108 Names of Krishna Meaning Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali

Ashtottara refers to the Hindu prayer form which comprises of 108 names of Lord Krishna out of the total of 108 forms of prayers. They are one of the forms of devotion through chanting and is usually used by people who worship Lord Krishna.

Ashtottara here literally refers to eight and a half times eighteen which in effect is ‘108’ in Sanskrit and the prayer essentially comprises 108 names or ‘Ashtottara Shata Namavali’ of Lord Krishna. Every name denotes a form or attribute of Lord Krishna and people in general consider chanting of these names can bring in peace, prosperity and blessings to their lives.
The Krishna Ashtottara is chanted in the course of Puja or offered as a prayer in a daily routine prayers. It is a kind of prayer which is said to guide the devotees towards attaining spiritual realization so as to have a closer communion with Lord Krishna.

108 Names of Krishna Meaning Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali

1. Achala : The firm one
Meaning:  The name Achala (अचल) is composed of two Sanskrit words: Literally, ‘Achala’ is formed by ‘a’ which stands for ‘not’ and ‘chala’ which means ‘moving’ or ‘unsteady’. Hence Achala can mean ‘immovable’ or ‘steady’. In Hindu pantheon, Achala is one of the names of Lord Vishnu who is the god of preservation. Achala is sometime used as an attribute of Lord Vishnu signifying permanency or steadiness or firmness or immovability.
Achala is the name given to Lord Krishna among many other names which relates to the lord in his many splendors. According to some writers, it means he is loyal, strong and unchanging in defending dharma (justice) and his followers.

The name Achyuta (अच्युत) is also a Sanskrit word that is composed of two parts: The name Achyuta translated can be likened to its break up into ‘a’ which stands for ‘not’ and ‘chyuta’ which means ‘fallen’ or ‘slipped. ’ The name thus means ‘never fallen’ or ‘unfallen.’
2. Achyuta: The infallible one
Meaning : Achyuta is one of the many names of Vishnu in Hinduism, god who is known as preserver of the universe. The name Achyuta is Lord Vishnu’s another name, meaning that he has always been there, and is everlasting, unchangeable, and unassailable. It simply means that Lord Vishnu is never born and he is never dead and that there is no change in him at any instance of time.
In the context of Lord Krishna the name Achyuta also falls under the category as it is one of the names of the Lord. Most people link it with his supposed indestructibility, and also his capacity to shield his followers from danger. Some of the commonly related words include Lord Krishna who is said to have killed death by his powers, hence the name Achyuta.

3. Adbhutah: The wonderful one
Meaning : The name Adbhutah (अद्भुत) means ‘marvelous’, ‘wonderful’ or ‘amazing’ in Sanskrit because it form the ‘adbhuta’ root word which means strange or astonishing.
In Hindu mythology Adbhutah is one of the aliases used to describe Lord Vishnu who according to Hindu cosmology is the one who maintains the universe. It has been found the name Adbhutah commonly refers to the aspect of Lord Vishnu in terms of being wondrous and miraculous. It symbolizes the divine forms of surprise via the actions of Lord Vishnu creation, sustenance and destruction.
Adbhutah is one of the nicknames which are attributed to Lord Krishna in order to describe his divine manifestations. In most cases it is linked to Lord Krishna and his revelation of performing wonderful things most especially the miracles. For instance, childhood pastimes of Lord Krishn such as lifting of Govardhana mountain and the defeating of potentiates are described as Adbhutah, which is a term that describes something marvelous and astonishing.
4. Adideva: The Lord of lords
Meaning : The name Adideva (आदिदेव) is a Sanskrit word that is composed of two parts: One of its parts, namely “adi,” means “first” or “original” while the second part of the word, “deva,” translates to “god” or “deity. ”That gives the meaning of “Adideva” as “the original god” or “the first deity.”

Adideva is one of the many names referred to Lord Vishnu is the Hindu trinity where he is considered as the preserver force of the universe. Adideva is normally the name that is given to a form of Lord Vishnu which is derived from the fact that Lord Vishnu is the first deity to have existed before the creation of the world. This symbol wanted to convey the Lord Vishnu who is considered as the origin of the creation as well as the existence of all living beings.
Adideva is one of the names associated with the Lord Krishna and they are all a representation of his divinity. It is closely related to the Lord Krishna who is in a way referred to as adi purusottama or the original and ultimate form of the deity.
108 Names of Krishna Meaning Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali
Meaning : The name ‘Aditya’ basically has four meanings: - ‘Of Aditi’, ‘son of Aditi’, ‘from Aditi’, ‘from the family of Aditi.’ Aditi is the goddess who is the mother of the Adityas who are mainly twelve in number and represents the sun god and Vishnu.

Aditya is also one of the many names of the lord Vishnu who is known as the preserver of the universe as per the Hindu mythology. The name Aditya is identifying with the Lord Vishnu’s aspect of being the provider or the giver of light and energy as well as the luminosity and splendor of the sun

6. Ajanma: The unborn one
Meaning : The name Ajanma (अजन्मा) is a Sanskrit word that means "unborn" or "eternal," and it is often associated with the divine nature of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna.

In Hinduism, Ajanma is one of the many names given to Lord Vishnu, who is regarded as the preserver of the universe. The name Ajanma is often associated with Lord Vishnu's aspect of being eternal and unborn, signifying his existence beyond the limitations of time and space.

In the context of Lord Krishna, Ajanma is one of the many names that signify his divine attributes. It is often associated with Lord Krishna's unborn and eternal nature, signifying his existence beyond the material world and his transcendental nature.
The name Ajanma carries a powerful spiritual significance as it represents the idea of the eternal, infinite, and unchanging nature of the divine. It also symbolizes the transcendence of the divine over the cycle of birth and death, and the eternal nature of the soul.
7. Ajaya: One who cannot be defeated
Meaning : Ajanma comes from the Sanskrit root ajanma, which translates as ‘unborn’ or ‘eternal’ and is apparently an epithet of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna.
In Hinduism, there are several incarnations of Lord Vishnu that are well-known one of which is Ajanma. There are some instances in which the name Ajanma is referred to the meaning of Lord Vishnu and particularly, the component of the manifestation which is permanently devoid of the spatial and temporal dimensions.
It is specific to Lord Krishna and as we have seen, Ajanma is just one of the names that describes Lord Krishna’s divine characteristics. It is also linked with the unborn and eternal form of Lord Krishna and many other things which prove that lord Krishna has no connection with the material world at all.
The name Ajanma also possesses deep philosophical implications in that it means, the eternal or the infinite or what cannot be deconstructed or altered in any way. It also symbolise the liberation of the spiritual from the cycle of birth and death and soul immortality.
8. Akshara: The indestructible one
Meaning : The name Ajaya is a simple output of the Sanskrit language the word Ajaya (अजय) translates into “unconquerable” or in the worse and better sense “Invincible” The Hindu Lord Vishnu has many names of which one of them is Ajaya because he is the preserver of the universe.
Ajaya is derived from the Sanskrit root words ‘A’ meaning ‘not’ and ‘Jaya’ meaning ‘victory’, which together means the god Vishnu cannot be conquered, cannot be defeated and is ever protective of his devotees. It symbolises his might and his muscles as well as the role assigned to him of a guardian of the universe.
In the context of Lord Krishna, Ajaya is one of the names it is used by people to refer to him which depict his divine Intervention. It is generally also linked with the Lord Krishna who is a warrior in the Indian epic ‘Mahabharata’ which is not only unbeatable but also cannot be killed in battles. For him it symbolizes his strength, courage and valour, and his ability to shield his devotees from any form of harm.
9. Amrit: Heavenly nectar that provides immortality
Meaning : Amrit (अमृत) is an Indian Sanskrit term which has been translated as ‘nectar’ or ‘immortal’; in Hindu mythology, Amrit refers to the elixir of life which makes the recipient invincible and provides eternal joy.
10. Anand-sagar: Sea of joy
Meaning :  Anand-sagar is a compound word that has Sanskrit origin, and Anand means ‘bliss’ ‘happiness’ while ‘sagar’ means sea the word Anand-sagar therefore, can be translated to mean ‘Sea of bliss’ or happiness.In hinduism, Anand-sagar is one of the many epithets of Lord Vishnu – the preserver.
The name Anand-sagar, therefore implies a vast ocean of ecstasy that the Lord Vishnu represents. It symbolizes the grace that is a result of his presence, and the sheer joy that his followers are blessed with from their relation with him. While dealing with reference to Lord Krishna, Anand-sagar is one of the many appellations that are associated with his persona that depicts his godly characteristics. It symbolises Lord Krishna’s compassion and capacity to spread joy in his devotees’ lives and his elements of spirituality and righteousness.
11 Ananta (अनंत): endless, infinite
The Lord Krishna is called by different names in the Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali; Ananta is one of them. The name Ananta means ‘endless’ in Sanskrit since the word ‘ananta’ in Sanskrit symbolises an infinity. They relate to the word ‘ananta’, which in the context of Lord Krishna denotes the fact that he is infinite and eternal and holds all the divine attributes.

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Krishna as per the tenets of Hindu religion is the god of gods and an avatar of Lord Vishnu. This is due to his God like characteristics which include, divine wisdom, divine compassion, divine love and devotion and others more; this God is believed to have been the ultimate beginning of every things.

The name Ananta also represents the omnipresent characteristic of Lord Krishna present with in every form and creation. It is lest one forget that He is present, aware, and capable of doing anything He wants. This materialistic concept is interpreted in such a manner that Lord Krishna himself is the eternal and unchangeable soul that exists behind everything on earth and the infinite character of lord Krishna is represented through god infinity of the universe.

12 Anantajeet (अनंतजीत): victorious over infinite, conqueror of endless
Anantajeet is one among the names of Lord Krishna in the list of Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali. The name Anantajeet is composed of two parts: ananta, which stands for the Sanskrit word for infinite, and jeet, which means victorious. It is used to describe Lord Krishna as being infinite and eternal and also as the victorious one of everything that is existent.

Another avatar of Lord Vishnu hence Lord Krishna is believed to be the ultimate creator of this universe and the god almighty in Hinduism. He is depicted as an embodiment of several attributes including wisdom, compassion, love and devotion and is seen as a Preceptor and a guide to his devotees.

The name Anantajeet means Lord Krishna who triumphs over everything that there is including the physical realm, Karmic cycle, and Maya, the favouring of the mind. It symbolizes that Lord Krishna is the perennial king and that his victory has been eternal and timeless. His infinitive and eternality is in his supremacy over all that has been created.

The name Anantajeet is also synonomous with Lord Krishna and his accpoliticalites of knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment. He also stressed the important principles of the nature of existence, the way to enlightenment, and the ultimate triumph over the darkness of ignorance.

Through the chanting of Anantajeet and with utmost dedication and faith, devotees try to obtain the grace of Lord Krishna and try to implement the victory of Krishna or his wisdom in one’s life. It also refers to the fact that Lord Krishna as well as his qualities such as knowledge, mercy and superiority over all that exists are beyond creation and are everlasting.
13 Ananya (अनन्य): unique, unparalleled, without a second
14 Aniruddha (अनिरुद्ध): unobstructed, unhindered, one who cannot be stopped
15 Aparajit (अपराजित): unconquerable, undefeated
16 Avyukta (अव्युक्त): unexpressed, hidden, incomprehensible
17 Balagopala (बालगोपाल): child Krishna, young cowherd
18 Balkrishna (बालकृष्ण): child Krishna
19 Chaturbhuja (चतुर्भुज): four-armed, having four hands
20 Danavendra (दानवेन्द्र): lord of demons
21 Dayalu (दयालु): compassionate, merciful
22 Dayanidhi (दयानिधि): treasure of compassion
23 Devadidev (देवदिदेव): god of all gods
24 Devakinandana (देवकिनंदन): beloved son of Devaki, Krishna
25 Devesha (देवेश): lord of gods
26 Dharmadhyaksha (धर्माध्यक्ष): protector of dharma, lord of righteousness
27 Dravin (द्रविण): wealth, treasure
28 Dwarkapati (द्वारकापति): lord of Dwarka, Krishna.
29 Gopal (गोपाल): cowherd, protector of cows
30 Gopalpriya (गोपालप्रिय): beloved of Gopal, beloved of Lord Krishna
31 Govinda (गोविन्द): one who gives pleasure to cows, Lord Krishna
32 Gyaneshwar (ज्ञानेश्वर): lord of knowledge, lord of wisdom
33 Hari (हरि): remover of sins, one who takes away sorrows, Lord Vishnu
34 Hiranyagarbha (हिरण्यगर्भ): golden womb, one who is born from the cosmic egg, Brahma

35 Hrishikesha (हृषीकेश): lord of the senses, lord of the mind, Lord Vishnu

36 Jagadguru (जगद्गुरु): guru of the world, spiritual teacher for all

37 Jagadisha (जगदीश): lord of the universe

38 Jagannath (जगन्नाथ): lord of the world, Lord Vishnu or Krishna

39 Janardana (जनार्दन): one who helps people, one who blesses the people, Lord Vishnu

40 Jayantah (जयन्तः): conqueror of obstacles, victorious

41 Jyotiraditya (ज्योतिरादित्य): one who is like the sun, brilliant like the sun

42 Kamalnath (कमलनाथ): lord of lotus, Brahma

43 Kamalnayan (कमलनयन): lotus-eyed, one with beautiful eyes

44 Kamsantak (कंसान्तक): destroyer of Kamsa, Lord Krishna

45 Kanjalochana (कञ्जलोचन): lotus-eyed, one with beautiful eyes

46 Keshava (केशव): one who has long hair, Lord Krishna

47 Krishna (कृष्ण): dark, blue-skinned, Lord Vishnu or Krishna

48 Lakshikantam (लक्ष्मीकान्तम): beloved of Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu

49 Lokadhyaksha (लोकाध्यक्ष): lord of the world, Lord Vishnu

50 Madan (मदन): god of love, Cupid

51 Madhava (माधव): another name for Lord Krishna, consort of the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi

52 Madhusudana (मधुसूदन): killer of the demon Madhu, Lord Krishna

53 Mahendra (महेन्द्र): great lord, king of gods, Indra

54 Manmohan (मनमोहन): one who attracts the mind, captivating

55 Manohar (मनोहर): charming, captivating

56 Mayur (मयूर): peacock, a symbol of beauty and grace

57 Mohan (मोहन): enchanting, captivating, charming

58 Murali (मुरली): flute, Lord Krishna's flute

59 Murlidhar (मुरलीधर): one who holds the flute, Lord Krishna
60 Murlimanohar (मुरलीमनोहर): one who captivates the mind with his flute, Lord Krishna

61 Nandagopala (नन्दगोपाल): protector of cows, Lord Krishna

62 Nandakumara (नन्दकुमार): son of Nanda, Lord Krishna

63 Narayana (नारायण): refuge of all, Lord Vishnu

64 Navaneetha-chor (नवनीतचोर): butter thief, Lord Krishna

65 Niranjana (निरञ्जन): spotless, pure, stainless

66 Nirguna (निर्गुण): without attributes, formless

67 Padmahasta (पद्महस्त): one who holds a lotus, Lord Vishnu

68 Padmanabha (पद्मनाभ): one who has a lotus growing from his navel, Lord Vishnu

69 Parabrahmana (परब्रह्मन): supreme spirit, ultimate reality

70 Paramatma (परमात्मा): supreme soul, God

71 Param-purush (परंपुरुष): supreme person, ultimate reality

72 Parthasarathi (पार्थसारथि): charioteer of Arjuna, Lord Krishna

73 Prajapati (प्रजापति): lord of creation, Brahma

74 Punyah (पुण्य): pure, sacred, holy

75 Purushottama (पुरुषोत्तम): supreme person, Lord Vishnu

76 Ravilochana (रविलोचन): one who has sun-like eyes, Lord Vishnu

77 Sahasraakash (सहस्राक्ष): thousand-eyed, Lord Indra

78 Sahasrajit (सहस्रजित्): conqueror of thousands, Lord Vishnu

79 Sakshi (साक्षी): witness, observer, one who sees everything

80 Sanatana (सनातन): eternal, permanent, unchanging

81 Sarvajana (सर्वजन): one who knows everything, omniscient

82 Sarvapalaka (सर्वपालक): protector of all, Lord Vishnu

83 Sarveshwar (सर्वेश्वर): lord of all, Lord Shiva

84 Satyavachana (सत्यवचन): one who speaks truth, truthful
85 Satyavrata (सत्यव्रत): one who follows truth, Lord Vishnu

86 Shantah (शान्तः): peaceful, calm, tranquil

87 Nandagopala (नंदगोपाल) - The protector of Nanda's cows

88 Nandakumara (नंदकुमार) - The son of Nanda

89 Narayana (नारायण) - The one who resides in the hearts of all beings

90 Navaneetha-chor (नवनीतचोर) - The butter thief

91 Niranjana (निरञ्जन) - The one without any impurities

92 Nirguna (निर्गुण) - Without attributes or qualities

93 Padmahasta (पद्महस्त) - One who holds a lotus in his hand

94 Padmanabha (पद्मनाभ) - The one with a lotus-shaped navel

95 Parabrahmana (परब्रह्मन) - The supreme Brahman

96 Paramatma (परमात्मा) - The supreme soul

97 Param-purush (परंपुरुष) - The supreme being

98 Parthasarathi (पार्थसारथि) - The charioteer of Arjuna

99 Prajapati (प्रजापति) - The lord of all creatures

100 Punyah (पुण्य) - The pure one

101 Purushottama (पुरुषोत्तम) - The supreme being among men

102 Ravilochana (रविलोचन) - One who has sun as his eye

103 Sahasraakash (सहस्राक्ष) - The one with a thousand eyes

104 Sahasrajit (सहस्रजित्) - One who has conquered thousands

105 Sakshi (साक्षी) - The witness

106 Sanatana (सनातन) - The eternal one

107 Sarvajana (सर्वजन) - The one who knows everything about everyone

108 Sarvapalaka (सर्वपालक) - The protector of all 

108 names of Shri Krishna श्री कृष्ण के १०८ नाम

Significance of Lord Krishna 108 Names

Krsna is among the most significant and popular deities in the Hindu pantheon and millions of people regard him as their God. He is known by many names, and the number 108 is significant in Hinduism for various reasons, including the following:He is known by many names, and the number 108 is significant in Hinduism for various reasons, including the following:

Sacred number: The number 108 is significant in Hinduism, and forms an important part of many Hindu practices. There are 108 elements in this universe and it is considered auspicious to chant anything 108 times.

The number 108 is sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism: The number 108 in the three religions is viewed as symbolic. Some argue that it reflects the distance between the earth and the sun, the sun’s diameter, and the distance between the earth and the moon.

Divine qualities: The number 108 is considered sacred in Hinduism and the names are said to refer to his attributes. Each name is equated with a virtue, love, compassion, strength, wisdom etc., and it is believed that when these names are chanted during prayer or meditation the subject acquires the corresponding virtues.

Spiritual practice: Chanting Lord Krishna’s names is a standard practice that His devotees engage in by chanting 108 names of Lord Krishna. The scripture is said to cleanse the heart, enhance devotion and foster increased intimacy with the deity of choice.

Benefits of Krishna Shatanamawali

Reciting or listening to the Krishna Shatanamawali, which consists of 108 names of Lord Krishna, is considered to have several benefits:Reciting or listening to the Krishna Shatanamawali, which consists of 108 names of Lord Krishna, is considered to have several benefits:
Purifies the mind: They believe that by chanting the holy names of Lord Krishna, a person can clean the mind and expel all evil thoughts.
Provides peace and calmness: Chanting the names of Lord Krishna leads to abatement of the thoughts and offers the state of mental equilibrium or tranquillity.
Improves focus and concentration: Praying to Lord Krishna using the names of helps to enhance concentration.
Grants blessings and removes obstacles: According to the tradition, the Krishna Shatanamawali ensures the deliverance of blessings and relieves any difficulties in life.
Increases devotion and spiritual connection: The dancing of the names of Lord Krishna assists in the development of devotion and fortifies the bond between an individual and the divine.
Promotes inner strength and courage: Repetition of the names of Lord Krishna is said to develop strength and courage to take in life’s adversity.
Provides protection: Chanting the name of Lord Krishna is thus helped or believed to deal with negative energies and to offer protection.

Most Pious and Powerful Krishna Mantra

Shri Krishna Powerful Mantras
ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय (Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya) - This mantra is a popular invocation mantra that is used to offer respects to Lord Krishna. It means "I offer my respects to Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva."

हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण, कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे, हरे राम हरे राम, राम राम हरे हरे (Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) - This is the Hare Krishna mantra and is one of the most widely chanted mantras in the world. It is believed to awaken the divine consciousness.

ॐ कृष्णाय नमः (Om Krishnaya Namah) - This mantra is used to invoke Lord Krishna's blessings. It means "I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna."

ॐ वसुदेवाय नमः (Om Vasudevaya Namah) - This mantra is used to invoke Lord Krishna's blessings as Vasudeva. It means "I offer my salutations to Vasudeva, the father of Lord Krishna."

श्री कृष्ण शरणम मम (Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama) - This mantra is used to seek refuge in Lord Krishna. It means "I surrender to Lord Krishna and seek his refuge."

ॐ नंद गोपालाय नमः (Om Nand Gopalaya Namah) - This mantra is used to invoke Lord Krishna's blessings as the beloved son of Nanda. It means "I offer my salutations to Nand Gopal, the beloved son of Nanda."

श्री राधाये नमः (Shri Radhaye Namah) - This mantra is used to invoke the blessings of Radha, Lord Krishna's divine consort. It means "I offer my salutations to Radha."

श्री कृष्ण जयंती मंत्र (Shri Krishna Jayanti Mantra) - This mantra is chanted during the celebration of Lord Krishna's birth. It means "Glory to Lord Krishna, who is the embodiment of love, joy, and wisdom."

ॐ गोविंदाय नमः (Om Govindaya Namah) - This mantra is used to invoke Lord Krishna's blessings as Govinda. It means "I offer my salutations to Govinda, the protector of cows and the divine one."

श्री यदुनंदन आनंद दायकाय नमः (Shri Yadunandan Anand Dayakaya Namah) - This mantra is used to invoke Lord Krishna's blessings as the giver of joy to the Yadu dynasty. It means "I offer my salutations to Yadunandan, who brings joy and happiness."
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