशावादी हृदय)
Popularity: Nozomi has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Rin / रिन / 凜, リン : Dignified (गंभीर)
Popularity: Rin has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US but is popular in Japan.
Famous Namesakes: Actress Rin Takanashi, manga artist Rin Saito.

Sachiko / सचिको / 幸子 : Happy child, lucky child (खुश बच्चा, भाग्यशाली बच्चा)
Popularity: Sachiko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Sakura / सकुरा / 桜, サクラ : Cherry blossom (चेरी ब्लॉसम)
Popularity: Sakura has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Setsuko / सेत्सुको / 節子 : Melody (संगीत)
Popularity: Setsuko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Shizuko / शिज़ुको / 静子 : Quiet child (शांत बच्चा)
Popularity: Shizuko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Tomoko / तोमोको / 智子, 朋子 : Friendly child, wise child (मित्रवत बच्चा, बुद्धिमान बच्चा)
Popularity: Tomoko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Yoshiko / योशिको / 良子, 芳子, 悦子 : Virtuous child, beautiful child, joyous child (नैतिक बच्चा, सुंदर बच्चा, हर्षित बच्चा)
Popularity: Yoshiko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Youko / योको / 陽子, 洋子 : Sunshine child, beautiful child (सूर्य की रोशनी का बच्चा, सुंदर बच्चा)
Popularity: Youko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Yua / युआ / 結愛 : Tie and love (बंधन और प्रेम)
Popularity: Yua has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Yui / युई / 結衣 : Tie and clothing (बंधन और वस्त्र)
Popularity: Yui has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Japanese Baby Names for Girls

Yuina / युइना / 結菜 : बाँधना और सब्ज़ियाँ (Tie and vegetables or greens)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ユナ、ユイナ、ユウナ, Yuna, Yuuna
Famous Namesakes: Manga artist Yuna Aoi, figure skater Yuna Kim
Peak Popularity: Yuina has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Yumiko / युमिको / 弓子, 由美子 : तीरंदाजी धनुष वाली बच्ची, सुंदर बच्ची का कारण (Archery bow child, cause beautiful child)
Famous Namesakes: Professional wrestler Yumiko Hotta
Peak Popularity: Yumiko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Yuuka / युका / 優花 : उत्कृष्ट फूल (Excellent flower)
Famous Namesakes: Actress Yuuka Yano
Peak Popularity: Yuuka has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Yuuko / युुको / 優花 : उत्कृष्ट फूल (Excellent flower)
Famous Namesakes: Actress Yuuka Yano
Peak Popularity: Yuuko has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.

Yuzuki / युज़ुकी / 結月 : अंगूर, आशा (Grapefruit, hope)
Peak Popularity: Yuzuki has not been in the top 1,000 names for girls in the US.
Japanese Baby Names for Boys

Asahi / असाही / 朝陽 : सुबह का सूरज, उगता सूरज (Morning sun, rising sun)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: アサヒ
Famous Namesakes: Volleyball player and politician Kentaro Asahi
Peak Popularity: Asahi has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Daiki / दाइकी / 大樹, 大輝 : बड़ा पेड़ या चमकता प्रकाश (Large tree or shining brightly)
Famous Namesakes: Judoka Daiki Kamikawa, fashion designer Daiki Suzuki
Peak Popularity: Daiki has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Daisuke / डाइसुके / 大輔 : महान मदद (Great help)
Famous Namesakes: Baseball player Daisuke Matsuzaka, Olympic figure skater Daisuke Takahashi
Peak Popularity: Daisuke has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Haru / हारु / 陽, 春, 晴, はる : प्रकाश, वसंत, साफ़ मौसम (Light, spring, clear weather)
Peak Popularity: Haru has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US, but ranked in the top five in Japan in 2023.

Haruto / हारुतो / 陽翔, はると : प्रकाश, ऊँचा उड़ना (Light, soaring)
Famous Namesakes: Manga artist Haruto Umezawa
Peak Popularity: Haruto has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Haruto / हारुतो / 陽翔 : प्रकाश, ऊँचा उड़ना (Light, soaring)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: はると
Famous Namesakes: Manga artist Haruto Umezawa
Peak Popularity: Haruto has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Hayato / हयातो / 隼人 : बाज़ व्यक्ति (Falcon person)
Famous Namesakes: Former Japanese Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda
Peak Popularity: Hayato has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US but is very popular in Japan, ranking in the top for the last 15 years.

Hinata / हिनाता / 陽向 : सूर्य की ओर (Toward the sun)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ヒナタ、ハルタ, Haruta
Peak Popularity: Hinata has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Hiroshi / हिरोशी / 寛, 浩 : उदार या समृद्ध (Generous or prosperous)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: Hirosi
Famous Namesakes: Astronomer Hiroshi Abe, Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi
Peak Popularity: Hiroshi has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Hiroto / हिरोतो / 大翔 : महान व्यक्ति (Great person)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ヒロト, ハルト, ヤマト, ソラ, タイガ, タイト
Famous Namesakes: Businessman Hiroto Sakawa (CEO of Nissan)
Peak Popularity: Hiroto has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Isamu / इसामु / 勇 : साहसी (Brave)
Famous Namesakes: Japanese admiral and diplomat Isamu Takeshita, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Isamu Akasaki, artist Isamu Noguchi
Peak Popularity: Isamu has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Itsuki / इत्सुकी / 樹 : वसंत के पेड़ (Spring trees)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: いつき
Peak Popularity: Itsuki has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Jirou / जिरोउ / 二郎 : दूसरा पुत्र (Second son)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: Jiro
Famous Namesakes: Sushi master Jiro Ono, tennis player Jiro Sato
Peak Popularity: Jirou has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Kaito / कैटो / 海斗, 海翔, 介渡 : समुद्र और उड़ान, पार करना और आगे बढ़ना (Sea and soaring, going through and beyond)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: かいと
Famous Namesakes: Voice actor Kaito Ishikawa
Peak Popularity: Kaito has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Katsutoshi / कात्सुतोशी / 勝敏 : जीत, चमक और तीक्ष्णता (Victory, bright, and sharp)
Famous Namesakes: Japanese admiral Katsutoshi Kawano
Peak Popularity: Katsutoshi has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Kazuya / काजुया / 一也, 和也 : एक होना, सामंजस्य में रहना 
(To be one, to be in harmony)
Famous Namesakes: Mathematician Kazuya Kato
Peak Popularity: Kazuya has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Kenta / केंटा / 健太 : स्वस्थ और मजबूत (Healthy and strong)
Famous Namesakes: Baseball player Kenta Maeda
Peak Popularity: Kenta has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Kenzo / केन्ज़ो / 賢三 : बुद्धिमान, तीन (Wise, three)
Famous Namesakes: Designer Kenzo Takada
Peak Popularity: Kenzo ranked at 544 in the US in 2020.

Kiyoshi / कियोशी / 清, 淳 : पवित्र (Pure)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: Kiyosi
Famous Namesakes: Filmmaker Kiyoshi Kurosawa, mathematician Kiyosi Ito
Peak Popularity: Kiyoshi has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Makoto / माकोतो / 誠, 真 : ईमानदारी या सत्य (Sincerity or truth)
Famous Namesakes: Obstacle course "ninja" racer Makoto Nagano, animator Makoto Shinkai
Peak Popularity: Makoto has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Manabu / मानवु / 学 : सीखना (Learn)
Famous Namesakes: Author Manabu Miyazaki
Peak Popularity: Manabu has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Masao / मासाओ / 正雄 : न्यायप्रिय व्यक्ति (Just man)
Famous Namesakes: Religious studies author Masao Abe, analytical technology developer Masao Horiba
Peak Popularity: Masao has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Masaru / मसारु / 勝, 優 : विजय, उत्कृष्टता (Victory, excellence)
Famous Namesakes: Co-founder of Sony Masaru Ibuka, Governor of the Bank of Japan Masaru Hayami
Peak Popularity: Masaru has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Minato / मिनातो / 湊 : अज्ञात अर्थ (Unknown meaning)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ミナト, カナデ, ソウ
Peak Popularity: Minato has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Minoru / मिनोरु / 実 : फल देना (To bear fruit)
Famous Namesakes: Architect Minoru Yamasaki
Peak Popularity: Minoru has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Naoki / नाओकी / 直樹 : सीधा पेड़ (Straight tree)
Famous Namesakes: Manga artist Naoki Urasawa
Peak Popularity: Naoki has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Osamu / ओसामु / 修 : अनुशासन, अध्ययन (Discipline, study)
Famous Namesakes: Animator Osamu Tezuka, author Osamu Dazai
Peak Popularity: Osamu has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Ren / रेन / 蓮 : कमल (Lotus)
Famous Namesakes: Actor Ren Osugi
Peak Popularity: Ren has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Reo / रेओ / 伶 : चतुर, बुद्धिमान (Smart, clever)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: れお
Peak Popularity: Reo has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Riku / रिकु / 陸 : भूमि (Land)
Famous Namesakes: Author Riku Onda, manga writer Riku Sanjo
Peak Popularity: Riku has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Ryuu / रयू / 竜, 龍 : ड्रैगन (Dragon)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: Ryusei
Famous Namesakes: Painter Ryusei Kishida
Peak Popularity: Ryuu has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Saburou / साबुरोउ / 三郎 : तीसरा पुत्र (Third son)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: Saburo, Saburō
Famous Namesakes: World War II Japanese naval flying ace Saburō Sakai, diplomat Saburō Kurusu
Peak Popularity: Saburou has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Shigeru / शिगेरु / 悠人 : दूर, शांत व्यक्ति (Distant, leisurely person)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ユウト, ハルト
Famous Namesakes: Scenario writer Yuto Tonokawa
Peak Popularity: Shigeru has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Sho / शो / 翔 : उड़ान (Soaring)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: Shou
Famous Namesakes: Singer and newscaster Sho Sakurai, physician Sho Timothy Yano
Peak Popularity: Sho has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Shota / शोता / 翔太 : जोर से उड़ना (Soaring strongly)
Famous Namesakes: Olympic sprinter Shota Iizuka
Peak Popularity: Shota has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Shun / शुन / 駿 : तेज़ (Fast)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: シュン、ハヤト
Famous Namesakes: Actor and voice actor Shun Yashiro
Peak Popularity: Shun has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Sora / सोरा / 空 : आकाश (Sky)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: 昊, そら
Famous Namesakes: Scenario writer Yuto Tonokawa
Peak Popularity: Sora has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Sota / सोता / 颯太 : हवा की मजबूत आवाज (Strong sound of the wind)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: Souta
Peak Popularity: Sota has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Susumu / सुसु्मु / 進 : आगे बढ़ना (Advance)
Famous Namesakes: Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist Susumu Tonegawa, actor Susumu Fujita
Peak Popularity: Susumu has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Tadashi / तदाशी / 正 : न्यायपूर्ण, सही (Just, correct, right)
Famous Namesakes: Businessman Tadashi Yanai, fashion designer Tadashi Shoji
Peak Popularity: Tadashi has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Takumi / ताकुमी / 匠, 巧 : कारीगर, कुशल (Artisan, skillful)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: 拓海, 拓実
Famous Namesakes: Actor and singer Takumi Kitamura
Peak Popularity: Takumi has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Takashi / ताकाशी / 孝, 隆 : पितृभाव, सम्मान (Filial piety, noble, prosperous, esteem, honor)
Famous Namesakes: Actor Takashi Shimura, artist Takashi Murakami
Peak Popularity: Takashi has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Takuya / ताकुया / 拓也 : अग्रणी भूमि (Pioneering land)
Famous Namesakes: Actor and singer Takuya Kimura
Peak Popularity: Takuya has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Tetsuya / तेत्सुया / 哲也 : दार्शनिक बनने वाला, समर्पित (To be a philosopher, devoted)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: 徹也, 鉄也
Famous Namesakes: Print artist Tetsuya Noda, record producer and songwriter Tetsuya Komuro
Peak Popularity: Tetsuya has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Tsubasa / त्सुबासा / 翼 : पंख (Wings)
Famous Namesakes: Manga artist Tsubasa Fukuchi
Peak Popularity: Tsubasa has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Youta / योउटा / 陽太 : बड़ा आदमी (Big man)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ヒナタ、ヨウタ、ハルタ, Yota
Famous Namesakes: Wrestler Yota Tsuji
Peak Popularity: Youta has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Yuki / युकी / 幸, 雪 : खुशी, बर्फ (Happiness, snow)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: 由貴, 由紀
Famous Namesakes: Marathon runner Yuki Kawauchi
Peak Popularity: Yuki has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Yutaka / युताका / 豊, 寛 : समृद्ध, आराम (Rich, relaxation)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: 穣
Famous Namesakes: Musician Yutaka Ozaki
Peak Popularity: Yutaka has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Yuuma / यूमा / 悠真 : दूर, शांत और वास्तविक (Distant, leisurely and genuine)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ユウマ、ハルマ
Peak Popularity: Yuuma has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Yuuto / यूटो / 悠人 : दूर, शांत व्यक्ति (Distant, leisurely person)
Alternative Spellings & Variations: ユウト、ハルト
Famous Namesakes: Scenario writer Yuto Tonokawa
Peak Popularity: Yuuto has not been in the top 1,000 names for boys in the US.

Discover some of the most popular and meaningful Japanese girl names here, ideal for parents looking for a name that embodies grace, beauty and Japanese tradition and will fill your baby's life with vivacity

  • Yui / 結衣 : Clothing knot, representing connection
  • Meaning: Symbolizes the bond between people and unity.
  • Aoi / 葵 : Hollyhock flower, beauty and resilience
  • Meaning: A flower representing both beauty and inner strength.
  • Saki / 咲希 : Blossom hope, positivity and growth
  • Meaning: Symbolizes new beginnings, positivity, and growth.
  • Haruka / 遥 : Distant, expansive and mysterious
  • Meaning: Represents a broad and vast perspective, full of mystery.
  • Rin / 凛 : Dignified, strong character
  • Meaning: A name that symbolizes strength, dignity, and a noble character.
  • Mio / 美緒 : Beautiful thread, continuity in life
  • Meaning: Represents beauty and the continuous thread of life.
  • Hina / 陽菜 : Sunlight greens, vibrancy and life
  • Meaning: Symbolizes warmth, vibrancy, and energy of life.
  • Kana / 佳奈 : Good apple tree, goodness and nature
  • Meaning: A name that reflects goodness and the natural world.
  • Noa / 乃愛 : My love, affectionate
  • Meaning: Expresses love and affection.
  • Mei / 芽衣 : Bud clothing, new beginnings
  • Meaning: Represents new starts and fresh possibilities.
  • Yuna / 由奈 : Helpful apple tree, supportive
  • Meaning: Symbolizes helpfulness and support.
  • Riko / 理子 : Child of truth, honesty and purity
  • Meaning: A name representing truthfulness and purity.
  • Nana / 七 : Seven, lucky number in Japan
  • Meaning: Seven is considered a lucky number in Japanese culture.
  • Ayaka / 彩花 : Colorful flower, vivid and vibrant
  • Meaning: A vibrant name symbolizing beauty and nature.
  • Yuka / 優香 : Gentle fragrance, subtle yet impactful
  • Meaning: Represents grace and subtle beauty.
  • Mayu / 真由 : True reason, thoughtful
  • Meaning: Represents deep thought and sincerity.
  • Asuka / 飛鳥 : Flying bird, symbolizing freedom
  • Meaning: A bird flying high, symbolizing freedom and independence.
  • Akari / 灯里 : Light inside, bringing warmth
  • Meaning: Represents inner light and warmth.
  • Miho / 美帆 : Beautiful sail, elegance and journey
  • Meaning: Represents a journey filled with elegance and beauty.
  • Sayuri / 小百合 : Small lily, delicate and lovely
  • Meaning: A delicate and beautiful flower.
  • Haru / 春 : Spring, representing new life
  • Meaning: Symbolizes new beginnings and vitality.
  • Chika / 千香 : Thousand fragrances, layered personality
  • Meaning: Represents complexity and depth of character.
  • Aika / 愛佳 : Love song, melodic and affectionate
  • Meaning: A name representing love, affection, and melody.
  • Fumiko / 文子 : Child of literature, artistic girl
  • Meaning: Represents artistic and intellectual qualities.
  • Yoko / 陽子 : Sun child, light and positivity
  • Meaning: Symbolizes brightness, positivity, and warmth.
  • Kaori / 香織 : Fragrance weaving, creative presence
  • Meaning: Represents creativity and the sweet fragrance of life.
  • Ayano / 彩乃 : My color, personal and unique
  • Meaning: Reflects individuality and uniqueness.
  • Hitomi / 瞳 : Pupil of the eye, essential and captivating
  • Meaning: Represents something essential and captivating, much like the eye.
  • Emi / 恵美 : Blessed beauty, fortunate and attractive
  • Meaning: A fortunate and beautiful name.
  • Rei / 鈴 : Bell, clear and resonant
  • Meaning: Symbolizes clarity and resonance, like a bell.
  • Mika / 美香 : Beautiful fragrance, stylish and substantive
  • Meaning: Represents grace and strength.
  • Nao / 奈緒 : Apple tree thread, connector of beauty
  • Meaning: A name symbolizing beauty and connectivity.
  • Yuriko / 由理子 : Child of reasoning, intelligent
  • Meaning: Represents intelligence and clear reasoning.
  • Sumire / 菫 : Violet, color and delicacy
  • Meaning: A delicate flower symbolizing beauty and color.
  • Natsuki / 夏希 : Summer hope, warm and optimistic
  • Meaning: Represents the warmth and optimism of summer.
  • Mai / 舞 : Dance, artistic and dynamic
  • Meaning: Symbolizes movement, grace, and creativity.
  • Rika / 理香 : Fragrance of truth, honest nature
  • Meaning: Represents honesty and authenticity.
  • Eri / 絵里 : Picture village, picturesque
  • Meaning: A name that evokes beauty and artistry.
  • Hiroko / 裕子 : Generous child, caring
  • Meaning: A kind-hearted and generous person.
  • Sachiko / 幸子 : Child of happiness, destined for joy
  • Meaning: Represents joy, happiness, and a bright future.
  • Kanako / 加奈子 : Increase child, symbolizing growth
  • Meaning: A name representing growth and development.
  • Hana / 花 : Flower, beauty and nature
  • Meaning: A name symbolizing nature and beauty.
  • Miyu / 美優 : Beautiful gentleness, soft and appealing
  • Meaning: Represents softness and grace.
  • Airi / 愛理 : Love jasmine, affectionate and beautiful
  • Meaning: Symbolizes affection, beauty, and love.
  • Risa / 理沙 : Sand of reason, grounding and thoughtful
  • Meaning: A grounded, thoughtful, and logical person.
  • Mana / 愛菜 : Love greens, nurturing and loving
  • Meaning: Represents love, nurturing, and care.
  • Keiko / 恵子 : Blessed child, fortunate
  • Meaning: A name representing blessings and fortune.
  • Ayumi / 歩美 : Beautiful walk, graceful
  • Meaning: Represents grace, elegance, and a purposeful path.
  • Naoko / 直子 : Honest child, straightforward
  • Meaning: A straightforward, honest name.
  • Miyako / 都 : Capital, central and significant
  • Meaning: A name symbolizing importance and centrality.
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