Annapoorna Stotram Lyrics Meaning अन्नपूर्णा स्तोत्रम लिरिक्स अर्थ

The “Annapoorna Stotram” is a Sanskrit hymn which is recited to the goddess Annapoorna whom Hinduism worships as the goddess of food. The name Annapoorna has been formed two sanskrit terms, namely anna meaning food or grain and poorna meaning complete or full or full belly.

In containing the hymnic invoking of the goddess it proclaims her to be the goddess of food and sustenance who nourishes all the creatures of the world and who is the giver of prosperity. An example is the lotus Sutra which lists her virtues as being compassionate and generous, and seeks her blessings so that all beings may be full and satisfied.

One of its compositions is the ‘Annapoorna Stotram’, which is usually chanted before a meal to be taken to show appreciation of the food that is about to be consumed and to call attention the fact that the food in front of one has come from god head. It is also believed to call for the blessing of the goddess and also to ask that one’s food is blessed and spiritually appropriate for consumption.

Annapoorna Stotram Lyrics Meaning अन्नपूर्णा स्तोत्रम लिरिक्स अर्थ

नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी
निर्धूताखिलघोरपावनकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहेश्वरी ।
प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥१॥
नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी हेमाम्बराडम्बरी
मुक्ताहारविलम्बमानविलसद्वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी ।
काश्मीरागरुवासिताङ्गरुचिरा काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥२॥
योगानन्दकरी रिपुक्षयकरी धर्मार्थनिष्ठाकरी
चन्द्रार्कानलभासमानलहरी त्रैलोक्यरक्षाकरी ।
सर्वैश्वर्यसमस्तवाञ्छितकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥३॥
कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी गौरी उमा शङ्करी
कौमारी निगमार्थगोचरकरी ओङ्कारबीजाक्षरी ।
मोक्षद्वारकपाटपाटनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥४॥
दृश्यादृश्यविभूतिवाहनकरी ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डोदरी
लीलानाटकसूत्रभेदनकरी विज्ञानदीपाङ्कुरी ।
श्रीविश्वेशमनःप्रसादनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥५॥
उर्वीसर्वजनेश्वरी भगवती मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी
वेणीनीलसमानकुन्तलहरी नित्यान्नदानेश्वरी ।
सर्वानन्दकरी सदा शुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥६॥
आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णनकरी शम्भोस्त्रिभावाकरी
काश्मीरात्रिजलेश्वरी त्रिलहरी नित्याङ्कुरा शर्वरी ।
कामाकाङ्क्षकरी जनोदयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥७॥
देवी सर्वविचित्ररत्नरचिता दाक्षायणी सुन्दरी
वामे स्वादुपयोधराप्रियकरी सौभाग्यमाहेश्वरी ।
भक्ताभीष्टकरी सदा शुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥८॥
चन्द्रार्कानलकोटिकोटिसदृशा चन्द्रांशुबिम्बाधरी
चन्द्रार्काग्निसमानकुण्डलधरी चन्द्रार्कवर्णेश्वरी ।
मालापुस्तकपाशसाङ्कुशधरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥९॥
क्षत्रत्राणकरी महाऽभयकरी माता कृपासागरी
साक्षान्मोक्षकरी सदा शिवकरी विश्वेश्वरश्रीधरी ।
दक्षाक्रन्दकरी निरामयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥१०॥
अन्नपूर्णे सदापूर्णे शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे ।
ज्ञानवैराग्यसिद्ध्यर्थं भिक्षां देहि च पार्वति ॥११॥
माता च पार्वती देवी पिता देवो महेश्वरः ।
बान्धवाः शिवभक्ताश्च स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् ॥१२॥

Annapurna Stotram Meaning

नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी
निर्धूताखिलघोरपावनकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहेश्वरी।
नित्यानन्दकरी (Nityanandakari): "Ever blissful" or "Giver of eternal joy"
वराभयकरी (Varabhayakari): "Giver of boons and protection"
सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी (Saundaryaratnakari): "Adorned with the jewels of beauty"
निर्धूताखिलघोरपावनकरी (Nirdhutakhilaghorapavanakari): "Destroyer of all sins and purifier of the dreadful"
प्रत्यक्षमाहेश्वरी (Pratyakshamaheshwari): "Evident and supreme goddess"
Devi who is the goddess is ever a delight and therefore provides eternal delight. She has patronizing favor and protection as well as the ornament of beauty. She annihilates all sins, and sanctifies the worst as well. She is the most manifest and the highest deity.

प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥१॥
प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी (Praleyachalavanshapavanakari): "Purifier of the dynasty of the mountain of Pralaya"
काशीपुराधीश्वरी (Kashipuradhishwari): "The ruler of the city of Kashi"
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी (Bhiksham dehi kripavalambanakari): "Grant me alms, O compassionate one"
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी (Matannapurneshwari): "The supremacy however is bestowed by the mother who offers the fullness of food.
Annapurna, the goddess, cleanses the dynasty of the mount of Pralaya and the sovereign lady of the city of Kashi is she. She is the one who employs mercy when giving alms and, in the same instance, act as the nurturing mother when she feeds you to the brim.
नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी हेमाम्बराडम्बरी
मुक्ताहारविलम्बमानविलसद्वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी ।
नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी (Nanaratnavichitrabhushanakari): "Adorned with various and strange jewels"
हेमाम्बराडम्बरी (Hemambaradambhari): "Wearing golden clothes and ornaments"
मुक्ताहारविलम्बमानविलसद्वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी (Muktaharavilambamana vilasad vakshojakumbhantari): "With a pearl necklace hanging gracefully over her shining bosom"The figure is also covered with all sorts of and peculiar ornaments. She is wearing golden raiment and jewels, and a string of pearls, which seemed to fall low on her glistening breast.

The verse is praise to the beauty and grandiosity of Meenakshi, the South Indian goddess of Tamilnadu. There is folklore that Meenakshi was an avtaar of the goddess Parvati and Meenakshi is symbolized as a young queen. The verse mentions some of the physical features that has sexually endow her, her twining beads, clothing of gold, and the shiny pearl necklace. The verse also suggest that Meenakshi is showered with gold and silver or she herself symbolizes wealth and prosperity of the kingdom.
काश्मीरागरुवासिताङ्गरुचिरा काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥२॥
काश्मीरागरुवासिताङ्गरुचिरा (Kashmiragaruvāsitāngarucirā): "Wearing a beautiful garment made of the wool of the Kashmir goat"
काशीपुराधीश्वरी (Kāśipura-dhīśvarī): "The goddess who is the ruler of Kashi (Varanasi)" भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी (Bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī): "O compassionate one, give me alms"
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी (Mātānna-pūrṇeśvarī): ‘‘The mother who provides the bounty of food.’’
The superior quality material of sopan cloth used for the dress of Annapurna is the wool of the Kashmir goat. She is the sovereign of Kashi (Varanasi), a city of temples. Most favored one, please feed me, and feed me as the way a mother would feed her child.

According to the verse, Annapurna is the gentle goddess who feeds every one who approaches her for that purpose. She is linked to the city of Kashi or Banaras which is considered hallowed ground to those of the Hindu faith. From the description of her garment, which was made up of the wool of the Kashmir goat, it is very clear that she was the goddess of wealth and anything luxurious. This is followed by an appeal for charity and request to the goddess in the form of a meal as is done with a mother.
योगानन्दकरी रिपुक्षयकरी धर्मार्थनिष्ठाकरी
चन्द्रार्कानलभासमानलहरी त्रैलोक्यरक्षाकरी ।
योगानन्दकरी (Yogānandakarī): "The goddess who brings the bliss of yoga"
रिपुक्षयकरी (Ripukṣayakarī): "The destroyer of enemies"
धर्मार्थनिष्ठाकरी (Dharmārtha-niṣṭhākarī): "The goddess who upholds dharma and wealth"
चन्द्रार्कानलभासमानलहरी (Candrārkānala-bhāsamāna-laharī): "Whose radiance is like that of the combined light of the sun, moon, and fire"
त्रैलोक्यरक्षाकरी (Trailokya-rakṣākarī): "The protector of the three worlds"
The goddess is delighted here, she is again the yoga sukha, the dispeller of foes. She practices dharma and wealth; even her glow is even that of sunlight, moonlight, and fire. She is the goddess of three realms. "

The verse personifies Durga as a happy – prevalence of happiness and protectress – for she protects. It depicts her as a goddess associated with yoga, and the bestowing of absolute joy to those who conduct the practice. She is also said to be the destroyer of the foes, the protectress of dharma and defender of wealth. Even when description of her as being as bright as the sun, moon and fire metaphorically this inform that she was a god namely a goddess. Last but not the least; this verse surely reveals that she is the goddess who guards the three worlds, that is the entire universe.
सर्वैश्वर्यसमस्तवाञ्छितकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥३॥
सर्वैश्वर्यसमस्तवाञ्छितकरी (Sarvaiśvaryasamastavāñchitakarī): "The goddess who fulfills all desires and bestows all kinds of wealth"
काशीपुराधीश्वरी (Kāśīpurādhīśvarī): "The goddess who rules over Kashi (Varanasi)"
भिक्षां देहि (Bhikṣāṃ dehi): "Give me alms"
कृपावलम्बनकरी (Kṛpāvalambanakarī): "The goddess who is the support of mercy and compassion"
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी (Mātānnapūrṇeśvarī): "The mother who feeds everyone with food"

Kashi (Varanasi) is presided over by Annapurna, the goddess who supplies all the wants of her devotees and grants them all forms of boons. Receive from me alms, be the support of mercy and compassion from me. You are the mother who feeds everyone with food This comment seems innocent and yet it also poses some of the questions I was going to ask you at the end of this post.

The verse of the song portrays Annapurna as a strong goddess, the giver of all favours, and all sorts of wealth. It has been narrated that she reigns over Kashi, a spiritual city in the northern Indian province of Uttar Pradesh. The phrase in the third line ‘rego amhe nathiyanattu’ translates as ‘I have come begging for alms’ which is the common chant of devotees before the goddess idols. Annapurna is also stated as sustaining mercy and compassion which influence of generosity and caring nature of the deity. Last of all the verse tells about Annapurna as a mother who feeds everyone with food, as the beneficent mother it signifies her position as the feeder of all.

कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी गौरी उमा शङ्करी
कौमारी निगमार्थगोचरकरी ओङ्कारबीजाक्षरी ।
कैलासाचलकन्दरालयकरी (Kailāsācalakandarālayakarī): "The goddess who dwells in the temple of Kailash mountain"
गौरी उमा शङ्करी (Gaurī Umā Śaṅkarī): "The fair-complexioned goddess, Uma (another name for Parvati), who is the consort of Shiva"
कौमारी (Kaumārī): "The goddess who is the daughter of the sage Kumar (Kartikeya)"
निगमार्थगोचरकरी (Nigamārthagocarakarī): "The goddess who is attainable through the teachings of the Vedas and the scriptures"
ओङ्कारबीजाक्षरी (Oṅkārabījākṣarī): "The goddess whose form is the sacred syllable Om"Annapurna is adored in the temple in Kailash mountain, then Uma who is white complexioned and the wife of Shiva. She is also called Kaumari, the daughter of the sage Kumar (Kartikeya), and is available if one is devoted to the study of the Veda and the scriptures. Her form is the sacred syllable ‘Om’.

The verse portrays Annapurna as the deity residing in the temple at Kailash mountain which is home to Shiva, as the scriptures have it. This woman again recognisable as Uma or the fair skinned one known to be the consort of Shiva. It is also referred to as Kaumari, the daughter of sage Kumar (Kartikeya) who is regarded as the god of war and victory. The verse again underscores Annapurna as an easily accessible goddess by the path of the Veda and the scripture-alone. Last, the describing of the verse emphasizes Annapurna as goddess where her form is nothing but the sacred holy letter ‘Om’.
मोक्षद्वारकपाटपाटनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥४॥
मोक्षद्वारकपाटपाटनकरी - The one who opens the door to the gateway of liberation
काशीपुराधीश्वरी - The goddess of Kashi
भिक्षां देहि - Please give me alms
कृपावलम्बनकरी - The one who supports with compassion
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी - The mother who is the provider of food and the goddess of plenty.

Meaning: O Annapurna Devi you are none else than the one who opens the door to the gateway of liberation which is none else than the goddess of Kashi. Oh Lord, grant me alms and be gracious unto me. It is easy for me if the mother who delivers food to me is the goddess of plenty.
दृश्यादृश्यविभूतिवाहनकरी ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डोदरी
लीलानाटकसूत्रभेदनकरी विज्ञानदीपाङ्कुरी ।
दृश्यादृश्यविभूतिवाहनकरी - The one who manifests both visible and invisible forms
ब्रह्माण्डभाण्डोदरी - The one who holds the entire universe in her womb
लीलानाटकसूत्रभेदनकरी - The one who reveals the secrets of the drama of life
विज्ञानदीपाङ्कुरी - The one who ignites the spark of knowledge

Meaning: O Annapurna Devi, you're the one who manifests both seen and invisible forms. You hold the entire universe on your womb and screen the secrets and techniques of the drama of existence. You are the only who ignites the spark of knowledge.
श्रीविश्वेशमनःप्रसादनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥५॥
श्रीविश्वेशमनःप्रसादनकरी - She who brings peace and calmness to the mind of the lord of the universe, i.e. Lord Shiva.
काशीपुराधीश्वरी - She who is the presiding deity of the holy city of Kashi (Varanasi).
भिक्षां देहि - Give us alms/food.
कृपावलम्बनकरी - She who is merciful and compassionate and supports those who seek her blessings.
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी - She who is the mother who feeds and nourishes all beings with her abundance of food.
उर्वीसर्वजनेश्वरी भगवती मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी
वेणीनीलसमानकुन्तलहरी नित्यान्नदानेश्वरी ।
उर्वीसर्वजनेश्वरी: The goddess who is the lord of all people on earth
भगवती: The divine goddess
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी: The goddess who is the mother and provider of food
वेणीनीलसमानकुन्तलहरी: The goddess whose hair flows like the waves of the blue ocean
नित्यान्नदानेश्वरी: The goddess who is the eternal giver of food
The verse praises the goddess as the lord of every person on earth, the divine mom and company of food. Her hair is as compared to the waves of the blue ocean, and she is recognized as the eternal giver of meals.
सर्वानन्दकरी सदा शुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥६॥
सर्वानन्दकरी - sarvaanandakari - bestower of joy to all
सदा शुभकरी - sadaa shubhakari - always bringing auspiciousness
काशीपुराधीश्वरी - kaashipuradheeshwari - the ruler of Kashi
भिक्षां देहि - bhikshaam dehi - give me alms
कृपावलम्बनकरी - kripaavalambanakari - showing mercy and support
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी - maataannapoorneeshwari - the goddess who bestows food and nourishmentO goddess, who brings joy and auspiciousness to all, ruler of Kashi, please bestow alms upon me and show me your mercy and assist. You are the goddess who bestows food and nourishment.
आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णनकरी शम्भोस्त्रिभावाकरी
काश्मीरात्रिजलेश्वरी त्रिलहरी नित्याङ्कुरा शर्वरी ।
आदिक्षान्तसमस्तवर्णनकरी - The one who describes the beginning and end of everything
शम्भोस्त्रिभावाकरी - The one who embodies the three qualities of Shiva (creation, preservation, destruction)
काश्मीरात्रिजलेश्वरी - The ruler of the three realms of Kashmir
त्रिलहरी - The one who creates the three waves (of creation, preservation, destruction)
नित्याङ्कुरा - The one whose form is eternal and constantly growing
शर्वरी - The wife of ShivaThe goddess who describes the beginning and end of the whole thing, embodies the 3 qualities of Shiva, regulations the 3 nation-states of Kashmir, creates the three waves of advent, preservation, and destruction, has an eternal and constantly developing form, and is the spouse of Shiva.
कामाकाङ्क्षकरी जनोदयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥७॥
कामाकाङ्क्षकरी - Fulfiller of Desires
जनोदयकरी - Awakener of Awareness
काशीपुराधीश्वरी - Ruler of Kashi
भिक्षां देहि - Give alms
कृपावलम्बनकरी - Supporter of mercy and compassion
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी - Mother Annpoorna
Meaning: O Mother Annpoorna, you fulfill the desires of your devotees and awaken their awareness. You rule over the city of Kashi and are the supporter of mercy and compassion. Please grant us alms and bestow your blessings upon us.
देवी सर्वविचित्ररत्नरचिता दाक्षायणी सुन्दरी
वामे स्वादुपयोधराप्रियकरी सौभाग्यमाहेश्वरी ।
देवी - goddess
सर्वविचित्ररत्नरचिता - adorned with all kinds of precious jewels
दाक्षायणी - daughter of Daksha
सुन्दरी - beautiful
वामे - on the left side
स्वादुपयोधराप्रियकरी - fond of sweet offerings
सौभाग्यमाहेश्वरी - bestower of good fortune and wealth
Meaning: The goddess is adorned with all kinds of precious jewels and is the daughter of Daksha. She is beautiful and always resides on the left side. She is fond of sweet offerings and bestows good fortune and wealth.
भक्ताभीष्टकरी सदा शुभकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥८॥
भक्ताभीष्टकरी - One who fulfills the desires of her devotees.
सदा शुभकरी - Always bestowing auspiciousness.
काशीपुराधीश्वरी - The goddess who is the ruler of Kashi.
भिक्षां देहि - Give me alms (food)
कृपावलम्बनकरी - Bestower of compassion and support.
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी - The mother who is the goddess of food and fulfillment.
Meaning: O goddess, you fulfill the goals of your devotees and always bestow auspiciousness. You are the ruler of Kashi and the bestower of compassion and support. I pray to you to offer me alms (meals), O mother who is the goddess of food and success.
चन्द्रार्कानलकोटिकोटिसदृशा चन्द्रांशुबिम्बाधरी
चन्द्रार्काग्निसमानकुण्डलधरी चन्द्रार्कवर्णेश्वरी ।
चन्द्रार्कानलकोटिकोटिसदृशा - (Chandraarkaanalakotikotisadrusha) - Resembling billions of suns and moons
चन्द्रांशुबिम्बाधरी - (Chandraanshubimbhadhari) - Having the moon and sun as earrings
चन्द्रार्काग्निसमानकुण्डलधरी - (Chandraarkaagnisamaanakundaladhari) - Wearing earrings that resemble the fire of the sun and moon
चन्द्रार्कवर्णेश्वरी - (Chandraarkavarneshwari) - The goddess who rules over the colors of the moon and sun
Meaning : The goddess who resembles billions of suns and moons, wears the moon and sun as earrings, and wears earrings that resemble the fire of the sun and moon. She is the goddess who rules over the colors of the moon and sun.
मालापुस्तकपाशसाङ्कुशधरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥९॥
मालापुस्तकपाशसाङ्कुशधरी - The one who holds a garland, book, noose, and goad
काशीपुराधीश्वरी - The Goddess who is the ruler of Kashi
भिक्षां देहि - Please give me alms
कृपावलम्बनकरी - The one who shows compassion and supports
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी - The mother who is the provider of food and abundance
Meaning : Goddess who's the ruler of Kashi and holds a garland, ebook, noose, and goad, please deliver me alms. You are the one who indicates compassion and aid and the mother who presents meals and abundance.
क्षत्रत्राणकरी महाऽभयकरी माता कृपासागरी
साक्षान्मोक्षकरी सदा शिवकरी विश्वेश्वरश्रीधरी ।
क्षत्रत्राणकरी - One who protects the warriors, i.e., the protectress of the brave
महाऽभयकरी - One who instills great fearlessness, i.e., the great bestower of fearlessness
माता कृपासागरी - Mother who is the ocean of mercy and compassion
साक्षान्मोक्षकरी - One who directly grants liberation, i.e., the giver of salvation
सदा शिवकरी - Always doing good and benevolent acts, i.e., the one who is always auspicious and kind
विश्वेश्वरश्रीधरी - One who holds the garland, book, noose, and goad, i.e., the possessor of all powers and the controller of the universe.
Meaning : THe Devi is the protectress of the brave, instills wonderful fearlessness, is the sea of mercy and compassion, grants liberation without delay, is constantly auspicious and kind, and possesses all powers and is the controller of the universe.

दक्षाक्रन्दकरी निरामयकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी
भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी ॥१०॥
दक्षाक्रन्दकरी - The one who made Daksha cry (referring to the incident of Daksha Yagna where Goddess Sati self-immolated in protest of her father's disrespect towards Lord Shiva)
निरामयकरी - The one who grants freedom from diseases and illnesses
काशीपुराधीश्वरी - The Goddess who rules over the city of Kashi (Varanasi)
भिक्षां देहि - Grant me alms/food
कृपावलम्बनकरी - The one who provides compassionate support
मातान्नपूर्णेश्वरी - The Mother who fulfills all desires and provides food
Meaning: The Goddess who made Daksha cry, grants freedom from diseases, rules over the city of Kashi, and provides alms/food and compassionate support to her devotees. She is the Mother who fulfills all desires and provides food.
अन्नपूर्णे सदापूर्णे शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे ।
ज्ञानवैराग्यसिद्ध्यर्थं भिक्षां देहि च पार्वति ॥११॥
अन्नपूर्णे - Oh Annapurna, the provider of food
सदापूर्णे - Always complete and whole
शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे - Beloved of Shankara, the source of life
ज्ञानवैराग्यसिद्ध्यर्थं - For the attainment of knowledge and detachment
भिक्षां देहि - Give me alms
च पार्वति - And, O Parvati
Oh Annapurna, the provider of food, you are always complete and whole, and beloved of Shankara, the source of life. I seek your blessings for the attainment of knowledge and detachment, please grant me alms, O Parvati.
माता च पार्वती देवी पिता देवो महेश्वरः ।
बान्धवाः शिवभक्ताश्च स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् ॥१२॥
माता च पार्वती देवी - Mother Parvati is also a goddess
पिता देवो महेश्वरः - Father is Lord Shiva
बान्धवाः शिवभक्ताश्च - Relatives are devotees of Shiva
स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् - Their homeland is the three worlds
meaning: Mother Parvati is a goddess and her father is Lord Shiva. Their relatives are devotees of Shiva and they consider the three worlds their homeland.

Significance of Annapoorna Stotram

The Annapurna Stotram is a Veda mantra hymn in praise of the goddess of food, Annapurna – goddess of food, meant in its widest sense – the provider. Generally, the stotram is credited to the philosopher and theologian of the 8th century Adi Shankaracharya.

The Annapurna Stotram is important because it stresse how much a part of our lives food and nourishment is. It recognizes the fact that food is a need in more ways than one, a spiritual one, to be precise. The stotram glorifies Goddess Annapurna as the deity, who holds the food and the life of all people and is the one who feeds the world.

The stotram also has advice as to the knowledge and dispassion that should reign in our lives. The message which it conveys to us is that we should aspire for knowledge and spiritual accomplishment and not for riches. It also teaches the vanity of any worldly possessions as all these are but shadows and have nothing to offer in terms of the soul’s satisfaction.

Annapoorna Stotram With Lyrics | Devotional Chant | Rajalakshmee Sanjay

Annpurna Mata Mantra with Meaning

अन्नपूर्णे सदापूर्णे शङ्करप्राणवल्लभे ।
ज्ञानवैराग्यसिद्ध्यर्थं भिक्षां देहि च पार्वति ॥

Meaning: O Annapurna, you are always full, the beloved life-force of Lord Shiva. Please provide me with alms for the sake of knowledge and detachment.

अन्नादा श्री महालक्ष्मी नमोस्तुते अन्नपूर्णे स्वाहा ।

Meaning: Salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, the provider of food, and to Annapurna Devi.

नमो देव्यै महादेव्यै शिवाये सततं नमः।
नमः प्रकृत्यै भद्रायै नियताः प्रणताः स्म तम्।।

Meaning: I bow to the Goddess who is the consort of Lord Shiva and the embodiment of nature. We pay our respects to you, always and forever.

अन्नपूर्णेश्वरी शान्तात्मनि भवतु ।
Meaning: May the peaceful Annapurna Devi reside in my mind.

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं लक्ष्मीभयो नमः॥
Meaning: This is a Lakshmi Beej Mantra, which is used for invoking Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. It is often chanted in association with Annapurna Devi to seek blessings for a bountiful life.

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ऐसे ही अन्य मधुर भजन देखें

पसंदीदा गायकों के भजन खोजने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।

अपने पसंद का भजन खोजे

श्री अन्नपूर्णे श्री महालक्ष्मी देवी आरती ।
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता जय जगदम्बे ।
सुरेश्वरि शंकरात्मजे श्री कृष्णजन्निवल्लभे ॥
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता जय जगदम्बे ।
ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदाविष्णो गम्यतत्वप्रदायिनी ॥
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता जय जगदम्बे ।
चन्द्रवदने मुण्डमाला शोभित नासाग्रे ॥
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता जय जगदम्बे ।
त्रिपुरारिनि जगदम्बा जननि सर्वमङ्गला ॥
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता जय जगदम्बे ।
त्रिगुणात्मिके तुंगशामिनि धारणीधरे ॥
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता जय जगदम्बे ।
जगज्जननि जगदेक्षे जगत्पूज्ये नमोऽस्तु ते ॥
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता जय जगदम्बे ।
श्री अन्नपूर्णे श्री गौरी माता आरती
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता, जय गौरी माता।
तुम ही जग की माता, सुर भी गुण गाता।

Meaning: O Mother Annapurna, O Mother Gauri, Hail to you! You are the mother of the whole world, and even the gods sing your praises.
जोग-सम्पत्ति दात्री, ज्ञान-विज्ञान प्रकाशिनी।
विद्या बुद्धि प्रदायिनी, जय जय हे माता॥
Meaning: You bestow spiritual wealth and knowledge, illuminating the path of wisdom. You are the giver of education and intellect. Hail to you, O Mother!
धन्य धन्य आरती, जो जन नित गावे।
ता के जन्म मरण की, विद्या ते प्राप्त होते सदा॥
Meaning: Blessed is the one who sings your praises daily, for they attain knowledge and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
अभय वरदात्री, मन कामना निधानी।
महा कारुण सागरी, जय जय हे माता॥
Meaning: You provide protection and fulfill our desires. You are the ocean of compassion. Hail to you, O Mother!
वाणी विद्या दात्री, शुभदायिनी मोहिनी।
सब तुम से ही पाते, जय जय हे माता॥
Meaning: You are the giver of knowledge and auspiciousness, and the enchantress who captivates our hearts. All good things come from you. Hail to you, O Mother!
जय अन्नपूर्णे माता, जय गौरी माता।
तुम ही जग की माता, सुर भी गुण गाता॥
Meaning: O Mother Annapurna, O Mother Gauri, Hail to you! You are the mother of the whole world, and even the gods sing your praises.
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