योगेश्वराय महादेवाय त्रयम्काय त्रिपुरान्तकाय

योगेश्वराय महादेवाय त्रयम्काय त्रिपुरान्तकाय

योगेश्वराय महादेवाय त्रयम्काय त्रिपुरान्तकाय Yogeshweshvaraya Mahadevaya Trayambakaya Lyrics

योगेश्वराय महादेवाय त्त्रयंबकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय
योगेश्वराय महादेवाय त्रयंबकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय
त्रिकाग्नि कलया कालाग्निरुद्रया नीलकण्ठाय मृतुन्जय
त्रिकाग्नि कलया कालाग्निरुद्रया नीलकण्ठाय मृतुन्जय
त्रिगुणी कलया कालाग्निरुद्रया
सर्वेसराय सदा शिवाय
सर्वेसराय सदा शिवाय
सर्वेसराय सदा शिवाय
महादेवाय: नमः
Yogeshweshvaraya, Mahadevaya, Trayambakaya, Tripurantakaya,
Yogeshweshvaraya, Mahadevaya, Trayambakaya, Tripurantakaya,
Trikagni, Kalaya, Kalagnirudraya, Neelkanthaya, Mrityunjaya,
Trikagni, Kalaya, Kalagnirudraya, Neelkanthaya, Mrityunjaya,
Sarveshwaraya, Sadashivaya,
Sarveshwaraya, Sadashivaya,
Sarveshwaraya, Sadashivaya,
Sarveshwaraya, Sadashivaya,
Mahadevaya Namah,
Mahadevaya Namah
Isha Notes :
Shiva Stotram | ShivaSamyama is an advanced seven-day silence program conducted at the Isha Yoga Center, which presents the potential for participants to reach heightened levels of consciousness and experience explosive states of meditativeness in the presence of a self-realized Master.

It has become a tradition in every Samyama program to open Sadhguru’s evening Satsangs with music especially composed for each day. Created under the Master’s guidance, these pieces of music are solely inspired by and dedicated to the intense spiritual process that the Samyama program with Sadhguru offers every year to thousands of participants from all corners of the world.
In the Lap of the Master, Sounds of Isha’s fourth album, is a selection of these compositions that will surely transport you into the mystical realm from which they have been gleaned.

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