लक्ष्मण का पर्यायवाची शब्द Lakshman Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
लक्ष्मण के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) लक्ष्मण, शेषावतार , रामानुज , लखन , शेष , सौमित्र, अहीश, त्रैमातुर, रामानुज, लखन, लछमन, सोमित्रि, सौमित्र- आदि होते हैं।
लक्ष्मण के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -
- लक्ष्मण (Lakshman): Brother of Lord Rama in Hindu mythology, known for his unwavering devotion to Rama.
- शेषावतार (Sheshavatar): An incarnation of Lord Shesha (the cosmic serpent) in Hinduism.
- रामानुज (Ramanuj): A name, often associated with Ramanuja, a renowned Hindu theologian and philosopher.
- लखन (Lakhan): A common name, possibly derived from Lakshman, or used independently.
- शेष (Shesh): Lord Shesha, the divine serpent associated with Lord Vishnu in Hindu mythology.
- सौमित्र (Saumitra): Another name for Lakshman, emphasizing his connection with Lord Rama (son of King Dasaratha, hence called Saumitra).
- अहीश (Ahish): Lord of serpents; a name associated with Lord Shesha, the cosmic serpent.
- त्रैमातुर (Traimaturo): Another name for Lakshman, indicating his mother's name, Sumitra.
- रामानुज (Ramanuj): A name, often associated with Ramanuja, a renowned Hindu theologian and philosopher.
- लखन (Lakhan): A common name, possibly derived from Lakshman, or used independently.
- लछमन (Lachhman): Variant of Lakshman, referring to the brother of Lord Rama.
- सोमित्रि (Somitri): Another name for Lakshman, indicating his mother's name, Sumitra.
- सौमित्र (Saumitra): Another name for Lakshman, emphasizing his connection with Lord Rama.
इस लेख में आप लक्ष्मण शब्द के हिंदी में
(निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।