Disinterested Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Disinterested Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Disinterested Meaning

This word, “disinterested” has a positive and a negative meaning. Unbiased or impartial: It means not having a stake in an issue and thus be able to assume an independent unbiased position while making a choice. Here, then, “disinterested” is another word for ‘impartial’, suggesting a bounty view from the party in question.

Not interested or indifferent: It means come lack of interest or passion towards something, or in other words just not caring about something at all. In this sense, therefore, ‘‘disinterested’’ has a negative opposite meaning of being inactive or displaying no passion.

Disinterested Parts of Speech (With Examples)

"Disinterested" can be used as both an adjective and a past participle verb in English. The meaning of the word varies depending on the part of speech used. Here are some examples of how "disinterested" can be used in sentences:

As an adjective:

The judge was biased in the case since he had no relation with the couple involved in the case. She was the genuine witness on the scene; she did not have any preference for any party and just narrated the facts she witnessed. There the were unmoved throughout the rather tedious talk. This made him be able to make decisions that were not tainted by bias in the business that he undertook. The members of the committee were selected based on the fact that many of them may not benefit from the outcome of the majority’s decision.

As a past participle verb:
He was completely uninterested in going to the party.
He slowly got detached from politics after the scandal.
The employees found it irrelevant or unimportant to try and make a change with regards to the latest company policy.
They did not show any interest in the proposal and hence turned it down.
She had lost interest in her job and was in search for a better job to do.
In both cases, the meaning is obvious: when someone says ‘disinterested’ they surely does not mean that the person is bored.”

Functions Doubtless in Use (Various Use in Examples Sentences)

  1. In any of the sports match, the referee should heavily be tasked with the affairs of the entire match and still be a completely neutral party.
  2. He was just bored and texting on his mobile phone, unmoved to the current discussion.
  3. The journalist gave a neutral angle of the political conditions.
  4. The teacher was hardly concerned with the reasons that the student had for not completing the homework as expected.
  5. The disinterested witness’s evidence in chief was that she saw the defendant at the time of the commission of the crime.
  6. The company also engaged the services of an impartial consultant to carry out an evaluation on the company.
  7. They described her attitude to the conflict as indifferent by not choosing any side to support.
  8. The voters had no interest in the candidate’s platform and this coupled with low voter turnout.
  9. The high profile nature of the case could not influence the judge’s impartiality, he or she made an unbiased decision on the case.
  10. Because of this he did not take any sides in the cases he was handling hence making him a good intermediary.
  11. In the situation under consideration, the accountant made an impartial evaluation of the company’s financial state.
  12. According to the lawyer, the judge was not impartial because the two were acquainted.
  13. All the board members who had no material interest in the economy of enterprises of the respective branches approved the merger.
  14. She continued to have no concern in the same disputation even though she was very much concerned in the area of interest.
  15. The insights of the financial advisor who is free of bias regarding the matter made the right call in the investment plan.
  16. The journalist got some backlash for not seeming to care for the suffering of the victims in the said tragedy.
  17. The audience members did not listen to the lecture and even failed to pay attention to it with many of them leaving before the end.
  18. His reaction to the news engulged the shocker as expected from a disinterested person from his family and friends.
  19. People commended the mediator stating what he was doing he was not giving or expecting any favor in return.
  20. The third party which does not have a stake in the matter was selected to intervene in the conflict between the two firms.
  21. This was a jury that had no vested interests in the proceedings and the jurors were keen listeners before they made their decision.
  22. She continued to pay no interest to the gossip news and policies regarding the celebrities and chose to read books instead.
  23. A free advice on how to cut down expenses of the company was given by an accountant.
  24. The editor did not become interested in publishing the above-mentioned article.

Disinterested Synonyms (With Meaning)

  • Particularly, there are attributes such as; Impartial: where one cannot be partial or biased in making a particular judgement.
  • Objective – both for and against each case.
  • Factual – Not influenced in any way by the opinion of the speaker rather it is informed by facts.
  • Objective – free from favouritism and injustice in making decisions.
  • Equitable – indicates equal treatment of all the parties involved in a business transaction.
  • Cool - Does not have an emotional connection with the people he or she interacts with.
  • Cognitive bias – being free from prejudice, that is having no prior judgments on any matter.
  • Respect – able to accept different view point or even opinion.
  • Free - liberty specially, in speaking or writing, liberty of the press; logical, reasonable, rational.
  • Democracy – being fair to everyone and not showing any Bias.
  • Neutralist – One who does not support a faction in a conflict, or remain politically detached from the conflict.
  • Objective – that does not depend upon ones own feelings, prejudices or other personal characteristics.
  • Impartial – may also mean cool headed, therefore one who is not easily carried away by emotions.
  • Self-sourced – they do not receive any influences, suggestions or pressures from other sources or from the outside world.
  • Uninvolved – does not have anything to do with it or does not have any stake in a particular situation.

Disinterested Antonyms (With Meaning)

  • Involved – Having or showing concern in activity; plainly participating in a thing.
  • Partial - Having a preference to either party or one idea over the other.
  • Partial – Bias of one individual in the favor of another or when one party takes sides.
  • Committal – In a particular activity or relationship, which means that one is focused to something.
  • Prejudice – Refers to the inclination of one person to give a preference to one party rather than the other.
  • Political - Having or showing a preference for a particular political or the party, side, or political cause.
  • Particularly touched by prejudice and stereotypes - By prejudiced, I mean one who has preconceived opinions and/or attitudes on a specific group or person; by touched, I mean ‘’biased’.
  • Partial – Favourable to one side only;biased or unljust.
  • Interested – Concerned or having a stake in something; taking part in it.
  • Attached – With regard to object, deeply engaged or involved; wedded to a particular course of action, objective or person.
  • Known as non-verbal communication cues, gestures influenced or affected the responses of the participant, which made him or her bias or partial.
  • Self opinionated – This is having a stand in a certain belief and being completely intolerant of any other different opinion.
  • These include, particular – being inclined to a specific favorite thing or manner; prejudice.
  • Favorable- This is a word that describes something that has a positive impression, bias or support towards a particular event, thing, or a person.
  • Promoting - To favour; acting as a backing for somebody or something; prejudiced.
  • Proponent - A party which favors certain solution, idea or policy; partial.
  • Prepossessed- Pertaining to a person who already has a judgment or an attitude about a certain thing or another person.
  • The original meaning of the term is ‘impartial or fair as in giving an equal opportunity to different parties in the case without partiality’.
  • Axiom – Middle of the line – no preoccupation with the right or the left.
  • Objective- The information provided should be free from the writer’s or the author’s opinion, or, in other words, non-subjective.

Video Tutorial For Disinterested (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)

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