सिंघाड़ा को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं Singhada Ko English Me Kya Kahate Hain
सिंघाड़ा को अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में Indian Water Chestnuts/Water caltrop, Water Chestnut कहते हैं. सिंघाड़ा हिंदी भाषा का शब्द है जिससे सबंधित अन्य जानकारी और अर्थ निचे दिया गया है।
एक फल का नाम है जो पानी में पसरने वाली एक बेल के लगता है। यह आकार में
तिकोना होता है। सिंघाड़ा को संस्कृत में शृंगाटक कहते हैं। इसके छिलके को
उतार कर इसके गूदे को खाया जाता है। इसके फल को सूखा कर वर्ष पर इसे काम
में लिया जाता है। सिंघाड़े का आटा भी तैयार किया जाता है जिसे व्रत आदि में
काम में लिया जाता है।
आर्युवेद के अनुसार सिंघाड़ा शीतल, भारी कसैला वीर्यवर्द्घक, मलरोधक, वातकारक तथा रुधिरविकार और त्रिदोष नाशक होता है।
सिंघाड़ा मीनिंग इन इंग्लिश/अंग्रेजी Singhada English Meaning (Singhada Meaning in Angreji) Singhada Meaning in English :
The genus Trapa currently comprises Trapa natans, Trapa bicornis and the endangered Trapa rossica. Other common names include, buffalo nut, bat nut, devil pod, ling gok ling nut, lin kok, ling jow, ling kio nut, moustache nut, singhara or water chestnut.
For human beings, Singhara has a lot of health benefits. Min is a subgroup of aquatic vegetable which is tasty and nutritious at the same time. They contain antioxidants and other readily identifiable virtues which would help to prevent diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, skin ailment, reduction in weight, heart diseases among others.
In winter season there are so many hawkers available on the roads selling Singhara or water caltrops. Water caltrops are very much similar to water chestnuts though these two are two different species. But they differ. Water chestnuts and water caltrops are tubers that are considered to be vegetables and which possess many and varied health qualities. Singhara, popularly termed Water cakrts are aquatic cultivated plants in the Asian muddy and marshy territories. A number of Singhara’s Traditional Food have high amount of carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and mineral.
Singhara is also known as water caltrop, water chestnut, ling nut, devil pod, bat nut or buffalo nut as well. These species are found mainly in Africa and Eurasia warm-temperate forest biomes. This fruitlooks like a flying bat or the head of a bull.
Singhara or Indian water chestnuts are floatants that grow in marsh or shallow water part. They are the product of the Trapa natans plant that has green pointed fruits and has crisp white interior. The water chestnuts are normally tender in the winter season, and is especially delightful to the palate due to its crunchy textures with a mild and somewhat sweet taste. These can be eaten fresh, cooked, baked or in forms powder or paste form used in preparation of traditional Indian dishes.
They are not only tasty but are also rich in nutrients which makes the Indian water chestnuts as a very much valuable food item. It is low in calorie and also contain fiber vitamins as well as antioxidants. In folk medicine they are known to have cooling effects they are used to help cure digestive problems and acts as a natural coolant and hydrating agent.
सिंघाड़ा हिंदी मीनिंग Singhada Meaning in Hindi सिंघाड़ा मीनिंग इन हिंदी :-
सिंघाड़ा एक फल का नाम है। सिंघाड़े में मौजूद आयोडीन, मैग्नीज जैसे मिनरल्स थायरॉइड और घेंघा रोग में लाभकारी होते हैं।
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