Serendipitous & Sweet Baby Names That Mean Lucky

Serendipitous & Sweet Baby Names That Mean Lucky

Both of these names not only sound pleasant to say but further, have meaningful and positive associations extracted from cultures. There are certain names that are associated with lucky, so if you feel quite lucky about welcoming a new toddler in the world, Lucky sort of names would be perfect for your little bundle of joy. show the world how lucky you are to be the discern of the toddler meant only for you with these cute names.

Charming Boy Names That Mean Lucky

  • Ace - representing sharpness from Latin roots.
  • Ansel - carrying the meaning of divine protection in German.
  • Ayman - a name of Arabic origin symbolizing blessings.
  • Barack - with Arabic roots, meaning blessed.
  • Benedict - a Latin name that signifies being blessed.
  • Benicio - a Spanish name associated with blessings.
  • Boone - a French name reflecting goodness.
  • Chance - a British name embodying good fortune.
  • Chauncey - with French origins, it means being fortunate.
  • Edmund - an English name conveying the idea of a fortunate protector.
  • Edric - from English roots, it signifies prosperity.
  • Faust - a Latin name representing being fortunate.
  • Felix - a Latin name expressing happiness and luck.
  • Kichiro - a Japanese name symbolizing good fortune.
  • Madoc - a Welsh name conveying the idea of being fortunate.
  • Onni - a Finnish name meaning happiness and luck.
  • Parvaiz - a Persian name indicating being fortunate and victorious.
  • Patrick - with Latin roots, associated with nobility.
  • Tycho - a Greek name signifying hitting the mark.
  • Yoshi - a Japanese name expressing good luck.
  • Zain - an Arabic name representing beauty and grace.

Lucky Girl Names That Mean Blessed

  • Arianwen - from Welsh roots, meaning fair and blessed.
  • Beatrice - a French name signifying being blessed.
  • Bunny - an adorable English name, meaning little rabbit.
  • Dalia - with Hebrew/Swahili origins, symbolizing gentleness.
  • Delyth - a Welsh name representing beauty and blessings.
  • Destiny - from French roots, conveying certain fortune or fate.
  • Eudora - a Greek name expressing the idea of a good gift.
  • Evangeline - with Greek roots, meaning good news.
  • Faye - an English name representing a fairy.
  • Fayola - from African roots, meaning lucky or bringing good fortune.
  • Felicia - a Latin name signifying luck and good fortune.
  • Felicity - with Latin origins, symbolizing happiness.
  • Genevieve - a French name, associated with the Patron Saint of Paris.
  • Gia - an Italian name meaning "God is gracious."
  • Gloria - from Latin roots, expressing glory.
  • Gwenyth - a Welsh name conveying happiness.
  • Halona - with Native American origins, representing happy fortune.
  • Hannah - a Hebrew name signifying grace.
  • Helga - a Scandinavian name meaning holy.
  • Iris - from Greek roots, symbolizing a rainbow.
  • Jade - a Spanish name associated with the precious stone and luck.
  • Laima - a Latvian name representing luck and fate.
  • Mirabel - a Latin name meaning wonderful.
  • Moira - from Greek roots, representing destiny.
  • Patricia - with Latin origins, meaning noble.
  • Penny - a Greek name associated with currency and luck.
  • Rani - an Indian name signifying "she who brings luck."
  • Tira - a Hebrew name meaning luck.
  • Winifred - from Welsh roots, conveying being blessed.
  • Zada - an Arabic name symbolizing being fortunate or prosperous.
  • Asher - a Hebrew name signifying happiness.
  • Bennet - from Latin roots, meaning blessed.
  • Charm - representing a lucky token.
  • Clover - an English name associated with a lucky meadow flower.
  • Cricket - considered lucky in Chinese, Japanese, and Native American cultures.
  • Fate - a Latin name representing destiny.
  • Florentine - an Italian name conveying prosperity.
  • Karma - from Sanskrit, meaning fate or destiny.
  • Kei - a Japanese name symbolizing being blessed.
  • Lesego - with South African origins, meaning luck.
  • Lucky - an American name signifying being fortunate.
  • Merrit - an English name representing a blessed child.
  • Paddy - of Irish origin, meaning noble.
  • Prosper - a Latin name conveying favorability.
  • Serendipity - an English name representing fortunate chance.
  • Seven - a Turkish name meaning loving one.
  • Shiva - from Hebrew roots, representing the number seven.
  • Seeley - a French name signifying being blessed.
  • Tashi - of Hindi origin, meaning prosperity.
  • Wen - a Chinese name conveying luck.
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