Modalities Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Modalities Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Modalities Meaning The word ‘modality’ can refer to different ideas depending with the context is which it is used in. Broadly, it means a manner of saying or feeling. Here are some of the most common meanings of the term:Here are some of the most common meanings of the term:

Sensory Modality: In psychology and neuroscience, modality can also refer to sensory channels, channels of communication through which stimuli are received by the organism, namely, visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and gustatory. Both modalities are connected with our sensory organs and pathways of the nervous system that enable to perceive the stimuli and process them in different way.

Linguistic Modality: In linguistics modality is the way by which one is able to express his or her attitude or how strongly he or she believes in what he or she is saying. For instance, modal verbs such as ‘can’, ‘may’, ‘should’, and ‘must’ are employed in order to signal various degrees of possibility, necessity and obligation.

Medical Modality: In medicine, modality means the therapeutic procedure applied in order to tackle disease or condition, be it surgical or non-surgical including surgery, radiation, chemo therapy or immuno therapy.

Communication Modality: Modality within the context of communication refers to the different modes of messaging that can be deployed to pass a certain message which may include verbal, written word, pictures or body language. The various modes of communication are capable of importing meaning and achieving communciative purposes in varying extents.

Learning Modality: In education, modality has to do with the particular style that a learner prefers when learning for example through visual, auditory, or through physical sensations/feelings. Knowing one’s learning modality allows the process to be optimized and thus improve the result achieved in the learning process.
Synonym: methods, procedures, processes, approaches
Antonym: Chaos, anarchy, differences

Modalities Parts of Speech (With Examples)

In essence, modalities can be part of verbs, part of adjectives and can even be part of noun phrases in a sentence. Here are some examples of modalities used as different parts of speech:Here are some examples of modalities used as different parts of speech:

Noun: In this case the meaning of modality is the manner of performing an action or a way of undergoing something. Example: Chemotherapy appears to be the modality of treatment to be given to the patient in relation to his/her condition.
Adjective: In this case, modality works as a determiner or an adjunct word, which shows or tells how much, how often, when, where, or why of an object or action. Example: The child with autism needed a therapist to choose a tactile modality for them.

Adverb: In this case, modality adverb affects a verb, to specify how an action is done or to what extent it is done. Example: The teacher kept on talking gently, he adopted a modality that was gentle to the ears of the students.
Verb: In this case, modality deals with the possibility or capability of doing something through the use of auxiliary staking words such as: can, may, should, must or will. Example: At this, she is a trilingual with a remarkable form of communicating or a linguistic modality.

Pronoun: At times, use of modality works like a pronoun and it refers to a certain method/way of doing something without the need to particulars. Example: the artist tried out several structures with every structure providing the artist with different creativity.

Modalities Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  • It’s important for every learner to know that all the various modes, especially the visual one, play a big role for one to learn and or remember what is being taught.
  • This was done after realizing that the patient had a lot of tension which the therapist suggested a massage modality.
  • The use of a new cooking modality was employed by the chef to come up with a new different food product.
  • According to the prescription, the physician advised the patient to take a medication modality in order to cure his/her illness.
  • The artist sought other ways of expressing him/herself in art, such as painting, carving and use of cameras.
  • In this case the music teacher employed the kinesthetic modality when teaching students how to play different instruments.
  • When placing the order of the trips for the European countries for the group, the travel agent suggested that going for the guided tour modality was ideal.
  • The scientist combined imaging with tests in order to observe the effects of the brain.
  • From the case, we learnt that the counselor employed cognitive-behavioral mode in the process of assisting the client to overcome anxiety.
  • Here the mindfulness modality was embraced by the athlete in order to enhance the performance and attention.
  • The yoga teacher employed a relaxation method in the class so that the students can be able to let go of stress.
  • The photographer adopted a digital modality while taking the pictures and retouching/enhancing the same.
  • The writer applied the use of global narrative modality to share an amazing story.
  • Another technique the speaker employed was the persuasive modality that would appeal to the audience to support the cause.
  • The parent adopted positive reinforcement modality whereby they rewarded their child for the right choices made by the latter.
  • A questioning modality was in use by the teacher to facilitate a discussion among the students.
  • The coach had to employ a motivational modality to make the team give their best performance in the field.
  • Choreographically, the dancer proposed a modality in form of a new dance creation.
  • This was developed in a design modality to ensure that the resulting structure was not only functional but also appealing.
  • This type of communication modality was employed by the marketer to extend the coverage of their marketed product.
  • The story that the filmmaker was portraying was a powerful one and he told it through cinematic modality through the use of a film.
  • May: I would like to suggest that we shift the meeting 0 30 minutes later than what has been scheduled as I have another commitment prior to this meeting.
  • Could: Could I kindly request for a comprehensive report of the progress made in the project by this end of the day?
  • Should: However, you should be keen to avoid an accident while handling the equipment since you can be seriously injured.
  • Shall: Should we don’t touch upon the changes on the company policy in the next team meeting as these may affect our working environment?
  • Must: Employees who are recruited into the company must be trained because they will need to know the company’s code of behavior and policies.
  • Would: Could you please go through it with me so that you can give me your comments on it as this will be presented to the board of directors?
  • Will: By any chance will it be possible for you to attend the training workshop scheduled for next week as it will equip you on latest trends in the market and the industry standards?
  • Might: It may also be possible to get a lower price if we tell the suppliers that we are planning to purchase a much bigger batch of products for a longer duration of time.
  • Need to: This means that time must be well managed and the key activities well coordinated in order to meet the project’s deadline.
  • Ought to: You must acknowledge others’ feelings and try to change your actions to be more considerate and polite.
  • Kurzweil referred to the strategy as the communicative modality where the language teacher gets the students to practice what they have learned through speaking.
  • In this case the client was advised by the nutritionist to adopt the dietary modality in order to lose weight.
  • A computational modality was employed by the engineer to create a working model of a new machine and its performance.
  • In the first counseling session the psychologist employed a psychodynamic approach to understand the client’s latent desires.
  • He compared two languages as to their similarities and he conducted his research through the Comparative modality.
  • Teqnnique means skill, ability, ways, approach or a process or manner of doing something in the accomplishment of a given purpose or objective.
  • Techniques – process or plan of action which can be adopted in handling any given problem or challenge.
  • Techniques – these are systematic approaches or processes in research or analysis conducted in the social science.
  • Modes : It means a way of doing a thing or style of doing it in other words it’s way or form.
  • The Analysis Shows the Following Views of the Styles: Styles – the method of doing something or the way it is presented.
  • Systems – a group of elements that are coordinated with each other especially to serve a particular purpose.
  • Diets – a disciplined plan for cure or prevention of a certain disease for a given period of time.
  • Practices Which may include: – Practices in the customs or the tradition – Activities-A particular business or line of work
  • Process – SES a set of operations that are deliberately carried out in order to achieve a specific result.
  • Modes of therapy – various forms of treatment or therapies which are applicable to patients with a certain medical condition.
  • Communication media – Channel of transmitting information or knowledge
  • Lecture method – a way of passing on knowledge to the students using speeches and lectures
  • The modes of perception—a concept that conveys forms of perceiving or feeling the stimuli, or perceiving the world.
  • They are the modalities of expression or in other words it can be said that they are distinct styles or method of communicating ideas or feelings.
  • Modes of presentation – different approaches to conveying or encoding message or information.
  • Modes of signification – various approaches to either interpreting the meaning/significance of textual media or to analyzing the manner in which such meanings and/or significances are presented.
  • Descriptors of the problem/issue – problem/issue characteristics describing its nature, or representing its components or attributes
  • Subtypes of analysis – categorisations of data analysis or information analysis.
  • Assessment methods quantative and qualititive methods – how the measure or evaluate performance or progress.
  • Modalities of diagnosis- various approaches or methods of diagnosing or classifying a disease or an illness.

Modalities Antonyms (With Meaning)

  • Can - Cannot: The word cannot is used to mean ‘to be unable to’ or ‘not allowed to’ / or to ‘be incapable of’ doing an action. It is the opposite of can, which is used to express the meanings of ‘be able to’ or ‘allowed to’ or ‘have the possibility to’.
  • Could - Couldn't: Couldn’t is another form of could but in negative form. It carries a meaning of “failed to” or “lacked the capacity to” perform a certain task or accomplish a given goal.
  • Will - Won't: Youth is the period of life which is characterized by intimidation, inadequacy Won’t is the contraction of “will not”. It means “refuses to” or “does not intend to do” something.
  • Would - Wouldn't: The contraction Wouldn’t =would not. It means; He/she/it/they was/were not willing to or did not want to do something.
  • Shall - Shall not: Shall not should not be confused with, ‘is not allowed to’, or ‘forbidden to’ do something. It is the opposite of shall which expresses that it is obligatory to, or one is supposed to or need to do something.
  • Should - Shouldn't: Mustn’t is the contraction of “must not. ” It means that it was not compulsory to, it was not required to do something.
  • May - May not: May not does NOT mean ‘is not allowed to’ or ‘is unable to’ do something. It is the opposite of may which in context of permission is used when one is allowed to do something or is permitted to do something.
  • Might - Might not: Might not means that it was not possible to or it was not likely to do something. It is the converse of might which means was likely to or was possible to do something or was capable of doing something.
  • Must - Must not: May not is not equal to must not but often, it is used to indicate, “it is not allowed to do” something. It is the antonym of must which describes a necessity which ‘has to’ or ‘is required to’ do something.
  • Ought to - Ought not to: Ought not to can also mean could not be expected to or had no right to or it was improper for the subject to do something. It is the opposite of should which means … is obliged or is recommended to, do something.

Video Tutorial For Modalities (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)

FAQs Related With Modalities

What are modalities?

For modalities we can think of them as styles or methods of delivering a certain service like when one is talking of different therapeutic techniques or teaching strategies.

What Modalities are used in therapy?

Traditional types of therapy include Cognitive behavioral therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Family therapy, art therapy among others.

What is the meaning of the term ‘treatment modality’?

A treatment modality therefore means a management technique on a certain illness or disease like drugs, operations, and counseling among others. There seems to be confusion on the difference between modes of practice and methods of therapy. Indications of broad categories and means of performing an action and techniques designate specific procedures used in such categories of means. A communication modality is therefore a method or a way of transferring information or ideas for instance, oral, written or non- verbal.

What is meant by term learning modality?

A learning modality means a way by which knowledge is received and stored for instance, audial, visual or, psychic. Sensory modality refers to the process of perceiving stimuli or conveying information through one of the senses; and may encompass one of the visual modes such as exploratory mode that deals with visual-volumetric perception. The definition of a sensory modality is related to one of the ways in which a person can interact with his environment, namely, through seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling.

In what ways are the modalities adopted in research?

In the study context, modalities are employed to mean techniques applied or ways, usually in identifying or examining a certain subject under consideration, like, qualitative or quantitative methods.

What are the applications of modalities towards the business?

He using of modalities for business can be adopted to mean things like marketing and customer relations modalities among others.

Can modalities be combined?

Yes they can be complementary or can be used altogether, one in addition to the other like cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness based therapy in treating the anxiety.
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