Dismantle In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Dismantle In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Dismantle in Sentences Examples.

  1. The workers were tasked to dismantle the old machinery and remove it from the factory.
  2. The army was ordered to dismantle the enemy's weapons and destroy their ammunition.
  3. It took the team hours to dismantle the complicated structure and pack it up for transport.
  4. The demolition crew used explosives to dismantle the old building.
  5. The environmental group called for the government to dismantle the polluting factory.
  6. The burglars were caught trying to dismantle the security cameras in the store.
  7. The mechanic had to dismantle the engine to find and fix the problem.
  8. The government promised to dismantle the corrupt system and bring about reform.
  9. The antique dealer had to dismantle the furniture to transport it safely.
  10. The engineers were able to dismantle the bridge and rebuild it in a new location.
  11. The organization's goal was to dismantle the barriers that prevent people from accessing education.
  12. The protestors demanded the government to dismantle the oppressive laws and policies.
  13. The thieves tried to dismantle the alarm system, but they were caught by the police.
  14. The renovation crew had to dismantle the old fixtures and replace them with new ones.
  15. The car had to be dismantled to fix the transmission issue.
  16. The team of experts was brought in to dismantle the hazardous chemical plant.
  17. The demolition team had to dismantle the old stadium to make way for the new one.
  18. The archaeologists carefully dismantled the ancient artifacts to preserve them.
  19. The workers were able to dismantle the scaffolding and clear the construction site.
  20. The activist group organized a campaign to dismantle systemic racism in society.
  21. The scientists had to dismantle the old equipment and replace it with newer technology.
  22. The team of volunteers dismantled the tents and cleaned up the camping site.
  23. The criminals were caught trying to dismantle the ATM to steal the money.
  24. The firefighters had to dismantle the roof to access the fire inside the building.
  25. The government was forced to dismantle the monopoly and promote fair competition.
  26. The old ship had to be dismantled to remove the hazardous materials and dispose of them safely.
  27. The company decided to dismantle the department due to budget cuts.
  28. The computer technician had to dismantle the laptop to repair the broken screen.
  29. The activist group planned to dismantle the harmful practices of the fast-food industry.
  30. The construction team had to dismantle the scaffolding before the building could be occupied.
  31. The workers dismantled the stage and packed up the equipment after the concert.
  32. The government had to dismantle the criminal organization to prevent further harm.
  33. The farmers had to dismantle the irrigation system to repair the damaged pipes.
  34. The IT team had to dismantle the server to upgrade the hardware.
  35. The company had to dismantle the old factory and build a new one in its place.
  36. The old bridge had to be dismantled to make way for the new one.
  37. The renovation crew had to dismantle the walls and install new ones to reconfigure the space.
  38. The team of experts had to dismantle the nuclear reactor to safely dispose of the radioactive material.
  39. The workers had to dismantle the old playground equipment and replace it with new ones.
  40. The conservationists called for the government to dismantle the dam and restore the natural habitat.
  41. The construction crew had to dismantle the steel frame of the building before it could be demolished.
  42. The government had to dismantle the terrorist network to prevent future attacks.
  43. The team had to dismantle the transmission tower to install new equipment.
  44. The old car had to be dismantled to salvage the parts for repairs.
  45. The workers had to dismantle the concert stage and restore the park to its original state.
  46. The activists worked to dismantle the discriminatory practices in the workplace.
  47. The workers dismantled the old oil rig and transported it to a new location.
  48. The company had to dismantle the faulty equipment and replace it with new ones.
  49. The scientists had to dismantle the research facility to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus.
  50. The government had to dismantle the illegal drug trade to reduce crime and violence.
  51. The workers dismantled the old train tracks and replaced them with new ones.
  52. The artist had to dismantle the installation and pack it up for transport to a new location.
  53. The company decided to dismantle the division and focus on other areas of business.
  54. The construction crew had to dismantle the crane and remove it from the site.
  55. The workers had to dismantle the old wind turbines and replace them with newer, more efficient ones.
  56. The government was forced to dismantle the corruption in the police force and improve accountability.
  57. The environmental group called for the government to dismantle the oil pipeline to protect the ecosystem.
  58. The team of experts had to dismantle the satellite to upgrade its systems.
  59. The company had to dismantle the faulty production line and fix the issues before resuming operations.

Dismantle Meaning in Detail.

The term "dismantle" means to take apart or strip down something, often a large or complex structure, system, or machine, into its individual components or parts. Dismantling can also refer to the removal of specific elements or features from a larger entity.

The process of dismantling may involve physically separating and removing individual parts or components, as well as disconnecting electrical, mechanical, or plumbing systems. This may be done for a variety of reasons, such as repairing, replacing, or upgrading certain parts, or for the purpose of decommissioning or demolishing a structure or system.

Dismantling can be a complex and time-consuming process, particularly for large and complex structures such as buildings, bridges, or industrial facilities. It requires specialized knowledge, tools, and equipment to ensure that the process is done safely and efficiently, without causing damage to the surrounding environment or putting workers at risk.

Dismantle Synonyms (With Meaning)

Take apart - to separate something into its individual parts.
Disassemble - to take apart a machine or structure.
Deconstruct - to break down a complex system or concept into smaller components.
Break down - to separate something into smaller parts or components.
Demolish - to destroy or tear down a building or structure.
Strip down - to remove all the parts or components of a machine or structure.
Uninstall - to remove software or hardware from a computer or other device.
Take down - to dismantle a large structure or system.
Unpack - to remove the contents of a package or container.
Pull apart - to separate the parts of something by pulling or tugging on them.
Break up - to take apart a group or organization.
Dismount - to take something off its mounting or support structure.
Disentangle - to separate or untangle something that is twisted or intertwined.
Separate - to divide into distinct parts or components.
Divide - to separate into smaller parts or groups.
Teardown - to completely take apart a structure or machine for inspection or replacement of parts.
Disengage - to disconnect or separate from something.
Undo - to reverse or undo the assembly of something.
Disintegrate - to break apart or crumble into smaller pieces.
Dismember - to take apart or divide a body or object into smaller pieces.

Dismantle Antonyms (With Meaning)

Assemble - to put together or construct parts into a whole.
Construct - to build or create something by putting parts or materials together.
Erect - to construct or build a structure or object.
Build - to construct or create something by putting materials or parts together.
Establish - to set up or create an organization, system, or structure.
Install - to set up or put in place a piece of equipment or system.
Integrate - to combine or bring together parts into a unified whole.
Combine - to join or merge two or more things into one.
Join - to connect or link two or more parts or things together.
Synthesize - to combine or blend different parts or elements into a new whole.
Unite - to bring together or join parts or elements into a single entity.
Merge - to combine or blend two or more things into one.
Consolidate - to combine or unify into a single entity or structure.
Connect - to join or link two or more things together.
Attach - to fasten or connect two or more things together.
Affix - to attach or fix something in place.
Mount - to fix or attach something to a support structure or surface.
Combine - to bring together or merge two or more things into one.
Establish - to set up or create an organization, system, or structure.
Form - to shape or mold something into a specific structure or form.

FAQs Related With Dismantle (Grammar)

What does "dismantle" mean?
"Dismantle" means to take apart or break down something into its component parts or pieces.

What types of things can be dismantled?
A wide variety of objects can be dismantled, such as machines, appliances, vehicles, buildings, and even entire industrial facilities.

Why would someone want to dismantle something?
There are several reasons why someone might want to dismantle something. It could be to repair or replace parts, to recycle or dispose of components, to repurpose the materials for other uses, or simply to understand how the object works.

What are some common tools used for dismantling?
Tools commonly used for dismantling include screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, hammers, drills, saws, and various types of cutting tools.

Are there any safety considerations when dismantling something?
Yes, there are many safety considerations to keep in mind when dismantling something. This can include using appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and eye protection, ensuring the object is properly secured, and being aware of any potential hazards or dangers associated with the materials or components being removed. It's also important to follow any relevant safety guidelines or instructions provided by the manufacturer or other experts in the field.

What are some environmental benefits of dismantling?
Dismantling can help reduce waste and pollution by allowing materials to be reused or recycled. It can also help conserve natural resources by reducing the need for new raw materials to be extracted and processed. Additionally, dismantling can help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, which can have negative environmental impacts.

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