काराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मीः, करमध्ये सरस्वती, करमूले तू गोविन्दः, प्रभाते करदर्शनम्। On the tip of your hands is Goddess Lakshmi; in the middle is Goddess Saraswati; and at the base (root) of your hands is Lord Govinda. Hence, look at your hands in the morning and contemplate them.
समुन्द्रवसने देवि, पर्वतस्तनमण्डले, विष्णुपत्नि, नमस्तुभ्यंपादस्पर्शं, क्षमस्व मे। O Goddess, who wears the ocean as her garment, whose breasts are like mountains, O wife of Vishnu, I bow to you. Please forgive me for touching you with my feet.
ब्रह्मा मुरारीस्त्रिपुरांतकारी, भानुः शशि भूमिसुतो बुधश्च, गुरुश्च शुक्रः शनिराहुकेतवेः, कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सु प्रभातम्। May Brahma, Murari (Vishnu), and Tripurantakari (Shiva), the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu, make my morning auspicious.
सनत्कुमारः सनकः सनन्दनः सनातनोऽप्यासुरिपिङगलौ च, सप्त स्वराः सप्त रसातलानि, कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सुप्रभातम्। Sanatkumara, Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana, Asuri, and Pingala, the seven musical notes, and the seven lower worlds, may all make my morning good.
सप्तार्णवा सप्त कुलाचलाश्च, सप्तर्षयो द्वीपवनानि सप्त, भूरादिकृत्वा भुवनानि सप्त, कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सुप्रभातम्। The seven oceans, the seven mountains, the seven sages, the seven forests, the seven worlds created by Brahma, may all make my morning auspicious.
पृथ्वी सगन्धा सरसास्तथापः, स्पर्शी च वायुज्र्वलनं च तेजः, नभः सशब्दं महता सहैव, कुर्वन्तु सर्वे मम सुप्रभातम्। The earth with its fragrance, the water with its taste, the air that can be felt, the fire that is radiant, the sky that carries sound, and the great ones, may all make my morning good.
प्रातः स्मरणमेतद्यो, विदित्वादरतः पठेत्। स सम्यक्धर्मनिष्ठः स्यात, अखण्डं भारतं स्मरेत्। Whoever recites this morning remembrance with understanding and reverence will be steadfast in dharma and will remember the undivided land of Bharat (India).
These shlokas are a part of morning prayers that are meant to sanctify the day ahead and are a reminder of the divine presence in everything we do and perceive. They also express reverence for the natural elements and the deities associated with knowledge, wealth, and power.
इस भजन से सबंधित अन्य भजन निचे दिए गए हैं जो आपको अवश्य ही पसंद आयेगे, कृपया करके इन भजनों (Bhajan With Lyrics in Text) को भी देखें.