Handsome Boy Names That Start With H

Handsome Boy Names That Start With H

While there is a vast array of H names for boys, these might be the cutest choices for your child. You're bound to find a name that fits your bouncy baby boy, from the most well-liked H names to the genuinely unusual ones.

Handsome Boy Names That Start With H

Follow tradition and stick to the usual kid’s name so that he can be and will always be addressed that way as he grows. 
This might help you narrow down your search because as we have seen there are so many H boy names that it is hard to name them all. Just want to browse through the massive directory of H names for boys and possibly select some of the sweetest sounding on your baby. chances are high that you will find a name that is suitable when naming your new born baby boy regardless of whether you prefer the unique or the current trending popular name. choosing an appropriate call to make, so as to grow up correctly will make your child feel safe and versatile. 

  • Haldor - This Norwegian call method "Thor's rock," reminiscent of the energy and resilience associated with the potent god Thor in Norse mythology.
  • Halston - Of English beginning, Halston indicates "holy stone," reflecting a sense of sacredness and purity.
  • Halvar - A Norse call, Halvar interprets to "one that defends the rock," embodying the qualities of a protector and mother or father.
  • Hamilton - English in foundation, Hamilton denotes "flat-crowned hill," suggesting a connection to accelerated landscapes and stability.
  • Hanford - This English call refers to a "ford on the stones," evoking photographs of a crossing over a stony riverbed.
  • Hank - With German roots, Hank approach "ruler of the property," conveying a sense of management and authority.
  • Hardwick - An English call, Hardwick signifies "dwells close to a sheep farm," presenting a picturesque photograph of rural habitation.
  • Hardy - This German-derived call approach "ambitious," reflecting courage and power of individual.
  • Harley - Of English starting place, Harley interprets to "hare's meadow," conjuring photos of a peaceful and herbal environment.
  • Harold - Scandinavian in origin, Harold method "navy ruler," signifying management and command.
  • Harper - An English name, Harper refers to "person who performs the harp," connecting to musical and inventive skills.
  • Harry - With German roots, Harry means "ruler of the military," suggesting authority and energy.
  • Harvey - Of French origin, Harvey translates to "struggle geared up," expressing readiness and preparedness for challenges.
  • Hayden - English in beginning, Hayden method "hay area," conjuring photos of pastoral landscapes.
  • Heath - A British name, Heath without a doubt way "heath," reflecting a connection to open, uncultivated land.
  • Hector - With Greek roots, Hector means "to maintain," symbolizing strength and balance.
  • Henry - German in beginning, Henry signifies "home ruler," suggesting a sense of governance in the household.
  • Herman - A German name, Herman approach "warrior; soldier," highlighting features of bravery and martial power.
  • Hitoshi - This jap name method "compassionate," reflecting kindness and empathy.
  • Hogan - Of Irish beginning, Hogan translates to "teenagers," representing the vibrancy and power of young age.
  • Holbrook - An English name, Holbrook refers to a "circulation close to the hole," painting a tranquil natural scene.
  • Howard - With German roots, Howard approach "excessive defender," suggesting a protector with extended traits.
  • Hubert - German in origin, Hubert signifies "vivid; shining mind," highlighting characteristics of intelligence and brilliance.
  • Hudson - English in foundation, Hudson means "son of Hud," connecting the name to a familial lineage.
  • Hugh - A German name, Hugh way "heart; thoughts," emphasizing the importance of each emotional and intellectual elements.
  • Hunter - An English call, Hunter refers to "one that hunts," capturing the essence of a professional and creative tracker
  • Hadar - Meaning: Splendor; Glory. Synonyms: Grandeur, Magnificence, Prestige.
  • Haddon - Meaning: Hill of Heather. Synonyms: Knoll, Rise, Hillock.
  • Hades - Meaning: God of the Underworld. Synonyms: Pluto, Dis, Lord of the Dead.
  • Hadi - Meaning: Leader. Synonyms: Chief, Commander, Head.
  • Hadrian - Meaning: The Adriatic Sea. Synonyms: Adriatic, Coastal, Seaside.
  • Hale - Meaning: Hero. Synonyms: Champion, Brave, Valiant.
  • Halen - Meaning: Hero. Synonyms: Warrior, Defender, Protector.
  • Haley - Meaning: Hay Meadow. Synonyms: Grassland, Pasture, Prairie.
  • Halle - Meaning: Rock. Synonyms: Stone, Boulder, Cliff.
  • Hamal - Meaning: Lamb. Synonyms: Young Sheep, Lambkin, Ewe.
  • Hamish - Meaning: Supplanter. Synonyms: Usurper, Overthrower, Replace.
  • Hamlet - Meaning: Little Home. Synonyms: Cottage, Dwelling, Abode.
  • Hampton - Meaning: Home Settlement. Synonyms: Village, Township, Colony.
  • Hamza - Meaning: Strong. Synonyms: Sturdy, Robust, Vigorous.
  • Harkin - Meaning: Dark Red. Synonyms: Crimson, Burgundy, Maroon.
  • Handel - Meaning: Trade or Commerce. Synonyms: Business, Exchange, Transaction.
  • Hans - Meaning: God is Gracious. Synonyms: Benevolent, Merciful, Kind.
  • Hansel - Meaning: God is Gracious. Synonyms: Favorable, Generous, Lenient.
  • Hanson - Meaning: Son of Hans. Synonyms: Offspring, Descendant, Heir.
  • Hari - Meaning: Lion. Synonyms: King of Beasts, Feline, Predator.
  • Harlem - Meaning: House on a Hill. Synonyms: Residence, Abode, Dwelling.
  • Harlyn - Meaning: Army Land. Synonyms: Military Territory, Barracks Area.
  • Harris - Meaning: Son of Harry. Synonyms: Offspring of Harry, Harry's Descendant.
  • Hary - Meaning: Home Leader. Synonyms: Household Chief, Domestic Head.
  • Hawk - Meaning: A type of bird associated with strength. Synonyms: Falcon, Raptor, Bird of Prey.
  • Hawkins - Meaning: Little Hawk. Synonyms: Small Falcon, Young Bird of Prey.
  • Haze - Meaning: Vapor of Smoke. Synonyms: Mist, Fog, Smog.
  • Hebe - Meaning: Young. Synonyms: Juvenile, Youthful, Adolescent.
  • Heike - Meaning: Home Leader. Synonyms: Household Chief, Domestic Head.
  • Heimirich - Meaning: Estate Ruler. Synonyms: Property Governor, Land Overlord.
  • Helios - Meaning: Sun. Synonyms: Solar, Sunlight, Daystar.
  • Helmut - Meaning: Protection. Synonyms: Shielding, Guarding, Safeguarding.
  • Henderson - Meaning: Son of Henry. Synonyms: Offspring of Henry, Henry's Descendant.
  • Hendrick - Meaning: Ruler of the Home. Synonyms: Home Governor, Household Leader.
  • Hendrix - Meaning: Ruler of the Home. Synonyms: Home Overseer, Household Chief.
  • Henoch - Meaning: Dedicated. Synonyms: Devoted, Committed, Consecrated.
  • Henri - Meaning: Home Ruler. Synonyms: Household Governor, Domestic Leader.
  • Henricus - Meaning: Ruler of the Home. Synonyms: Home Sovereign, Domestic Overlord.
  • Herberto - Meaning: Army. Synonyms: Military, Armed Forces, Defense.
  • Hercules - Meaning: The Glory of Hera. Synonyms: Hero, Demigod, Strongman.
  • Hermie - Meaning: Soldier. Synonyms: Warrior, Fighter, Combatant.
  • Herminio - Meaning: Army Man. Synonyms: Military Personnel, Soldier, Serviceman.
  • Hernan - Meaning: Gentle Traveler. Synonyms: Mild Voyager, Soft Explorer.
  • Hershel - Meaning: Deer. Synonyms: Stag, Buck, Hart.
  • Heston - Meaning: High Settlement. Synonyms: Elevated Hamlet, Tall Village.
  • Hezekiah - Meaning: God Strengthens. Synonyms: Fortified by God, Strengthened.
  • Hilario - Meaning: Cheerful. Synonyms: Happy, Joyful, Merry.
  • Holden - Meaning: Hollow Valley. Synonyms: Sunken Vale, Depressed Dell.
  • Holland - Meaning: Wooded Land. Synonyms: Forested Territory, Arboreal Region.
  • Hollis - Meaning: Holly Trees. Synonyms: Evergreen, Holly Grove, Tree Cluster.
  • Hollister - Meaning: Holly. Synonyms: Evergreen, Holly Plant.
  • Holt - Meaning: Forest. Synonyms: Woodland, Grove, Timberland.
  • Horacio - Meaning: Time Keeper. Synonyms: Chronometer, Timepiece, Clock.
  • Horae - Meaning: Seasons. Synonyms: Periods, Phases, Time Divisions.
  • Horus - Meaning: An Egyptian God. Synonyms: Deity, Divinity, Supreme Being.
  • Houston - Meaning: Hugh's Town. Synonyms: Settlement, Municipality, Urban Area.
  • Hoyt - Meaning: Long Stick. Synonyms: Extended Rod, Elongated Shaft.
  • Huck - Meaning: Hook. Synonyms: Grappling Device, Fastener, Clasp.
  • Hud - Meaning: Those Who Ask Forgiveness. Synonyms: Forgiveness Seekers, Pardon Requesters.
  • Hue - Meaning: Lily Flower. Synonyms: Blossom, Bloom, Petal.
  • Humberto - Meaning: Renowned Warrior. Synonyms: Celebrated Fighter, Famous Soldier.
  • Huron - Meaning: Bristle Haired. Synonyms: Spiky, Bristly, Prickly.
  • Hux - Meaning: Hook. Synonyms: Fastening Device, Connector, Link.
  • Huxley - Meaning: Inhospitable Place. Synonyms: Unwelcoming Area, Harsh Environment.
  • Hagley - Meaning: One who is from the Hedged Enclosure.
  • Haig - Meaning: Enclosure.
  • Haines - Meaning: Dweller.
  • Hal - Meaning: One who rules the army.
  • Halbert - Meaning: Weapon Maker.
  • Halford - Meaning: Hawk.
  • Halsey - Meaning: Sacred Island.
  • Harley - Meaning: Hare.
  • Harlon - Meaning: The Meadow of the Hares.
  • Hartford - Meaning: The Deer Crossing.
  • Haven - Meaning: Safe.
  • Hawthorne - Meaning: One who lives by a hedge.
  • Herald - Meaning: Army Commander.
  • Hilton - Meaning: Settlement.
  • Holman - Meaning: Hollow.
  • Holmes - Meaning: One who lives near the river.
  • Howie - Meaning: Brave.
  • Hunt - Meaning: One who is a Hunter.
  • Hutchinson - Meaning: Hug.
  • Hyatt - Meaning: One from the High Gate.
  • Hyde - Meaning: One who farms the land.
  • Hakeem - Meaning: Smart, Wise, Knowledgeable.
  • Haksh - Meaning: Bright, Shining, Luminous.
  • Haib - Meaning: Loved, Adored, Cherished.
  • Hanan - Meaning: Kind, Compassionate, Tender-hearted.
  • Haneesh - Meaning: Ambitious, Aspiring, Goal-oriented.
  • Hansal - Meaning: Swan, Graceful, Elegant.
  • Hansin - Meaning: The Universal Soul, Cosmic Spirit, Divine Essence.
  • Hardik - Meaning: From One's Heart, Sincere, Genuine.
  • Hazen - Meaning: Beautiful, Charming, Attractive.
  • Heer - Meaning: Lord, Sovereign, Divine Ruler.
  • Hemil - Meaning: Gold, Precious Metal, Valuable.
  • Hemish - Meaning: The Lord of the Earth, Earthly Ruler, Territorial Master.
  • Hiran - Meaning: Immortal, Everlasting, Eternal.
  • Harindra - Meaning: Referring to a Color, Colorful, Hue-inspired.
  • Hiten - Meaning: Heart, Core, Essence.
  • Huda - Meaning: Guidance, Direction, Wisdom.
whether you already know an H name is proper for your little guy or you are just attempting to find ideas, what subjects maximum is that you love the call. as the love you have for your child boy spills over into that best call, take into account that what others think about your name desire would not depend nearly as an awful lot as what you think. 
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