Crop Image Onlie 100% Free Lyricspandits Cropping Tools

Image Crop Tool

Get Ready for Our New Image Crop Tool

Do you want to crop your images without having to create marquee selections manually? Everyone here at wordpress – well, everyone that isn’t asleep, is thrilled to present you with a new Image Crop Tool! You can use this tool to choose region of interest and by splitting the image into desired selection with in few clicks. Also, you can add the Shift key to constrain the selection by the shape of the marquee. Let’s dive into how it works!
Features of the Image Crop Tool:

Upload Your Image: First of all, using the image below, type in the alt text in any box and crop it in the way you want. Just click the upload button and browse through your computer for the image of your choice.

Adjustable Crop Area

After uploading your image, there will an icon appears on the image, better referred to as the crop box that can be dragged on your image.
Using the mouse, this crop area is flexible in a way that you can put this anywhere you want when you click on it and drag.

Resizing with Corners

All the corners of the crop area contain a resize handle. To reshape this selection, click and drag these resize handles located at the ends of the lines.
If you would like to resize in perfect proportion, press the Shift key and nudge the crop area while resizing.

Preview and Crop

To do this, adjust the crop area till you are satisfied and then click on the Crop Image button. The tool will then show you an image preview based on the selection made in cropping the image.

Download Your Cropped Image

After that, use the “Download Cropped Image” button to save the previewed image in PNG format to your device.

How to Use the Tool

  • Step 1: Upload your image.
  • Step 2: Edit position of the crop area by dragging the crop area to your required position.
  • Step 3: Control the size of the crop area with the mouse when it turns into four arrows pointing outwards. When cropping, press the Shift key for anchor point retention of the aspect ratio.
  • Step 4: Select “Crop Image” and again presented with a preview.
  • Step 5: Download your cropped image.
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