देवेन्द्रादिभिरर्चितं सुरगणैः - worshipped by the gods like Indra, आदाय सिंहासनं - taking the throne, चञ्चत्काञ्चनसंचयाभिरचितं - decorated with heaps of gold, चारुप्रभाभास्वरम् - shining with a beautiful radiance. एतच्चम्पककेतकीपरिमलं - with the fragrance of Champaka and Ketaki flowers, तैलं महानिर्मलं - pure and great oil, गन्धोद्वर्तनम् - perfume, आदरेण - respectfully, तरुणीदत्तं - given by Taruni (goddess of youth), गृहाणाम्बिके - O Ambika (another name for goddess Parvati) accept it. Meaning: Worshipped by the gods like Indra and taking the throne, this beautiful and radiant golden throne is decorated with heaps of gold. With the fragrance of Champaka and Ketaki flowers and the pure and great oil, and respectfully perfumed, this offering given by Taruni (goddess of youth) is presented to you, O Ambika, please accept it.
देवेन्द्रादिभिरर्चितं - Worshipped by gods like Indra, सुरगणैरादाय सिंहासनं - and offered a throne by the assembly of celestial beings, चञ्चत्काञ्चनसंचयाभिरचितं - decorated with a collection of various golden ornaments, चारुप्रभाभास्वरम्। - shining with a beautiful radiance, एतच्चम्पककेतकीपरिमलं - This fragrant oil of Champaka and Ketaki flowers, तैलं महानिर्मलं - pure and great oil, गन्धोद्वर्तनमादरेण - carefully processed, तरुणीदत्तं गृहाणाम्बिके॥2॥ - O Ambika, please accept this oil given by the young girl. This verse is a part of a prayer or stotra addressed to the Hindu goddess Ambika or Durga. The verse describes the glory of the goddess and the offerings made to her. It says that she is worshipped by the gods like Indra and offered a throne by the celestial assembly. Her throne is decorated with various golden ornaments and shines with a beautiful radiance. The verse also describes an offering made to the goddess, which is a fragrant oil made from Champaka and Ketaki flowers, carefully processed and pure. It is said to be given by a young girl and the verse ends with a request to the goddess to accept this offering.
पश्चाद्देवि गृहाण - Accept this offering, O Goddess, शम्भुगृहिणि श्रीसुन्दरि प्रायशो - O consort of Shambhu, O beautiful one, who is worshipped by many. गन्धद्रव्यसमूहनिर्भरतरं - This pure and abundant Dhatri fruit, धात्रीफलं निर्मलम्। - which is the fruit of the Dhatri tree, free from impurities. तत्केशान् परिशोध्य कङ्कतिकया - After cleaning it with the Kankati leaves, मन्दाकिनीस्रोतसि स्नात्वा - and bathing it in the waters of the Mandakini river, प्रोज्ज्वलगन्धकं भवतु - Let this fragrant substance become radiant, हे श्रीसुन्दरि त्वन्मुदे॥3॥ - O beautiful one, may it bring joy to you. This verse is also a part of a prayer or stotra addressed to the goddess Ambika or Durga. It describes an offering made to the goddess, which is a pure and abundant Dhatri fruit. The verse suggests that the fruit should be cleaned with Kankati leaves and then bathed in the waters of the Mandakini river before being offered to the goddess. Finally, it requests the goddess to accept this offering and bring joy. The verse also addresses the goddess as the consort of Shambhu and the beautiful one, who is worshipped by many.
सुराधिपतिकामिनीकरसरोजनालीधृतां - (Surādhipatikāminīkara-saroja-nālī-dhṛtām) - The one who holds a lotus flower garland, which is dear to the lord of the gods (Indra) सचन्दनसकुङ्कुमागुरुभरेण विभ्राजिताम्। - (Sac-chandan-sa-kunkumā-guru-bharena vibhrājitām) - Who is shining with sandalwood paste, saffron, and the weight of a guru's (teacher's) blessings महापरिमलोज्ज्वलां सरसशुद्धकस्तूरिकां - (Mahā-parimala-ujjvalām sara-saśuddha-kastūrikām) - Who is glowing with a great fragrance and wearing pure musk गृहाण वरदायिनि त्रिपुरसुन्दरि श्रीप्रदे॥4॥ - (Gṛhāṇa varadāyini tripura-sundari śrī-prade) - O giver of boons, Tripura Sundari, please accept my salutations.
गन्धर्वामरकिन्नरप्रियतमासंतानहस्ताम्बुज- (Gandharvāmara-kinnaṛa-priya-tamā-santāna-hastāmbuja) - Your lotus hands are dear to the gandharvas (celestial musicians), amaras (immortals), and kinnaras (celestial beings) प्रस्तारैर्ध्रियमाणमुत्तमतरं काश्मीरजापिञ्जरम्। (Prastāraiḥ dhriyamāṇam uttama-taraṁ kāśmīra-jāpiñjaram) - They hold an excellent cage made of Kashmiri gold wire मातर्भास्वरभानुमण्डललसत्कान्तिप्रदानोज्ज्वलं (Mātar bhāsvara-bhānumaṇḍala-lasat-kānti-pradāna-ujjvalaṁ) - Your resplendent body illuminates like the radiant sun and moon, bestowing a brilliant radiance to the surrounding sphere चैतन्निर्मलमातनोतु वसनं श्रीसुन्दरि त्वन्मुदम्॥5॥ (Caitan-nirmala-mātanotu vasanaṁ śrī-sundari tvan-mudam) - May your immaculate and pure presence, O Beautiful Goddess, bless us with vitality and joy.
स्वर्णाकल्पितकुण्डले श्रुतियुगे हस्ताम्बुजे मुद्रिका (Svarṇākalpita-kuṇḍale śruti-yuge hastāmbuje mudrikā) - In ancient times, during the era of the Vedas, you wore golden earrings and held a seal in your lotus hands मध्ये सारसना नितम्बफलके मञ्जीरमङ्घ्रिद्वये। (Madhye sārasanā nitamba-phalake mañjīram-aṅghri-dvaye) - Around your waist, which resembles a lotus flower, you wear anklets, while a garland of sārasa flowers adorns your hips हारो वक्षसि कङ्कणौ क्वणरणत्कारौ करद्वन्द्वके (Hāro vakṣasi kaṅkaṇau kvaṇaraṇat-kārau kara-dvandvake) - On your chest, you wear a necklace and bracelets that jingle melodiously विन्यस्तं मुकुटं शिरस्यनुदिनं दत्तोन्मदं स्तूयताम्॥6॥ (Vinyastaṁ mukuṭaṁ śirasy-anudinaṁ datt-onmadaṁ stūyatām) - Your crown adorns your head daily, and it fills us with wonder and reverence. Let it be praised!
ग्रीवायां - On the neck धृतकान्तिकान्तपटलं - The surface where the luster of the lips is held ग्रैवेयकं सुन्दरं - Beautifully made of cowries सिन्दूरं विलसल्ललाटफलके - Where vermilion shines on the forehead सौन्दर्यमुद्राधरम्। - Adorned with the sign of beauty राजत् कज्जलम् - Shining black collyrium उज्ज्वलोत्पलदलश्रीमोचने लोचने - Which removes the beauty of the lotus petals from the eyes तद्दिव्यौषधिनिर्मितं - Made of divine herbs रचयतु श्रीशाम्भवि श्रीप्रदे॥7॥ - May the Lord of Parvati create it for me.
अमन्दतरमन्दरोन्मथितदुग्धसिन्धूद्भवं - You who emerge from the milky ocean that was churned by the Mandara mountain. निशाकरकरोपमं त्रिपुरसुन्दरि श्रीप्रदे - You who are as beautiful as the moon and the destroyer of the demon Tripura. गृहाण मुखमीक्षतुं मुकुरबिम्बमाविद्रुमैः - Please accept the reflection of your face in the mirror made of pearls. विनिर्मितमघच्छिदे रतिकराम्बुजस्थायिनम् - You who are seated on a lotus flower that has bloomed from the destruction of the demon Madhu. O Tripurasundari, the beautiful goddess who emerged from the milky ocean! You are as resplendent as the moon and the destroyer of the demon Tripura. Please accept the reflection of your face in the mirror made of pearls. You are seated on a lotus flower that has bloomed from the destruction of the demon Madhu.
कस्तूरीद्रवचन्दनागुरुसुधाधाराभिराप्लावितं चञ्चच्चम्पकपाटलादिसुरभिद्रव्यैः सुगन्धीकृतम्। देवस्त्रीगणमस्तकस्थितमहारत्नादिकुम्भव्रजै- रम्भःशाम्भवि संभ्रमेण विमलं दत्तं गृहाणाम्बिके॥9॥ कस्तूरीद्रव: - musk, चन्दन: - sandalwood, अगुरु: - aloe vera, सुधा - nectar, धारा - stream, अभि: - with, आप्लावितं - flooded, drenched, सुगन्धीकृतम् - made fragrant, चञ्चच्चम्पकपाटलादि- Champaka and Kadamba flowers, पाटल - the trumpet flower, सुरभि- fragrances, द्रव्यैः - with substances. देवस्त्रीगण - The divine maidens, अम्बिके - O Mother (another name for Parvati), महारत्न - great jewels, आदिकुम्भव्रजैः - (adorned) with pots and other containers made of gold and silver, स्थितं - situated, तक - atop, संभ्रमेण - in tumult, अम्भःशाम्भवि - O wife of Lord Shiva, विमलं - pure, दत्तं - given, गृहाण - accept.
O Mother Ambika, accept the pure offerings made with musk, sandalwood, aloe vera, nectar, and fragrant flowers such as Champaka and Kadamba, which have been made fragrant by these substances. The divine maidens, with pots and other containers made of gold and silver, and adorned with great jewels, are situated on top in tumult. O wife of Lord Shiva, please accept this pure offering.
कह्लार उत्पलनाग केसर सरोजा ख्या वली मालती - "Kahlaara" (a type of jasmine), "utpal" (lotus), "nag" (snake), "kesar" (saffron), "saroja" (lotus), and "khya" (named) "vali" (garland), "malti" (a type of flower vine) मल्ली कैरव केतक आदि कुसुमैः रक्ताश्वमारादि - With flowers such as "mali" (jasmine), "kairav" (white lily), "ketak" (screw pine), and other flowers like "raktaashva" (horse-flame), पुष्पैः माल्यभरेण वै सुरभिणा नानारसस्रोतसा Decorated with flower garlands, the temple is filled with various fragrances. ताम्राम्भोज निवासिनीं भगवतीं श्रीचण्डिकां पूजये॥10॥ I worship the Goddess Chandi, who resides in a temple surrounded by the fragrance of these various flowers.
मांसी गुग्गुल चन्दन आगुरु रजः कर्पूर शैलेय जैः With "maansi" (a type of fragrant herb), "guggulu" (resin), "chandan" (sandalwood), "aguru" (a type of fragrant wood), "raj" (frankincense), "karpur" (camphor), "shaila" (musk), and other fragrant materials, माधवीकैः सह कुङ्कुमैः सुरचितैः सर्पिर्भिरामिश्रितैः। Mixed with "madhavi" (a type of flowering plant), "kunkum" (saffron), and other fragrant substances like "sarpis" (ghee-based substance), सौरभ्य स्थिति मन्दिरे मणिमये पात्रे भवेत् प्रीतये This fragrance mixture is placed in a gem-studded vessel within a fragrant temple, धूपोऽयं सुरकामिनी विरचितः श्रीचण्डिके त्वन्मुदे॥11॥ This fragrant incense is offered to the Goddess Chandi, who fulfills the desires of the gods. I rejoice in worshiping the Goddess Chandi.
The verse describes the offering of fragrant materials such as herbs, resins, sandalwood, and other fragrant substances, mixed with saffron and ghee-based substance, placed in a gem-studded vessel within a fragrant temple and offered as incense to the goddess Chandi. The incense is believed to fulfill the desires of the gods and is offered with joy and devotion.
घृतद्रवपरिस्फुरद्रुचिररत्नयष्ट्यान्वितो "ghritadrava" (melted ghee) is mixed with precious gemstones and forms an exquisite lamp. महातिमिरनाशनः सुरनितम्बिनीनिर्मितः। It destroys the great darkness and is made by the divine craftsman, the celestial architect. सुवर्णचषकस्थितः सघनसारवर्त्यान्वित- The lamp is placed in a golden vessel and filled with dense, fragrant oil. स्तव त्रिपुरसुन्दरि स्फुरति देवि दीपो मुदे॥12॥ O Goddess Tripurasundari, the lamp illuminates and shines brightly with joy. The verse describes the offering of a lamp made of melted ghee mixed with precious gemstones, created by the divine craftsman, and placed in a golden vessel filled with dense, fragrant oil. The lamp destroys the great darkness and illuminates brightly, bringing joy and happiness to the goddess Tripurasundari.
जातीसौरभनिर्भरं - filled with the fragrance of the caste (species) रुचिकरं - delicious शाल्योदनं - rice mixed with vegetables निर्मलं - pure युक्तं - mixed हिङ्गुमरीचजीरसुरभिद्रव्यान्वितैर्व्यञ्जनैः - with spices such as asafoetida, cumin, and mustard seeds mixed with fragrant substances पक्वान्नेन - with cooked rice सपायसेन - with milk मधुना - with honey दध्याज्यसम्मिश्रितं - mixed with curd and ghee नैवेद्यं - this food offering सुरकामिनीविरचितं - created by the desire of the goddess श्रीचण्डिके - of the goddess Chandi त्वन्मुदे - gives pleasure This food offering, which is filled with the fragrance of the species and is delicious rice mixed with vegetables, is pure. It is mixed with spices such as asafoetida, cumin, and mustard seeds, and fragrant substances. It is served with cooked rice, milk, honey, curd, and ghee. This food offering was created by the desire of the goddess Chandi and gives pleasure.
लवङ्गकलिकोज्ज्वलं - shining with clove buds बहुलनागवल्लीदलं - adorned with betel leaves सजातिफलकोमलं - with soft fruits of the same kind सघनसारपूगीफलम् - dense, ripe pomegranates सुधामधुरिमाकुलं - filled with the sweetness of nectar रुचिररत्नपात्रस्थितं - placed in a beautiful jewel container गृहाण - take मुखपङ्कजे - in the lotus of your mouth स्फुरितमम्ब - shining mother ताम्बूलकम् - betel leaves Consolidated Meaning: Take this betel leaf filled with shining clove buds, adorned with betel leaves, soft fruits of the same kind, dense and ripe pomegranates, and placed in a beautiful jewel container filled with the sweetness of nectar, in the lotus of your mouth, shining mother.
शरत्-प्रभा-चन्द्रमः - The moon, shining like the autumn sun स्फुरित-चन्द्रिका-सुन्दरं - Beautiful with sparkling moonbeams गलत्-सुरत-रङ्गिणी-ललित-मौक्तिका-डम्बरम् - Wearing a garland of charming pearls of different colors गृहाण नव-काञ्चन-प्रभव-दण्ड-खण्ड-ओज्ज्वलं - Accepting the bright golden staff, which symbolizes authority and power महा-त्रिपुर-सुन्दरि - O beautiful goddess Tripura Sundari (another name for Goddess Lalita) प्रकटम्-आतपत्रं - Who appears like a radiant and glowing sun
The verse describes the appearance of Goddess Lalita, who is adorned with a garland of pearls of different colors and holding a golden staff symbolizing her authority and power. She is compared to the autumn moon, shining beautifully with sparkling moonbeams. She is addressed as Tripura Sundari, the beautiful goddess, who appears radiant like the sun.
मातस्त्वन्मुदमातनोतु - May your mother be pleased with you सुभगस्त्रीभिः सदाऽऽन्दोलितं - constantly waving with beautiful women शुभ्रं चामरमिन्दुकुन्दसदृशं - white like moonlight and jasmine flowers प्रस्वेददुःखापहम् - removing sadness and grief सद्योऽगस्त्यवसिष्ठनारदशुकव्यासादिवाल्मीकिभिः - by sages like Agastya, Vasishta, Narada, Shuka, Vyasa, and Valmiki स्वे चित्ते क्रियमाण एव - who are always performing कुरुतां शर्माणि - the auspicious act वेदध्वनिः - the sound of the Vedas Meaning: May your mother be pleased with you, as the chowrie (a fan) constantly waves over you along with beautiful women, as it is white like moonlight and jasmine flowers, it removes sadness and grief. The sound of the Vedas performed by sages like Agastya, Vasishta, Narada, Shuka, Vyasa, and Valmiki who are always performing the auspicious act, may it resonate in your mind.
स्वर्गाङ्गणे वेणुमृदङ्गशङ्खभेरीनिनादैरुपगीयमाना। कोलाहलैराकलिता तवास्तु विद्याधरीनृत्यकला सुखाय॥17॥ In the heavenly courtyard, the music of the flute, drum, conch, and trumpet is being played, and the dance of the celestial beings, the vidyadharas, is creating a great commotion for your pleasure.
देवि भक्तिरसभावितवृत्ते प्रीयतां यदि कुतोऽपि लभ्यते। तत्र लौल्यमपि सत्फलमेकं जन्मकोटिभिरपीह न लभ्यम्॥18॥ Goddess, if devotion with a sincere and pure heart pleases you, then it is very difficult to obtain even one lifetime's worth of the reward of that devotion, let alone the greed for more.
एतैः षोडशभिः पद्यैरुपचारोपकल्पितैः। यः परां देवतां स्तौति स तेषां फलमाप्नुयात्॥19॥ By reciting these sixteen verses with devotion and offering the prescribed rituals, one can attain the fruits of worshipping the Supreme Goddess. इति दुर्गातन्त्रे दुर्गामानसपूजा समाप्ता ॥ Thus ends the Durga Manasa Puja from the Durga Tantra.
दुर्गा मनस पूजा प्रार्थना जो मां दुर्गा की पूजा करने वाले के मन में होने वाली भावनाओं को व्यक्त करती है। यह पूजा ध्यान, धारणा, और विचारशक्ति की महत्वपूर्ण धार्मिक गतिविधि है जो मान्यताओं और धर्म संसार के आधार पर आदर्श व्यक्ति की भावनाओं को स्थापित करती है। यह पूजा ध्यान, भक्ति, और आनंद को बढ़ाती है और व्यक्ति को आत्म-विकास और आध्यात्मिक उन्नति की दिशा में आगे बढ़ने में सहायता करती है।
दुर्गा मनस पूजा का विधान व्यक्ति के मन में होने वाली भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने के लिए होता है। यह पूजा ध्यान और मन को एक निश्चित धारणा या विचार पर केंद्रित करती है जो व्यक्ति को आनंद, शांति, और सकारात्मक भावना प्रदान करता है। इस पूजा में व्यक्ति अपने मन को संयमित करके आत्म-विकास की ओर एक प्रक्रिया में बढ़ता है जो उसे शांति, स्थिरता, और स्वयं-निर्भरता की अनुभूति कराती है।
DURGA MANAS PUJA श्रीदुर्गामानस पूजा (श्री६श्री गुरु श्री शिवदत्त स्मारक गड्डी,जोधपुर ) 9414849604
The Shri Durga Manas Puja is a set of verses or stotra dedicated to Goddess Durga, which is recited during worship. The significance of this puja lies in its ability to help devotees connect with the divine presence of Goddess Durga and seek her blessings.
Unlike other forms of puja, the Durga Manas Puja does not involve any external rituals or offerings. Instead, it is a form of mental worship, where the devotee visualizes the goddess in their mind and offers her worship through the recitation of the verses.
This form of puja is considered very powerful as it requires intense concentration and visualization, which can lead to a deeper connection with the goddess. It is believed that performing the Durga Manas Puja with devotion and sincerity can help one attain the blessings and grace of the goddess, and lead to spiritual growth and inner transformation.
Furthermore, the verses of the Durga Manas Puja describe the different aspects of the goddess, her virtues, and powers, which help devotees to develop a better understanding and appreciation of the divine feminine.
इस ब्लॉग पर आप पायेंगे मधुर और सुन्दर भजनों का संग्रह । इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य आपको सुन्दर भजनों के बोल उपलब्ध करवाना है। आप इस ब्लॉग पर अपने पसंद के गायक और भजन केटेगरी के भजन खोज सकते हैं....अधिक पढ़ें।