Discrepancy In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Discrepancy In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Discrepancy in Sentences Examples.

  1. There was a discrepancy between the amount of money he said he had and the amount he actually had in his wallet.
  2. The discrepancy in the company's financial statements raised concerns about accounting practices.
  3. The discrepancy between the test results and the patient's symptoms puzzled the doctors.
  4. The discrepancy in the witness's testimony raised doubts about the credibility of the evidence.
  5. The discrepancy between the sales figures and the projected earnings was cause for concern.
  6. The discrepancy in the product description and the actual item received left the customer dissatisfied.
  7. The discrepancy in the two reports left the investigators scratching their heads.
  8. The discrepancy in the time stamps on the surveillance footage raised questions about the validity of the evidence.
  9. The discrepancy between the two maps confused the hikers and led to them getting lost.
  10. The discrepancy in the pricing of the same item at different stores was due to regional differences.
  11. The discrepancy between the witness statements and the physical evidence was a major challenge for the prosecutor.
  12. The discrepancy in the employee's performance evaluation and their actual performance was due to biased ratings.
  13. The discrepancy in the weather forecast and the actual weather conditions caught many people off guard.
  14. The discrepancy in the measurements of the two sides of the building indicated structural problems.
  15. The discrepancy in the stock price and the company's performance raised doubts about its long-term prospects.
  16. The discrepancy in the survey results showed that there was a difference in opinions among the participants.
  17. The discrepancy in the information provided by the two sources required further investigation.
  18. The discrepancy in the timeline of events made it difficult to piece together what had happened.
  19. The discrepancy in the number of attendees at the event was due to an error in the ticketing system.
  20. The discrepancy in the delivery times of the same product caused confusion among customers.
  21. The discrepancy in the measurements of the ingredients caused the recipe to fail.
  22. The discrepancy in the student's grades and their performance in class was a cause for concern.
  23. The discrepancy in the witness's story compared to what the police knew made them a suspect.
  24. The discrepancy in the budget report showed that the project was over budget.
  25. The discrepancy in the contract led to a legal dispute between the parties involved.
  26. The discrepancy in the timelines of two events revealed a potential alibi for a suspect.
  27. The discrepancy in the inventory count suggested that some items had been stolen.
  28. The discrepancy in the voting results led to a recount of the ballots.
  29. The discrepancy in the weight of the package and what was stated on the label caused delays in delivery.
  30. The discrepancy in the two versions of the document led to confusion among the team members.
  31. The discrepancy in the audio recording and the transcript raised questions about accuracy.
  32. The discrepancy in the testimonies of the witnesses made it difficult for the jury to reach a verdict.
  33. The discrepancy in the power output of the engine indicated a problem with the car.
  34. The discrepancy in the data suggested that there was a flaw in the research methodology.
  35. The discrepancy in the prices of the products on the online store and in the physical store caused customer complaints.
  36. The discrepancy in the medical records raised concerns about the quality of care provided.
  37. The discrepancy in the reports of two journalists covering the same story led to contrasting narratives.
  38. The discrepancy in the production numbers suggested a problem with the manufacturing process.
  39. The discrepancy in the temperature readings of the two thermometers revealed a calibration issue.
  40. The discrepancy in the dates on the receipts and the purchase order caused confusion for the accounting department.

Discrepancy Meaning in Detail.

The term "discrepancy" refers to a disagreement or inconsistency between two or more things that should match or be in agreement with one another. It can also refer to a difference between what is expected and what actually exists.

For example, if the amount of money in your bank account is different from what your bank statement says it should be, there is a discrepancy between the two amounts. Similarly, if the inventory count of a product is different from the number of units recorded in the company's books, there is a discrepancy in the inventory.

Discrepancies can occur in many different areas, including financial records, data analysis, scientific research, and more. They can be caused by human error, system errors, misinterpretation of data, or intentional manipulation.

Identifying and resolving discrepancies is an important task in many fields, as it can help ensure accuracy, fairness, and reliability of data and information. In some cases, discrepancies can also be an indication of fraud or misconduct, and should be investigated and addressed accordingly.

Discrepancy Synonyms (With Meaning)

Inconsistency - lack of agreement or compatibility between two or more things.
Disparity - a difference or inequality between things, particularly in terms of quantity, quality, or level.
Variance - a disagreement or discrepancy between two or more things, particularly in terms of expected outcome or result.
Deviation - a departure or divergence from a standard or expected course.
Contrast - a comparison or difference between two or more things that are strikingly different.
Divergence - a separation or difference between two or more things that were previously together or aligned.
Dissimilarity - a lack of similarity or resemblance between two or more things.
Inaccuracy - a mistake or error that causes a difference or discrepancy between two or more things.
Irregularity - a deviation from the norm or expected pattern or course.
Imbalance - an unequal or disproportionate distribution or arrangement of things.
Mismatch - a difference or inconsistency between two or more things that should match or correspond.
Contradiction - a statement or situation that conflicts with or contradicts another statement or situation.
Conflict - a disagreement or clash between two or more ideas, values, or interests.
Antagonism - a feeling of opposition or hostility between two or more parties or entities.
Oppositeness - a condition or state of being opposite or contrary to another.
Unlikeness - a lack of similarity or resemblance between two or more things.
Heterogeneity - a diversity or variety of different types or elements within a group or system.
Discordance - a lack of harmony or agreement between two or more things.
Fluctuation - a variation or change in something that causes it to be inconsistent or unpredictable.
Disunity - a lack of unity or cohesion between two or more things.

Discrepancy Antonyms (With Meaning)

Here are ten antonyms for "discrepancy" and their meanings:
  1. Agreement - a state of harmony or consistency between two or more things; a consensus.
  2. Conformity - compliance with accepted standards, rules, or laws; the state of being similar in form, nature, or character.
  3. Consistency - the quality of being consistent or uniform; the absence of contradiction or variation.
  4. Harmony - the quality of being in agreement or in accord; a pleasing arrangement or combination of elements.
  5. Uniformity - the state of being the same, consistent, or unvarying; conformity in form or character.
  6. Compatibility - the ability of two or more things to exist or function together without conflict or inconsistency.
  7. Correspondence - the state of being similar or in agreement; a connection or exchange of information.
  8. Equality - the state of being equal or the same in value, quality, or status; fairness and justice in treatment.
  9. Similarity - the state of being alike or similar in form, nature, or character; a resemblance or comparison.
  10. Consensus - a general agreement or opinion among a group of people; a unanimous decision or verdict.

FAQs Related With Discrepancy (Grammar)

Q: What is the difference between a discrepancy and an error?
A: A discrepancy is a difference or inconsistency between two or more things that should match or be in agreement, while an error is a mistake or incorrect action that results in a discrepancy.

Q: How can discrepancies be resolved?
A: Discrepancies can be resolved by identifying the source of the discrepancy, investigating the cause, and taking corrective action to bring the affected areas into agreement.

Q: What are some common causes of discrepancies?
A: Common causes of discrepancies include human error, system errors, misinterpretation of data, intentional manipulation, and external factors such as changes in market conditions or regulations.

Q: What is the importance of identifying and resolving discrepancies?
A: Identifying and resolving discrepancies is important as it helps ensure accuracy, fairness, and reliability of data and information. It also helps prevent potential financial loss, legal liability, or reputational damage.

Q: How can discrepancies be prevented?
A: Discrepancies can be prevented by implementing effective controls, using reliable and accurate data sources, conducting regular audits, and ensuring proper training and oversight of personnel.

Q: What are some common types of discrepancies in financial records?
A: Common types of discrepancies in financial records include errors in recording transactions, misreporting of income or expenses, discrepancies in bank balances or statements, and discrepancies in inventory or asset counts.

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