Disinterested Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Disinterested Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Disinterested Meaning

The term "disinterested" has two meanings with different connotations.
Unbiased or impartial: It means not having a personal interest in something and being able to remain impartial or neutral in making a decision. In this sense, "disinterested" is a positive trait, indicating a fair and objective perspective.

Not interested or indifferent: It means not having an interest in or enthusiasm for something. In this sense, "disinterested" has a negative connotation, indicating a lack of interest or enthusiasm.

Disinterested Parts of Speech (With Examples)

"Disinterested" can be used as both an adjective and a past participle verb in English. The meaning of the word varies depending on the part of speech used. Here are some examples of how "disinterested" can be used in sentences:

As an adjective:

The judge was disinterested in the case because he had no personal connection to either party.
She was a disinterested observer who simply reported what she saw without bias.
The audience remained disinterested throughout the boring lecture.
His disinterested approach to business helped him make objective decisions.
The committee members were chosen for their disinterested opinions.
As a past participle verb:

She was disinterested in attending the party.
He became disinterested in politics after the scandal.
The employees were disinterested in the new company policy.
They were disinterested in the proposal and rejected it.
She had become disinterested in her job and was looking for a new career path.
In both cases, "disinterested" means impartial, objective, or having no bias or stake in the matter at hand.

Disinterested Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. The referee must be a disinterested party in any sports match.
  2. He was disinterested in the conversation and kept looking at his phone.
  3. The journalist provided a disinterested account of the political situation.
  4. The teacher was disinterested in the student's excuses for not turning in the homework.
  5. The disinterested witness testified that she saw the defendant at the scene of the crime.
  6. The company hired a disinterested consultant to review its operations.
  7. She took a disinterested approach to the conflict, refusing to take sides.
  8. The voters were disinterested in the candidate's platform and turnout was low.
  9. The judge was praised for her disinterested decision in the high-profile case.
  10. His disinterested manner made him a reliable mediator in disputes.
  11. The accountant provided a disinterested assessment of the company's finances.
  12. The lawyer argued that the judge was not disinterested due to his prior relationship with the defendant.
  13. The disinterested board members unanimously approved the merger.
  14. She remained disinterested in the debate, despite being passionate about the topic.
  15. The disinterested advice of the financial advisor helped the client make a wise investment decision.
  16. The journalist faced criticism for being disinterested in the plight of the victims.
  17. The audience was disinterested in the lecture and many left early.
  18. His disinterested reaction to the news surprised his family and friends.
  19. The mediator was praised for his disinterested approach in resolving the conflict.
  20. The disinterested party was chosen to arbitrate the dispute between the two companies.
  21. The disinterested jury listened carefully to both sides before reaching a verdict.
  22. She remained disinterested in the celebrity gossip and preferred to read books.
  23. The accountant provided disinterested advice on how to reduce the company's expenses.
  24. The editor was disinterested in publishing the controversial article.
  25. The expert's disinterested opinion helped to settle the debate about the scientific evidence.
  26. The judge was disinterested in the defendant's personal circumstances when making the sentencing decision.
  27. The disinterested manager hired the best candidate for the job, regardless of personal connections.
  28. The disinterested mediator helped the parties reach a compromise.
  29. He showed a disinterested attitude towards the new project and did not put much effort into it.
  30. The disinterested journalist reported the facts without embellishment.
  31. The CEO was disinterested in the minor details and focused on the big picture.
  32. The lawyer argued that the witness was not disinterested as she was a friend of the plaintiff.
  33. The audience was disinterested in the boring presentation and started chatting among themselves.
  34. The disinterested volunteer helped out with the charity event without expecting any personal gain.
  35. The disinterested expert witness provided valuable testimony in the court case.
  36. The professor's disinterested lecture was informative, but failed to engage the students.
  37. The disinterested bystander called the police to report the crime.
  38. The investor sought the disinterested advice of a financial planner before making a decision.
  39. The journalist was praised for her disinterested reporting on the environmental issue.
  40. The disinterested members of the committee evaluated the grant applications based on merit alone.

Disinterested Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Impartial - unbiased or fair-minded; able to make an objective judgement.
  2. Neutral - not taking sides or showing a bias.
  3. Objective - based on facts and evidence rather than personal feelings or opinions.
  4. Unbiased - not showing favoritism or prejudice.
  5. Equitable - fair and impartial.
  6. Detached - able to remain impartial or emotionally distant.
  7. Unprejudiced - not having preconceived opinions or biases.
  8. Open-minded - willing to consider different perspectives or ideas.
  9. Fair - just and impartial.
  10. Even-handed - treating everyone fairly and impartially.
  11. Neutralist - taking neither side in a dispute or conflict.
  12. Impersonal - not influenced by personal feelings or emotions.
  13. Dispassionate - able to remain objective and unemotional.
  14. Independent - not influenced by others or outside factors.
  15. Uninvolved - not involved or invested in a situation.

Disinterested Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Interested - Having or showing a concern for something; involved or invested in something.
  2. Biased - Prejudiced or inclined towards a particular side or point of view.
  3. Partial - Favoring one side or person over another; having a particular preference.
  4. Engaged - Involved in a particular activity or relationship; committed to something.
  5. Partiality - A tendency to favor one side or person over another; bias.
  6. Partisan - Strongly supporting a particular political party, group, or cause; biased.
  7. Prejudiced - Having preconceived opinions or attitudes towards a particular group or individual; biased.
  8. One-sided - Showing or favoring one side only; biased or unfair.
  9. Involved - Participating or being actively engaged in something; having an interest in it.
  10. Committed - Dedicated or devoted to a particular cause, activity, or relationship; involved.
  11. Influenced - Affected or swayed by something or someone; biased or partial.
  12. Opinionated - Holding strong opinions or beliefs and being unwilling to consider other viewpoints; biased.
  13. Particular - Showing a preference for a particular thing or way of doing something; biased.
  14. Favorable - Showing approval or support; biased in favor of something or someone.
  15. Advocating - Publicly supporting or recommending something or someone; biased.
  16. Proponent - A person who supports or advocates for a particular cause or belief; biased.
  17. Prepossessed - Having a preconceived opinion or feeling about something or someone; biased.
  18. Impartial - Fair and unbiased; not favoring one side or person over another.
  19. Neutral - Not taking sides or showing favoritism; unbiased or impartial.
  20. Objective - Based on facts and not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; unbiased.

Video Tutorial For Disinterested (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)

Q: What is the difference between "disinterested" and "uninterested"?
A: "Disinterested" means unbiased or impartial, while "uninterested" means not interested or indifferent.

Q: Is it correct to use "disinterested" to mean "not interested"?
A: No, "disinterested" does not mean "not interested". The correct word for "not interested" is "uninterested".

Q: Can "disinterested" be used to describe a person who lacks enthusiasm?
A: No, "disinterested" does not mean lacking enthusiasm. The correct word for this is "unenthusiastic".

Q: What is the opposite of "disinterested"?
A: The opposite of "disinterested" is "interested".

Q: Can "disinterested" be used to describe someone who is bored?
A: No, "disinterested" does not mean bored. The correct word for this is "bored" or "uninterested".

Q: Is "disinterested" a negative or positive word?
A: The word "disinterested" is neutral and can be used in both positive and negative contexts. It simply means unbiased or impartial.

Q: Can "disinterested" be used to describe an object or thing?
A: No, "disinterested" is typically used to describe people or their actions. It does not apply to objects or things.

Q: Is "disinterested" a synonym for "indifferent"?
A: No, "disinterested" and "indifferent" are not synonyms. "Disinterested" means unbiased or impartial, while "indifferent" means having no preference or concern.

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