अज़ीज़-'अक़ारिब का हिंदी में अर्थ, मीनिंग Ajeej Akarib Meaning in Hindi English
अज़ीज़-'अक़ारिब Ajeej Akarib (عَزِیز اَقارِب) उर्दू भाषा के इस शब्द का अर्थ खून के रिश्ते के रिश्तेदार, सगा, निकट का सम्बन्धी, प्रगाढ़ मित्र नातेदार आदि होते हैं।

अज़ीज़-अक़ारिब (Ajeej Akarib): This Urdu phrase means to "close relatives" or "near and dear ones" in English. It refers to blood relations, close family members, or strong bonds between individuals who are closely related, such as immediate family members or intimate friends.
Synonyms in English: Close Relatives: Family members who are closely related by blood or marriage.
Near and Dear Ones: Individuals who are emotionally close and cherished.
Immediate Family: Closest family members, typically parents, siblings, and children.
Intimate Friends: Close and trusted friends with whom one shares a deep connection.
Kin: Relatives or family members.
Kindred Spirits: Individuals who share similar values and interests, creating a deep connection.
Confidants: People in whom one can trust and confide.
Dear Ones: Loved ones who hold special significance.
Allies: Individuals who provide support and assistance in various aspects of life.
Companions: Close associates and friends who share experiences and activities.