विप्र का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vipra Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

विप्र का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vipra Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

विप्र के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) विप्र, पुरोहित , द्विज , वेदज्ञ , ब्राह्मण,  अनलमुख, आग्नेय, इरेश, त्रयीमुख, द्विज, द्विजपति, द्विजाति, द्विजेंद्र, द्विजेन्द्र, द्विजेश, नृदेव, नृदेवता, पंडित, बाम्हन, ब्रह्मण, भू-देव, भू-देवता, भू-सुर, भूदेव, भूदेवता, भूमिदेव, भूसुर, महिदेव, माहन, माहनीय, मैत्र, योगचक्षु, लहेर, वर्णज्येष्ठ, विप्र, वेदगर्भ, वेदाधिदेव, शिखी, सावित्र- आदि होते हैं।

विप्र के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • विप्र (Vipra): A learned person, especially a Brahmin, scholar, or priest.
  • पुरोहित (Purohit): A priest or spiritual guide, often associated with performing rituals and ceremonies.
  • द्विज (Dvija): Literally, "twice-born." Refers to the concept of spiritual rebirth, particularly among Brahmins.
  • वेदज्ञ (Vedajna): One who knows the Vedas, indicating a person well-versed in Vedic knowledge.
  • ब्राह्मण (Brahman): A member of the priestly class, traditionally the highest caste in Hindu society, responsible for religious rituals and duties.
  • अनलमुख (Analamukha): Facing the fire, often associated with priests who perform Vedic rituals.
  • आग्नेय (Agneya): Related to Agni, the fire god. This term is associated with things related to or born out of fire.
  • इरेश (Iresh): Lord of the earth or ruler, possibly a title for a deity.
  • त्रयीमुख (Trayimukha): Having three faces, often associated with deities or symbols.
  • द्विजपति (Dvijapati): Lord of the twice-born, a title associated with Brahmin leaders or respected figures.
  • द्विजाति (Dvijati): The Brahmin caste, the twice-born.
  • द्विजेंद्र (Dvijendra): The king of Brahmins, a title denoting a highly respected Brahmin leader.
  • द्विजेश (Dvijesh): Lord of the twice-born, a title for a respected Brahmin.
  • नृदेव (Nrudeva): Divine man, a term indicating divinity or divine qualities in a person.
  • नृदेवता (Nrudevata): Divine deity or godly being, suggesting a divine nature.
  • पंडित (Pandit): A scholar or learned person, often used for someone well-versed in scriptures.
  • बाम्हन (Brahman): Another variation of the term Brahmin, referring to a member of the priestly class.
  • ब्रह्मण (Brahman): Another form of the term Brahmin, signifying a person well-versed in sacred knowledge.
  • भू-देव (Bhudeva): God of the earth, a deity associated with the Earth.
  • भू-देवता (Bhudevata): Deity of the Earth, a divine being associated with the Earth.
  • भू-सुर (Bhusura): A divine being associated with the Earth.
  • भूदेव (Bhudev): God of the Earth, a deity associated with the Earth.
  • भूदेवता (Bhudevata): Deity of the Earth, a divine being associated with the Earth.
  • भूमिदेव (Bhumidev): God of the Earth, a deity associated with the Earth.
  • भूसुर (Bhusura): A divine being associated with the Earth.
  • महिदेव (Mahidev): Great god, a deity of high status or importance.
  • माहन (Mahan): Great or noble.
  • माहनीय (Mahaneya): Worthy of respect or honor.
  • मैत्र (Maitra): Friend, a term often used to denote friendship and friendliness.
  • योगचक्षु (Yogachakshu): Yogic vision, the ability to see or perceive things through the practice of yoga.
  • लहेर (Leher): Wave, often used metaphorically.
  • वर्णज्येष्ठ (Varnajyestha): Superior in caste or class, often used to describe someone of higher social status.
  • विप्र (Vipra): A learned person, especially a Brahmin, scholar, or priest.
  • वेदगर्भ (Vedagarbha): Womb of the Vedas, suggesting someone who holds the essence of the Vedas.
  • वेदाधिदेव (Vedadhideva): God surpassing the Vedas, indicating a divine being with authority beyond the Vedas.
  • शिखी (Shikhi): Having a flame or crest, often associated with deities or symbols.
  • सावित्र (Savitri): A goddess associated with the sun, often invoked in Vedic rituals.

इस लेख में आप विप्र शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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