Demanded Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Demanded Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Demanded Meaning- The word “demanded” is the past tense and past participle form of the verb ‘demand’ while the verb ‘demand’ is defined to mean to ask for something forcibly, firmly or in an authoritative manner, and/or to need or want something to take place. It can also mean to take as one’s due or to ask for forcefully. The connotation of the term “demanded” means that something was asked for, sought, or insisted on or the like.

Demanded Parts of Speech (With Examples)

The following are examples of the various parts of speech which are the sub-division of words according to their usefulness in a sentence. In English there are eight kinds of word which are traditionally described as parts of speech each of which has its own use and properties. Here are examples of each part of speech:Here are examples of each part of speech:

Noun: A noun is a part of speech which signifies an objects and it can be of several types; anthropomorphous, topographic, tangible, and abstract.
Example: dog; house, Love; Courage, John, paris

Verb: A verb is considered as the word that depicts an action, or condition of a person or thing.
Example: buy, jump, sleep, dream, avoid, make

Adjective: An adjective is a word which is mainly used to provide information in relation to a noun or a pronoun.
Example: good, pleasant, high, wow, yummy, bright

Adverb: An adverb is used to modify verb, an adjective or itself an adverb.
Example: faster, slower, extremely, joyfully, constantly, truly

Pronoun: A pronoun is a word which replaces a noun or a noun phrase.
Example: Him, herself, it, them, this, those

Preposition: Prepositions are words which that relate, adjoint, or join a noun or pronoun in a sentence with other elements of the sentence.
Example: in, on, at, under, beside, from

Conjunction: A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses.
Example: and, or, but, because, although, if

Interjection: An interjection is a word or phrase used to express strong emotion or surprise.
Example: Oh!, Wow!, Hey!, Ouch!, Alas!, Bravo!

Uses/ Examples in Sentences (Examples in Sentences in different tense)

  • The customer insisted that he/she be given a refund for the product which was not in good condition.
  • People came out to protest in defence of the use of force against the police brutality victim.
  • The students need to submit their homework on time according to what the teacher wanted.
  • Idly sitting was not acceptable to the boss; instead, the employees must work longer hours to complete the project.
  • The detective ordered the suspect to tell the honest story of the whereabouts when the crime was committed.
  • The coach insisted that the athletes should exercise more in a bid to enhance their performance.
  • After the singing performance the audience was appealing to the singer to perform the song over again.
  • The landlord insisted that the tenants pay their rents as due or otherwise they would be evicted.
  • The politician insisted that the government required taking measures towards controlling the climate change problem.
  • The parent also wanted the management of the school to explain why his child was performing poorly.
  • The union wanted improvement in the working conditions such that its members should be paid better wages than what they were paid at the time.
  • The patient insisted that he/she be seen by the physician due to unbearable pain.
  • This can be seen with the captain insisting on the crew applying safety precaution on board the ship.
  • This they insisted that the supplier should provide the company with the goods when the agreed date was due.
  • The activist called for the end of use of natural resource to generate wealth.
  • The prosecutor called for severe punishment for the offender that had been convicted.
  • The teacher expressed his or her expectation on requisite demeanour by the students with their fellow students.
  • The customer insisted on getting the restaurant to correct his order that he received which was incorrect.
  • In essence, the coach insisted that the team accepts blunders and move forward with understanding and utilizing them.
  • This angered the parent to an extent where he/she was demanding for the school to foster a safe and welcoming atmosphere for learning to all learners.
  • A claim was made by the customer to get back his/her money as the product was found to be substandard.
  • The demonstrators called for justice for the victim as a result of the policeuse of force.
  • It was expected from the students by teacher that they should submit their homework on time.
  • The employees demanded overtime to complete the project which has been called by the boss.
  • From the story, one can see that the suspect was forced by the detective to speak the truth about his defense story.

Demanded Synonyms (With Meaning)

  • Something that is obligatory, needs to be done or has to be done. For instance, you may need to meet some qualification to do a job or a person needs to wear a mask in public places during a pandemic.
  • Called for - a command, an order, an authoritative command, an order from someone in authority. For instance a military general may order his troops to advance and stage an attack on an enemy frontline.
  • Persuaded – to be required to do something, to be pressured, or encouraged to do something. For instance, a doctor can advise his/her patient to stop smoking for any given heath reasons.
  • Squeezed - demanded or urged to have something. For example, a journalist can confront a politician with questions to matters of concern, during an interview.
  • Exacted –claimed as a right or due or in accordance with right, usage or law. For instance, a worker may anticipate his wages from the tasks he is carrying out for a certain company or organization.
  • Demanded – asserted in the form of a right and expectation. For instance, one may sue another for money that he has to be repaid back by the defaulter or debtor.
  • Solicited – when he/she asked for something or it was requested. For instance, a charitable organization may go about the society asking for help to fund their programs.
  • Arose – to stand up from the sitting position, rise up, stand, Get up, Stand up for something or someone, rise up, rise from a place. For instance, a parent may helplessly appeal to his/her child to stop disturbing other people and listen to whatever the parent is saying.
  • Implored – This word can be replace by begged or requested with much pressure. For instance a person may urge another one not to embark on a risky action or go to a dangerous place.
  • Forced – worked under pressure or threat or operated against one’s wish. For instance, a criminal may hold a gun to the head of a victim in a bid to force him or her to surrender his or her property. Pressure violates common principles of relationship norms and is illegitimate even if the target is willing.

Demanded Antonyms (With Meaning)

  • Hot - Cold: Hot can also mean that the thing has a high temperature while the cold means that it has low temperatures.
  • Big - Small: Big refers to size and so does small, but the latter refers to a size that is as small as is possible.
  • Happy - Sad: Happy means a state of having joy or being joyful or pleased while on the other hand sad means being unhappy, sorrowful or filled with grief.
  • Fast - Slow: Fast means to have a high speed as a mode of movement or operation while slow on the other hand means to have a low speed as a mode of movement or operation.
  • Light - Dark: Light refers to high intensity or amount of light while dark on the other end of the scale refers to little or no light.
  • Young - Old: Young is equal to having existed for a short period of time; on the other hand, the meaning of old is that the existence has been for long.
  • Good - Bad: Good means the possession of the right qualities or attribute which is desirable while on the other hand bad means the possession of qualities or attributes which are undesirable.
  • Day - Night: Day is the division of time that there is light while night is the division of time that is characterized by darkness.
  • Strong - Weak: Strong means that one possesses or has strong muscles or brain power while on the other hand weak literally means that one has little or no muscles/brain power.
  • Above - Below: Above refers to at a higher level or place and below means at a lower level or place.

What does "demanded" mean?
It is a transitive verb and when conjugated its past tense is “demanded”. It means to demand something especially when you do not have any right to do so or to act bossy.

Is it possible to use the word “demanded” in any positive manner?
Of course, it does not limit the use of the word demand as a positive sense can be given to it if the demand were to be made in a proper and appropriate manner. For instance, “They protested over the Government to intervene in enhancing the quality of health care services in the community.”
Potential antonyms of the word ‘demanded’ are claimed, expected, needed, urged and ordered.

What the difference between the terms demanded and asked?
The use of the term “demanded” gives the idea of insisting and the need for such while on the other hand “asked” is formal in the making of a request. For instance while one may say “He ordered me to hand over the report right now ” another may say “He asked me if I could avail the report to him whenever possible.

Is “demanded” a strong word?
Yes, “demanded” is regarded as strong word because of the connotative meaning that implies authority of forceful command. As such, it is applied in circumstances that require quick actions to be made.

What is the difference of the active voice and the passive voice?
Passive voice expression is for the time when the entity which performs the action of the verb is not important and the receiver of the action is emphasized whereas, active voice expression is used when the focus is on the entity that performs the action of the verb.

When do I use passive voice in writing?
Passive voice should be used where the importance lies on the action and not as a result of who is performing the action. It can also be employed to draw attention to the object of action or as an alternative to mumble the blame.

What is the case of a dangling modifier and how is it fixed?
They say that a dangling modifier is a phrase which is put in a wrong manner in a sentence and does not refer to the noun. Rephrasing of the whole sentence is one effective way of handling it while the other way is by expanding it by including a noun that can help in modifying it.
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