Mushika Vahana Meaning English and Hindi Lyrics मूषिकवाहन मोदकहस्त लिरिक्स मीनिंग

It is a common Shlok/Mantra which is generally chanted to invoke Lord Ganesha who is considered very auspicious in Hindu mythology. The words in the first shloka of the Mudgala Purana verse are Mushikavahanam and Modakahasta along with a list of other words…

It will be proper to note that Lord Ganesha is known by people as the Lord of Beginnings and the Lord of Obstacles in the Hindu religion. Millions of people see him as a kind and merciful God that is capable of coming to people’s help in terms of finding ways on how to deal with obstacles and come out victorious in different spheres of life.

It is normally whispered or said in high pitch by the devotees in a bid to beseech for blessings and or clear any obstacles that might be a hindrance to their success or achievement. There are claims that recitation of the mantra can propel a person into the divine realm to communicate with the god and be blessed by Ganesha besides enabling one to get inner and spiritual transformation.

Mushika Vahana Meaning English and Hindi Lyrics मूषिकवाहन मोदकहस्त लिरिक्स मीनिंग

मूषिकवाहन मोदकहस्त
चामरकर्ण विलम्बितसूत्र ।
वामनरूप महेस्वरपुत्र
विघ्नविनायक पाद नमस्ते ॥
Muussika-Vaahana Modaka-Hasta
Caamara-Karnna Vilambita-Suutra |
Vaamana-Ruupa Mahesvara-Putra
Vighna-Vinaayaka Paada Namaste ||

Muussika Vaahana Modaka Hasta English Meaning

मूषिकवाहन मोदकहस्त (Mushikavaahana Modakahasta) - This means "One who has a mouse as his vehicle and holds a modak (sweet) in his hand". This refers to Lord Ganesha, who is known for riding a mouse and holding a modak, which is considered his favorite food.

चामरकर्ण विलम्बितसूत्र (Chaamara-karna Vilambitaa-sootra) - This means "One who has ears like a fan and wears a long garland". This refers to Lord Ganesha's distinct physical features - his large elephant-like ears and the long garland of flowers that he wears around his neck.

वामनरूप महेस्वरपुत्र (Vaamana-roopa Maheshvara-putra) - This means "One who has taken the form of Vamana and is the son of Lord Shiva". Vamana is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who is believed to have taken a small form to defeat a demon. Lord Ganesha is considered to be the son of Lord Shiva and is often referred to as "Maheshvara-putra".

विघ्नविनायक पाद नमस्ते (Vighna-vinaayaka Paada Namaste) - This means "I bow to the feet of Vighna-vinayaka". Vighna-vinayaka is another name for Lord Ganesha, which means "the remover of obstacles". The mantra ends with a salutation to Lord Ganesha and an expression of respect for his divine presence.

Mushika Vahana Word Meaning

मूषिकवाहन (Mushikavaahana) - "One who has a mouse as his vehicle." Lord Ganesha is often depicted riding a mouse or a rat, which is believed to symbolize his ability to overcome obstacles and navigate through small spaces.
मोदकहस्त (Modakahasta) - "One who holds a modak in his hand." Modak is a sweet Indian dumpling that is believed to be Lord Ganesha's favorite food. Holding a modak in his hand represents his love for sweets and his willingness to bestow blessings upon his devotees.
मूषिकवाहन - Mushika (mouse) + Vahana (vehicle) - The Lord is depicted as riding a mouse, which symbolizes his ability to control and tame even the smallest and most mischievous of creatures.
मोदकहस्त - Modaka (a sweet delicacy) + Hastha (hand) - The Lord is often shown holding a modaka in one of his hands, which represents his love for sweets and his willingness to grant the desires of his devotees.
चामरकर्ण - Chamara (fly-whisk) + Karnna (ears) - This refers to the Lord's elephant-like ears, which are often depicted adorned with a chamara or fly-whisk, indicating his status as a royal and powerful deity.
विलम्बितसूत्र - Vilambita (delayed) + Sutra (thread) - This signifies the Lord's ability to unravel the most complex and challenging obstacles, even when they seem impossible or delayed.
वामनरूप - Vamana (dwarf) + Roopa (form) - This refers to the Lord's incarnation as a dwarf, which represents his humility, wisdom, and ability to overcome any obstacle with his intellect and inner strength.
महेश्वरपुत्र - Maheshvara (Lord Shiva) + Putra (son) - This refers to the Lord's relationship with Lord Shiva, who is considered his father and one of the most powerful deities in Hinduism.
विघ्नविनायक - Vighna (obstacle) + Vinayaka (remover) - This is one of the Lord's most popular names, which signifies his role as the remover of all obstacles and challenges.
पादनमस्ते - Pada (feet) + Namaste (salutation) - This is a common salutation in Hinduism, which means "I bow to you" and is often used to show respect and reverence to a deity or a guru. 

Significance of Mushika Vahana

This is a chant or an invocation usually chanted while invoking the god Ganapati, who is considered as the god of beginnings and the remover of obstacles in the Hindu pantheon. The mantra is commonly pronounced or read in temple by devotees with an intention of obtaining blessings and ward off any form of hindrances that may have beset their ways or progress in their respective line of endeavors.

Each given word in the mantra has the meaning and importance, which is explained in the previously given answer. Thus these words describe the features and traits of Lord Ganesha and the repetition of this phrase is said to call upon the Gods benign grace in the form of Lord Ganesha.

Apart from the what the mantra is believed to carry spiritually, it is also held that the person who recites the mantra has certain benefits accruing to him or her as a result of the exercise. For instance, it is believed that mantra aids in the calming of the mind, sharpening of focus as well as the achievement of deep relaxation. It is also believed that it assists in development of devotion, humility and thankfulness towards the divine.

मूषिकवाहन मोदकहस्त हिंदी मीनिंग

मूषिकवाहन - जो मूषक/चूहे को बैठाकर यात्रा करते हैं।
मोदकहस्त - जिनके हाथ में मोदक (एक प्रकार का मिठाई, लड्डू ) होता है।
चामरकर्ण - जिनके कान चामर से ढँके हैं।
विलम्बितसूत्र - जिनका तना ढीला होता है और वे धीमी चाल से चलते हैं।
वामनरूप - जो वामन अवतार (एक अवतार जो विष्णु भगवान ने लिया था) धारण करते हैं।
महेश्वरपुत्र - जो शिव के पुत्र होते हैं।
विघ्नविनायक - जो विघ्नों का विनाश करने वाले हैं।
पाद नमस्ते - मैं आपके पादों को नमस्कार करता हूँ।
इस मंत्र में प्रत्येक शब्द का अपना विशेष अर्थ होता है जो कि पूजक को भगवान गणेश के गुणों के बारे में बताता है और उनसे उनकी कृपा और आशीर्वाद की अनुरोध करता है। इस मंत्र का जप करने से भक्त को शांति, समृद्धि और सफलता की प्राप्ति में सहायता मिलती है।

Mooshika Vahana-Ganesh Shloka by Shankar Mahadevan feat. Rakshita, Haripriya & Anu(Young Superstars)

Belief in Lord Ganesha is considered as a sacred cultural that uncovers a lot about the Hindu religion; there are various techniques of carrying out a traditional pujas. Here are some steps that can be followed:Here are some steps that can be followed:
Clean the puja area: Cleaning the area where you are planning to do the puja is the first step in performing the ceremony. This includes cleaning the place where the murti of Lord Ganesha is supposed to be placed whether it is an altar or a table.
Install the murti: Place the idol of Lord Ganesha on the platform where the Pooja – Altar or the Table has been arranged. If you do not have the murti then you can also put up a picture or statue of Lord Ganesha.
Light a diya (lamp): Pray the God by lighting a diya or lamp and placing it in front of the murti. This is the representation of the divine light of Lord Ganesha.
Offer flowers: Pray as offering to Lord Ganesha offering flowers. Any type of flowers may be offered but in specific, red hibiscus flowers are used while performing puja for Ganesha.
Offer sweets and fruits: These offering includes sweets such as modak and laddu along with fruits like banana and coconut for lord Ganesha. These are in his list of favorite foods They Basically include
Offer incense sticks: Finally take lighted incense sticks and offer to Lord Ganesha. This depicts the cleaning of the puja area followed by putting on of the clean cloths.
Chant mantras: Recite aloud the lines or phrases which are devoted to Lord Ganesha. They are Ganesh Gayatri, Ganesh Chalisa and Vakratunda Mahakaya.
Perform aarti: Next do aarti which is nothing but rotating a diya or a lamp in front of the idol. Music can also be played during this time, one can sing aarti songs along with the lamp being lit up.
Offer prayers and seek blessings: Bow to Lord Ganesha and pray to him for his blessings before anything else can be done. This can be done in whisper or in normal vocalisation.
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