Krishnashtakama Meaning Lyrics Benefits

Krishnashtakama Meaning Lyrics Benefits

श्री कृष्णाष्टकम्
वसुदेव सुतं देवं, कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् ।
देवकी परमानंदं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 1 ॥

अतसी पुष्प संकाशं, हार नूपुर शोभितम् ।
रत्न कंकण केयूरं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 2 ॥

कुटिलालक संयुक्तं, पूर्णचंद्र निभाननम् ।
विलसत् कुंडलधरं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरम् ॥ 3 ॥

मंदार गंध संयुक्तं, चारुहासं चतुर्भुजम् ।
बर्हि पिंछाव चूडांगं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 4 ॥

उत्फुल्ल पद्मपत्राक्षं, नील जीमूत सन्निभम् ।
यादवानां शिरोरत्नं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 5 ॥

रुक्मिणी केलि संयुक्तं, पीतांबर सुशोभितम् ।
अवाप्त तुलसी गंधं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 6 ॥

गोपिकानां कुचद्वंद, कुंकुमांकित वक्षसम् ।
श्रीनिकेतं महेष्वासं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 7 ॥

श्रीवत्सांकं महोरस्कं, वनमाला विराजितम् ।
शंखचक्र धरं देवं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 8 ॥

कृष्णाष्टक मिदं पुण्यं, प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् ।
कोटिजन्म कृतं पापं, स्मरणेन विनश्यति ॥
Krishnashtakama Meaning Lyrics Benefits

Krishna Ashtakama Meaning

वसुदेव सुतं देवं, कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् ।
देवकी परमानंदं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥
  1. वसुदेव सुतं देवं - Vasudev sutham devam: I bow to Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudev.
  2. कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् - Kans chanur mardanam: who destroyed the wicked Kansa and Chanur.
  3. देवकी परमानंदं - Devaki paramanandam: who brought great joy to his mother Devaki.
  4. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the Guru of the universe.
The verse is a Sanskrit hymn that pays homage to Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudev. It highlights his heroic deeds of destroying the evil kings Kansa and Chanur, and his ability to bring great joy to his mother Devaki. Lord Krishna is revered as the guru of the universe, and the hymn acknowledges his greatness by offering salutations to him.
अतसी पुष्प संकाशं, हार नूपुर शोभितम् ।
रत्न कंकण केयूरं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥
  1. अतसी पुष्प संकाशं - Atasi pushpa sankasham: I bow to Lord Krishna, who shines like blue lotus flowers.
  2. हार नूपुर शोभितम् - Haar nupur shobhitam: whose beauty is adorned with garlands and anklets.
  3. रत्न कंकण केयूरं - Ratna kankan keyuram: who wears precious bracelets and armlets.
  4. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the Guru of the universe.
This verse is a Sanskrit hymn that praises the physical beauty and elegance of Lord Krishna. It describes his radiant blue color that resembles the blue lotus flowers, and his adornment with garlands, anklets, bracelets, and armlets made of precious stones. The hymn ends by offering salutations to Lord Krishna, who is revered as the Guru of the universe.
कुटिलालक संयुक्तं, पूर्णचंद्र निभाननम् ।
विलसत् कुंडलधरं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरम् ॥ 
  1. कुटिलालक संयुक्तं - Kutilaalaka samyuktam: I bow to Lord Krishna, who has curly locks of hair.
  2. पूर्णचंद्र निभाननम् - Purnachandra nibhaananam: whose face resembles a full moon.
  3. विलसत् कुंडलधरं - Vilasat kundaladharan: who wears beautiful earrings.
  4. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the Guru of the universe.
This verse is a Sanskrit hymn that praises the physical appearance of Lord Krishna. It describes his curly locks of hair, his face that resembles a full moon, and his wearing of beautiful earrings. The hymn ends by offering salutations to Lord Krishna, who is revered as the Guru of the universe.

मंदार गंध संयुक्तं, चारुहासं चतुर्भुजम् ।
बर्हि पिंछाव चूडांगं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥
  1. मंदार गंध संयुक्तं - Mandara gandha samyuktam: I bow to Lord Krishna, who is adorned with the fragrance of the Mandara flower.
  2. चारुहासं चतुर्भुजम् - Charuhaasam chaturbhujam: whose smile is charming, and who has four arms.
  3. बर्हि पिंछाव चूडांगं - Barhi pinchaava choodaangam: whose hair is adorned with peacock feathers.
  4. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the Guru of the universe.
This verse is a Sanskrit hymn that praises the physical beauty of Lord Krishna. It describes his charming smile, his four arms, and his hair that is adorned with peacock feathers, and the fragrance of the Mandara flower that he is said to be adorned with. The hymn ends by offering salutations to Lord Krishna, who is revered as the Guru of the universe.
उत्फुल्ल पद्मपत्राक्षं, नील जीमूत सन्निभम् ।
यादवानां शिरोरत्नं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 
  1. उत्फुल्ल पद्मपत्राक्षं - Utpulla padma-patraaksham: I bow to Lord Krishna, who has eyes like blooming lotus petals.
  2. नील जीमूत सन्निभम् - Neela jeemoota sannibham: whose complexion is like that of a blue cloud.
  3. यादवानां शिरोरत्नं - Yaadavaanaam shiroratnam: who is the crest jewel of the Yadava clan.
  4. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the Guru of the universe.
This verse praises the physical beauty of Lord Krishna. It describes his eyes, which are compared to blooming lotus petals, and his complexion, which is likened to that of a blue cloud. The verse also acknowledges his status as the crest jewel of the Yadava clan. The hymn ends by offering salutations to Lord Krishna, who is revered as the Guru of the universe.
रुक्मिणी केलि संयुक्तं, पीतांबर सुशोभितम् ।
अवाप्त तुलसी गंधं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥
  1. रुक्मिणी केलि संयुक्तं - Rukmini keli sanniyuktam: I bow to Lord Krishna, who is always engaged in playful activities with his consort Rukmini.
  2. पीतांबर सुशोभितम् - Peetambara sushobhitam: whose beautiful form is adorned with yellow garments.
  3. अवाप्त तुलसी गंधं - Avaapta tulasi gandham: who is adorned with the fragrance of Tulsi, even though he never wears it.
  4. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the Guru of the universe.
This verse is a Sanskrit hymn that praises Lord Krishna's playful activities with his consort Rukmini, his beautiful form adorned with yellow garments, and his divine fragrance. The hymn acknowledges that Lord Krishna is adorned with the fragrance of Tulsi, even though he never wears it. The verse ends by offering salutations to Lord Krishna, who is revered as the Guru of the universe.
गोपिकानां कुचद्वंद, कुंकुमांकित वक्षसम् ।
श्रीनिकेतं महेष्वासं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥
  1. गोपिकानां कुचद्वंद - Gopikanam kuchadvandu:
  2. Translation: The one who pleases the Gopis with his form and attributes.
  3. कुंकुमांकित वक्षसम् - Kunkumankita vakshasam:
  4. Translation: The one who has a chest adorned with saffron and other fragrances.
  5. श्रीनिकेतं महेष्वासं - Shrini ketam mahaeshwaram:
  6. Translation: The one who wears a peacock feather in his crown and is the lord of the universe.
  7. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum:
  8. Translation: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the guru of the whole world.
"I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who has a divine form that pleases the Gopis. His chest is adorned with saffron and other fragrances. He wears a peacock feather in his crown and is the Lord of the universe. I bow down to him, who is the guru of the entire world."

The verse is an expression of devotion to Lord Krishna and describes his physical attributes and divine qualities. It highlights his power and status as the supreme lord of the universe and the guru of the world. The verse is a beautiful way of offering prayers to Lord Krishna and seeking his blessings.

श्रीवत्सांकं महोरस्कं, वनमाला विराजितम् ।
शंखचक्र धरं देवं, कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् ॥ 
  1. श्रीवत्सांकं महोरस्कं - Shrivatsankam mahorasakam:
  2. Translation: The one who has the mark of Shrivatsa (a curl of hair) on his chest and is adorned with excellent ornaments.
  3. वनमाला विराजितम् - Vanamala virajitam:
  4. Translation: The one who wears a garland of forest flowers around his neck.
  5. शंखचक्र धरं देवं - Shankhachakra dharanam devam:
  6. Translation: The one who holds the conch shell and the discus in his hands, and is a divine being.
  7. कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम् - Krishnam vande jagadgurum:
  8. Translation: I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who is the guru of the entire world.
"I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, who has the mark of Shrivatsa on his chest and is adorned with excellent ornaments. He wears a garland of forest flowers around his neck and holds the conch shell and the discus in his hands. He is a divine being and the guru of the entire world."

The verse is an expression of devotion to Lord Krishna and describes his physical attributes and divine qualities. It highlights his power and status as the supreme lord of the universe and the guru of the world. The verse is a beautiful way of offering prayers to Lord Krishna and seeking his blessings.

कृष्णाष्टक मिदं पुण्यं, प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् ।
कोटिजन्म कृतं पापं, स्मरणेन विनश्यति ॥
  1. कृष्णाष्टक मिदं पुण्यं - Krishnashtakam idam punyam: This Krishnashtakam is holy.
  2. प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् - Pratarutthaya yah pathet: One who recites it after waking up in the morning,
  3. कोटिजन्म कृतं पापं - Koti janma kritam papam: the sins committed in millions of births,
  4. स्मरणेन विनश्यति - Smaranena vinashyati: are destroyed just by remembering Lord Krishna.
The Krishnashtakam is a Sanskrit hymn that is believed to be holy. Reciting this hymn after waking up in the morning has the power to destroy the sins committed in millions of births and can purify the soul. The verse emphasizes the power of remembrance and states that by simply remembering Lord Krishna, one's sins can be destroyed.

Meaning of Krishnashtakama

  1. I offer my obeisance to Lord Krishna, who is the son of Vasudeva, the destroyer of Kansa and Chanura, and the source of supreme bliss for Devaki. (Verse 1)
  2. I bow to Lord Krishna, whose appearance is like a blue lotus flower and whose feet are adorned with anklets. He wears precious gems, bracelets and armlets. (Verse 2)
  3. I worship Lord Krishna, whose forehead is decorated with a curved mark, whose face is as beautiful as the full moon, and whose ears are adorned with shining earrings. (Verse 3)
  4. I adore Lord Krishna, whose fragrance is like that of the mandara flower, whose smile is charming, and who has four arms and a peacock feather on his head. (Verse 4)
  5. I offer my salutations to Lord Krishna, whose eyes are like fully bloomed lotus petals, whose complexion is like that of a blue sapphire, and who is the jewel among the Yadavas. (Verse 5)
  6. I bow to Lord Krishna, who is always engaged in playful pastimes with Rukmini, whose body is adorned with a yellow garment, and who is fragrant with the scent of tulasi. (Verse 6)
  7. I worship Lord Krishna, who delights in the breasts of the gopis, whose chest is adorned with kumkum, and who wields the great bow called Shriniketana. (Verse 7)
  8. I offer my obeisance to Lord Krishna, who bears the mark of Shrivatsa on his chest, whose waist is encircled by a garland of forest flowers, and who holds the conch shell and discus in his hands. (Verse 8)
  9. Whosoever recites this auspicious Shri Krishnashtakam in the morning will be freed from the sins of millions of lifetimes merely by remembering Lord Krishna. (Verse 9)
  10. Krishnashtaka is a set of eight Sanskrit shlokas (verses) that praise Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. The translation of the verses is as follows:
  11. I offer my obeisance to Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, the slayer of Kansa and Chanura, and the giver of supreme joy to Devaki.
  12. I worship Lord Krishna, whose feet are adorned with the beautiful Asoka flowers and anklets, and whose hands are adorned with precious jewels and bracelets.
  13. I adore Lord Krishna, who has a curly lock of hair on his forehead, a moon-like face, and wears shining earrings.
  14. I salute Lord Krishna, who has a charming smile, four arms, and wears a peacock feather on his head and a yellow cloth around his waist.
  15. I bow to Lord Krishna, whose lotus-like eyes are blooming and radiant, and who is the jewel of the Yadava dynasty.
  16. I offer my obeisance to Lord Krishna, who is adorned with a yellow garment and beautiful ornaments, and who is fond of playing with his beloved Rukmini.
  17. I worship Lord Krishna, whose chest is adorned with kumkum and the marks of the gopis' breasts, and who wields the great bow named Sharanga.
  18. I adore Lord Krishna, who bears the auspicious mark of Srivatsa on his chest, wears a garland of forest flowers, and carries the conch and discus.
  19. Anyone who recites these eight verses of Krishnashtaka in the morning with devotion and concentration, their sins of millions of births will be destroyed.

Benefits of Krishna Ashtakama

Shri Krishna Ashtakam is a Sanskrit hymn composed of eight verses dedicated to Lord Krishna. This hymn is considered to be very powerful and is believed to bring numerous benefits to those who recite it with devotion. Here are some of the benefits of reciting Shri Krishna Ashtakam:
  1. Destroys sins: Reciting Shri Krishna Ashtakam regularly helps in the destruction of sins committed in the past, present and future. It purifies the mind and soul and brings inner peace.
  2. Grants Moksha: Shri Krishna Ashtakam helps in attaining Moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It helps in removing the obstacles in the path of spiritual progress and helps in realizing the ultimate truth.
  3. Brings Good Fortune: Shri Krishna Ashtakam brings good fortune, prosperity, and success to those who recite it with devotion. It helps in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.
  4. Removes negativity: Shri Krishna Ashtakam helps in removing negative energy, fear, and anxiety. It instills confidence and courage and helps in developing a positive outlook towards life.
  5. Increases Devotion: Reciting Shri Krishna Ashtakam regularly helps in deepening one's devotion and love towards Lord Krishna. It helps in establishing a strong connection with the divine and brings a sense of inner joy and fulfillment.
  6. Enhances Spiritual Growth: Shri Krishna Ashtakam helps in enhancing spiritual growth and self-awareness. It helps in realizing the true nature of the self and understanding the purpose of life.
  7. Brings peace and harmony: Shri Krishna Ashtakam brings peace and harmony to the mind and surroundings. It helps in creating a positive environment and brings joy and happiness to the family and community.
  8. Protects from Negative Influences: Shri Krishna Ashtakam is believed to offer protection from negative influences, evil spirits, and black magic. It helps in creating a shield of positive energy around the individual, thereby keeping them safe and secure.

How To Worship Lord Shri Krishna

Lord Shri Krishna is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, and there are various ways to worship him. Here are some ways to worship Lord Shri Krishna:
  1. Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti Yoga involves developing a devotional relationship with Lord Krishna. One can do this by chanting mantras, singing bhajans, and performing aarti.
  2. Puja: One can perform puja to Lord Krishna at home or in a temple. Puja involves offering flowers, fruits, sweets, and other items to the deity while chanting mantras and offering prayers.
  3. Fasting: Fasting on certain days is considered a form of worship of Lord Krishna. Devotees fast on Ekadashi, Janmashtami, and other occasions.
  4. Reading Scriptures: Reading and studying the Bhagavad Gita and other holy scriptures related to Lord Krishna is another way to worship him.
  5. Meditation: Meditating on Lord Krishna is a powerful way to connect with him. One can focus on his divine qualities and visualize him in their mind.
  6. Seva: Serving Lord Krishna and his devotees is considered an act of devotion. One can serve in a temple or volunteer for activities that support the devotees of Lord Krishna.

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Holy Names of Lord Krishna

  1. Krishna: The name Krishna means "dark" or "black." It refers to the color of Lord Krishna's skin.
  2. Govinda: The name Govinda means "one who gives pleasure to the cows." It also refers to Lord Krishna's role as the protector of the cows.
  3. Gopala: The name Gopala means "protector of the cows." It is another name for Lord Krishna.
  4. Madhusudana: The name Madhusudana means "slayer of the demon Madhu." It refers to Lord Krishna's victory over the demon Madhu.
  5. Murari: The name Murari means "slayer of the demon Mura." It refers to Lord Krishna's victory over the demon Mura.
  6. Murali: The name Murali means "flute." It refers to the flute that Lord Krishna plays.
  7. Mohan: The name Mohan means "charming" or "enchanting." It refers to Lord Krishna's attractive qualities.
  8. Damodara: The name Damodara means "one who is bound by a rope around his waist." It refers to a childhood incident where Lord Krishna was tied up by his mother.
  9. Vasudeva: The name Vasudeva means "the son of Vasudeva." It is another name for Lord Krishna.
  10. Nandakishore: The name Nandakishore means "the young son of Nanda." It refers to Lord Krishna's childhood.
  11. Keshava: The name Keshava means "one who has beautiful hair." It refers to Lord Krishna's hair.
  12. Radhanath: The name Radhanath means "lord of Radha." It refers to Lord Krishna's relationship with Radha.
  13. Syamasundara: The name Syamasundara means "beautiful dark-complexioned one." It refers to Lord Krishna's physical appearance.
  14. Giridhari: The name Giridhari means "one who lifted the Govardhan hill." It refers to an incident where Lord Krishna lifted the Govardhan hill to protect his devotees.
  15. Jagannatha: The name Jagannatha means "lord of the universe." It refers to Lord Krishna's universal influence.
  16. Govardhanadhari: The name Govardhanadhari means "one who lifted the Govardhan hill." It refers to the same incident as Giridhari.
  17. Ghanashyama: The name Ghanashyama means "dark as a monsoon cloud." It refers to Lord Krishna's physical appearance.
  18. Dwarkadhish: The name Dwarkadhish means "lord of Dwarka." It refers to Lord Krishna's rule over the city of Dwarka.
  19. Dwarakapati: The name Dwarakapati means "lord of Dwarka." It is another name for Lord Krishna.
  20. Hrishikesha: The name Hrishikesha means "lord of the senses." It refers to Lord Krishna's control over the senses.
  21. Janardana: The name Janardana means "one who destroys the enemies of the people." It refers to Lord Krishna's role as a protector.
  22. Kanhaiya: The name Kanhaiya means "beloved of mother Yashoda." It refers to Lord Krishna's relationship with his mother.
  23. Kamsantaka: The name Kamsantaka means "slayer of Kamsa." It refers to Lord Krishna's victory over the demon Kamsa.

FAQs Lord Shri Krishna 

Who is Lord Krishna?
Lord Krishna is one of the most worshipped and revered deities in Hinduism. He is the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, and is considered a complete incarnation of the supreme being or godhead.

When was Lord Krishna born?
Lord Krishna was born in Dwapara Yuga, which is said to be around 5,000 years ago.

Where was Lord Krishna born?
Lord Krishna was born in Mathura, which is located in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India.

Who were Lord Krishna's parents?
Lord Krishna's parents were Vasudeva and Devaki.

Who was Lord Krishna's foster mother?
Lord Krishna's foster mother was Yashoda.

Who were Lord Krishna's siblings?
Lord Krishna had one elder brother named Balarama.

What is the Bhagavad Gita?
The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text in Hinduism that is said to be a conversation between Lord Krishna and the warrior prince Arjuna. It is a part of the Mahabharata epic.

What is Lord Krishna's message in the Bhagavad Gita?
Lord Krishna's message in the Bhagavad Gita is that every individual has a duty or dharma to fulfill, and that one should do their duty without attachment to the fruits of their actions.

What are the major events in Lord Krishna's life?
Some of the major events in Lord Krishna's life include his birth, his childhood leelas or playful activities, his role as a charioteer and advisor in the Mahabharata war, and his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita.

Who were Lord Krishna's wives?
Lord Krishna had eight principal wives, including Rukmini, Satyabhama, and Jambavati.

Who were Lord Krishna's children?
Lord Krishna had many children, including Pradyumna, Samba, and Bhanu.

What is the significance of Lord Krishna's flute?
Lord Krishna's flute is a symbol of divine love and the enchanting power of his music. It is said to represent the call of the soul to return to God.

What is the significance of Lord Krishna's peacock feather?
Lord Krishna's peacock feather is a symbol of his beauty and grace. It is said to represent the playfulness and joy that is inherent in the divine.

What is the significance of Lord Krishna's blue skin color?
Lord Krishna's blue skin color is said to represent the infinite and the eternal. It is also said to be a symbol of his divine nature.
Who is Lord Krishna?
Lord Krishna is a major deity in Hinduism and is considered to be the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He is often depicted as a charming and playful young man who is known for his wisdom, bravery, and devotion to his devotees.

What is the significance of Lord Krishna's birth?
The birth of Lord Krishna is celebrated as Janmashtami and is considered to be a significant event in Hinduism. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna was born to Devaki and Vasudeva in Mathura and was raised by his foster parents, Yashoda and Nanda in Vrindavan.

What is the Bhagavad Gita and why is it important in relation to Lord Krishna?
The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture that is considered to be one of the most important texts in the Hindu tradition. It is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra and is considered to be a guide to living a righteous life.

What are some of the famous stories associated with Lord Krishna?
There are many famous stories associated with Lord Krishna, including his childhood antics in Vrindavan, his victory over the demon Kamsa, and his role in the Mahabharata war. One of the most famous stories is the story of the Rasleela, where Lord Krishna is depicted as dancing with his beloved Gopis.

How is Lord Krishna worshipped?
Lord Krishna is worshipped in many ways, including through puja (worship rituals), bhajans (devotional songs), and through the recitation of his names and mantras. Devotees often offer flowers, fruits, and sweets to Lord Krishna as part of their worship.
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