ईजाब का हिंदी में अर्थ, मीनिंग

ईजाब का हिंदी में अर्थ, मीनिंग Ijab Meaning in Hindi English

ईजाब Ijaab (اِیْجاب) का हिंदी में अर्थ स्वीकार कर लेना, अनिवार्य एंव वाजिब करना,  अनिवार्यता, आदि होते हैं

The Arabic word "اجابت" (ijābat) refers to "answering" or "replying to." It is the verbal noun (infinitive) of the verb "جوب" (jawāb), which means "to answer" or "to reply." Therefore, "ijābat" signifies the act of responding to a question, statement, or request. It can also be used more broadly to indicate providing a favorable reply, granting approval, or giving consent.

ईजाब का हिंदी में अर्थ, मीनिंग Ijab Meaning in Hindi English

here are sentences illustrating the different meanings of "ijab":

Acceptance, Assent:
After carefully considering the proposal, she nodded in ijab, signaling her agreement to proceed with the plan.
Making Necessary Affirmation:
His ijab of the terms and conditions was crucial for the successful completion of the contract.
Acceptance or Consent for Marriage:
The bride's silent ijab during the marriage ceremony indicated her willingness and consent to marry the groom.
(In Moḥammadan Law) The First Proposal:
In accordance with Moḥammadan law, the negotiations began with the ijab, as the parties discussed the terms of the contract.

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