ओम नमः शिवाय, इस लेख में हम शिव को महादेव क्यों कहते हैं, के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त करेंगे.
शिव को महादेव क्यों कहते हैं
शिव सभी देवों में प्रमुख हैं, सर्वोच्च हैं, शक्तिशाली हैं इसलिए शिव को देवों के देव कहते हैं। शिव को कई नामों से जाना जाता है जिनमे एक नाम महादेव है है जिसका अर्थ भी देवताओं में सबसे बड़ा और महान होता है। शिव को सर्वोच्च मानने का एक कारण यह भी है की शिव ने विष का पान करके अपनी श्रेष्ठता सिद्ध की थी लेकिन यह एकमात्र कारण नहीं है शिव को "महादेव" बनाने के लिए। शिव इस जगत के निर्माता और विध्वंशक दोनों है, शिव ही समस्त जीव जगत का मूल हैं। शिव ही आदि हैं, शिव ही योगी हैं और शिव ही समय से परे हैं। शिव महादेव हैं क्योंकि वे स्वयंभू हैं। उन्हें किसी ने पैदा नहीं किया और ना ही वे समाप्त होते हैं। देवतागण जब निराश हो गए थे तब शिव ने तीन नगर ( तीन राक्षसों ) का नाश किया और त्रिपुरांतक कहलाये। इसके अतरिक्त शिव स्वयं ब्रह्म हैं: शिव यक्ष के रूप को धारण करते हैं जिनके हाथ में ‘पिनाक’ धनुष शोभित है जो सत् स्वरूप हैं अर्थात् सनातन हैं, ओमवार स्वरूप दिव्यगुणसम्पन्न उज्जवलस्वरूप होते हुए भी जो दिगम्बर हैं।
शिव सभी देवों में प्रमुख हैं, सर्वोच्च हैं, शक्तिशाली हैं इसलिए शिव को देवों के देव कहते हैं।
भगवान शिव शिव के अनेकों नाम हैं जो उनके गुणों को दर्शाते हैं। जिनकी पूजा दुनिया भर में लाखों लोग करते हैं। शिव के प्रत्येक नाम का अपना एक महत्त्व और अर्थ है, इन्ही में कुछ नाम निम्न प्रकार से है :-
महादेव: , जो महा (सर्वोच्च) देव हैं, महान भगवान
रुद्र: विनाशक
शंकर: खुशी के दाता, शुभ।
नटराज: नृत्य के देवता।
नीलकंठ: जिनका कंठ नीला है, विष पान करने के कारण शिव जी का कंठ नीला पड़ गया है।
महाकाल: समय के भगवान, काल से भी ऊपर, जो काल के अधीन नहीं है।
भोलेनाथ: सरल-हृदय वाले।
भूतनाथ: भूतों और आत्माओं के भगवान।
पशुपति: सभी प्राणियों के भगवान।
शंभु: जो स्वंय में परिपूर्ण हैं, जन्म मरण से मुक्त हैं।
महेश्वरा: महान भगवान।
गंगाधर: गंगा के वाहक।
अर्धनारीश्वर: भगवान जो आधी महिला हैं।
त्रिनेत्र: तीन आंखों वाला।
कैलाशपति: कैलाश पर्वत के देवता।
कृतिवासन: बाघ की खाल पहनने वाला।
मृत्युंजय: मृत्यु को जीतने वाला।
दक्षिणामूर्ति: सभी ज्ञान के शिक्षक।
Lord Shiva is known by many names, including Mahadev. The term "Mahadev" is a combination of two Sanskrit words, "Maha" and "Deva", which together mean "great god".
Lord Shiva is revered as one of the most powerful and important deities in Hinduism, and he is associated with many divine qualities and attributes, such as creation, destruction, wisdom, and asceticism. As the god of destruction, Lord Shiva is believed to be responsible for the dissolution of the universe at the end of a cosmic cycle, after which he presides over the creation of a new universe.
The title of Mahadev is thus a reflection of Lord Shiva's immense power and importance as a deity in the Hindu pantheon. It also reflects his role as a compassionate and benevolent god who is capable of both creating and destroying, and who represents the cyclical nature of existence in the universe, the title of Mahadev is a fitting tribute to Lord Shiva's immense power and significance in Hinduism, and it is widely used by his devotees to honor and worship him as the great god who represents the ultimate reality of the universe.
Lord Shiva is considered one of the most powerful and significant deities in Hinduism for several reasons. Here are a few of them:
Creator and Destroyer: Lord Shiva is believed to be both the creator and destroyer of the universe. He is responsible for the cycle of creation, sustenance, and dissolution of the universe. As the god of destruction, he is also responsible for removing the old and making way for the new.
Asceticism and Spiritual Growth: Lord Shiva is often depicted as an ascetic, someone who has renounced all material possessions and worldly desires in pursuit of spiritual growth and enlightenment. This aspect of his character makes him a role model for those seeking to cultivate inner peace, wisdom, and spiritual awareness.
Consort of Shakti: Lord Shiva is often depicted with his consort, Parvati, who represents the divine feminine or Shakti. Together, they represent the balance of masculine and feminine energies in the universe and the importance of the union between these energies for the creation and sustenance of life.
Compassion and Benevolence: Although Lord Shiva is often associated with destruction and death, he is also regarded as a compassionate and benevolent god who grants his devotees spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and protection. He is often invoked for blessings and guidance in times of difficulty or uncertainty.
Significance in Hindu mythology: Lord Shiva is a significant character in many Hindu mythological stories and legends. His exploits and interactions with other deities and mortals have made him a beloved figure in Hindu culture and have contributed to his status as one of the most powerful and revered deities in the religion.
Lord Shiva's multifaceted character and role in Hindu mythology have made him a powerful and important deity in the Hindu pantheon. His qualities of asceticism, compassion, and power have made him a role model and inspiration for countless devotees over the centuries.
Yogi Shiva Mahadev | Ft. Mohit Chauhan And Aishwarya Nigam | Theme song - MahaShivRatri 2019
One who exists since time immemorial Has become one with nothingness Has spread over the boundless space The one who hit the unstruck sound
One has created water, air, earth, fire Infinite space, and every sound and color Has created the universe with the sound of the Damaru Has crafted this grand context
Noise of ankle bells, power of the Damaru Now reverberates in every nerve On this divine sound, and Brahma's rhythm He dances wild and performs the tandava
Everywhere and nowhere – Mahadev Lost in dance – Mahadev The still one, the yogi, meditative And enlightened – Mahadev
Absolute, infinite, without beginning or end The one who is beyond sin and virtue The one who is in every thought And the one beyond the thought process
The one who is an ascetic The one who is also a grihastha – the worldly one The one who can dance with full exuberance And in the next moment is capable of being still
This first yogi has paved the way Has gifted the science of yoga Has laid the foundation for the path of yoga Kindled the longing for the ultimate
Everywhere and nowhere – Mahadev Lost in dance – Mahadev The still one, the yogi, meditative And enlightened – Mahadev