Barbaric In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Barbaric In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Barbaric in Sentences Examples.

  1. The way they treated the prisoners was absolutely barbaric.
  2. The ancient civilization's practices of human sacrifice were considered barbaric by modern standards.
  3. The barbaric invasion of the peaceful village left a trail of destruction.
  4. The act of cutting off someone's head is a barbaric form of punishment.
  5. The use of chemical weapons in warfare is widely regarded as barbaric and inhumane.
  6. The practice of using animals for entertainment in circuses is often considered barbaric by animal rights activists.
  7. The extreme hazing rituals of some fraternities can be seen as barbaric and dangerous.
  8. The Vikings were known for their brutal and barbaric raids on coastal towns.
  9. The treatment of slaves in ancient Rome was considered barbaric by some philosophers and intellectuals.
  10. The idea of "an eye for an eye" is often criticized as a barbaric and outdated form of justice.
  11. The barbaric practice of female genital mutilation is still prevalent in some cultures.
  12. The Spanish Inquisition was known for its barbaric methods of torture and execution.
  13. The way the police treated the protesters was utterly barbaric.
  14. The ancient Romans' use of gladiators for entertainment was considered barbaric by some.
  15. The barbaric customs of some tribes in Papua New Guinea include cannibalism and headhunting.
  16. The brutal killing of innocent civilians in war is a truly barbaric act.
  17. The practice of bullfighting is often seen as barbaric by animal rights activists.
  18. The Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia committed some of the most barbaric atrocities in history.
  19. The harsh punishment of children for minor offenses is a barbaric practice that needs to be abolished.
  20. The treatment of animals in some slaughterhouses can be described as nothing less than barbaric.
  21. The medieval practice of burning witches at the stake is considered barbaric by modern standards.
  22. The way prisoners were treated in Soviet gulags was truly barbaric.
  23. The practice of foot-binding in China was a barbaric tradition that lasted for centuries.
  24. The Taliban's treatment of women is often described as barbaric and oppressive.
  25. The Aztecs' practice of human sacrifice was seen as barbaric by the Spanish conquistadors.
  26. The barbaric act of honor killing is still practiced in some parts of the world.
  27. The way some factory workers are treated in certain countries can only be described as barbaric.
  28. The use of child soldiers in wars is a barbaric and inhumane practice.
  29. The Mongol army was known for its barbaric tactics of pillaging and burning towns.
  30. The widespread use of torture in some countries is a barbaric violation of human rights.
  31. The practice of forcing young girls into marriage is a barbaric tradition that still exists in some cultures.
  32. The way some athletes are treated by their coaches can be described as barbaric and abusive.
  33. The ritualistic slaughter of animals in some religions can be seen as a barbaric practice.
  34. The Nazis' treatment of Jews during the Holocaust was one of the most barbaric crimes in history.
  35. The way some corporations treat their employees in developing countries is nothing short of barbaric.
  36. The ancient Greeks' practice of exposing unwanted babies was considered barbaric by some.
  37. The barbaric act of genocide has been committed throughout history by various regimes and groups.
  38. The way some countries treat refugees and immigrants is often described as barbaric and inhumane.
  39. The widespread use of child labor in some industries is a barbaric exploitation of vulnerable individuals.
  40. The Viking raids on monasteries and towns were some of the most barbaric acts of the Middle Ages.
  41. The way some animals are used in laboratory experiments can only be described as barbaric and cruel.
  42. The practice of using enslaved people to build monuments and structures is a barbaric legacy of some ancient civilizations.
  43. The way some governments treat political dissidents and opposition figures is a barbaric violation of human rights.
  44. The Aztecs' practice of ripping out the hearts of sacrificial victims was considered barbaric even by their contemporaries.
  45. The way some children are forced to work in mines and factories is a barbaric practice that needs to be stopped.
  46. The Taliban's destruction of ancient Buddhist statues was a barbaric act of cultural vandalism.
  47. The way some people are treated by their family members or partners can be described as a barbaric form of abuse.
  48. The use of chemical weapons is a barbaric act of war.
  49.  The practice of slavery is a barbaric institution that has no place in modern society.
  50.  The medieval torture devices were barbaric and inhumane.
  51.  The gladiator fights in ancient Rome were considered barbaric by many.
  52.  The act of genital mutilation is a barbaric and outdated practice.
  53.  The barbaric practice of public executions has no place in a civilized society.
  54.  The treatment of prisoners of war during World War II was often barbaric.
  55.  The use of child soldiers is a barbaric practice that must be stopped.
  56.  The Aztec practice of human sacrifice was seen as barbaric by the Spanish conquistadors.
  57.  The death penalty is a barbaric form of punishment that should be abolished.
  58.  The practice of female infanticide is a barbaric tradition that still persists in some parts of the world.
  59.  The barbaric treatment of animals in factory farms is a growing concern for animal welfare advocates.
  60.  The use of forced labor in sweatshops is a barbaric violation of human rights.
  61.  The practice of bullfighting is seen as barbaric by many animal rights activists.
  62.  The act of cutting off someone's hand for stealing is a barbaric form of punishment.
  63.  The mass slaughter of civilians during wars is a barbaric and inexcusable crime.
  64.  The ancient practice of human sacrifice is a barbaric relic of the past.
  65.  The barbaric treatment of refugees at border crossings is a human rights violation.
  66.  The practice of stoning is a barbaric and brutal form of punishment.
  67.  The act of beheading is a barbaric method of execution that has been used throughout history.
  68.  The act of burning people at the stake is a barbaric and cruel form of punishment.
  69.  The barbaric practice of female genital mutilation is a form of gender-based violence.
  70.  The use of torture is a barbaric method of interrogation that violates human rights.
  71.  The practice of bear-baiting in the 19th century was seen as a barbaric form of entertainment.
  72.  The use of child soldiers in conflicts is a barbaric violation of children's rights.
  73.  The act of cannibalism is a barbaric practice that is almost universally condemned.
  74.  The use of landmines in war is a barbaric and indiscriminate form of warfare.
  75.  The barbaric practice of forced marriages is a form of violence against women.
  76.  The use of cluster bombs is a barbaric form of warfare that causes widespread harm.
  77.  The practice of using animals in circuses is seen as barbaric by many animal rights activists.

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Barbaric Meaning in Detail.

The word "barbaric" refers to something that is uncivilized, cruel, or primitive, often characterized by violence or brutality. It can be used to describe actions, behaviors, or practices that are considered savage or barbarous, especially by modern standards of morality and ethics.

The origins of the word "barbaric" come from the Greek word "barbaros", which means "foreign" or "strange". The ancient Greeks used this term to refer to anyone who did not speak Greek, and therefore considered them to be uncivilized and inferior.

In modern usage, "barbaric" often refers to acts of violence or cruelty that are considered extreme or shocking. This can include practices such as torture, human sacrifice, slavery, and genocide, as well as other forms of oppression and exploitation.

The term "barbaric" can also be used to describe behaviors or attitudes that are considered uncivilized or uncultured, such as rudeness, lack of manners, or a disregard for social norms and conventions.

Overall, the term "barbaric" connotes a lack of humanity and morality, and is often used to express a sense of outrage or disgust at actions or practices that violate basic standards of decency and respect for human life and dignity.

Barbaric Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Savage - characterized by violent, aggressive or cruel behavior, often associated with primitive or uncivilized cultures.
  2. Brutal - involving or characterized by extreme violence, cruelty, or ruthlessness.
  3. Barbarous - cruel, uncivilized, lacking refinement or culture, often associated with ancient or primitive societies.
  4. Ferocious - extremely aggressive or violent, characterized by an intense and wild nature.
  5. Vicious - cruel, violent, or aggressive, often associated with acts of brutality or savagery.
  6. Inhumane - lacking compassion or sympathy, characterized by a lack of respect for human life or dignity.
  7. Ruthless - having no mercy or compassion, characterized by a willingness to use violence or cruelty to achieve one's goals.
  8. Fiendish - extremely cruel or wicked, often associated with acts of sadism or demonic behavior.
  9. Feral - savage, wild, or untamed, often associated with animals or primitive humans.
  10. Atrocious - shockingly bad or outrageous, characterized by acts of extreme cruelty, violence, or brutality.

Barbaric Antonyms (With Meaning)

Here are some antonyms for the word "barbaric" along with their meanings:
  1. Civilized - refined, cultured, educated, well-mannered
  2. Sophisticated - worldly-wise, knowledgeable, experienced
  3. Polite - courteous, respectful, considerate
  4. Humane - compassionate, kind, merciful
  5. Refined - elegant, polished, tasteful
  6. Gentle - mild, meek, tender
  7. Cultured - artistic, intellectual, learned
  8. Decent - proper, respectable, appropriate
  9. Respectable - reputable, esteemed, honorable
  10. Enlightened - knowledgeable, aware, informed.
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