यज्ञोपवीत का पर्यायवाची शब्द

यज्ञोपवीत का पर्यायवाची शब्द Yagyopavit Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

यज्ञोपवीत का पर्यायवाची शब्द Yagyopavit Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

यज्ञोपवीत के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) यज्ञोपवीत, उपवीत , जनेऊ , ब्रह्मसूत्र, उपवीत, जनेऊ, ब्रह्मसूत्र, यज्ञसूत्र, सावित्र, अंशुमान, अंशुमाली, अधिरथी, अरविंदबंधु, अरविन्दबन्धु, अर्क, अर्जमा, अर्णव, अर्यमा, अर्य्यमा, अविनीश, अह, अहस्पति, आदित्य, आदिदेव, कालेश, कुवम, केश, खगपति, गभस्ति, गभस्तिपाणि, गभस्तिहस्त, गविष्ठ, गोकर, चक्रबंधु, चक्रबन्धु, चक्रबांधव, चक्रबान्धव, चित्रभानु, जगत्साक्षी, ज्वालमाली, तरणि, तीक्ष्णरश्मि, तीक्ष्णांशु, तुंगीश, त्रयीतन, त्रयीमय, त्विषामीश, दनमणि, दिनकर, दिनमणि, दिवसकर, दिवसकृत, दिवसनाथ, दिवसभर्ता, दिवसमणि, दिवसेश, दिवसेश्वर, दिवस्पति, दिवामणि, दिवावसु, दिव्यांशु, दीप्तकिरण, दुड़ियंद, द्यु-पति, द्यु-मणि, द्युपति, द्युम्न, नभश्चक्षु, नभस्मय, पचत, पद्मगर्भ, प्रजादार, प्रजाध्यक्ष, भट्टारक, भानु, भास्कर, भूताक्ष, मरीची, मार्तंड, मार्तण्ड, मिहिर, यमसू, वरेय, वृषाकपि, वेदवादन, वेदात्मा, वेदोदय, वेध, वेधा, सहस्रकिरण, सहस्रगु, सूर्य, सूर्य देव, सूर्य देवता, सूर्यदेव, हेमकर, हेममाली- आदि होते हैं।

यज्ञोपवीत के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • यज्ञोपवीत (Yajnopavita): Sacred thread worn by Hindus, especially during religious ceremonies.
  • उपवीत (Upavita): Another term for the sacred thread or Yajnopavita.
  • जनेऊ (Janeu): The sacred thread worn by some Hindus, especially members of the Brahmin community.
  • ब्रह्मसूत्र (Brahmasutra): A philosophical text that systematically summarizes the teachings of the Upanishads; part of the Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy.
  • यज्ञसूत्र (Yajnasutra): A sacred thread or cord used in Vedic rituals and ceremonies.
  • सावित्र (Savitri): A Vedic hymn dedicated to the Sun god, often chanted during the Gayatri mantra.
  • अंशुमान (Anshuman): A name, meaning "the radiant one" or "sunbeam."
  • अंशुमाली (Anshumali): Another name associated with the Sun, meaning "radiant" or "bright."
  • अधिरथी (Adhirathi): One who is born in the chariot of the Sun, another name for the Sun.
  • अरविंदबंधु (Aravindabandhu): A name for the Sun, meaning "friend of the lotus."
  • अर्क (Ark): A name for the Sun, signifying light or brilliance.
  • अर्जमा (Arjama): A name associated with the Sun, meaning "radiant" or "shining."
  • अर्णव (Arnav): A name for the Sun, meaning "ocean" or "source of water."
  • अर्यमा (Aryama): A Vedic deity associated with the Sun, often invoked in rituals.
  • अर्य्यमा (Aryyama): An alternate spelling for Aryama, a Vedic deity associated with the Sun.
  • अविनीश (Avinish): Another name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the earth."
  • अह (Aha): A name for the Sun, signifying "day" or "time."
  • अहस्पति (Ahaspati): An epithet of the Sun, meaning "lord of the day" or "ruler of the sky."
  • आदित्य (Aditya): A name for the Sun god, often used in Hindu mythology.
  • आदिदेव (Adideva): Another name for the Sun god, meaning "the primal deity."
  • कालेश (Kalesha): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of time" or "controller of time."
  • कुवम (Kuvam): Another name for the Sun, signifying "splendor" or "radiance."
  • केश (Kesh): A name for the Sun, meaning "radiant" or "luminous."
  • खगपति (Khagpati): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the sky" or "ruler of the celestial beings."
  • गभस्ति (Gabhasti): A name for the Sun, meaning "shining" or "radiant."
  • गभस्तिपाणि (Gabhastipani): Another name for the Sun, signifying "he who holds the rays."
  • गभस्तिहस्त (Gabhastihasta): An epithet for the Sun, meaning "he who has rays as hands."
  • गविष्ठ (Gavishta): A name for the Sun, meaning "most radiant" or "brightest."
  • गोकर (Gokar): Another name for the Sun, meaning "source of light for cows" or "source of nourishment."
  • चक्रबंधु (Chakrabandhu): A name for the Sun, meaning "friend of the wheel" or "associated with the cosmic wheel."
  • चक्रबन्धु (Chakrabandhu): Another spelling for Chakrabandhu.
  • चक्रबांधव (Chakrabandhav): A name for the Sun, meaning "brother of the cosmic wheel."
  • चक्रबान्धव (Chakrabandhav): Another spelling for Chakrabandhav.
  • चित्रभानु (Chitrabhanu): A name for the Sun, meaning "brightly shining."
  • जगत्साक्षी (Jagatsakshi): A name for the Sun, meaning "witness of the world."
  • ज्वालमाली (Jwalamali): A name for the Sun, meaning "adorned with flames" or "radiant like fire."
  • तरणि (Tarani): A name for the Sun, meaning "liberator" or "savior."
  • तीक्ष्णरश्मि (Tikshnarashmi): A name for the Sun, meaning "with sharp rays" or "intense brilliance."
  • तीक्ष्णांशु (Tikshnanshu): Another name for the Sun, signifying "with sharp rays."
  • तुंगीश (Tungish): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the high" or "towering."
  • त्रयीतन (Trayitan): Another name for the Sun, meaning "the threefold energy."
  • त्रयीमय (Trayimaya): A name for the Sun, meaning "filled with the three Vedas."
  • त्विषामीश (Tvisamish): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the brilliant ones."
  • दनमणि (Danamani): A name for the Sun, meaning "jewel of charity" or "bestower of wealth."
  • दिनकर (Dinakar): A name for the Sun, meaning "maker of the day" or "daylight."
  • दिनमणि (Dinamani): Another name for the Sun, signifying "jewel of the day" or "sun."
  • दिवसकर (Divasakar): A name for the Sun, meaning "maker of the day" or "daylight."
  • दिवसकृत (Divasakrit): Another name for the Sun, meaning "creator of the day."
  • दिवसनाथ (Divasanath): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the day."
  • दिवसभर्ता (Divasbharta): Another name for the Sun, meaning "sustainer of the day."
  • दिवसमणि (Divasamani): A name for the Sun, meaning "jewel of the day" or "sun."
  • दिवसेश (Divasesh): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the day."
  • दिवसेश्वर (Divaseshwar): Another name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the day."
  • दिवस्पति (Divaspati): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the day."
  • दिवामणि (Divamani): A name for the Sun, meaning "jewel of the day."
  • दिवावसु (Divavasu): A name for the Sun, meaning "shining like a deity" or "luminous."
  • दिव्यांशु (Divyanshu): A name for the Sun, meaning "divine ray" or "celestial light."
  • दीप्तकिरण (Diptakiran): A name for the Sun, meaning "with brilliant rays" or "shining intensely."
  • दुड़ियंद (Dudiyand): A name for the Sun, signifying "the one with a radiant vehicle."
  • द्यु-पति (Dyu-pati): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the sky" or "heavenly ruler."
  • द्यु-मणि (Dyu-mani): Another name for the Sun, signifying "jewel of the sky."
  • द्युपति (Dyupati): A name for the Sun, meaning "lord of the sky" or "heavenly ruler."
  • द्युम्न (Dyumn): A name for the Sun, meaning "radiant" or "splendid."
  • नभश्चक्षु (Nabhachakshu): A name for the Sun, meaning "eye of the sky" or "heavenly eye."
  • नभस्मय (Nabhasmay): Another name for the Sun, meaning "source of light in the sky."
  • पचत (Pachat): A name for the Sun, meaning "the cooker" or "the one who cooks."
  • पद्मगर्भ (Padmagarbha): A name for the Sun, meaning "lotus-womb" or "source of creation."
  • प्रजादार (Prajadar): A name for the Sun, meaning "bestower of progeny."
  • प्रजाध्यक्ष (Prajadhyaksha): Another name for the Sun, meaning "overseer of all beings."
  • भट्टारक (Bhattarak): A name for the Sun, meaning "the sovereign sun" or "ruler of the sky."
  • भानु (Bhanu): A name for the Sun, meaning "radiant" or "shining."
  • भास्कर (Bhaskar): Another name for the Sun, meaning "the illuminator" or "light-bringer."
  • भूताक्ष (Bhutaksha): A name for the Sun, meaning "eye of the elements."
  • मरीची (Marichi): A Vedic sage and one of the sons of Brahma; also used as a name for the Sun.
  • मार्तंड (Martanda): A name for the Sun, meaning "the dead egg" or "source of creation."
  • मार्तण्ड (Martanda): Another spelling for Martanda, a name for the Sun.
  • मिहिर (Mihir): A name for the Sun, meaning "sun" or "solar."
  • यमसू (Yamasu): A name for the Sun, meaning "offspring of Yama" or "son of Yama."
  • वरेय (Vareya): A name for the Sun, meaning "the best" or "excellent."
  • वृषाकपि (Vrishakapi): A name for the Sun, meaning "the bull with a radiant form."
  • वेदवादन (Vedavadana): A name for the Sun, meaning "the one who sings the Vedas" or "utterer of the Vedas."
  • वेदात्मा (Vedatma): Another name for the Sun, signifying "the soul of the Vedas."
  • वेदोदय (Vedodaya): A name for the Sun, meaning "the rise of the Vedas" or "source of the Vedas."
  • वेध (Vedh): A name for the Sun, meaning "piercer" or "penetrator."
  • वेधा (Vedha): Another name for the Sun, meaning "piercer" or "penetrator."
  • सहस्रकिरण (Sahasrakiran): A name for the Sun, meaning "thousand-rayed" or "with a thousand rays."
  • सहस्रगु (Sahasragu): Another name for the Sun, meaning "thousand-eyed" or "possessing a thousand rays."
  • सूर्य (Surya): The Sun god in Hinduism, often considered the source of light and life.
  • सूर्य देव (Surya Dev): Another name for Surya, the Sun god.
  • सूर्य देवता (Surya Devata): The deity associated with the Sun.
  • सूर्यदेव (Suryadev): Another name for Surya, the Sun god.
  • हेमकर (Hemakar): A name for the Sun, meaning "bestower of gold" or "source of wealth."
  • हेममाली (Hemamali): Another name for the Sun, meaning "garlanded with gold."
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप यज्ञोपवीत शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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