वाण का पर्यायवाची शब्द Baan Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वाण के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) वाण — शयक , शिलीमुख , तीर, आशुग, इशिका, इशीका, इषीका, इषु, इष्य, ईषु, कांड, काण्ड, खग, चित्रपुंख, तीर, पत्रवाह, पीलु, पुंडरीक, पुण्डरीक, पुष्कर, प्राणशोषण, बाण, बान, मार्गन, विशिख, विहंग, विहग, शर, शायक, शिखंडी, शिखण्डी, शिखी, सलाक, सायक, त्रिपुरासुर, बाण, बाणासुर, वक्र, वाणासुर, अवार, अवारी, कगार, किनारा, कूल, छोर, तट, पश्ता, बारी, मंजुल, वेला, साहिल- आदि होते हैं।
वाण के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -
- वाण (Vaana): Arrow or bowstring.
- शयक (Shayak): Arrow or weapon.
- शिलीमुख (Shilimukha): The point or tip of an arrow.
- तीर (Teer): Arrow.
- आशुग (Ashug): Swift or quick.
- इशिका (Ishika): Arrow.
- इशीका (Ishika): Another term for an arrow.
- इषीका (Ishika): Another term for an arrow.
- इषु (Ishu): Arrow.
- इष्य (Ishya): Arrow.
- ईषु (Ishu): Arrow.
- कांड (Kanda): Point or tip of an arrow.
- काण्ड (Kanda): Another term for the tip of an arrow.
- खग (Khaga): Moving or flying swiftly like an arrow.
- चित्रपुंख (Chitrapunkha): Having a beautiful or decorated tip.
- तीर (Teer): Another term for an arrow.
- पत्रवाह (Patravaha): Carrying letters or messages (like an arrow carrying a message).
- पीलु (Peelu): An epithet for an arrow, possibly referring to its color or speed.
- पुंडरीक (Pundarika): White lotus, often used metaphorically for the tip of an arrow.
- पुण्डरीक (Pundarika): Another term for the white lotus or arrow tip.
- पुष्कर (Pushkar): Another term for a lotus; also used as a name for the arrow tip.
- प्राणशोषण (Pranashoshana): Life-taking or lethal.
- बाण (Bana): Arrow.
- बान (Baan): Another term for an arrow.
- मार्गन (Margana): An epithet for an arrow, referring to its sharpness or ability to find its way.
- विशिख (Vishikha): Arrowhead or the tip of an arrow.
- विहंग (Vihanga): Bird or flying creature; possibly used metaphorically for the arrow in flight.
- विहग (Vihaga): Another term for a bird, possibly used metaphorically for the arrow in flight.
- शर (Shar): Arrow.
- शायक (Shayaka): Another term for an arrow.
- शिखंडी (Shikhandi): Pointed or having a peak; possibly used for an arrow or the tip of an arrow.
- शिखण्डी (Shikhandi): Another term for pointed or having a peak.
- शिखी (Shikhi): Having a point or peak.
- सलाक (Salak): Arrow or dart.
- सायक (Sayaka): Another term for an arrow.
- त्रिपुरासुर (Tripurasura): Demon associated with the legend of Lord Shiva destroying the three cities.
- बाण (Bana): Another term for an arrow.
- बाणासुर (Banasura): Demon associated with the legend of Lord Krishna defeating him.
- वक्र (Vakra): Bent or curved.
- वाणासुर (Vanasura): Another term for Banasura, the demon associated with arrows.
- अवार (Avaar): Another term for an arrow.
- अवारी (Avaari): Another term for an arrow.
- कगार (Kagar): Another term for the tip or point of an arrow.
- किनारा (Kinara): Shore or edge, possibly referring to the point of an arrow.
- कूल (Kool): Another term for the tip or point of an arrow.
- छोर (Chhor): Another term for the tip or point of an arrow.
- तट (Tat): Shore or edge, possibly referring to the point of an arrow.
- पश्ता (Pashta): Another term for the tip or point of an arrow.
- बारी (Bari): Another term for the tip or point of an arrow.
- मंजुल (Manjul): Beautiful or graceful, possibly referring to the arrow.
- वेला (Vela): Another term for the tip or point of an arrow.
- साहिल (Sahil): Shore or edge, possibly referring to the point of an arrow.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप वाण शब्द के हिंदी में
(निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।