Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman Lyrics Meaning Significance

This post contains the meaning lyrics of the devotional song 'Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu' and Significance of Shri Ram Stuti.

Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman Lyrics Meaning, Shri Ram Stuti/Bhajan Meaning in English

Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Sanskrit Lyrics 
Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman Lyrics Meaning, Shri Ram Stuti/Bhajan Meaning in English
श्री राम चंद्र कृपालु भजमन हरण भाव भय दारुणम्।
नवकंज लोचन कंज मुखकर, कंज पद कन्जारुणम्।।

कंदर्प अगणित अमित छवी नव नील नीरज सुन्दरम्।
पट्पीत मानहु तडित रूचि शुचि नौमी जनक सुतावरम्।।

भजु दीन बंधु दिनेश दानव दैत्य वंश निकंदनम्।
रघुनंद आनंद कंद कौशल चंद दशरथ नन्दनम्।।

सिर मुकुट कुण्डल तिलक चारु उदारू अंग विभूषणं।
आजानु भुज शर चाप धर संग्राम जित खर-धूषणं।।

इति वदति तुलसीदास शंकर शेष मुनि मन रंजनम्।
मम ह्रदय कुंज निवास कुरु कामादी खल दल गंजनम्।।

मनु जाहिं राचेऊ मिलिहि सो बरु सहज सुंदर सावरों।
करुना निधान सुजान सिलू सनेहू जानत रावरो।।

एही भांती गौरी असीस सुनी सिय सहित हिय हरषी अली।
तुलसी भवानी पूजि पूनी पूनी मुदित मन मंदिर चली।।

जानि गौरी अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषु न जाइ कहि।
मंजुल मंगल मूल वाम अंग फरकन लगे।।

श्री राम चंद्र कृपालु भजमन हरण भाव भय दारुणम्।
नवकंज लोचन कंज मुखकर, कंज पद कन्जारुणम्।।

Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Meaning with Word Meaning

श्री राम चंद्र कृपालु भजमन हरण भाव भय दारुणम्।
नवकंज लोचन कंज मुखकर, कंज पद कन्जारुणम्।।

Word Meaning :
Shri Ram Chandra (श्री राम चंद्र) - An incarnation of Lord Vishnu and a Hindu deity worshiped as a symbol of virtue and morality.
Kripalu (कृपालु) - Kind and compassionate.
Bhajman (भजमन) - The object of my devotion.
Haran (हरण) - To remove.
Bhav (भाव) - Fear or worries.
Bhay (भय) - Terror.
Darunam (दारुणम) - Painful or terrifying.
Shri Ram Chandra, who is kind and compassionate, is the object of my devotion. He removes all the fears and worries of his devotees.
Navkanj (नवकंज) - New or fresh lotus.
Lochan (लोचन) - Eyes.
Kanj (कंज) - Lotus.
Mukhakar (मुखकर) - Face.
Pad (पद) - Feet.
Kanjarunam (कन्जारुणम) - Soft and red like the lotus.
Meaning : Shri Ram Chandra, who is kind and compassionate, is the object of my devotion. He removes all the fears and worries of his devotees.
He has eyes like lotus petals, a face like a lotus flower, and lotus feet that are soft and red like the lotus flower.
This verse is a devotional bhajan (hymn) in praise of Shri Ram Chandra. The verse describes the physical characteristics of Shri Ram Chandra, highlighting his compassionate nature and ability to remove the fears and worries of his devotees. He is depicted as having eyes like fresh lotus petals, a face like a lotus flower, and soft and red lotus feet.

कंदर्प अगणित अमित छवी नव नील नीरज सुन्दरम्।
पट्पीत मानहु तडित रूचि शुचि नौमी जनक सुतावरम्।।
Kandarp (कंदर्प) - The god of love, Cupid.
Aganit (अगणित) - Innumerable.
Amit (अमित) - Immeasurable.
Chhavi (छवी) - Appearance or form.
Nav (नव) - New or fresh.
Neel (नील) - Blue.
Neeraj (नीरज) - Lotus.
Sundaram (सुन्दरम) - Beautiful.
Patpeet (पट्पीत) - Wearing yellow garments.
Maanahu (मानहु) - Please accept.
Tadit (तडित) - Lightning.
Ruchi (रूचि) - Radiance or brightness.
Shuchi (शुचि) - Pure.
Naumi (नौमी) - I bow down to.
Janak (जनक) - King Janak, Shri Ram's father-in-law.
Sutavaram (सुतावरम) - Wearing the robe of a prince.
Shri Ram Chandra's (श्री राम चंद्र) appearance is innumerable like Cupid,
Meaning : unfathomable in beauty, she appeared to have brand new blue lotus like skin on her face.
O Shri Ram Chandra JI, you are as bright and illuminated as lightning and as pure as the sun, please accept my worship. I surrender to you, you were decked with bright yellow raiment like a king, and you are the son-in-law of King Janak. The verse gives the appearance of Shri Ram which is innumerable and immeasurable in beauty. He is likened to Cupid, and has the rosy hue of a man just up from the bath, his skin has the translucency of blue lotus. The verse also dwells over the fact that Shri Ram was not only pure hearted and radiant but having a royal touch of discrimination wearing yellow clothes like a prince and actually a son in law of king Janak. These two verses are similar to each other in that the verse ends with the prayer to accept the worship of the devotee.

भजु दीन बंधु दिनेश दानव दैत्य वंश निकंदनम्।
रघुनंद आनंद कंद कौशल चंद दशरथ नन्दनम्।।
भजु दीन बंधु दिनेश दानव दैत्य वंश निकंदनम्।
Word Meaning
Bhaju (भजु) - Worship.
Deen (दीन) - Poor or destitute.
Bandhu (बंधु) - Friend or relative.
Dinesh (दिनेश) - Lord of the day, Sun.
Danav (दानव) - Demon.
Daitya (दैत्य) - Another name for demon.
Vamsh (वंश) - Dynasty.
Nikandanam (निकंदनम) - Destroyer.
Verse Meaning Worship Shri Ram Chandra, who is the friend and relative of the poor and destitute, and who destroyed the dynasties of the demons and their descendants.

रघुनंद आनंद कंद कौशल चंद दशरथ नन्दनम्।।
Word Meaning
Raghunand (रघुनंद) - Descendant of King Raghu, another name for Shri Ram.
Anand (आनंद) - Bliss or happiness.
Kand (कंद) - Son or child.
Kaushal (कौशल) - Skilled or proficient.
Chand (चंद) - Moon.
Dasharath (दशरथ) - King Dasharath, Shri Ram's father.
Nandanam (नन्दनम) - One who brings joy or happiness.
Meaning Shri Ram Chandra comes in the lineage of King Raghu, the source of delight and happiness, the expert and competent son of King Dasharatha and the dispeller of sorrows and harbinger of joy. The verse insists on the prayer to the lord Shri Ram, whois friend and relation to the poor and destitute people, the destroyer of the demon dynasties and their heirs. Continuing the verse Shri Ram is defined as pleasure to the sensual and a god of happiness, a well trained and established son of king Dasharath and the god of happiness.

सिर मुकुट कुण्डल तिलक चारु उदारू अंग विभूषणं।
आजानु भुज शर चाप धर संग्राम जित खर-धूषणं।।

सिर मुकुट कुण्डल तिलक चारु उदारू अंग विभूषणं।

Sir (सिर) - Crown or headgear.
Mukut (मुकुट) - Crown or tiara.
Kundal (कुण्डल) - Earrings.
Tilak (तिलक) - Mark on the forehead.
Charu (चारु) - Beautiful or handsome.
Udaaru (उदारू) - Generous or magnanimous.
Ang (अंग) - Body or limb.
Vibhushanam (विभूषणं) - Ornament or adornment.
Shri Ram is adorned with a beautiful crown, earrings, and a mark on the forehead. He has a handsome and generous appearance, and his body is adorned with various ornaments.

आजानु भुज शर चाप धर संग्राम जित खर-धूषणं।।
Ajaanu (आजानु) - Knee-length.
Bhuj (भुज) - Arm.
Shar (शर) - Arrow.
Chap (चाप) - Bow.
Dhar (धर) - To hold or carry.
Sangram (संग्राम) - Battle or war.
Jit (जित) - Conqueror.
Khar-Dhushanam (खर-धूषणं) - Destroyer of demons Khar and Dhushan.
Shri Ram is described as holding a bow and arrow in his knee-length arms, and is a conqueror of battles and wars. He is also the destroyer of the demons Khar and Dhushan.
Meaning : The given verse gives the description about the physical appearance of Shri Ram particularly about the crown which was on his head, earrings which were hanging from his ears and ornaments that were present on different parts of his body. Further, the verse also describes Shri Ram as a brave warrior capable of handling a bow and arrows with tiny knee-length arms and that he also possess the victory of battles and wars. In the verse, it also highlights his capacity of destroying not only demons like Khar and Dhushan but also anybody else. All together the picture that is painted by the verse is of Shri Ram, as the mighty and divine god who deserves to be praised and worshipped.

इति वदति तुलसीदास शंकर शेष मुनि मन रंजनम्।
मम ह्रदय कुंज निवास कुरु कामादी खल दल गंजनम्।।

इति वदति तुलसीदास शंकर शेष मुनि मन रंजनम्।
Iti vadati Tulsidas Shankar Shesh Muni man ranjanam.
Thus speaks Tulsidas, who delights the minds of the Shankar and Shesh munis.
Word meanings:
Iti: thus
Vadati: speaks
Tulsidas: the name of the poet and saint who wrote this bhajan
Shankar: Lord Shiva
Shesh: the serpent on which Lord Vishnu rests
Muni: sage
Man: mind
Ranjanam: delight, pleasure
मम ह्रदय कुंज निवास कुरु कामादी खल दल गंजनम्।।
Mam hriday kunj nivaas kuru kaamaadi khal dal ganjanam.
Reside in the garden of my heart and destroy the wicked gang of desires and negative thoughts.
Word meanings:
Mam: my
Hriday: heart
Kunj: garden
Nivaas: residence
Kuru: make, do
Kaamaadi: desires and other negative emotions like lust, anger, greed, etc.
Khal: wicked
Dal: gang, group
Ganjanam: destroy
Meaning: It is an opening line of the bhajan; Tulsidas the poet introduces himself and prays to Lord Rama. In the second line, he wishes to establish Lord Rama within the garden of his heart and get rid of the evil company within him or negative thoughts and desires.
This bhajan is the divine prayer to Lord Rama to endow them purification and raise him to a higher state of spirituality. This is a call to the devotee to relinquish his/her ill feels and wants and find divinity.

मनु जाहिं राचेऊ मिलिहि सो बरु सहज सुंदर सावरों।
करुना निधान सुजान सिलू सनेहू जानत रावरो।।

मनु जाहिं राचेऊ मिलिहि सो बरु सहज सुंदर सावरों।
मनु (manu) - mind; जाहिं (jahin) - where; राचेऊ (racheu) - fix; मिलिहि (milihi) - meet; सो (so) - that; बरु (baru) - great; सहज (sahaj) - natural; सुंदर (sundar) - beautiful; सावरों (savoro) - rider.
Meaning: O rider of the beautiful and great natural steed, fix my mind where I can meet Him (God).

करुना निधान सुजान सिलू सनेहू जानत रावरो।।
करुना (karuna) - compassion; निधान (nidhan) - treasure; सुजान (sujaan) - wise; सिलू (silu) - keeping; सनेहू (sanehu) - love; जानत (janat) - knows; रावरो (ravro) - Lord.
Meaning: O wise Lord, treasure of compassion, you know the love I keep in my heart for you.
एही भांती गौरी असीस सुनी सिय सहित हिय हरषी अली।
तुलसी भवानी पूजि पूनी पूनी मुदित मन मंदिर चली।।

एही भांती - In this way; गौरी - Gauri, another name for Goddess Parvati; असीस सुनी - listened to the blessings; सिय सहित - along with Sita; हिय हरषी अली - the heart rejoiced; तुलसी - Tulsi Das; भवानी पूजि - worships the goddess; पूनी पूनी - repeatedly; मुदित मन - with a happy heart; मंदिर चली - went to the temple.
Translation: In this way, Gauri listened to the blessings along with Sita, and their hearts rejoiced. Tulsi Das repeatedly worshipped the goddess and went to the temple with a happy heart.
जानि गौरी अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषु न जाइ कहि।
मंजुल मंगल मूल वाम अंग फरकन लगे।।

जानि गौरी अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषु न जाइ कहि।
जानि - know
गौरी - Goddess Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva
अनुकूल - favorable, pleasing
सिय - Sita, wife of Lord Rama
हिय - heart
हरषु - delight, happiness
न जाइ - not able to
कहि - say
Translation: Knowing that Goddess Parvati is pleased with Sita, my heart is not able to express the joy.

मंजुल मंगल मूल वाम अंग फरकन लगे।।
मंजुल - charming, beautiful
मंगल - auspicious, good
मूल - root
वाम - left
अंग - body part
फरकन - to feel different
Translation: The left part of my body is feeling different with the root of auspiciousness and beauty.
श्री राम चंद्र कृपालु भजमन हरण भाव भय दारुणम्।
नवकंज लोचन कंज मुखकर, कंज पद कन्जारुणम्।।)
श्री राम चंद्र कृपालु भजमन हरण भाव भय दारुणम्।
श्री: venerable; राम: Ram; चंद्र: moon; कृपालु: merciful; भजमन: to those who worship; हरण: removing; भाव: sorrows; भय: fears; दारुणम्: terrible.
O venerable Ramchandra, merciful to those who worship you, you remove sorrows and fears. How terrible is the ocean of worldly existence!

नवकंज लोचन कंज मुखकर, कंज पद कन्जारुणम्।।
नवकंज: nine-lotus-eyed; लोचन: eyes; कंज: lotus; मुख: face; पद: feet; कन्जारुणम्: red in color like a lotus.
Your face, with its nine-lotus-like eyes, and your lotus feet, red like the lotus, fill my heart with joy.
The whole of “Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman” is a hymn and a praise of Lord Rama. Here is a consolidated meaning of the verse and its significance:Here is a consolidated meaning of the verse and its significance:

These two hymns/poetry include; “Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman” which is a prayer for the blessings of Lord Rama. It may be seen that Lord Rama is referred with sweet name in the prayer and worshipped god who is compassionate and gracious, and the prayer seek his blessings to free the heart of the devotee from all fears and sorrows.

In the first line of the prayer He is referred with the epithet of ‘Kripalu’ which literally translates into merciful or compassionate. The devotee worships him in terms of one who can vanquish all the evils that plague the spirit of man as well as every sorrow that troubles the heart of man.

The second line of the prayer is about depiction of Lord Rama’s form where navakanchan = lotus eye, mukhakamal = lotus face and kanjarunam = lotus feet. The devotee takes bath with water and scrub these attributes with water as it is considered as valued Rama attributes.
There are several reasons why this prayer is important, but the most obvious being that it is an invocation of the mercy of Lord Rama. The prayer is generally used to attain the blessings of Lord Rama and it is said that reciting the prayer is a good way to get ‘ energized’ by the energy of Lord Rama.

श्री राम चंद्र कृपालु भजमन Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu with Lyrics I SURESH WADKAR | Ram Chalisa

Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman is one of the famous songs or Bhajan related to Lord rama which is one of the most celebrated gods in Hindu religion. This powerful prayer belongs to the 16th-century India saint Goswami Tulsidas and is thought to be the saint’s offering to Lord Rama.

What is the meaning behind, Shriramchandra Kripalubhajman ?
The bhajan is remarkable for its considerations as an element of devoted non secular expression. It calls Lord Rama as the ultimate hero of the great epic Ramayana and seeks his blessings and mercy. In effect, it gives elegant pictures of Lord Rama which an epitome of virtues of compassion and humanity and god’s grace in benevolence to shower his boon on his devoted subjects.

Before analysing the meaning, let’s find out what the word “ Kripalu ” in the bhajan donated by What is the meaning of the word “ Kripalu ” in the bhajan ?
It should also be noted that the word “Kripalu” means merciful or compassionate and from the context of the bhajan it is apparent that it refers to Lord Rama’s role as the merciful or compassionate Lord to his devotees.

In the given bhajan, let us learn about the symbolism that is associated with the lotus flower.
The lotus flower is considered being sacred and representing purity, enlightenment, and divine blessings. In the bhajan, lotus flower is symbolically used to depict the kinds of features the Lord Rama possesses that include the eyes, mouth and feet.

Is Bhajman, ‘Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman’ can be sung by anyone?
Yes, ‘Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman’ can be sung by anyone, who wants to sing a prayer in the honour of Lord Rama. It is a ONE route Hinduthor religious festivals prayer meetings and other types of devotional assemblies.
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