भोले तेरी भक्ति का अपना ही
Nirgun galiyan saankri, mhaari heli
Vahaan chadhhyo nahin jaaye
The path of the attribute-less
Is a narrow one, my friend...
It is not an easy journey to make.
Vahaan chadhhe to piya mile, mhaari heli
But if you do make it through, you shall meet the beloved!
aava gaman mit jaaye
Mhaari heliye, chalo hamaara des
And the cycles of birth and death shall end!
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world...
Yo toh aavaa gaman mit jaaye
Mhaari heliye, chalo hamaara des
The cycles of birth and death shall end!
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world...
Kahaan uge kahaan aasate, mhaari heli
Kahaan ujaala hoye?
Where does the sun rise? Where does it set?
Where does the illumination happen?
Yahin uge yahin aasate, mhaari heli
Yahin ujaala hoye
It rises right here, sets right here…
This is where illumination happens!
Mhaari heliye, chalo hamaara des
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world...
Yo toh yahi ujaala hoy
Mhaari heliye chalo hamaara des
This is where illumination happens!
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world…
Kahaan ko garje, kahaan barse, mhaari heli
Kahaan sookha ka hariya hoye?
Where does it thunder, where does it shower?
Where does the dry turn green?
Yahin garje yahin barse, mhaari heli
Yahin sookha ka hariya hoye
It thunders here, it showers here...
Here, it turns from dry to green!
Mhaari heli vo, chalo hamaara des…
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world...
Yo toh laagya bhajan vala baan
Mhaari helo vo, chalo hamaara des
I’ve been struck by the arrow of the sacred song...
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world!
Nirgun ka baazaar mein, mhaari heli
Heero ko hove vyaapaar
In this divine marketplace, beyond all qualities...
Invaluable jewels are being traded!
Sugura maanav to saudo kare, mhaari heli
Ee to nugura mool ganvaaye
One guided by his Guru, makes the right deal...
The one without his Guru, loses his deal!
Mhaari heli vo, chalo hamaara des
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world…
Yo toh paachho janam nahin aaye
Mhaari heli vo, chalo hamaara des
Such beings don't return to be born…
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world!
Anahad ka maidaan mein, mhaari heli
Mhaara saahib ji ki sej
In the limitless field, oh my friend…
My Master resides.
Kahe Kabir Dharamdas se, mhaari heli
Na to mare na boodhha hoye
Mhaari heli vo, chaalo hamaara des...
Kabir says to Dharamdas,
There is no death or aging there…
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world…
Yo toh yahi ujaala hoye
Mhaari heli vo, chalo hamaara des
That is where light happens…
Oh my friend, let’s go to my world…
Ya toh laagyaa bhajan wala baan
Mhaari heli vo, chalo gura ji ra des
I’ve been struck by the arrow of the sacred song...Oh my friend, let’s go to my world!
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Author - Saroj Jangir
दैनिक रोचक विषयों पर में 20 वर्षों के अनुभव के साथ, मैं कबीर के दोहों को अर्थ सहित, कबीर भजन, आदि को सांझा करती हूँ, मेरे इस ब्लॉग पर। मेरे लेखों का उद्देश्य सामान्य जानकारियों को पाठकों तक पहुंचाना है। मैंने अपने करियर में कई विषयों पर गहन शोध और लेखन किया है, जिनमें जीवन शैली और सकारात्मक सोच के साथ वास्तु भी शामिल है....अधिक पढ़ें। |