मुर्ख का पर्यायवाची शब्द Murkh Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
मुर्ख के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) मुर्ख, गँवार , अल्पमति , अज्ञानी , अपढ़ , जड़ , गधा , गर्दभ , खर , खोता, अंध, अचतुर, अचेत, अज्ञान, अज्ञानी, अनसमझ, अन्ध, अपंडित, अबुझ, अबुध, अबूझ, अबोध, अयाना, अरभक, अर्भक, अल्पबुद्धि, अविचक्षण, अविद, अविद्य, अविद्वान, अविबुध, अहमक, अहमक़, उजड्ड, उजबक, गँवार, गंवार, गबरगंड, गावदी, घनचक्कर, घामड़, घोंघा, चंडूल, चभोक, चुगद, चुग़द, चूतिया, जड़, जड़मति, जाहिल, ना-लायाक, नादान, नालायक, नासमझ, निर्बुद्धि, पामर, पोंगा, बकलोल, बाँगड़ू, बावरा, बावला, बिलल्ला, बुद्धिहीन, बुद्धू, बुधंगड़, बेअकल, बेअक़ल, बेअक़्ल, बेअक्ल, बेवकूफ, बेवकूफ़, बेसमझ, बोदा, बोद्दा, बोबा, भकुआ, भकुवा, भुच्च, भुच्चड़, भोंदू, मंद, मतिहीन, मन्द, माठू, मुग्धमति, मुहिर, मूढ़, मूढ़मति, मूढ़ात्मा, मूरख, मूसर, मूसरचंद, मूसरचन्द, मूसलचंद, मूसलचन्द, लघुमति, शीन- आदि होते हैं।
मुर्ख के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -
- मुर्ख (Moorakh) - Foolish, a person lacking intelligence or wisdom.
- गँवार (Ganwar) - Illiterate, rustic, or someone lacking in sophistication.
- अल्पमति (Alpamati) - Someone with limited intelligence or a narrow mindset.
- अज्ञानी (Ajnani) - Ignorant, lacking knowledge or awareness.
- अपढ़ (Apadh) - Illiterate, someone who cannot read or write.
- जड़ (Jad) - Dull, inert, or lacking in mental alertness.
- गधा (Gadha) - Ass, used metaphorically for someone considered foolish or stupid.
- गर्दभ (Gardabh) - Donkey, used metaphorically for a foolish or obstinate person.
- खर (Khar) - Ass, another term for a foolish or stubborn individual.
- खोता (Khota) - Another term for a donkey, often used metaphorically for someone foolish.
- अंध (Andh) - Blind, used metaphorically for someone lacking insight or understanding.
- अचतुर (Achatur) - Inept, lacking skill or cleverness.
- अचेत (Achet) - Unconscious, someone lacking awareness or consciousness.
- अज्ञान (Ajnana) - Ignorance, lack of knowledge or awareness.
- अज्ञानी (Ajnani) - Ignorant person, someone lacking knowledge or understanding.
- अनसमझ (Anasamajh) - Unintelligent, someone who does not understand easily.
- अन्ध (Andh) - Blind, someone lacking vision or understanding.
- अपंडित (A pandit) - Unlearned, not scholarly or knowledgeable.
- अबुझ (Abujh) - Unintelligent, someone who cannot comprehend easily.
- अबुध (Abudh) - Lacking intelligence, not wise or clever.
- अबूझ (Aboojh) - Unintelligent, someone who lacks understanding.
- अबोध (Abodh) - Unaware, lacking consciousness or awareness.
- अयाना (Ayana) - Foolish, lacking in wisdom.
- अरभक (Arbhak) - Inexperienced, someone lacking maturity or wisdom.
- अर्भक (Arbhak) - Immature, lacking in wisdom or experience.
- अल्पबुद्धि (Alpabuddhi) - Someone with limited intelligence or wisdom.
- अविचक्षण (Avichakshana) - Inept, lacking in skill or expertise.
- अविद (Avid) - Ignorant, lacking knowledge or awareness.
- अविद्य (Avidya) - Ignorance, lack of knowledge or awareness.
- अविद्वान (Avidvan) - Ignorant person, someone lacking in knowledge.
- अविबुध (Avibudh) - Unintelligent, not wise or clever.
- अहमक (Ahamak) - Egoistic, someone with excessive pride or self-importance.
- अहमक़ (Ahamak) - An alternate spelling of Ahamak.
- उजड्ड (Ujadd) - Wasteful, someone who squanders resources.
- उजबक (Ujbak) - Foolish, lacking in intelligence.
- गँवार (Ganwar) - Another term for an illiterate or rustic person.
- गंवार (Ganwar) - An alternate spelling of Ganwar.
- गबरगंड (Gabargand) - Clumsy, someone who is awkward or lacking in finesse.
- गावदी (Gavdi) - Foolish, lacking intelligence.
- घनचक्कर (Ghanachakkar) - Dull-witted, someone lacking sharpness or intelligence.
- घामड़ (Ghamar) - Foolish or stupid person.
- घोंघा (Ghonga) - Foolish person, lacking in intelligence.
- चंडूल (Chandool) - Unintelligent, lacking in wisdom.
- चभोक (Chabhok) - Another term for a foolish or dull-witted person.
- चुगद (Chugad) - Clumsy, awkward, or lacking in intelligence.
- चुग़द (Chugad) - An alternate spelling of Chugad.
- चूतिया (Chutiya) - A slang term for a foolish or gullible person.
- जड़ (Jad) - Dull, inert, or lacking in mental alertness.
- जड़मति (Jadmati) - Dull-witted, someone lacking in intelligence.
- जाहिल (Jahil) - Ignorant, lacking knowledge or education.
- ना-लायाक (Na-layak) - Useless, someone not fit for any purpose.
- नादान (Nadan) - Foolish, lacking in wisdom or judgment.
- नालायक (Nalayak) - Good-for-nothing, someone of no use.
- नासमझ (Nasamajh) - Unintelligent, someone who does not understand easily.
- निर्बुद्धि (Nirbuddhi) - Someone without intelligence or wisdom.
- पामर (Pamar) - Foolish, lacking in intelligence.
- पोंगा (Ponga) - Foolishness, a situation involving stupidity.
- बकलोल (Baklol) - Careless, someone who acts without thinking.
- बाँगड़ू (Bangadu) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- बावरा (Bawra) - Mad, someone who is mentally unstable.
- बावला (Bawla) - Another term for a mad or foolish person.
- बिलल्ला (Billla) - Unintelligent, lacking in cleverness.
- बुद्धिहीन (Buddhiheen) - Without intellect, lacking in intelligence.
- बुद्धू (Buddhu) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- बुधंगड़ (Budhangad) - Foolish, someone lacking in wisdom.
- बेअकल (Beakal) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- बेअक़ल (Beakal) - An alternate spelling of Beakal.
- बेअक़्ल (Beakal) - An alternate spelling of Beakal.
- बेअक्ल (Beakl) - An alternate spelling of Beakal.
- बेवकूफ (Bevkuf) - Foolish, someone lacking in common sense.
- बेवकूफ़ (Bevkuf) - An alternate spelling of Bevkuf.
- बेसमझ (Besamajh) - Unintelligent, lacking in understanding.
- बोदा (Boda) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- बोद्दा (Bodda) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- बोबा (Boba) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- भकुआ (Bhakua) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- भकुवा (Bhakuva) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- भुच्च (Bhuchch) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- भुच्चड़ (Bhuchchad) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- भोंदू (Bhondoo) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- मंद (Mand) - Slow-witted, someone lacking in mental acuity.
- मतिहीन (Matihin) - Without intelligence, lacking in wisdom.
- मन्द (Mand) - Slow-witted, someone lacking in mental sharpness.
- माठू (Mathu) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- मुग्धमति (Mugdhamati) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- मुहिर (Muhir) - Slow-witted, someone lacking in mental acuity.
- मूढ़ (Moorh) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- मूढ़मति (Moorhmati) - Foolish, someone lacking intelligence.
- मूढ़ात्मा (Moorhatma) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- मूरख (Moorkh) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- मूसर (Moosar) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- मूसरचंद (Moosarchand) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- मूसरचन्द (Moosarchand) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- मूसलचंद (Moosalchand) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- मूसलचन्द (Moosalchand) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
- लघुमति (Laghumati) - Someone with a small mind, lacking in intelligence.
- शीन (Sheen) - Foolish, someone lacking in intelligence.
इस लेख में आप मुर्ख शब्द के हिंदी में
(निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।