विष्णु का पर्यायवाची शब्द

विष्णु का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vishnu Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

विष्णु का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vishnu Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

विष्णु के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) विष्णु, दामोदर , केशव , चतुर्भज , चक्रपाणि , लक्ष्मीपति , पीताम्बर , गोविन्द , जनार्दन , नारायण , विश्वम्भर , माधव , उपेन्द्र , मधुरिपु, अंबरीष, अक्षर, अच्युत, अनीश, अन्नाद, अब्धिशय, अब्धिशयन, अमरप्रभु, अमृतवपु, अम्बरीष, अरविंद नयन, अरविन्द नयन, अरुण-ज्योति, अरुणज्योति, असुरारि, इंदिरा रमण, कमलनयन, कमलनाभ, कमलनाभि, कमलापति, कमलेश, कमलेश्वर, कुंडली, कुण्डली, केशव, कैटभारि, खगासन, खरारि, खरारी, गजाधर, गरुड़गामी, गरुड़ध्वज, चक्रधर, चक्रपाणि, चक्रेश्वर, चिरंजीव, जगदीश, जगदीश्वर, जगद्योनि, जगन्, जनार्दन, जनेश्वर, डाकोर, त्रिलोकीनाथ, त्रिलोकेश, त्रिविक्रम, दम, दामोदर, देवाधिदेव, देवेश्वर, धंवी, धन्वी, धातृ, धाम, नारायण, पद्म-नाभ, पद्मनाभ, पुंडरीकाक्ष, फणितल्पग, बाणारि, बैकुंठनाथ, मधुसूदन, महाक्ष, महागर्भ, महानारायण, महाभाग, महेंद्र, महेन्द्र, माधव, माल, रत्ननाभ, रमाकांत, रमाकान्त, रमाधव, रमानाथ, रमानिवास, रमापति, रमारमण, रमेश, लक्ष्मीकांत, लक्ष्मीकान्त, लक्ष्मीपति, वंश, वर्द्धमान, वर्धमान, वसुधाधर, वारुणीश, वासु, विधु, विभु, विश्वंभर, विश्वकाय, विश्वगर्भ, विश्वधर, विश्वनाभ, विश्वप्रबोध, विश्वबाहु, विश्वम्भर, वीरबाहु, वैकुंठनाथ, व्यंकटेश्वर, शतानंद, शतानन्द, शारंगपाणि, शारंगपानि, शिखंडी, शिखण्डी, शुद्धोदनि, शून्य, शेषशायी, श्रीकांत, श्रीकान्त, श्रीनाथ, श्रीनिवास, श्रीपति, श्रीरमण, श्रीश, सत्य-नारायण, सत्यनारायण, सर्व, सर्वेश्वर, सहस्रचरण, सहस्रचित्त, सहस्रजित्, सारंगपाणि, सुप्रसाद, सुरेश, स्वर्णबिंदु, स्वर्णबिन्दु, हरि, हिरण्यकेश, हिरण्यगर्भ, हृषिकेश, हृषीकेश- आदि होते हैं।

विष्णु के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  1. विष्णु (Vishnu): The preserver in the Hindu trinity.
  2. दामोदर (Dāmodar): Lord Krishna, named after His childhood pastime of tying a rope (dāma) around His waist.
  3. केशव (Keshav): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  4. चतुर्भज (Chaturbhuj): Four-armed, a form of Lord Vishnu.
  5. चक्रपाणि (Chakrapāṇi): Holder of the discus (chakra), a form of Lord Vishnu.
  6. लक्ष्मीपति (Lakshmīpati): Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  7. पीताम्बर (Pītāmbar): Wearer of yellow garments, often associated with Lord Vishnu.
  8. गोविन्द (Govind): A name for Lord Krishna, meaning "The Cowherd."
  9. जनार्दन (Janārdan): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  10. नारायण (Nārāyan): Supreme being, a form of Lord Vishnu.
  11. विश्वम्भर (Vishvambar): The sustainer of the universe, often associated with Lord Krishna.
  12. माधव (Mādhav): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  13. उपेन्द्र (Upendra): Younger brother of Lord Indra, a name for Lord Vishnu.
  14. मधुरिपु (Madhuripu): The sweet enemy, another name for Lord Krishna.
  15. अंबरीष (Ambarīsh): A devotee of Lord Vishnu.
  16. अक्षर (Akshar): The Imperishable, often associated with the eternal aspect of God.
  17. अच्युत (Achyut): Imperishable, a name for Lord Vishnu.
  18. अनीश (Anīsh): The Lord of the Universe.
  19. अन्नाद (Annād): The Eternal Eater.
  20. अब्धिशय (Abdhisay): Ocean-like, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  21. अब्धिशयन (Abdhisayan): One who lies on the ocean, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  22. अमरप्रभु (Amaraprabhu): Lord of immortals.
  23. अमृतवपु (Amṛtavapu): The embodiment of immortality.
  24. अम्बरीष (Ambarīsh): A devotee of Lord Vishnu.
  25. अरविंद नयन (Aravind Nayan): Lotus-eyed, often used for Lord Vishnu.
  26. अरुण-ज्योति (Aruna-Jyoti): The light of dawn.
  27. अरुणज्योति (Arunajyoti): The light of dawn.
  28. असुरारि (Asurarī): The enemy of demons, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  29. इंदिरा रमण (Indira Raman): Delighting in Goddess Lakshmi, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  30. कमलनयन (Kamalnayan): Lotus-eyed, often used for Lord Vishnu.
  31. कमलनाभ (Kamalnābh): Lotus-navelled, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  32. कमलनाभि (Kamalnābhi): Another name for Lord Vishnu, meaning "Lotus-navelled."
  33. कमलापति (Kamalāpati): Lord of the lotus, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  34. कमलेश (Kamalesh): Lord of the lotus, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  35. कमलेश्वर (Kamaleshwar): Lord of the lotus, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  36. कुंडली (Kundali): Wearer of ear ornaments
  37. कुण्डली (Kundali): Wearer of ear ornaments.
  38. केशव (Keshav): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  39. कैटभारि (Kaitabhāri): Slayer of the demon Kaitabha, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  40. खगासन (Khagāsana): One who rides on Garuda, the celestial eagle.
  41. खरारि (Kharāri): Slayer of the demon Kharasura.
  42. खरारी (Kharārī): Slayer of the demon Kharasura.
  43. गजाधर (Gajādhara): One who holds an elephant goad, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  44. गरुड़गामी (Garuḍagāmī): One who rides on Garuda, the celestial eagle.
  45. गरुड़ध्वज (Garuḍadhvaja): One who has Garuda on his flag, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  46. चक्रधर (Chakradhara): Bearer of the discus (chakra), referring to Lord Vishnu.
  47. चक्रपाणि (Chakrapāṇi): Holder of the discus (chakra), a form of Lord Vishnu.
  48. चक्रेश्वर (Chakreśwar): Lord of the discus, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  49. चिरंजीव (Chirañjīva): Immortal.
  50. जगदीश (Jagadīsh): Lord of the world.
  51. जगदीश्वर (Jagadīshwar): Lord of the world.
  52. जगद्योनि (Jagadyoni): The source of the universe.
  53. जगन् (Jagan): The universe.
  54. जनार्दन (Janārdan): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  55. जनेश्वर (Janeśwar): Lord of all beings.
  56. डाकोर (Ḍākor): The Lord of Dwarka, referring to Lord Krishna.
  57. त्रिलोकीनाथ (Trilokīnāth): Lord of the three worlds.
  58. त्रिलोकेश (Trilokeś): Lord of the three worlds.
  59. त्रिविक्रम (Trivikrama): Conqueror of the three worlds, a form of Lord Vishnu.
  60. दम (Dama): Self-control.
  61. दामोदर (Dāmodar): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  62. देवाधिदेव (Devādhidev): God of all gods, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  63. देवेश्वर (Deveśwar): Lord of the gods.
  64. धंवी (Dhaṁvī): The destroyer.
  65. धन्वी (Dhanvī): The destroyer.
  66. धातृ (Dhātṛ): The creator.
  67. धाम (Dhām): The abode or destination.
  68. नारायण (Nārāyan): Another name for Lord Vishnu.
  69. पद्म-नाभ (Padma-Nābh): Lotus-navelled, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  70. पद्मनाभ (Padmanābh): Lotus-navelled, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  71. पुंडरीकाक्ष (Puṇḍarīkākṣa): Lotus-eyed, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  72. फणितल्पग (Phaṇitalpaga): Slayer of the serpent (python) Aghasura, referring to Lord Krishna.
  73. बाणारि (Bāṇāri): Slayer of the demon Bana, referring to Lord Krishna.
  74. बैकुंठनाथ (Baikunthanāth): Lord of the celestial abode, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  75. मधुसूदन (Madhusūdan): Slayer of the demon Madhu, another name for Lord Krishna.
  76. महाक्ष (Mahākṣa): Great-eyed, often used for Lord Vishnu.
  77. महागर्भ (Mahāgarbha): Womb of the universe.
  78. महानारायण (Mahānārāyan): The great being, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  79. महाभाग (Mahābhāg): The greatly fortunate one, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  80. महेंद्र (Mehendra): Lord of Indra, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  81. माधव (Mādhav): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  82. माल (Māl): Wearer of a garland.
  83. रत्ननाभ (Ratnanābh): Jewel-navelled, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  84. रमाकांत (Ramākānt): Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  85. रमाकान्त (Ramākānt): Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  86. रमाधव (Ramādhav): Delight of Lord Rama.
  87. रमानाथ (Ramānāth): Lord of Rama.
  88. रमानिवास (Ramānivās): Abode of Rama.
  89. रमापति (Ramāpati): Lord of Rama.
  90. रमारमण (Ramāramaṇ): Delighter in Lord Rama.
  91. रमेश (Ramesh): Lord of Rama.
  92. लक्ष्मीकांत (Lakshmīkānt): Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  93. लक्ष्मीकान्त (Lakshmīkānt): Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  94. लक्ष्मीपति (Lakshmīpati): Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  95. वंश (Vaṁś): The lineage.
  96. वर्द्धमान (Varddhamān): Ever-increasing.
  97. वर्धमान (Vardhamān): Ever-increasing.
  98. वसुधाधर (Vasudhādhara): Bearer of the Earth.
  99. वारुणीश (Vāruṇīś): Lord of the cosmic waters, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  100. वासु (Vāsu): The dwelling.
  101. विधु (Vidhu): Moon.
  102. विभु (Vibhu): All-pervading.
  103. विश्वंभर (Vishvambar): The sustainer of the universe, often associated with Lord Krishna.
  104. विश्वकाय (Vishvakāya): The embodiment of the universe.
  105. विश्वगर्भ (Vishvagarbha): The cosmic womb.
  106. विश्वधर (Vishvadhar): The bearer of the universe.
  107. विश्वनाभ (Vishvanābh): The navel of the universe.
  108. विश्वप्रबोध (Vishvaprabodh): Awakener of the universe.
  109. विश्वबाहु (Vishvabāhu): The arms of the universe.
  110. विश्वम्भर (Vishvambar): The sustainer of the universe.
  111. वीरबाहु (Vīrabāhu): The courageous armed one.
  112. वैकुंठनाथ (Vaikunthanāth): Lord of the celestial abode, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  113. व्यंकटेश्वर (Vyaṅkaṭeśwar): Lord of the sacred land, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  114. शतानंद (Śatānand): Source of infinite joy.
  115. शतानन्द (Śatānan): Source of infinite joy.
  116. शारंगपाणि (Śāraṅgapāṇi): Holder of the bow called Sharnga, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  117. शारंगपानि (Śāraṅgapāni): Holder of the bow called Sharnga, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  118. शिखंडी (Śikhaṇḍī): Having a peacock feather on the head, referring to Lord Krishna.
  119. शिखण्डी (Śikhaṇḍī): Having a peacock feather on the head, referring to Lord Krishna.
  120. शुद्धोदनि (Śuddhodani): Son of Vasudeva, another name for Lord Krishna.
  121. शून्य (Śūnya): The void, the formless.
  122. शेषशायी (Śeṣhaśāyī): The one who reclines on the serpent Shesha, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  123. श्रीकांत (Śrīkānt): Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  124. श्रीकान्त (Śrīkānt): Beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  125. श्रीनाथ (Śrīnāth): Protector of Goddess Lakshmi.
  126. श्रीनिवास (Śrīnivās): Abode of Goddess Lakshmi.
  127. श्रीपति (Śrīpati): Consort of Goddess Lakshmi.
  128. श्रीरमण (Śrīramaṇ): Delight of Goddess Lakshmi.
  129. श्रीश (Śrīś): Lord of wealth and prosperity.
  130. सत्य-नारायण (Satya-Nārāyan): The eternal truth, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  131. सत्यनारायण (Satyanārāyan): The eternal truth, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  132. सर्व (Sarva): The all-encompassing.
  133. सर्वेश्वर (Sarveśwar): Lord of all.
  134. सहस्रचरण (Sahasracharaṇa): One with a thousand feet.
  135. सहस्रचित्त (Sahasracitta): One with a thousand minds.
  136. सहस्रजित् (Sahasrajit): One who conquers thousands.
  137. सारंगपाणि (Sāraṅgapāṇi): Holder of the bow called Saranga, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  138. सुप्रसाद (Suprasāda): One who is easily pleased.
  139. सुरेश (Suresh): Lord of the gods.
  140. स्वर्णबिंदु (Svarṇabindu): Golden-hued.
  141. स्वर्णबिन्दु (Svarṇabindu): Golden-hued.
  142. हरि (Hari): The remover of sins, another name for Lord Vishnu.
  143. हिरण्यकेश (Hiraṇyakeśa): Golden-haired, referring to Lord Vishnu.
  144. हिरण्यगर्भ (Hiraṇyagarbha): Golden-wombed, referring to Lord Brahma.
  145. हृषिकेश (Hṛṣīkeś): Lord of the senses.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
  1. आगन्तुक का पर्यायवाची शब्द Aagantuk Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
  2. अभ्यागत का पर्यायवाची शब्द Abhyagat Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
  3. मेहमान का पर्यायवाची शब्द Mehman Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
  4. पैसा का पर्यायवाची शब्द Paisa Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
  5. गृहागत का पर्यायवाची शब्द Grihagat Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
  6. सरसीरुह का पर्यायवाची शब्द Sarsiruh Ka Paryayvachi Shabd
इस लेख में आप विष्णु शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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