Influence Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms
Saroj Jangir
Influence Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms
Influence Meaning
The meaning of “influence” is versatile, however, it is commonly used as power or effect resulting from one subject to the other. Nevertheless, they have explained that the overall meaning of the word can vary depending on a certain context in which it is applied.
Here are a few possible meanings of the word "influence":Here are a few possible meanings of the word "influence":
Authority or control: In this case, influence has been defined as the power of exercising control or directing the behaviour of other people. Still, one can use influences over the other with the view of changing their behavior in some way or even get the other to do something.
Impact or effect: Whereas here, influence means the impact or an effect which something has on another thing or on a situation. For instance, weather plays a crucial role in influencing the growth of crops or a persons background plays a crucial role in defining his or her character.
Inspiration or guidance: In this context, influence means that ability of somebody or something to guide or affect the activities or opinions of others. A teacher or a mentor can make a positive impact on his/her students for instance in a process or way they gain knowledge and develop.
Social status or prestige: In this context influence means the position or ranking of an individual in the social status. An influencer can be a popular or admired individual, or he or she may have much social power or authority.
Influence Parts of Speech (With Examples)
In using English, the term influence can sometimes act as a verb, and at other times as a noun. Here are some examples of how "influence" can be used in different parts of speech:Here are some examples of how "influence" can be used in different parts of speech:
She was able to influence the decision of the committee.
The famous celebrity had the power to influence millions of people.
The politician had a lot of influence over the media.
The teacher had a positive influence on her students.
Her influence in the industry was undeniable.
The novel had a strong influence on the reader's emotions.
The new CEO was able to influence the company's policies effectively.
The celebrity's latest post on social media influenced her fans greatly.
In each of these examples, "influence" is used in a different part of speech to convey a slightly different meaning.
Influence Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)
The teacher's guidance influenced the students' decision to pursue higher education.
The latest fashion trend is influenced by celebrities and their red-carpet looks.
The company's CEO had a significant influence on the company's policies and direction.
Social media influencers have a lot of power to influence their followers' behavior and opinions.
The coach's motivational speeches had a positive influence on the team's performance.
The novel's theme of redemption influenced the reader's perspective on forgiveness.
The comedian's humor had a strong influence on the audience's mood.
The new art exhibit was heavily influenced by the artist's time living in Asia.
The political leader's speeches had a significant influence on the country's policies and laws.
The writer's work has influenced many aspiring authors to pursue writing as a career.
The study of history can influence our understanding of current events and politics.
The mentor's advice influenced the young professional's career path.
The musician's style and sound have influenced many other artists in the industry.
The fashion industry has a big influence on clothing trends around the world.
The environmentalist's activism influenced government policies on climate change.
The food critic's review can have a significant influence on a restaurant's success.
The teacher's strict grading system influenced the students' study habits and work ethic.
The artist's painting was influenced by the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. Her parents had a big influence on her decision to pursue medicine.
The rock band had a significant influence on the music scene of the 80s.
The weather can influence the outcome of outdoor events.
The artist's latest work has been influenced by her travels to Asia.
The company's stock prices are often influenced by the actions of its competitors.
The teacher's encouragement and guidance had a positive influence on her students.
The group's leader had a major influence on the direction of their projects.
The media has a lot of influence over public opinion.
The new manager plans to influence the company's culture in a positive way.
The lack of sleep can influence your ability to focus.
Social media has a huge influence on young people's self-image.
The athlete's diet can influence their performance on the field.
The environmental factors can influence the growth of plants.
The historical figure had a significant influence on the civil rights movement.
The company's marketing campaign had a huge influence on its sales.
The politician's speeches are known to influence public opinion.
The crime rate is often influenced by economic conditions.
The mentor's guidance had a lasting influence on her career.
The travel blogger's recommendations have influenced many people's vacation plans.
The music from his childhood heavily influenced his own compositions.
The behavior of children can often be influenced by their peers.
The investor's decisions can influence the success of a company.
The cultural norms of a society can influence its members' behavior.
The colors of a room can influence people's moods.
The amount of sunlight can influence the growth of a plant.
The customer's feedback can influence a company's future products.
The words of a leader can influence the direction of a movement.
The taste of food can be influenced by the spices used in cooking.
The education system can influence a person's future career choices.
The movie's message had a profound influence on its viewers.
The language spoken at home can influence a child's language skills.
The presence of a role model can influence a person's values and beliefs.
The opinions of experts can influence public policy.
The design of a product can be influenced by user feedback.
The economic policies of a government can influence the country's economy.
The climate can influence the types of plants that can grow in an area.
The cultural background of an author can influence their writing.
The behavior of animals can be influenced by their environment.
The fashion industry has a huge influence on trends in clothing and accessories.
The technology used in a company can influence its productivity.
The availability of resources can influence the success of a project.
The attitude of a team leader can influence the morale of the team.
The availability of healthy food options can influence people's dietary choices.
The emotions of a person can influence their decision-making process.
The rules and regulations of a workplace can influence employee behavior.
The architecture of a building can influence the way people feel inside.
The artistic movements of the past have influenced contemporary art.
The political climate can influence people's beliefs and opinions.
The development of a child can be influenced by the quality of their early education.
The beliefs and values of a culture can influence the way it interacts with other cultures.
Influence Synonyms (With Meaning)
Outcome – the result of a particular action or condition; the footprint that a given drive leaves on someone or something.
Effect - an outcome or consequence of an action or any other change. Authority - control over human beings or control of things. Power of command – the right to issue commands, make decisions and the execution of these decisions. Power – the capacity to affect and guide people or operations and developments. Sway – to control or incline in a particular direction or to bend or move to one side. Control – the ability to have mastery or authority over in a particular subject or field. Levers – the ability to control factors or situations so as to secure an intended result. A form of influencing which includes the process of changing someone’s attitude or behaviour towards an idea or an object by involving appeals to reason. Force – the act of getting people to do something against their will though coercion. Clout - authority or influence which a person enjoys, or to which a person is entitled in a given field. This one means the extent to which a particular endeavour attains the intended outcome; power, sway. Concerns pertain of importance, referring to something that is of significance, relevant or has an impact in a given society. Importance – all things which are, noticeable, valuable, or important in the scale of their meaning.
Weight - the degree of authority of an object in a particular context. Hypothesis - several semantic features can be identified so: Impactfulness – the degree of having a powerful and significant impact. Intensiveness – the power or efficiency of something, especially the medicine or drug. Control – the ability to lead, order or to give directions to another person. Reach- how far or how much a person, product, idea or service can go. Constraint – the ability to compel a person to do something in particular or to make decision within given circumstances.
Influence Antonyms (With Meaning)
Notes ones inability to exert control or have any say in a situation or a particular individual.
The third one is weak which means a reduced capacity to influence something or issue or a person.
At another level inefficacy can be defined as the failure to achieve a wanted or planned for impact.
Inadequacy – lack of adequacy, or the inability to meet certain standards or achieve a certain goal.
From this the concepts of marginality, irrelevance, insignificance can be translated as lack of significance or meaningfulness, powerlessness, and inconsequentiality. Irrelevance – the condition or quality of having no relation to, bearing no relation to or being disconnected with a certain matter or event.
Triviality – the quality of being unimportant or inconsequential or having no special value.
Inconsequence – a word which is a direct translation of the French term ‘inconsequence’ and means that something is insignificant or unimportant.
Irrelevance – things that have no bearing on matters of importance.
In significance - lack of significance in or impact on something.
English Word Meaning With Examples
Steganography – invisibility or low profile.
Invisibility - not being seen or heard and / or a “voiceless” power that seemingly cannot mobilize enough of society to impact change.
Anomie - absence of orientation towards cultural standards, incompetent of reducing or eliminating its effect.
Lack of Influence isolation - lack of care or attention hence the lack of influence. Lack of power or ability to have an effect on something or someone …failure of a male to achieve erection of the sexual organ suitable for coital intercourse.
Some of the examples of the feelings include the following: Assistancelessness - unable or devoid of the capacity to influence something or someone.
Impotence – this is lack of might or influence on an object or individual.
Passivity - being inactive; failure to exercise an appropriate level of activity leading to a corresponding lack of power over a situation or company.
Sedentary disposition – being inactive or not engaging in things, by so doing one cannot change the course of action in his or her favor.
Video Tutorial For Influence (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)
FAQs Related With Influence What is influence? Speaking of influence it is possible to speak about the ability of a person and things which can impact on others and the world in general.
It is imperative to understand that there are many types of influence that can be identified and will be briefly described below. So there are several forms of influence they are social influence, informational influence, normative influence and personal influence.
Doing what works requires understanding social influence, its effects and how it occurs. Social influence can be defined as the ability of one individual to affect others through cognitive, emotional and or behavioral processes. It can be by the influence, persuasion or byforce by conforming to what is expected in the society.
What is informational influence? Informational social influence can be defined as a state where a person depends on others for data or advice, especially when he or she lacks it or is unsure about something.
What is normative influence? Influence through normative means takes place when an individual will follow the directions of a specific group even if they differ with those directions.
That being said, what is the premise of working personal influence? The personal influence takes place when a person’s characteristics and qualities influence people’s attitudes and behaviors in the organization.
Is it possible to obtain only the positive form of influence or is it always mixed with negative effects? Yes, influence is always a positive force but at the same time, it depends with the kind of influence given by the influential person.
What is mean of influence and manipulation? Mature influence is the ability of one person to make a change of actions of another person willingly, while manipulation is the act of applying force influence or honestly with a person so that the person being influenced does not act willingly.
What can I do to be a more influential leader? Some of the ways through which one may enhance influence at the workplace include : relationship building, enhancing communication skills, knowledge enhancement in that particular domain and modelling.
In mainstream programs influence is depicted in a positive way whether it is self influence or influence over other people is this true?
Not necessarily. Power may be applied to help make a difference in society or to control the society for self benefit. There is always a right way and a wrong way of applying influence and this should be given attention.