ब से शुरू होने वाले नाम हिंदी Baby Names Starting With B Alphabet

Baby Names Starting With B Alphabet Hindi ब से शुरू होने वाले बच्चों के नाम

Baby Names Starting With B Alphabet ब से शुरू होने वाले नाम हिंदी

  • Baladitya (बालादित्य): It means "Rising Sun" or "Young Sun."
  • Balagopal (बालगोपाल): This name signifies "Baby Krishna," where "Gopal" means Krishna and "Bal" means baby.
  • Banabhatti (बाणभट्टी): It is the name of an ancient poet.
  • Baanke Bihari (बांके बिहारी): It means "Lord Krishna."
  • Babharu (बभरू): The name means "Fire" or "Flame."
  • Babulal (बाबूलाल): It means "Beautiful."
  • Bachil (बचिल): The name implies "One who talks a lot" or "A speaker."
  • Badri Prasad (बद्री प्रसाद): It means "Gift of Badri" where "Badri" refers to Lord Vishnu and Prasad means gift.
  • Bah (बहा): It means "Beautiful" or "Magnificent."
  • Bahuketu (बाहुकेतु): It means "One with Many Banners" or "Mountain."
  • Bahuliy (बहुलिया): It refers to "Lord Kartikeya," the son of Lord Shiva.
  • Bahumargi (बहुमार्गी): It means "One who follows many paths" or "Versatile."
  • Bahumitr (बहुमित्र): It signifies "Friend of Many" or "Having Many Friends."
  • Bahuprad (बहुप्रद): The name implies "Generous" or "One who gives abundantly."
  • Bahurai (बहुराई): It means "Great Wealth" or "Riches."
  • Bahushakti (बहुशक्ति): The name signifies "Very Powerful" or "Full of Strength."
  • Bahuvikram (बहुविक्रम): It means "With Much Valor" or "Very Brave."
  • Bajaranga Bali (बजरंग बली): It translates to "Strong as a Diamond Tail Monkey," a name of Lord Hanuman.
  • Bakul (बकूल): It means "Flower," specifically referring to the Bakul flower.
  • Bakula (बकुला): It means "A type of flower" or "Crane-like in appearance, blossoming."
  • Balabhadr (बालभद्र): It means "Strong Youth" or "Powerful and Gentle."
  • Balachandr (बालचंद्र): The name signifies "Young Moon" or "Crescent Moon."
  • Balad (बलदा): It means "Giver of Strength" or "Strength Provider."
  • Balaganapati (बालगणपति): It means "Beloved Baby Ganesha" or "Young Ganesha."
  • Balagoviand (बालागोविंद): It means "Baby Krishna."
  • Balakumar (बालकुमार): It means "Young Prince" or "Youthful Prince."
  • Balamurugan (बालामुरुगन): It means "Young Lord Murugan," another name for Lord Kartikeya.
  • Balaraj (बालराज): It means "Strong" or "Powerful."
  • Balaravi (बालरवि): It means "Sunlight in the Morning" or "Rays of the Rising Sun."
  • Balasiangam (बालासिंगम): It means "Young Lion."
  • Balavan (बलवान): It means "Powerful" or "Strong."
  • Balabir (बलबीर): It means "Brave and Strong" or "Powerful Warrior."
  • Balendu (बालेन्दु): It means "Young Moon."
  • Balagoviand (बालगोविंद): It means "Baby Krishna."
  • Bali (बाली): It means "Strong" or "Powerful." It's also associated with a mythical monkey king.
  • Balamukuand (बालमुकुंद): It means "Young Krishna."
  • Balavant (बलवंत): It means "Strong" or "Powerful."
  • Balavindr (बलविन्द्र): It means "King of Strength" or "Powerful Leader."
  • Banaj (बनज): It means "Lotus" or "Beautiful like a Lotus."
  • Banabihari (बनबिहारी): It means "Lord Krishna."
  • Bandhul (बंधुल): Affectionate, with friends, family-oriented.
  • Banit (बनीत): Civilized, well-mannered.
  • Bankim (बंकिम): Wanderer, not straightforward, cunning, crooked.
  • Banshi (बंशी): Flute, a musical instrument played by Lord Krishna.
  • Banshidhar (बंशीधर): Holder of the flute, Lord Krishna.
  • Bansi Lal (बंसी लाल): Lord Krishna, the first Lord.
  • Barayi (बरयी): Admirer of greatness, a fan.
  • Bariandr (बरिंद्र): Ocean.
  • Barun (बरुण): God of the sea.
  • Basavaraj (बासवराज): Lord of bulls.
  • Basadev (बसदेव): Fire.
  • Basudev (बासुदेव): Fire.
  • Batuki (बटुकी): Boy.
  • Bavyesh (बाव्येश): God of the world, Lord Shiva.
  • Bijesh (बिजेश): Lord Shiva.
  • Bijoy (बिजॉय): Full of joy.
  • Biju (बीजू): Unique.
  • Bimal (बिमल): Pure.
  • Bianbisari (बिंबिसारी): King of the hidden dynasty.
  • Biandusar (बिंदुसार): Excellent pearl.
  • Binoy (बिनॉय): Humble, polite, submission.
  • Bir (बीर): Brave.
  • Birabali (बीरबली): Brave.
  • Bireandr (बीरेंद्र): King of warriors.
  • Brujesh (बृजेश): Lord of the Braj land.
  • Biraju (बिरजू): Good singer.
  • Bishanapal (बिशनपाल): Raised by God.
  • Brahmajit (ब्रह्मजीत): One who has won God.
  • Brahm (ब्रह्मा): Creator of the universe, Supreme Being.
  • Brahmanandam (ब्रह्मानंदम): Supreme bliss.
  • Brahmadev (ब्रह्मदेव): Godly deity.
  • Brajamohan (ब्रजमोहन): Name of Lord Krishna.
  • Brajesh (ब्रजेश): Lord of the Braj land.
  • Brajaraj (ब्रजराज): Lord of the Braj land.
  • Bramhanand (ब्रम्हानंद): Joy of knowledge.
  • Brijanandan (ब्रिजनंदन): Delighter of the Braj land.
  • Buddh (बुद्धा): Awake, enlightened, Lord Buddha.
  • Buddhadev (बुद्धदेव): Wise person, Lord Buddha.
  • Buddhinath (बुद्धिनाथ): Lord of wisdom.
  • Buddhiraj (बुद्धिराजा): King of intellect.
  • Buddhividhat (बुद्धिविधाता): God of intellect.
  • Bavesh (बवेश): Form of God, grace.
  • Baman (बमन): Great-minded, great personality.
  • Bidit (बिदित): Intelligent, bright.
  • Bahubali (बाहुबली): One of the Jain Tirthankaras.
  • Bahuley (बाहुलेया): Lord Kartikeya, abundant, expansive.
  • Bahuliy (बाहुलिया): Lord Kartikeya, abundant, expansive.
  • Bahumany (बहुमान्य): Honored by many people, respected and significant everywhere.
  • Bahavasy (बहवास्य): One of the Kauravas.
  • Baikuanth (बैकुंठ): Heaven.
  • Bair (बैर): Brave.
  • Bakhtavar (बख्तावर): Bringer of good fortune.
  • Bakul (बकुल): Flower, clever, patient, vigilant, watchful, another name for Lord Shiva.
  • Balabhadr (बलभद्र): Brother of Lord Krishna.
  • Bal Mukund (बाल मुकुन्द): Young Krishna.
  • Balachandr (बालचंद्रा): Young moon, lord with a moon on his head.
  • Balamani (बालामानी): Young gem, small jewel.
  • Bal Murali (बाळ मुरली): Young Krishna with a flute.
  • Balashankar (बालाशंकर): Young Lord Shiva.
  • Bal Subramani (बाळ सुब्रमनी): Young Lord Subramanya.
  • Baladity (बलादीत्य): Young Sun, young man, new rising sun.
  • Balachandar (बालचंदर): Young moon.
  • Bal Gopal (बाल गोपाल): Young cowherd, young Krishna.
  • Balaj (बालाज): Brightness, shine, grain, born with strength.
  • Balaji (बालाजी): Another name for Lord Venkateshwara (Lord Vishnu).
  • Balambu (बलाम्बु): Sambhu's son, Lord Shiva.
  • Balamurugan (बलामुरुगन): Young form of Lord Murugan, the child form of Lord Murugan.
  • Balanath (बालनाथ): Lord of strength, powerful.
  • Balaraj (बलराज): Powerful king.
  • Balaram (बलराम): Brother of Lord Krishna.
  • Balarak (बलारका): Like the rising sun.
  • Balendr (बालेन्द्र): Young Lord Krishna, strong and powerful deity.
  • Balakrushn (बालकृष्ण): Young Krishna.
  • Balamani (बालमणि): Young jewel.
  • Balu (बालु): Honest, faithful.
  • Balavir (बलवीर): Strong hero, powerful and brave.
  • Banabhatt (बाणभट्ट): Name of an ancient poet.
  • Bandan (बंदान): Greetings, worship, respect.
  • Bandev (बन्देव): God of nature.
  • Bandhul (बंधूल): Attractive, charming.
  • Bandin (बन्दीन): One who praises and respects, poet, a category of poets and scholars who sing praises in royal courts.
  • Bandish (बंदिश): Connection, binding.
  • Banit (बानित): Civilized.
  • Baankebihari (बांकेबिहारी): Another name for Lord Krishna.
  • Bansilal (बंसीलाल): Lord Krishna, the first Lord.
  • Banti (बन्टी): Ball.
  • Bapu (बापु): General term for father, also used as a term of endearment.
  • Barhan (बर्हन): Sharp, intense, strong, powerful, quick, thunderous.
  • Bijal (बिजल): It means "Lightning" or "Sky's Lightning."
  • Barin (बरिन): It means "Great Warrior" or "Hero."
  • Binal (बिनल): It means "Royal" or "Happy Person."
  • Babat (बबत): It means "Fortunate" or "Blessed."
  • Basita (बसित): It means "Vast" or "Spread Out."
  • Badraka (बद्रक): It means "Lotus" or "Soft."
  • Bachiant (बचिंत): It means "Free from Worries" or "Peaceful."
  • Basant (बसंत): It means "Spring" or "Freshness."
  • Batuk (बटुक): It means "Child" or "Shiva's Child."
  • Bahadurajit (बहादुरजीत): It means "Victorious Brave" or "One who conquers with strength."
  • Baladip (बलदीप): It means "Lamp of Strength" or "Powerful Light."
  • Balamohana (बालमोहन): It means "Charming Child" or "Delightful."
  • Bajarang (बजरंग): It means "Strong like Thunder" or "Thunderbolt."
  • Balavira (बलवीर): It means "Brave and Powerful" or "Strength-filled Hero."
  • Bipin (बिपिन): It means "Forest" or "King of the Forest."
  • Bansi (बंसी): It means "Flute" or "Sweet Melody."
  • Bajish (बाजिश): It means "Swift" or "Powerful."
  • Banavari (बनवारी): It means "Charming" or "Beautiful."
  • Badal (बादल): It means "Cloud" or "Sky."
  • Babbar (बब्बर): It means "Tiger" or "Strong and Courageous."
  • Boni (बोनी): It means "Joyful" or "Attractive."
  • Bal (बाला): It means "Young Girl" or "Strength."
  • Baban (बबन): It means "Winner" or "Victorious."
  • Babu (बाबु): It is an affectionate term meaning "Dear" or "Baby."
  • Babul (बाबुल): It means "Father" or "Affectionate name for father."
  • Badari (बदरी): It refers to a sacred place associated with Lord Vishnu, also known as Badrinath.
  • Badari Narayanan (बदरी नारायणन): It means "Lord Vishnu associated with the Badari tree."
  • Badrinath (बद्रीनाथ): It refers to the Lord of Badri, an epithet for Lord Vishnu.
  • Bagir (बगीरा): It means "Loving" or "Affectionate."
  • Bagyaraj (बाग्यराज): It means "King of Luck" or "Fortunate King."
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