Achyutam Keshavam Meaning Lyrics (Sanskrit) Significance

"Achyutam Keshavam" is a popular Sanskrit hymn that is often chanted in Hindu devotional practices. The phrase "Achyutam Keshavam" refers to Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, and it translates to "the imperishable one with beautiful hair." The hymn praises Lord Vishnu for his divine qualities and seeks his blessings and protection. The significance of "Achyutam Keshavam" lies in its ability to evoke a sense of devotion, gratitude, and surrender in the minds of its chanters, helping them connect with the divine and attain spiritual well-being. It is believed that chanting this hymn regularly can help one overcome obstacles, purify the mind, and experience inner peace and harmony.

Achyutam Keshvam (Krishnaashtakama) Lyrics in Sanskrit

अच्युतं केशवं रामनारायणं
कृष्णदामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम् ।
श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं
जानकीनायकं रामचंद्रं भजे ॥
अच्युतं केशवं सत्यभामाधवं
माधवं श्रीधरं राधिकाराधितम् ।
इन्दिरामन्दिरं चेतसा सुन्दरं
देवकीनन्दनं नन्दजं सन्दधे ॥२॥
विष्णवे जिष्णवे शाङ्खिने चक्रिणे
रुक्मिणिरागिणे जानकीजानये ।
कंसविध्वंसिने वंशिने ते नमः ॥३॥
कृष्ण गोविन्द हे राम नारायण
श्रीपते वासुदेवाजित श्रीनिधे ।
अच्युतानन्त हे माधवाधोक्षज
द्वारकानायक द्रौपदीरक्षक ॥४॥
राक्षसक्षोभितः सीतया शोभितो
दण्डकारण्यभूपुण्यताकारणः ।
लक्ष्मणेनान्वितो वानरौः सेवितो_
ऽगस्तसम्पूजितो राघव पातु माम् ॥५॥
केशिहा कंसहृद्वंशिकावादकः ।
बालगोपालकः पातु मां सर्वदा ॥६॥
प्रावृडम्भोदवत्प्रोल्लसद्विग्रहम् ।
वन्यया मालया शोभितोरःस्थलं
लोहिताङ्घ्रिद्वयं वारिजाक्षं भजे ॥७॥
कुञ्चितैः कुन्तलैर्भ्राजमानाननं
रत्नमौलिं लसत्कुण्डलं गण्डयोः ।
हारकेयूरकं कङ्कणप्रोज्ज्वलं
किङ्किणीमञ्जुलं श्यामलं तं भजे ॥८॥
अच्युतस्याष्टकं यः पठेदिष्टदं
प्रेमतः प्रत्यहं पूरुषः सस्पृहम् ।
वृत्ततः सुन्दरं कर्तृविश्वम्भरस्तस्य
वश्यो हरिर्जायते सत्वरम् ॥९॥

Achyutam Keshavam Meaning Achyutashtakam Lyrics (Sanskrit) Meaning

अच्युतं केशवं रामनारायणं
कृष्णदामोदरं वासुदेवं हरिम् ।
श्रीधरं माधवं गोपिकावल्लभं
जानकीनायकं रामचंद्रं भजे ॥
Meaning: I worship Achyuta (infallible) who is also known as Keshava, Rama, Narayana, Krishna, Damodara, Vasudeva, Hari, Shridhara, Madhava, the beloved of Gopikas, and the Lord of Sita, Ramachandra.

अच्युतं केशवं सत्यभामाधवं
माधवं श्रीधरं राधिकाराधितम् ।
इन्दिरामन्दिरं चेतसा सुन्दरं
देवकीनन्दनं नन्दजं सन्दधे ॥२॥

Meaning: I meditate on Achyuta who is also known as Keshava, Satyabhama's consort, Madhava, the beloved of Radha, the beautiful one who resides in the heart of Indra's temple, the son of Devaki and Nanda.

विष्णवे जिष्णवे शाङ्खिने चक्रिणे
रुक्मिणिरागिणे जानकीजानये ।
कंसविध्वंसिने वंशिने ते नमः ॥३॥

Manning: I offer my salutations to you, O Vishnu, the conqueror, the one with the conch and discus, the beloved of Rukmini, the one who gives happiness to Sita, the one who is worshiped by the lover of Vallavi, the destroyer of Kansa, and the one who belongs to the Yadu dynasty.
अच्युतं केशवं सत्यभामाधवं
माधवं श्रीधरं राधिकाराधितम् ।
इन्दिरामन्दिरं चेतसा सुन्दरं
देवकीनन्दनं नन्दजं सन्दधे ॥२॥
अच्युतं - (I offer my obeisance) to Achyuta
केशवं - (I offer my obeisance) to Keshava
सत्यभामाधवं - (I offer my obeisance) to Sathyabhama-Dhava
माधवं - (I offer my obeisance) to Madhava
श्रीधरं - (I offer my obeisance) to Shridhara
राधिकाराधितम् - (I offer my obeisance) to Radhika's worshipper
इन्दिरामन्दिरं - (I offer my obeisance) to Indira's temple
चेतसा सुन्दरं - (I offer my obeisance) to the beautiful one in my heart
देवकीनन्दनं - (I offer my obeisance) to Devaki's son
नन्दजं - (I offer my obeisance) to Nanda's offspring
सन्दधे - (I offer my obeisance) to the one who sustains everything.

विष्णवे जिष्णवे शाङ्खिने चक्रिणे
रुक्मिणिरागिणे जानकीजानये ।
कंसविध्वंसिने वंशिने ते नमः ॥३॥
Meaning: This Sanskrit verse is a prayer or salutation addressed to Lord Vishnu, who is also known as Jishnu, Shankhine, Chakrine, and RukminiRagini. The verse also refers to Lord Rama, who is the husband of Sita, and Lord Krishna, who is the beloved of Radha. The verse expresses devotion and reverence to these deities, acknowledging their different attributes and roles in Hindu mythology. The verse also mentions Lord Krishna as the destroyer of Kansa, the king of Mathura who was killed by Krishna. The final line of the verse pays homage to Lord Vishnu as the one who protects the lineage of his devotees.
कृष्ण गोविन्द हे राम नारायण - Oh Krishna Govinda, Hey Rama Narayana
श्रीपते वासुदेवाजित श्रीनिधे - Oh Sripathi, Vaasudeva, Jita Shrinidhe
अच्युतानन्त हे माधवाधोक्षज - Oh Achyutananta, Hey Madhava, Adhokshaja
द्वारकानायक द्रौपदीरक्षक - Oh Dwarka Naayaka, Draupadi Rakshaka

राक्षसक्षोभितः सीतया शोभितो
दण्डकारण्यभूपुण्यताकारणः ।
लक्ष्मणेनान्वितो वानरौः सेवितो
ऽगस्तसम्पूजितो राघव पातु माम् ॥

Meaning: This Sanskrit verse is a prayer or hymn addressed to Lord Rama, one of the major deities in Hinduism. It is believed to be a powerful invocation for protection and blessings from Lord Rama. The verse describes Lord Rama as the one who was accompanied by his brother Laksmana and served by a group of monkeys in the forest of Dandaka. It also mentions that he was greatly revered by the sage Agastya. The verse seeks Lord Rama's protection and blessing for the devotee who recites it. It is often recited as a part of daily prayers or during religious ceremonies and festivals in Hinduism.

राक्षसक्षोभितः - Disturbed by the demons
सीतया शोभितः - Accompanied by Sita
दण्डकारण्यभूपुण्यताकारणः - The one who made Dandaka forest holy
लक्ष्मणेनान्वितः - Accompanied by Lakshmana
वानरौः सेवितः - Served by the monkeys
अगस्त सम्पूजितः - Worshipped by Agastya
राघव - O Raghava (another name for Lord Rama)
पातु माम् - Please protect me.

केशिहा कंसहृद्वंशिकावादकः ।
बालगोपालकः पातु मां सर्वदा ॥

Meaning : The verse "Dhenukashtaka-nistaka-krid-dveshiha" is a prayer to Lord Krishna, asking for his protection. The verse describes different demons that Krishna defeated during his childhood. "Dhenukashtaka" refers to the demon Dhenuka, who was killed by Krishna and Balarama. "Nistaka" refers to the demon Nishtashura, who was also defeated by Krishna. "Krid-dveshiha" refers to the demon Krida, who was killed by Krishna's brother Balarama. The verse also mentions demons such as Keshi, who attacked Krishna by assuming the form of a horse, and Putana, who tried to kill the baby Krishna by offering him poisoned milk from her breast.

The prayer also acknowledges Krishna's divine nature and his playful activities. "Sura-jakhelano" refers to Krishna's playful pastimes with the demigods. "Bala-gopala" refers to Krishna as a young cowherd boy. The prayer ends with a request for Krishna's protection, asking him to always watch over the devotee who is reciting the prayer. Overall, the verse highlights the power and divinity of Lord Krishna, and expresses the devotee's faith and devotion towards him.

धेनुकारिष्टकानिष्टकृत् - Who destroyed Dhenuka, Arishta, and other evil creatures
द्वेषिहा केशिहा कंसहृत् वंशिकावादकः - Who killed the wicked Keshi, Canura, and Kamsa who were enemies of goodness
पूतनाकोपकः - Who stopped the wrath of Putana
सूरजाखेलनो - Who played with the son of Suraja (the mother of the divine serpents)
बालगोपालकः - Who protected the cowherd boys
पातु मां सर्वदा - May He protect me always.
प्रावृडम्भोदवत्प्रोल्लसद्विग्रहम् ।
वन्यया मालया शोभितोरःस्थलं
लोहिताङ्घ्रिद्वयं वारिजाक्षं भजे ॥

Meaning : I worship the lotus-eyed one whose two feet are like red lotuses, whose body is resplendent with lightning-like radiance, whose garments are fluttering in the wind, and whose form is decorated with a wild flower garland and a shining necklace, earrings, bracelets, and tinkling bells. He is beautiful and charming, standing amidst a beautiful forest of trees and vines.

विद्युदुद्योतवत् - Sparkling like lightning
प्रस्फुरद्वाससं - Wearing shining clothes
प्रावृडम्भोदवत् - Like a cloud filled with water
प्रोल्लसद्विग्रहम् - With an effulgent form
वन्यया मालया शोभितोरःस्थलं - Adorned by wild garlands of the forest
लोहिताङ्घ्रिद्वयं - With two feet that are red like copper
वारिजाक्षं - With lotus-petal-shaped eyes
भजे - I worship.
कुञ्चितैः कुन्तलैर्भ्राजमानाननं
रत्नमौलिं लसत्कुण्डलं गण्डयोः ।
हारकेयूरकं कङ्कणप्रोज्ज्वलं
किङ्किणीमञ्जुलं श्यामलं तं भजे ॥

Meaning : I worship that dark-complexioned one with curly, shining hair, a jewel-studded crown, shining earrings on the cheeks, a necklace and armlets, shining bracelets, a tinkling waistband.
कुञ्चितैः कुन्तलैः - With curly hair
भ्राजमान - shining
आननं - face
रत्नमौलिं - with a jewel-studded crown
लसत् कुण्डलं - shining earrings
गण्डयोः - on the cheeks
हारकेयूरकं - with a necklace and armlets
कङ्कणप्रोज्ज्वलं - with shining bracelets
किङ्किणीमञ्जुलं - with a tinkling waistband
श्यामलं - dark-complexioned
तं - that
भजे - I worship
अच्युतस्याष्टकं यः पठेदिष्टदं
प्रेमतः प्रत्यहं पूरुषः सस्पृहम् ।
वृत्ततः सुन्दरं कर्तृविश्वम्भरस्तस्य
वश्यो हरिर्जायते सत्वरम् ॥

अच्युतस्य अष्टकं - The Octet of Achyuta (Lord Vishnu, who is infallible and eternal)
यः पठेत् - Whoever recites
इष्टदं - the one which grants desires
प्रेमतः - with devotion
प्रत्यहं - daily
पूरुषः - a person
सस्पृहम् - with intense longing
वृत्ततः - following the prescribed rules
सुन्दरं - beautifully
कर्तृविश्वम्भरस्य - of the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (Lord Vishnu)
तस्य वश्यः - he will be under His control
हरिः जायते - Lord Hari (another name for Vishnu) manifests
सत्वरम् - quickly
Meaning: which grants desires, with intense longing and following the prescribed rules, of the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (Lord Vishnu), he will be under His control, and Lord Hari (another name for Vishnu) manifests quickly.
Achyutam Keshavam Meaning Lyrics (Sanskrit) Significance

Achyutam Keshvam Meaning and Significance

"Achyutam Keshavam" is an Ashtakam or a hymn consisting of eight verses in praise of Lord Krishna, who is also known as Achyuta and Keshava. Here is the meaning of each verse:

Verse 1:
Meaning: I worship Achyuta, Keshava, Rama, Narayana, Krishna, Damodara, Vasudeva, Hari, Shridhara, Madhava, the beloved of the gopis, and the Lord of Janaki, Sri Rama.

Verse 2:
Meaning: I bow to Lord Krishna, who was fondled by Yasoda, who played in the forests of Vrindavan with his friends, who wears the sun as his crown, who vanquished Kamsa and Chanura, who brought supreme bliss to Devaki, and who is the Guru of the universe.

Verse 3:
Meaning: I adore Lord Krishna, who roams in the groves of Vrindavan, who is the beloved of the gopis, who lifted the Govardhana hill, who is the supreme bliss of the cowherd community, and who is the delight of the people of Braja.

Verse 4:
Meaning: I praise Lord Krishna, who stole the hearts of the gopis with his flute, who stole the butter from Nanda's house, who wanders in the forests along the banks of the Jamuna, and whose flute creates a divine melody.

Verse 5:
Meaning: I adore the young cowherd boy, with a bright face, the Srivatsa mark on his chest, and a garland of forest flowers adorning his forehead. His sweet lips play the flute, and he is the inner vision of the gopis.

Verse 6:
Meaning: I bow to Lord Krishna, whose complexion is dark and who is extremely graceful, who relieves us from the cycle of birth and death, whose sight is soothing, who is the Lord of all, peaceful, and righteous, and who is the embodiment of truth, consciousness, and bliss.

Verse 7:
Meaning: Let my mind always be fixed on the lotus feet of Lord Krishna, let my mouth always sing his glories, and let my body always be engaged in his service.

Verse 8:
Meaning: I worship Govinda, the original person, who is the source of the dazzling effulgence of millions of suns and who pervades the countless universes, each one containing unlimited varieties of planets and living beings. He is the unchangeable, unlimited, and all-pervading Brahman.

Significance of Krishnashtakama

The Achyutam Keshavam Ashtakam is a beautiful and powerful hymn that praises Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The hymn describes the various divine qualities and pastimes of Lord Krishna, such as his playful and mischievous nature, his love for the gopis, his flute-playing, and his ability to relieve us from the cycle of birth and death.

By reciting or listening to this hymn with devotion, one can develop a deeper connection with Lord Krishna and experience his divine presence in their heart. It is believed that the regular recitation of the Achyutam Keshavam Ashtakam can bring peace, happiness, and spiritual advancement in one's life.

Most Pious Names of Lord Krishna

  1. गोपाल (Gopala) - The Protector of Cows
  2. माधव (Madhava) - Consort of Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi
  3. दामोदर (Damodara) - One who has a rope around his waist
  4. मुरलीधर (Murli-dhara) - The Flute Player
  5. मुकुन्द (Mukunda) - The One who gives liberation
  6. नन्दलाल (Nandalala) - Beloved of Nanda
  7. कान्हा (Kanha) - Dark-complexioned Lord
  8. श्याम (Shyam) - Dark-complexioned Lord
  9. माखन चोर (Makhan Chor) - The Butter Thief
  10. वासुदेव (Vasudeva) - Son of Vasudeva
  11. देवकीनन्दन (Devakinandan) - Son of Devaki
  12. यशोदानंदन (Yashodanandan) - Beloved of Yashoda
  13. गोविंद (Govind) - Protector of Cows
  14. मुरारी (Murali) - The Flute Player
  15. वृषभानुज (Vrishabhanuja) - Son of Vrishabhanu
  16. केशव (Keshava) - Slayer of the demon Keshi
  17. राधाकान्त (Radhakanta) - Lover of Radha
  18. मधुसूदन (Madhusudana) - Slayer of the demon Madhu
  19. नीलमणि (Nilamani) - The Blue Jewel
  20. गोपीप्रिय (Gopipriya) - Beloved of the Gopis

Most Pious Sanskrit Shloka Related to Lord Shri Krishna

वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंसचाणूरमर्दनम्।
देवकीपरमानन्दं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम्॥

Meaning: I bow to Lord Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, who defeated Kansa and Chanura, who gives supreme bliss to Devaki, and who is the spiritual master of the world.
अर्जुन उवाच
पश्यामि देवांस्तव देव देहे सर्वांस्तथा भूतविशेषसङ्घान्।
ब्रह्माणमीशं कमलासनस्थमृषींश्च सर्वानुरगांश्च दिव्यान्॥

Meaning: Arjuna said, "O Lord of lords, I see in Your universal form all the gods and various beings, Brahma the creator sitting on his lotus seat, and the sages and serpents too."
This shloka is from the Bhagavad Gita and describes Arjuna's vision of Lord Krishna's divine form, which includes all living beings and the entire universe.
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।

Meaning: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness, O Arjuna, and a rise in unrighteousness, then I manifest Myself to protect the virtuous and to destroy evildoers, to establish righteousness.
This shloka is also from the Bhagavad Gita and describes Lord Krishna's promise to protect the righteous and restore balance and righteousness in the world.
वृन्दावनचरं व्रजेन्द्रयुवतीभिर्युक्तं
श्रीयुक्तं च मुख्यमपि श्रुतिभिर्वक्त्रुणां वर्यम्।
न मत्तो न परत्तो न तत्त्वं न तपो न शौचं
न ग्रहो न चाश्लेषो न वास्तु तत्त्वमहम्॥

Meaning: Lord Krishna says, "I am not confined to the forests of Vrindavan, nor am I only accessible to the cowherd girls. I am the supreme reality, which is beyond material nature, austerity,

Significance of Achyutam Keshvam

Achyutashtakam is a beautiful hymn dedicated to Lord Vishnu, one of the major deities in Hinduism. The hymn consists of eight verses and is believed to have been composed by the great saint-philosopher Adi Shankaracharya, who lived in the 8th century CE. Here are some of the significant aspects of the Achyutashtakam:
Devotion to Lord Vishnu: The Achyutashtakam expresses deep devotion and reverence towards Lord Vishnu. Each verse of the hymn praises the different aspects and qualities of Lord Vishnu, such as his omniscience, omnipotence, compassion, and love.
Spiritual significance: The hymn is considered to have great spiritual significance as it is believed to awaken the devotee's consciousness and lead them on the path of spiritual growth and enlightenment. The hymn is often chanted during prayers and meditation to help the devotee connect with the divine and experience inner peace and tranquility.
Protection and blessings: It is believed that chanting the Achyutashtakam with devotion can bring the blessings of Lord Vishnu and protect the devotee from all forms of negativity and obstacles in life.
Universal appeal: The Achyutashtakam has a universal appeal and is revered by people of all ages and backgrounds, irrespective of their religious affiliations. The hymn's message of love, devotion, and surrender to the divine has resonated with millions of people across the world.
The Achyutashtakam is a significant hymn in Hinduism that expresses deep devotion and reverence towards Lord Vishnu and has great spiritual significance. Chanting this hymn with devotion can bring the blessings of the divine and protect the devotee from all forms of negativity and obstacles in life. 

Word Meaning of Achyutam Keshvam

अच्युतं - (achyutam) - one who is imperishable, indestructible
केशवं - (keshavam) - one who has beautiful hair
रामनारायणं - (ramanarayanam) - a combination of two names, Ram and Narayan, which represent the two avatars of Lord Vishnu, known for their qualities of righteousness and sustenance, respectively.
कृष्णदामोदरं - (krishna-damodaram) - another name for Lord Krishna, who is known for his playful and mischievous nature
वासुदेवं - (vasudevam) - a name for Lord Vishnu, who is known for his quality of being all-pervading
हरिम् - (harim) - another name for Lord Vishnu, who is known for his quality of taking away the sins of his devotees.
श्रीधरं - (shridharam) - another name for Lord Vishnu, who is known for wearing the Kaustubha gem on his chest
माधवं - (madhavam) - another name for Lord Vishnu, who is known for his association with the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi
गोपिकावल्लभं - (gopikavallabham) - a name for Lord Krishna, who is known for his loving relationship with the gopis (cowherd girls) of Vrindavan
जानकीनायकं - (janakinayakam) - another name for Lord Rama, who is known for his qualities of righteousness and devotion to his wife, Sita.
रामचंद्रं - (ramachandram) - another name for Lord Rama, who is known for his qualities of being the embodiment of dharma and for his victory over the demon king Ravana.
भजे - (bhaje) - I worship
Achyutashtakam Lyrics (Sanskrit) Meaning
सत्यभामाधवं - (satyabhama-dhavam) - another name for Lord Krishna, who is known for his love for his wife Satyabhama
माधवं - (madhavam) - another name for Lord Vishnu, who is known for his association with the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi
श्रीधरं - (shridharam) - another name for Lord Vishnu, who is known for wearing the Kaustubha gem on his chest
राधिकाराधितम् - (radhika-aradhitham) - one who is worshipped by Radha, who is considered to be the eternal consort of Lord Krishna
इन्दिरामन्दिरं - (indira-mandiram) - one who dwells in the beautiful abode of Indra, the king of the gods
चेतसा सुन्दरं - (chetasaa sundaram) - one who is beautiful in the mind (i.e., one who is full of divine qualities)
देवकीनन्दनं - (devaki-nandanam) - one who is the son of Devaki
नन्दजं - (nandajam) - one who was born to Nanda Maharaja
विष्णवे - (vishnave) - to Lord Vishnu
जिष्णवे - (jishnave) - to the victorious one
शाङ्खिने - (shankhine) - the one who holds the conch shell
चक्रिणे - (chakrine) - the one who holds the discus
रुक्मिणिरागिणे - (rukmini-ragine) - the one who delights in Rukmini, his consort
जानकीजानये - (janaki-janaye) - the one who is the father of Sita, daughter of Janaka
बल्लवीवल्लभाय - (ballavi-vallabhaya) - the one who is dear to the cowherd maidens
अर्चितायात्मने - (architaya-atmane) - to the one who is worshipped by all
कंसविध्वंसिने - (kansa-vidhvamsine) - the one who destroyed Kansa, the evil king
वंशिने - (vanshine) - the one who is the lord of the Yadava dynasty
ते नमः - (te namah) - my salutations to you
श्रीपते - (shri-pate) - O Lord of Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth and prosperity)
वासुदेवाजित - (vasudevajita) - the conqueror of the demon Kamsa, who was the son of Vasudeva
श्रीनिधे - (shri-nidhe) - O treasure-house of all auspiciousness
अच्युत - (achyuta) - O infallible one
अनन्त - (ananta) - O endless one
हे माधव - (he madhava) - O husband of the Goddess of wealth (Lakshmi)
अधोक्षज - (adhokshaja) - the one who is beyond the perception of the senses and the mind
द्वारकानायक - (dwarakanayaka) - the lord of the city of Dwaraka
द्रौपदीरक्षक - (draupadi-rakshaka) - the protector of Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas in the Mahabharata epic.
राक्षसक्षोभितः - (rakshasa-kshobhita) - the one who caused fear and unrest among the demons
सीतया शोभितः - (Sitaya shobhita) - adorned with Sita, the wife of Lord Rama
दण्डकारण्यभूपुण्यताकारणः - (Dandakaranya bhupuṇyatā kāraṇa) - the one who made Dandakaranya (a forest in India) holy by his presence and actions
लक्ष्मणेनान्वितः - (Lakshmanena anvitah) - accompanied by Lakshmana, the brother of Lord Rama
वानरौः सेवितः - (Vanarauh sevita) - served by the monkeys (Vanaras)
अगस्तसम्पूजितः - (Agasta sampujita) - worshipped by the sage Agastya
राघव पातु माम् - (Raghava patu mam) - O Raghava (another name for Lord Rama), please protect me
विद्युदुद्योतवत्प्रस्फुरद्वाससं - The Lord's clothing shines like lightning
प्रावृडम्भोदवत्प्रोल्लसद्विग्रहम् - His form is majestic and his physique is well-built
वन्यया मालया शोभितोरःस्थलं - He is adorned with wild flowers and forest garlands
लोहिताङ्घ्रिद्वयं वारिजाक्षं भजे - He has lotus-like eyes and feet, and is worthy of worship.
कुञ्चितैः - Curly, कुन्तलैः - Hairs, भ्राजमान - Shining, आननं - Face,
रत्नमौलिं - With a gem-studded crown, लसत् - Sparkling, कुण्डलं - Earrings,
गण्डयोः - On cheeks, हारकेयूरकं - With a necklace and armlet,
कङ्कणप्रोज्ज्वलं - Glittering bracelets, किङ्किणीमञ्जुलं - With charming anklets,
श्यामलं - Dark-complexioned, तं - Him, भजे - I worship.
अच्युतस्याष्टकं = Achyutashtakam (eight verses in praise of Lord Achyuta)
यः = whoever
पठेदिष्टदं = reads or recites
प्रेमतः = with love
प्रत्यहं = every day
पूरुषः = a person (male)
सस्पृहम् = with devotion
वृत्ततः = regularly
सुन्दरं = the beautiful
कर्तृविश्वम्भरस्तस्य = of the creator and sustainer of the universe
वश्यो = becomes under the control of
हरिर्जायते = Lord Hari (another name for Lord Vishnu) appears
सत्वरम् = quickly.

Achutam Keshavam - Kaun Kehte hai Bhagwan Aate nahi - Ankit Batra Art of Living | Krishna Bhajan

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How To Recite Krishna Ashtakama

Krishna Ashtakam is a devotional hymn that is chanted in praise of Lord Krishna. It is believed that chanting this hymn with devotion can bring blessings from Lord Krishna and purify the mind and soul. Here is how you can chant Krishna Ashtakam:
Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can sit and chant the hymn without any disturbance.
Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position or on a chair with your back straight and your palms facing upwards on your knees.
Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and focus your attention on the divine form of Lord Krishna.
Begin chanting the hymn slowly and steadily, focusing on the meaning of each word and expressing your devotion to Lord Krishna.
You can chant the hymn alone or with a group of people. It is also common to chant the hymn in a call-and-response style, where one person chants a line and the others repeat it.
You can use a mala or a rosary to keep track of the number of repetitions of the hymn. The traditional number of repetitions is 108, but you can chant as many times as you like.
After completing the chanting, take a few moments to meditate on the divine form of Lord Krishna and offer your prayers and gratitude to him.

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