Meaning of Kompostirovat Mozgi


The Russian idiom "компостировать мозги" has a unique meaning due to its cultural specificity. Its meaning literally, it adds "компостировать"  and "мозги" (brain), but its rhetorical meaning is somewhat different.

historical context
Public transport systems in Soviet time used a device called "компостер" to validate tickets. Passengers used to put their tickets in this machine and used to make many holes, which used to change daily so that they were not used again. Similar tools were also used to make tickets holes in India. The use of this tool was called "прокомпостировать". Over time, the repetition of piercing was attached to the idea of ​​constantly harassing or confusing someone from a different way, which made someone upset the expression "компостировать мозги".
Idiomatic Meaning
In contemporary Russian, the colloquial meaning of "компостировать мозги" is to constantly annoy, pester, bother, or confuse someone. It also means something like this -"To mess with someone's mind": to deliberately confuse, to annoy someone, is one meaning.

"To bother someone": to cause persistent annoyance or trouble, to bother a person, etc. is also one meaning.

"To talk nonsense": to talk in a way that confuses or annoys the listener, creating an atmosphere in which the listener is confused.

"Компостировать мозги" is an example of how language and culture are intertwined, and historical practices have led to expressions that express specific emotions.

So you know it's used as a very rude phrase "ебать [кому-либо] мозги" (to mess with someone's mind) - it means to annoy a lot, talk nonsense, etc. "Компостировать мозги" is basically a euphemistic way of saying this phrase.

The verb "компостировать" means "to pierce" (the ticket), in the Soviet Union paper tickets for public transport were composted with a device that punched holes in them.
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